Abdullah Öcalan
The Sociology of Freedom Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization, Volume III

Apr 7, 2024 Read the whole text... 574 pp.

Abdullah Öcalan
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan Kurdistan, Woman's Revolution and Democratic Confederalism

Apr 6, 2024 Read the whole text... 225 pp.

Abdullah Öcalan & David Graeber
Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization, Volume 1: Civilization The Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings

Apr 6, 2024 Read the whole text... 258 pp.

Make Rojava Green Again
Social Ecology and Democratic Confederalism A reader from Make Rojava Green Again in cooperation with the association of the students from Kurdistan YXK and JXK

Apr 6, 2024 Read the whole text... 123 pp.

Abdullah Öcalan
Democratic Nation

Aug 2, 2019 Read the whole text... 68 pp.