A text dump on Camilo Gajardo
The investigation that ended in Camilo Gajardo
Supreme Court Ratifies Pretrial Detention For Man Accused of Explosive Attacks
Chilean “Unabomber” was sentenced to 45 years in prison for explosive attacks
Camilo Gajardo and Ecoterrorism: violence initiated on the internet
They declare guilty the "individualist tending to the wild" for explosive attacks in the RM
45 years in prison for subject who detonated bomb in Transantiago bus stop and who sent explosives
Camilo Gajardo and Bajos De Mena
Camilo Gajardo's family after marathon formalization: "They are accusing him"
Explosive attack in the whereabouts of Santiago: 45 years in prison for the person responsible
Sentence against author of placing explosive devices and other illegal acts between 2017 and 2019
The ITS bombs: the persecution of a "lone wolf" - #ReportajesT13
The investigation that ended in Camilo Gajardo
Source: <latercera.com/nacional/noticia/la-investigacion-termino-camilo-gajardo/804507/>
Author: Sebastián Labrín and Sebastián Palma
Date: Aug 31, 2019

Camilo Gajardo Escalona, 28, faces charges of sending, planting and activating six terrorist explosive devices. After 900 days of searching, Carabineros identified him on August 6, two days before his arrest. La Tercera investigated who he is, how he lives and what the story of the alleged member of the ITS eco-terrorist network is.
His full name?
- Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona.
- What do you do?
The dialogue between Judge Marcelo Ovalle and the 28-year-old, recorded in the formalization hearing on August 9, is brief and direct. Thus, those close to Gajardo Escalona, accused of planting and sending six explosive devices of a terrorist nature, point out that there are many of his conversations with him. Both in his environment and in the teams in charge of the investigation against him, they say that if one word could define Gajardo, it would be "reserved."
Although the photograph of the suspect has been part of the file of the Southern Prosecutor's Office since the first months of 2017, his identification with name and address occurred only on August 6, almost 900 days after the first attack in which he is attributed participation: the sending of a parcel bomb to the house of the then president of the board of directors of Codelco. Óscar Landerretche.
The opening and detonation of the device sent through a courier company — whose shipping cost was $2,960, according to the investigation — injured the economist, his then-3-year-old daughter and his home advisor. Subsequent forensic examinations of the device found that the bomb had been made from homemade match heads.
The new type of explosive attack, which days later would be attributed to the eco-terrorist group "Individualists Tending to the Wild", gave way to an intense and confidential investigation by the Southern Prosecutor's Office and a team of Carabineros made up of five specialized units, prioritized over the Investigative Police for their experience in deactivating and detonating explosive devices.
With the photograph obtained after the delivery of the parcel-bomb to Landerretche and the testimonies of witnesses in the Transantiago that would have been taken that day, they were able to describe the alleged attacker.

Witnesses spoke of a thin, thin-handed man who wore a mask, hat and was warm despite the heat. They also mentioned that he was carrying a knife, that he seemed nervous and that on the way he took off several layers of clothing in a T-shirt with an indigenous print and black Bermuda shorts. An anthropometric profile was made from the image that determined his height and that he had marks on his face.
In passing, he raised two questions: Who is Camilo Gajardo and how did the police identify him?
The Third investigated the environment of the accused to reconstruct the profile of the person who is accused by the prosecution of being the author of six acts of a terrorist nature, for which he risks a sentence that could reach simple life imprisonment.
Camilo Gajardo was born first. His twin brother followed minutes later. Both, along with an older stepsister, a younger brother, their father and mother, spent their childhood and adolescence in Villa los Evangelistas, in the town of Bajos de Mena de Puente Alto.
There, where several bus rides end, neighbors say Gajardo was a frequent reader, shy, polite and who only left his house to play soccer and go to school. He completed his secondary education in the same commune, at the Industrial Lyceum. He graduated in 2008 with a 5.8 grade point average and several approved technical courses, including "maintenance and operation of electrical machines and equipment" and "digital electronic systems". But his highest score was not obtained between circuits and screws, but in History, where he obtained a 6.7 average.
Despite the fact that at PSU he did not score more than 450 points, Gajardo set out to study Graphic Design at the Los Leones higher education center. "Camilo is a person who after high school studied at a technical high school, had the mention of electricity and then tried to develop a professional career in the area of Graphic Design, which he could not carry out due to economic problems," says Alejandra Rubio, a public criminal defender who represented the young man in the case against him.
Camilo Gajardo's entourage admits that this fact was a source of frustration. This is how at the beginning of 2009 the young man left the classroom to go to work in different companies related to construction, transforming him into what he defines himself today: a worker.
Among the formal jobs he records is a stint at a plastics company. And informally, according to his neighbors, Gajardo would have carried outminor repairs, painting and repairs in houses in the neighborhood. Just as the population knew his trade, his arrests by the Carabineros had also been the subject of conversation.
The first of these occurred on November 13, 2011. That day a guard found him scratching the walls of a telephone company store with paint cans. "Freedom to the prisoners of street fighting," he wrote on the wall. In addition, according to police records, he was carrying pamphlets with the same phrase. Although the police called the prosecutor on duty to report the incident, he was immediately released as it did not constitute a crime.
Then, onJune 29, 2012, he was arrested along with 24 other people in a march not authorized by the Mayor's Office. On July 19 of the same year, the Prosecutor's Office applied the principle of opportunity to all detainees and the case was closed without any convictions. And in March 2013, Gajardo was again arrested in a march with eight people, for alleged public disorder in Alameda with Ecuador.
For Alejandra Rubio, his defense lawyer, "police arrests are not part of the background that the courts have in mind when it comes to classifying the guilty participation of a person in a certain crime. Here the arrests that Camilo Gajardo would record are of a police nature, which never gave rise to an administrative procedure in the local police or misdemeanours before a court of guarantee, much less linked to the commission of any crime or crime." For the professional, her client maintains an "irreproachable previous conduct".
Thus, with his background papers without convictions, Camilo Gajardo looked for new job opportunities. In 2018 he began working in a tinsmith shop located on Pacífico Street, an industrial sector of the San Joaquín commune. In the neighborhood, some workers know the company where Gajardo provided external services. "It was pretty cool," says an official at an adjoining workshop.
In the tinsmith's shop, Gajardo was dedicated to manufacturing and installing profiles and gutters. The company is small, but it is strongly linked to his family, since his brother, his uncle and his father, Leonel Gajardo, also worked there, who, after the arrest of his son, would resume his work in the workshop in the following days.
From this company, an administrative worker, who asked not to be identified, said that before his arrest, Camilo Gajardo had been notified of his dismissal by the end of August. Not because of their conduct or performance, but simply because jobs had declined drastically.
In Puente Alto, a neighbor and friend of the family assures that "in their house they watch movies, they have that Netflix thing and they are very good at it. Camilo never went out at night. He was in his room or on the computer."
According to the investigation, Gajardo Escalona would have maintained a parallel life on the internet. Through the Darknet (a website that circulates on encrypted networks) he would have linked up with other members of ITS around the world. He also allegedly uploaded letters and photographs of the explosive devices. According to sources in the case, the pseudonym he allegedly used on the internet was "Tanu," one of the many spirits of the original Selk'nam people.
In addition to football and reading, Camilo Gajardo also had another passion: music. One of his favorite bands is Nido del Cuco, a musical group that composes songs focused on respect for nature, the environment and the fight against social inequality. Long before their son's arrest, the Gajardo Escalona family's family life was marked by an event that links his father, Leonel Eduardo Gajardo Aedo. In the early 1980s, when he was 18 years old, the man was arrested for participating in a march against the regime of Augusto Pinochet. Gajardo Aedo is part of the list of political prisoners and tortured that the Valech commission compiled in 2011. "The arrest of my defendant's father took place in circumstances where procedural guarantees were suppressed, at the time when we were under dictatorship. He was arrested for participating in a march and for that participation he was charged with culpable participation in terrorist activities, a charge that was quite common at the time," says lawyer Alejandra Rubio.
Almost 40 years after that event, today Camilo Gajardo is the subject of an investigation for six terrorist crimes and for his alleged links to an international eco-terrorism network, according to the Southern Prosecutor's Office.
The review of 1,600 cameras, the analysis of the databases of passengers and evaders of the public transport system allowed the specialized teams of the Carabineros - made up of officials of the Sebv, OS-9, OS-7, Labocar and Gope - to reconstruct the transfer and escape routes of the alleged perpetrator of the explosive attacks through the sending of parcel bombs. And although his name was not yet in the possession of investigators, his photograph was circulating among the police officers who were in charge of their search efforts.
Thus, according to sources of the investigation, Carabineros set as a point of interest the southern area of the Metropolitan Region, specifically the town of Bajos de Mena, in Puente Alto. Specifically, the Transantiago corridor along Santa Rosa Avenue to Américo Vespucio was the key place where 320 plainclothes police, working 24 hours a day, between Thursday and Sunday, began to track and follow suspects. A universe of 40 people matched the physical characteristics of the security images captured on Avenida Matta, after the delivery of the explosive device to Óscar Landerretche, in 2017.

An anthropologist was in charge of doing the analysis that, among other aspects, set the height of the suspect between 1.62 and 1.68 meters, his physical characteristics - including an arm with less mobility - and his skin color. With this, added to the databases of the Civil Registry, the police tried, unsuccessfully, to obtain his identity through facial recognition tools.
"The suspect always traveled by bus, never by Metro. He also hid his face with hats, hoodies or glasses," says a source in the investigation. But on August 6, at 7:00 a.m., a Carabineros officer alerted about the presence of a suspect with similar characteristics and stature to the image captured two years earlier. Thus, the uniformed man took the same bus of route 207-E, and accompanied the young man to the tinsmith shop in San Joaquin. After conducting discreet surveillance, a police team waited until after 6:00 p.m., until the worker finished his workday.
The return trip took them to their home in the village of Los Evangelistas, in Puente Alto.
A water bill made it possible to know the identity of the residents of the two-story house with a white fence. In this way, the Carabineros established the family networks and identified Camilo Gajardo Escalona, 28, as the alleged perpetrator of the six explosive attacks.
The social networks of his mother, the owner of the house, allowed us to obtain his photograph. And the review of household garbage, deposited on the public road, a key clue, in the opinion of the prosecutor's office: a printed page of an anti-systemic magazine with instructions to make an explosive device with identical characteristics to those used in at least three attacks. Underneath the image was the caption "rehearse, practice, create, pay attention...".

"That last page of the magazine Ajajema was found in the trash the day before the arrest of the accused. From that garbage that had been collected by police personnel, from the public road, some genetic profiles were obtained that allowed some comparison to be made," said prosecutor Claudio Orellana on the day of Camilo Gajardo's formalization.
After the usual formalities, came the arrest. It happened at 6:30 p.m. on August 8, when Gajardo left work. The police surrounded him, subdued him and handcuffed him, before taking him to a care facility. Then, at the police station, he was personally asked for authorization to take DNA samples that would be compared with those found in two deactivated explosive devices and that would have a 99.9% match with the biological samples of the now accused, according to the forensic genetics report of the Carabineros No. 3954-5-2019.
The first artifact analyzed was found on April 13, 2018 in front of the Silva Henríquez Catholic University, in downtown Santiago. And the second, inside a parcel bomb found on May 5, 2019, in the south access doorway, in San Bernardo, which alluded to the president of the board of directors of Metro de Santiago, Louis de Grange. This device, found after an alert from police intelligence, never reached the home of the civil engineer, located in Las Condes. The explosive was defused by expert personnel from the GOPE, which made it possible to find the genetic evidence.
To date, only Gajardo's relatives have directly defended his innocence. "He's being framed," they said after their detention check.
Regarding her possible participation in the events, her defense lawyer criticized the fact that the police took samples without her being present, a fact for which she filed a writ of amparo that was rejected. And as for his participation in the events, lawyer Alejandra Rubio assures that "the guilty participation of Camilo Gajardo has to be the product of an investigative activity carried out by the Public Prosecutor's Office within the legal limits."
After decreeing a period of 150 days for the investigation, today Camilo Gajardo will have to wait for the results of different expert tests ordered by the prosecutor's office, held in a cell located on the first floor of the Maximum Security Prison.
Three hours in the yard are the only moment of confinement that he has, in a regime of strict control that even restricts contact with Felipe Rojas, accused of the murder of Fernanda Maciel and who would be his only roommate in the prison compound.
(To enlarge the infographic, click here or on the image)

Supreme Court Ratifies Pretrial Detention For Man Accused of Explosive Attacks
The Southern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office accused the young man classified as a "lone wolf", being part of the eco-terrorist group Individualists Tending to the Wild (ITS), a total of 18 crimes, some of a terrorist nature, grouped in six acts committed between 2017 and 2019.
Giselle Saure
August 30, 2019

The Supreme Court upheld the preventive detention of Camilo Gajardo Escalona (28), accused by the Public Prosecutor's Office of being responsible for at least six explosive attacks committed since 2017 in Santiago.
With this resolution, the country's highest court confirmed the precautionary measure resolved by the Court of Appeals of San Miguel, which had rejected the appeal for constitutional protection filed by the Public Criminal Defender's Office.
Gajardo Escalona has been deprived of liberty since August 9, after he was arrested by members of the OS9 of the Carabineros, who then raided his home located inside the Bajos de Mena sector, in Puente Alto.
Some of the arguments put forward by the defense of the only one accused so far of these crimes, which include the parcel bomb that exploded in the 54th Police Station of Huechuraba, wounding several police rivers and the parcel that former minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter failed to open, maintains that the young man suffered a violation of his rights as a detainee.
According to his lawyer, after some of the proceedings were carried out without having a lawyer to represent him.
The Southern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office accused the young man classified as a "lone wolf", of being part of the eco-terrorist group Individualists Tending to the Wild (ITS), for a total of 18 crimes, some of a terrorist nature, grouped in six acts committed between 2017 and 2019.
The cases attributed to Garjardo Escalona are:
– January 13, 2017: Explosive attack against the former president of Codelco, Óscar Landerretche, who received a parcel bomb at his home in La Reina.
– September 2017: Placement and activation of an incendiary device inside a collective locomotion bus, in the commune of La Reina.
– April 13, 2018: Bomb planting at the Raúl Silva Henríquez University. The device was deactivated and the event was attributed to the ITS group.
– September 7, 2018: Explosive attack at a bus stop on Santa Rosa Avenue, in front of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Chile. The bomb exploded without causing any injuries.
– January 4, 2019: Bomb exploded at a Transantiago bus stop in Vicuña Mackenna, leaving five injured, including a Venezuelan couple.
– May 7, 2019: Parcel bomb sent to the home of Metro President Louis de Grange. He was intercepted.
Chilean “Unabomber” was sentenced to 45 years in prison for explosive attacks
Source: The Agora
Date: October 19, 2022
Camilo Gajardo Escalona, who attacked the president of Codelco, Oscar Landerretche, and the president of the Metro, Louis de Grange, among others, was found guilty on September 2 and this Wednesday he was informed of the harsh sentence.
Camilo Gajardo Escalona was sentenced to a sentence that even exceeds that of “life imprisonment”, accused of being guilty of several explosive attacks between 2017 and 2019. And the 6th Oral Criminal Court of Santiago decreed 45 years of imprisonment. prison, the most burdensome under Chilean legislation in recent years.
Gajardo Escalona committed several attacks that were as notorious as they were absurd and indiscriminate.
He started by sending an explosive package to the home of Oscar Landerretche, who was president of Codelco, on January 13, 2017. He continued with the installation of a bomb in front of the Silva Henríquez Catholic University, on April 13, 2018, with another bomb. located this time at a Transantiago bus stop, located in Vicuña Mackenna with Avenida Francisco Bilbao, on January 4, 2019, and the subsequent sending of another bomb to the then president of the Metro, Louis de Grande, on May 5.
All these attacks were claimed by a group until then unknown and with a very particular name: “Individualists Tending to the Wild.”
The pursuit of the perpetrator of this crime was a headache for the police, but the first clue arose after security cameras detected him installing bombs. He was arrested in August 2019 in the commune of San Joaquín, after investigations carried out by the Special Operations Group (GOPE) of Carabineros, in addition to the OS9 and Labocar team.
Among the evidence shown at the trial are camera records and genetic material, in addition to 142 documentary evidence, 179 witnesses, 79 expert reports and 655 material evidence.
On that occasion, Camilo Gajardo was defined by prosecutor Héctor Barros as “a lone wolf,” since he plotted the attacks and prepared his explosive devices alone.
On September 2, and after an extensive trial, Gajardo Escalona was found guilty as the author of the attacks and this Wednesday he received a sentence that is intended to be exemplary.
Camilo Gajardo and Ecoterrorism: violence initiated on the internet
Source: tallerrdseccion05.wordpress.com/2019/08/09/3011
Among the attacks that Gajardo is presumed to have participated in are the explosives that reached the former president of Codelco, Óscar Landerretche, and the president of Metro, Louis de Grange, making him the first detainee in the case. In addition to leaving in doubt the participation of the ITS.
By: Amanda Santillán
On Thursday, August 8 at 18:30 p.m., Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona (28), the alleged perpetrator of six bomb attacks since 2017, was arrested. The suspect was arrested by Carabineros and during the afternoon of this Friday will be the detention control, carried out with the evidence that links him with the crimes and explosive devices. Being the first detainee in the terrorism cases that have been carried out two years ago.
In an interview moments after his capture, the southern metropolitan prosecutor, Héctor Barros, said that Gajardo is "a kind of lone wolf in terms of how he acts and how he works" (La Tercera). This is because after arresting him in San Joaquin outside his work, an OS-9 operative raided his home in Bajos de Mena, Puente Alto, in which evidence of articles intended for the manufacture of explosive devices was found, which would point to an individual work.
In addition, prosecutor Barros was categorical in emphasizing that Camilo Gajardo does not belong to any terrorist group.
This would break with theories that some bomb attacks were carried out by the ecoterrorist group Individualists Tending to the Wild (ITS), which claimed responsibility for the attacks on De Grange and Landerretche. The statement was made through a statement that the same group published on its own blog on May 10, 2019, in which they stated that "we will continue with our terrorist actions in the name of the Unknown and the Wild. We will continue to manufacture explosives and create indiscriminate and targeted terror."
Given the links that have been made between Gajardo and the ITS, prosecutor Barros declared that the prosecution never maintained the adjudication of the explosives and attacks against the same group, "We have always maintained, from the beginning, if you review the files, that they are not the same groups," he clarified.
What is ITS?
The group Individualists Tending to the Wild (ITS) exists since 2011, forming in Mexico and defines itself as ecoterrorist, which means that they carry out terrorist practices in favor of the environment and environmental causes. Through their blog (maldicionecoextremista.altervista.org) they have declared to have connections with Argentina and Brazil and European countries.
They were released after the publication of their statement of May 10 of this year, in which they claim responsibility for the attacks against Louis de Grange and Óscar Landerretche, in addition to recognizing the failed attack against a bus and another at a Transantiago bus stop, both occurred in January 2019.
Given this, the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, expressed his concern about the group having international relations, as they stated in their blog. "They are opinions that they have given publicly on their websites of public knowledge," (El Mostrador) explained the minister.
Concerns arise
Before the arrest of Camilo Gajardo, Óscar Larrendetche, former president of Codelco and victim of an explosive attack in 2017, said that the authorities must be careful about how they handle the investigation. "I believe that to express categorical judgments about the characteristics of this attack and how this person acted (...) I would recommend all parties to be more careful and let the investigations move forward," he told T13 Radio this morning.
Faced with this, the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, assured T13 Radio that the Public Ministry has sufficient background about Gajardo to achieve his conviction: "They are overwhelming evidence, which I reiterate, gives us the certainty of having a robust investigation at this point the investigation. "
Bus stops, universities and public administration: the targets of the "lone wolf" obsessed with bombings
Date: 09 August 2019
Author: Valentina González
Note: The information is from Felipe Cornejo
The South Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office described Camilo Gajardo Escalona as a "lone wolf" , the 28-year-old who was arrested for his alleged participation in at least six attacks with explosive devices in the Metropolitan region.
According to the investigation, Gajardo would be behind the preparation, placement and shipment of at least five "package bombs" that reached, among others, less than the former president of Codelco, Óscar Landerretche and the president of the Metro board, Louis de Grange.
It was in January 2017 when, after 6:00 p.m., an alleged “gift” that had arrived at Landeretche’s home in La Reina ended up exploding , causing minor injuries to the then-president of the state mining company.
The following year, in April, the headquarters of the Raúl Silva Henríquez University had to be evacuated due to a bomb warning. Carabineros found a cardboard box with a battery with cables and a copper tube.
Meanwhile, in September 2018, a box with a bottle and gunpowder was found at a Transantiago bus stop on Santa Rosa Avenue, in front of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Chile.
On January 4, 2019, the capital experienced a new explosion , when an explosive device detonated at a Transantiago bus stop, leaving five people injured.
A few months later, in May of this year, the police managed to deactivate a bomb package addressed to the chairman of the Metro board, Louis de Granje.
After two years of investigation, the suspect is arrested
It was in the commune of Puente Alto where the operation carried out by the Carabineros OS-9 to arrest the alleged perpetrator of the explosive attacks was concentrated, after the South Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office requested his arrest warrant in the 20th Second Guarantee Court of Santiago.
Christopher Escobar | ONE Agency
It was the result of months of investigation carried out by the prosecution, with expert reports that intensified after the latest attacks on the 54th police station in Huechuraba and the package bomb received by the former Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, in his office in the district of Huechuraba. The Counts.
And it is that despite the fact that a "group" of anarchists was always targeted behind these attacks, the investigation of the Public Ministry has revealed that it would be a 28-year-old man, the only author behind a series of attacks since 2017 To the date.
Although there were attacks that were attributed by the eco-terrorist group Individualists Tending to the Wild, for the Prosecutor's Office it was a "lone wolf" , identified as Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona.
Carabineros General Esteban Díaz explained that the procedure consisted of the arrest of the main suspect behind these attacks, as well as a search of his home to seize items that would link him to these crimes.
The police raid was carried out in the town of Atenas de Mena. At the scene, the police seized various elements linked to the making of explosive devices, without confirming whether it was a bomb with a possible future recipient.
The prosecutor in these cases, Héctor Barros, ruled out that the defendant is part of an anarchist group and emphasized that, based on the investigation, he would be the person behind the making and placement of these bombs.
Even so, the national prosecutor Jorge Abbott referred to his alleged link with ITS, pointing out that "they are organizations in which the behaviors are displayed by individual people and belong to a larger group, but they are not attached to an organization, but rather an idea ”.
Camilo Gajardo Escalona has three previous arrests since 2012, all related to the crime of public disorder.
During this day, Gajardo will be transferred to the Justice Center for his detention control in the evening block. At the moment, the South Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office has not ruled out requesting an extension of the detention, in order to carry out expert reports on the elements seized yesterday from his home and present them at the next formalization hearing, where he will face charges for the preparation, placement and shipment of explosive devices.
They declare guilty the "individualist tending to the wild" for explosive attacks in the RM
Date: 02 September 2022
Author: Felipe Delgado
Note: With information from Daniela Forero-Ortiz.
Camilo Gajardo was found guilty of planting and sending explosive devices in the capital, under the group "Individualists Tending to the Wild." Among them are the explosives sent to Óscar Landerretche and Louis De Grange, as well as the placement of a bomb in a Transantiago bus stop.
The South Prosecutor's Office managed to get Camilo Gajardo Escalona convicted , who perpetrated various explosive attacks in the Metropolitan region that were claimed by the group "Individualists Tending to the Wild" (ITS).
The individual was charged with the crimes of sending and placing explosive devices between 2017 and 2019 in different parts of the capital. This after an investigation carried out together with the Carabineros OS9.
Gajardo was accused of the following facts:
1.- The device that detonated in the house of the then president of Codelco, Óscar Landerretche , on January 13, 2017, where the charges of frustrated homicide, injuries and damages are added.
2.- An explosive that detonated on a public transport bus in La Reina, on September 28, 2017.
3.- The placement of a bomb on a bench in front of the Raúl Silva Henríquez Catholic University (UCSH), on April 13, 2018. Here he is accused of frustrated homicide.
4.- The installation of another explosive in a bus stop in front of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Chile in La Pintana, on September 7, 2018.
5.- The explosion of a device at a Transantiago bus stop in Vicuña Mackenna with Bilbao, on January 4, 2019, also with the accusation of frustrated homicide.
6.- The sending of an explosive package to the president of Metro, Louis De Grange , on May 5, 2019, which was found abandoned and did not reach its destination.
In the trial, Gajardo was found guilty in facts 1, 3, 5 and 6 , but not in facts 2 and 4 in which he was acquitted. In addition, terrorism was ruled out.
In this regard, Louis De Grange told Radio Bío Bío that after what happened he experienced “a period of great anguish, and it was difficult to understand why this was happening to me. Fortunately, I received a lot of love and support from many people, both from Metro and from Carabineros and the Prosecutor's Office. Today is part of the past, of the difficulties that all of us have to face”.
Gajardo risks more than 100 years in prison for what happened. Prosecutor Alex Cortez highlighted that in the explosion that affected Landerretche, the conviction for qualified frustrated homicide was achieved , the same as for the explosion in the bus stop of Vicuña Mackenna.
Meanwhile, Alejandra Rubio, Gajardo's public criminal defender, highlighted the acquittal obtained in two of the accused crimes. Along with this, she indicated that the legal qualification for the device installed at UCSH and the one directed at Louis De Grange was finally lowered.
As he pointed out, this will lower the penalty he could obtain, which will be announced on October 19. Only then, Rubio pointed out, will the steps to be followed be decided.
45 years in prison for subject who detonated bomb in Transantiago bus stop and who sent explosives
Date: October 19, 2022
Author: Felipe Delgado
Note: The information is from Daniela Forero-Ortiz
Camilo Gajardo, guilty of sending explosive devices and detonating a bomb at a Transantiago bus stop, was sentenced to 45 years and one day in jail for various crimes, including attempted murder.
Camilo Gajardo Escalona was sentenced to 45 years and one day in jail , who perpetrated several explosive attacks in the Metropolitan region and who were claimed by the group "Individualists Tending to the Wild" (ITS).
Gajardo was found guilty of various shipments and installations of bombs , all this between 2017 and 2019 in different parts of the Metropolitan region.
They declare guilty the "individualist tending to the wild" for explosive attacks in the RM
These are the following episodes:
1.- The device that detonated in the house of the then president of Codelco, Óscar Landerretche , on January 13, 2017.
2.- The placement of a bomb on a bench in front of the Raúl Silva Henríquez Catholic University (UCSH), on April 13, 2018.
3.- The explosion of a device at a Transantiago bus stop in Vicuña Mackenna with Bilbao, on January 4, 2019.
4.- The sending of an explosive package to the president of Metro, Louis De Grange , on May 5, 2019, which did not reach its destination.
Meanwhile, he was acquitted of the accusation for an explosive that detonated on a public transport bus in La Reina, on September 28, 2017; and for the installation of another explosive in a bus stop in front of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Chile in La Pintana, on September 7, 2018.
The South Prosecutor's Office had requested more than 100 years in prison for Gajardo, given the various acts for which he was convicted, where charges of frustrated homicide were added.
Finally, the Sixth Oral Criminal Court of Santiago decreed 45 years and one day in jail for him. Prosecutor Alex Cortez pointed out that the conviction was achieved thanks to the large amount of evidence obtained together with OS9, Labocar and GOPE de Carabineros.
In the breakdown, he was given 20 years in prison in its maximum degree for all placements of explosive devices. Another 20 years more for the frustrated qualified homicides of the wounded in the home of Óscar Landerretche and in the bus stop of Vicuña Mackenna.
To this, another five years were added for the injuries in the last mentioned events.
Camilo Gajardo and Bajos De Mena
Source: Siete Kabezas by Iván Poduje. Pages 148-149.
––– Worldcat + Author's Website
Founded as a rural hamlet next to a cemetery Puente Alto, Bajosde Mena shared a lot of low-cost urban land with La Pintana, which facilitated the construction of eleven thousand homes to receive families living in camps. One of the first settlements were the El Volcán I, II and III villas, which totaled more than three thousand social housing units in five-story buildings known as blocks.
The Volcano made the news in 1997, after a storm flooded Santiago and flooded the recently delivered homes, generating indignation among the neighbors. The construction failure of the Copeva company was serious and extended to thousands of apartments that had to be covered by plastic tents to prevent them from continuing to get wet. The press discovered that the owner of Copeva had given a fine blood horse to the Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, Edmundo Hermosilla, whose distribution entails the obligation to assign the contracts and then supervise their compliance. That scandal ended with the departure of the minister.
Almost fifteen years later, the first administration of Sebastián Ptôera decided to demolish the blocks of the El Volcán villas to move the families to better quality houses. The works began in 2011 with the transformation of an old La Cafiamera garbage dump into Juan Pablo II Park and was complemented with paving projects and the creation of public spaces.
In the second government of Michelle Bachelet, the metropolitan mayor, Cláudio Orrego, promoted a comprehensive plan that combined training for leaders, control of public order and social investments to break segregation, whose symbol would be a new civic center, with a modern police station and a fire station that were inaugurated before the former president left La Moneda.
The post continues in the second term of Sebastián Pinera, who announced the extension of Line 4 of the Metro from the Plaza de Puente Alto to the intersection of Juanita and Sargento Menadier streets in the center of Bajos de Mena, which would be a key milestone for the definitive inclusion of the district to the city network. A few blocks from where that future Metro station would be located, lived Camilo Gajardo Escalona, a twenty-eight-year-old young man who every morning went to work in a mechanical workshop in the commune of San Joaquin, near the foundation center. His colleagues described him. as a shy and withdrawn guy, who limited himself to doing his job and interacted very little with the rest.
When I arrived at his house, Camilo changed. He locked himself in his room for hours browsing pages of hard anarchism, downloading manifestos and manuals to make homemade bombs. His work in the mechanical workshop helped him find parts for factories and so he began to assemble in the bedroom of his home. He also went out to try out in places with few people, such as nearby Bajos de Mena.
This is how he tried until one day he detonated the first explosive device at the Vicuna Mackenna and Bilbao bus stop, near Bustamante Park. When Camilo sent the bomb letter to the president of the Metro, Louis de Grangç, the cameras in the Post Office where he left the parcel noticed him with a suspicious attitude.
The PDI studied those records for hours and compared them with those that had been taken near Vicuna's whereabouts Mackenna and created profiles to begin tracking several suspects, until they closed the circle. On August 6, 2019, Camilo was arrested by PDI agents and accused of being the only person responsible for the attacks on Oscar Landerretche, Louis de Grange and the whereabouts of Vicuna Mackenna. Camilo was the one behind Individualistas Tendientes a Io Salvaje. There was no European anarchist collective, nor Chilean accomplices nor Codelco mafias who wanted to take revenge and mislead the police. Camilo was a lone wolf who had become radicalized in his house in Bajos de Mena. I do not know if that urban context influenced his decision to go out and kill authorities and users or if he saw in Codelco a symbol of the State that left its population abandoned for years. His case is very relevant in this story, since it brings together several of the forces that were activated on October 18: the segregation of Bajos de Mena generated by bad housing policies and increased by public transportation, the Metro as the focus of the attack and the expectations excessive in relation to the authors. Excessive expectations about the threat posed by the attacks. It was thought that they were European anarchist cells, linked to Chileans, when in reality it was just one person. This same situation began to be seen when the first arrests were made for the attacks on the Metro and for the looting of commercial premises. ...
Camilo Gajardo's family after marathon formalization: "They are accusing him"
Voice-over reporter: Camilo Eduardo Gajardo faced justice for more than 5 hours. In his only intervention, he said 'he was a worker by trade', hence in more listeners in the audience for an investigation that began in January 2017, the young man was accused of six attacks and 12 crimes. The 28-year-old responded with a 'yes' when he suddenly understood the accusations, the same one who ruled not to show Gajardo's face.
Prosecutor: The crimes to be formalized are framed in the context of activity that carries out violent anti-systemic practices.
Voice-over reporter: The defense said that the arrest of Gajardo was illegal, he was in transit for at least four hours between the capture, verification of injuries and the transfer to the police station, in addition to not having legal advice in that fiscal period and argued the arrest warrant issued against the accused although he acknowledged that the ballistic and the death of five people on the high bridge delayed the proceedings. Finally, the court declared it legal.
Prosecutor: This is a fairly forceful investigation, again an investigation that is based only on presumptions but is based on antecedents that in this state are even procedurally standard.
Voice-over reporter: Trial for the public ministry the deputy acted premeditatedly in each case always with terrorist and violent conduct seeking only to cause harm even death thus began the enumeration of facts the devices that did not explode the one sent to louis de grange and the installed ones at the Raúl Silva Henríquez University and the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Chile to the device inside a Transantiago bus and the packages that were detonated, the one sent to Oscar Landerretche and the one left at a Transantiago bus stop in Providencia
Unknown person: That has affected the lives of many people in this way. not only innocent but also many humble humble people like those who have been waiting for collective transportation.
Voice-over reporter: Camilo cájar do was captured by security cameras he acted alone according to the prosecution wearing baggy clothes including masks characterized he has been hiding his face sometimes he changed his clothes and always moved into Santiago in three of the attacks the police found the genetic remains of the accused which were compared with relatives the evidence corresponded 99.9% to the accused.
Prosecutor: Which places us not only as placing the known artifact or sending them but also with making this device.
Voice-over reporter: The explosive devices according to the investigation were handmade, they contained batteries, electric cables, gunpowder, vials, metal tubes and some delay system before the first manipulation, the detonation was imminent, some of those elements were found in his room, the search allowed prosecute batteries fan ace gloves white masks and levels in addition to tight clothing in one of the attacks and press clippings of the attack against straight forward next to an anarchist magazine.
Prosecutor: The relevant ones that there was already another device in the background in preparation and that only included lack of including.
Voice-over reporter: The final stages of the same as the gunpowder Camilo Gajardo was in preventive detention for a period of 150 days.
His family did not want to speak they are dissatisfied they believe in the innocence of the accused.
Family: We believed the innocence of the son it is because we knew him at all More than anything else, they are accusing him, but they are accusing him. He is innocent.
Voice-over reporter: The investigation will continue for now. Camilo Gajardo is considered a danger to society. His escape was also held in the special maximum security unit of the gendarmerie.
Explosive attack in the whereabouts of Santiago: 45 years in prison for the person responsible
Survivor #1: The noise was enormous, terrifying, I had never experienced anything like that.
Survivor #2: It broke my hand. It cost me three tendons in my hand.
Survivor #3: I wasn't going to do anything easy.
Survivor #4: Life changed me a lot.
Voice-over reporter: 2019 at this bus stop after a bomb installed by this man Camilo Gajardo Escalona, 32 years old, exploded centimeters from each of them.
Survivor #4: I don't know how there can be so much evil in real life.
Survivor #1: What was his motive? Explain to me what. What motivated him to do that here?
Survivor #2: What happened to that person's head to hurt so many people? I didn't know him.
Voice-over reporter: Everyone wonders the same thing and the reasons are in the twisted mind of this electrician from Puente Alto who called himself The eco-terrorist also identified with the individualists tending towards the wild, such as a Loner or a domestic terrorist, it doesn't matter what sign he puts up. The truth is that in his messages on the web he only talked about harming innocent people:
"the objective was to attack them again against students. rich university students poor indigent any filthy civilized human deserves to die"
As he himself tells it his objectives were people regardless of social strata like what happened to the other now president of codelco Óscarlandés who received an explosive package in his home that could have caused the death of him or someone in his family.
Unknown Person: He was watching like this and at that very moment, 10 seconds after the matrix was lowered, it exploded.
Voice-over reporter: Urgent and meticulous work was necessary on the part of the s9 of the police and the South prosecutor's office to be able to find Camilo Gajardo who was credited with six explosive attacks with injured people.
Police: He could have killed if we did not stop him in time if we did not stop him at that moment and this subject would have further perfected his way of making these devices and each time generating more damage and He injures more people.
Voice-over reporter: Solitary, his objectives are people more than institutions, making him a difficult man to capture. Carabineros even had to review hundreds of hours of recordings from different places and institutions to find a common thread that would reach the detainee.
Investigator: There was a moment that we had an eye on each whereabouts, we installed a camera in a place where we believed it was possible that he passed through there and that meant hours and hours of work by the police to reach that determination.
Voice-over reporter: Until he was captured and made available to Justice The large amount of evidence, the testimonies and everything that could be used to prove that Camilo Gajardo was the one who had placed and sent different explosive devices ended up declaring him guilty of everything after a trial that lasted eight months.
Lawyer: Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona, already individualized, was sentenced to a single sentence of 20 years in prison in its maximum degree.
Voice-over reporter: As the author of shipments of explosives and for three other crimes of placing explosive devices, but There was still more to go because he also received another 20 years in prison for an attempt on life and five more years for serious injuries.
Lawyer: All of these sentences must be effectively served, one after the other, starting with the most serious and will be computed from the 8th. August 2019, the date since which the convicted person has remained uninterruptedly deprived of liberty due to these events.
Voice-over reporter: In short, Camilo Gajardo, the so-called Lone Wolf who spread terror for more than two years and who only wanted to murder innocent people, must spend 42 years deprived of liberty. You will be eligible for some benefit no earlier than half way through your sentence.
Sentence against author of placing explosive devices and other illegal acts between 2017 and 2019
The Sixth Oral Criminal Court of Santiago announces a conviction against the accused as the author of crimes of placing explosive devices and other crimes contemplated in the anti-terrorist law, between 2017 and 2019.
Well, good afternoon Today, October 19, 2022, we begin the hearing for the communication of the Judgment in case ref-303 2021 single role of case 170047073-2, I leave it on record that the people who are going to be identified are found remotely and in a courtroom the prosecutors to whom I ask you to identify yourself for the purposes of the registry.
Good afternoon prosecutor Good afternoon your honors also intervening with it seems on the one hand deputy prosecutor Claudio Orellana Sepúlveda also accompanies us as he did during the trial the lawyer Daniela Cepeda although he does not appear And also his Your Honor.
Good afternoon, Your Honor, and other participants, deputy prosecutor Claudia Cañassot, well, thank you very much, via remote believer, the Ministry of the Interior that appears is not heard, it is not heard, it is silenced, Ministry of the Interior, we are not listening to you, Francisco listens to me there.
Good afternoon on the part of the believer, Interior Ministry. and public security lawyer Francisco Castro Salgado well thank you good afternoon because brilliant codelco who appears Good afternoon well for the defense who appears good afternoon good afternoon your honor interveners Alejandra Rubio for the public defenses Good afternoon magistrates intervening public criminal defense Eduardo well remotely from the CP of rancagua The accused.
Good afternoon Camilo, for the purposes of the registration, your full name, please, good afternoon, the court is also remotely connected with the integration that was indicated at the beginning, known to all the interveners, and the journalist from El Poder Judicial Don is also connected remotely. Claudio Villablanca and also Doña Daniela Cantera, I give you the floor then, soul who was in pain. Who is going to account for the sentence handed down in this case. Thank you, President.
Good afternoon to all the intervening prosecutors of the Public Ministry, private believers of Cobalco and the Ministry of the Interior and the public criminal defense office in the person of its two Defenders.
Good afternoon Don Camiro Gajardo as announced in the verdict in this case was handed down a sentence of both acquittal and investigatory nature and it is appropriate on this occasion to make known specifically the penalties that were imposed. applied to the sentenced by virtue of what was already announced. At the time of Benedict's communication in this case, the sentence is dated today, October 19, 2022. Obviously, the operative part of it will be read since the full text will be sent to the emails. emails of all the interveners who are already registered in the court This will be in the course of the afternoon I immediately concluded this hearing and signed that it is by these judges well it passed then to the operative part the sentence has more than 50 considering 51 52 there No, I'm not, I don't remember very well and in its operative part, after the required legal citations, it is declared that Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona is acquitted, already individualized, of the charges that were formulated against him by the Codelco believer as the author of the alleged crimes of character terrorist described in his accusation with the exception of the crimes of less serious injuries contained in the same libel as indicated in the forty-seventh reason of this sentence and what will be indicated in letter f of this operative part B Camilo Eduardo gajardo is absorbed Scale of the charges that were formulated against him as the direct author of the crime of placing and activating an illicit incendiary device provided for and sanctioned in article 14 of the first paragraph of law 17,798 committed on September 28, 2017 in the commune of La Reina and del crime of placing and activating an illicit explosive device provided for and punished in article 14 of the first paragraph of the same law perpetrated on September 7, 2018 in the commune of La Pintana C resolves Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona of the charges formulated as author of attempted qualified homicide in the person of Luis degrange Concha allegedly committed on May 5, 2019 in the commune of San Bernardo of the frustrated crime of qualified homicide that would have been perpetrated in Santiago on April 13, 2018 of the frustrated crime of qualified homicide by Joaquín Martínez will return Borbalán Forgiveness committed on September 7, 2018 in the commune of La Pintana and the crime of damage that would have been committed in the commune of La Reina on January 13, 2017, Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona is now sentenced individualized to the single penalty of 20 years of prison in its maximum degree legal accessories of absolute perpetual disqualification for public positions and offices and political rights and absolute disqualification for tenured professions for the duration of the sentence as the author of a crime of sending a parcel of explosive committed in the commune of the queen between el January 12 and 13, 2017 and three crimes of placing an explosive device perpetrated in the commune of Santiago on April 13, 2018, on January 4, 2019 in the commune of Providencia and on May 5, 2019 in the commune of San Bernardo and Camilo Eduardo Gajardo Escalona is sentenced, already individualized, to the single penalty of 20 years of major imprisonment in its maximum degree, legal accessories of absolute perpetual disqualification for public positions and offices and political rights and that of absolute disqualification for tenured professions while during the sentence as the author of two frustrated crimes of qualified homicide, one in the person of Óscar landernette Moreno and the other is the person of Rolando Torres Parra, illegal acts perpetrated on January 13, 2017 in the commune of La Reina and on January 4, 2017. 2019 in the commune of Providencia respectively F, Camilo Eduardo gajardo Escalona, already individualized, is sentenced to a single sentence of five years and one day of major imprisonment in its minimum degree legal accessories of perpetual absolute disqualification for public office and offices and political rights and the of absolute disqualification for tenured professions for the duration of the sentence as the author of three crimes of serious injuries inflicted on Magaly Vallefrito, Farías Cortés and Jorge Jiménez on January 4, 2019 in the commune of Providencia and as the author of four crimes of less injuries serious crimes against Orestes Hernández Díaz committed in Providencia on January 4, 2019 and against Catalina Jofre Oyarzo María Vera and the minor with the initials MLLM committed on January 13, 2017 in the commune of La Reina, all of these sentences must be effectively served one in Pos of the other Starting with the most serious and will be computed from August 8, 2019, the date since which the sentenced person has remained uninterruptedly deprived of liberty due to these events H the beginning of all objects subject to the control of the law 17,798 and also of all the effects and instruments of the crimes that are the subject of this investigation, pay attention to the best written in article 15 of said legal body and article 31 of the punitive code and all parties involved are exempt from payment of costs in accordance with what is expressed in the first reason of this Judgment, the interveners will once again have the opportunity to all the documentation brought to the trial and executed that would be appropriate if this had not been done to take a sample from the accused and its inclusion in the registry of DNA referred to in article 17 of law 19,970 and the current electoral registration law must also be complied with and at the appropriate time also sent to the competent guarantee court for the purposes provided for in article 468 of the criminal procedure code. drafted to the sentence by Judge Renato Javier Pinilla Garrido sole role of case 1700 47073-2 internal role of the court 303-2021 sentence that has been pronounced by the titular judges of this sixth oral trial court that the criminal of Santiago Doña Claudia Marín Inés Gabriela Carreño Barros and Don Renato Javier Pinilla Garrido also record that during the aftermath of the trial Judge Javiera Mesa Fuentes acted in her capacity as alternate judge in accordance with the provisions of Article 281, fifth paragraph of the Criminal Procedure Code. That is The text then of the operative part is understood to be modified, all the interveners are those who are not assisted in accordance with what is established in article 346 of the criminal procedure code. I reiterate this ruling will be made known in its full text to all the interveners. by email and according to the records, the children are in the court, the president has the floor.
Thank you, having then complied with the communication of the Judgment in this case 1303/2021, this case will be declared closed. Have a good day. See you later, good afternoon.
The ITS bombs: the persecution of a "lone wolf" - #ReportajesT13
Below you will see records never before exhibited by a media outlet. Yes, photographic captures were published, but never the movements of a subject who kept the police and citizens on alert for at least two years. He never despaired. And he knew that minutes before he left An explosive device on a Transantiago bus did not lose its calm after paying to send a parcel to a public authority, which once opened detonated for the first time. We will show a video that even denied its existence. The explosion of a bomb at a Transantiago bus stop the images are strong and we will only let them run for a few more minutes before part of the ideology behind at least six events with this attack we intended to set fire to the bus but also and the most important thing is that we intended to burn human beings the objective we entered them again against rich university students poor indigent any filthy civilized human deserves to die phrases of a disturbed mind behind attacks for which justice determined that only he is responsible what we had had until that moment until 2017 was a traditional anarchism where although what is attacked is any form of power in this case as capital design, the state had always been oriented towards attacks referring specifically to infrastructures mainly to certain symbols that for them imply power but never an artifact sent directly to a person like this was the extra case of teletrece How are you Very good afternoon it is an extra from Channel 13 because the information of this minute talks about an incident an explosion we are about to leave back I received a message informing me of what happened to Óscar landerreche of this bomb that arrived as a gift on January 13, 2017 at 5:30 in the afternoon Everything changed Oscar Lander reche president of codelco received a gift supposedly sent by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Chile in a box of wines was hidden an explosive device composed of two cylindrical metal tubes closed at their ends and joined together, they had inside a mixture of safety match heads along with screws that would function as shrapnel, an electrical type activation system was They opened the box, it was going to explode and that's what happened and that's where I remember doing that, it was a question and I kind of tried to get the things out, I can't, so I say no scissors, I tried to break it on one side for a bottom to get the bottle out then I was like opening it like that and at that very moment and having 10 seconds after the womb is lowered it explodes apparently the housekeeper was injured the little daughter was left with acoustic trauma her scars are still small and the scare will forever remind you of these acronyms and ts its individualists pending the wild Mystical horde of the forest with the award we gave it some time because as we already said it was what changed everything after that came another five attacks made two fire of a transantiago in The commune of La Reina 3 left a bomb next to a bench in the front of the Cardenal Silva Enríquez University at the time when most of the students and teachers were leaving classes. Luckily, there was a warning call and the device was deactivated. due to the police coup 4 he placed an explosive device under the seat of a bus in front of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Chile that was manipulated by a student who was luckily injured 6 he wanted to send a bomb to the president of the metro Luis degrange as a gift which was intercepted before it reached its destination. First, the elements that were used for these artifacts were very precarious, but with these things, time was more sophisticated and more dangerous, we are no longer talking about a single commission. Not that he sent an address but we are talking about devices that he placed in some places at bus stops and in the last case in a very busy stop in the heart of Santiago facts described so far one two three four and six missing 5 4 of January 2019 the detonation of a bomb camouflaged as an envelope with the message Happy New Year 2019 at a location on Avenida Vicuña Mackenna with Rancagua in the commune of Providencia for the first time that in that they were most affected by the explosion they sat in front of a camera and recounted their experience, it is our turn to remain silent and listen, so they had to go through the appearance that the envelope gave was like a documentation folder. It is as she says, we are close to the foreign Ministry of Education in process, doing diligence. And I told her I said to her, Look, someone of our nationality or someone from another country left their documentation there, but let's go check someone, something important would be left behind, and I tell them, don't open it when I don't finish telling them the other time, no, the next time, no. I finished telling him, do not open it. When he opened it, there was an explosion that was too strong. At no time did I lose consciousness. I remember the smoke, the smoke. The scream, Mrs. Magalí's screams, and that paralyzed me and a fire came, just a flash that It passes over me and I managed to put my arm Well here two splinters enter my hand that fractured my hand I cut it off three tendons in my hand they reach a splinter in my eyes I lose my vision even that's why it was with noon and I saw again at 2 in the afternoon they realized that I had lodged in my right thigh, I don't know how to say it, a 26 centimeter iron 26 around 27 centimeters in my leg, it embedded itself in my entire leg, grabbing me in the right thigh grabbing my left leg, from being strangers they became a lifetime United to a tragic memory to a traumatic experience but friends at the end of the day after that everything changes I lost all the autonomy that I had with major depressions and that is not It is noticeable that I finish my work with less strength in one arm, that is, what I work for. I am a waiter, a person who serves people where my memory is affected. Sleep problems to sleep to wake up from the fear of seeing something on the floor. Not entering the whereabouts of not leaving alone is something very strong psychologically, I have not been able to work as it is And that affects a lot because we are foreigners and we have to work We have to get ahead We have to work and I can't work because I can't stand still for a long time. I can sit for a long time, the simple fact that by wanting to do something good, by wanting to make a good gesture, I could have caused the death of two people because both my wife and Don Jorge, who was at the other end of the bench, suffered a lot, but I have it. I have to ask how it's not going to be unfair to have that thought that because of your fault the evil happened many times and someone needs something for it to work or to finish carrying out that damage and as I told you, well, I have that degree of guilt because I I was the one who manipulated everything that happened from the beginning and thank God it didn't happen any further than that, but the situation was very very difficult after everything happened. Really, with an envelope he was able to transfer the blame to his victims, he was able to This, everything described by those affected is reduced to this moment, a record that until now has never seen the light of day, when threats become facts without names or charges, he wanted to kill ordinary people. When we always analyze this case, what would have been? if we do not stop it in time if we do not stop it at that moment and this subject would have further perfected his way of making these artifacts and each time generating more damage and injuries to people and fear which led us to the challenges or led us to have The greatest challenge with respect to him was that it was very difficult to be able to investigate him or classify him within groups of large groups or masses of groups and that one said our rooster operating in this way or operating in this other way but that basically he did not exist the search for The evidence was exhaustive in each of the places where an attack occurred. They created a true time machine. Thousands of hours of recordings were reviewed. They interviewed hundreds of people until they reached a woman passenger on a bus who saw the attacker change his clothes and show himself. as he truly was and with this they were able to follow his steps until he was lost in the southern sector of the capital, specifically in Puente Alto, the most populated commune in Chile, they only had one photo of the features the characteristics of the subject How he moves How we believe he is what This is what we have in photography in which to look at clothing, whereabouts below, a moment when we had an eye on Caravan, at each whereabouts we installed a camera in We believed that it was possible that he passed through there and that meant hours and hours of work by the police to reach that determination that they came to the determination that they were always right and that the Mystic Forest horde was not a group but a single subject Lone wolf domestic terrorist according to him his name Camilo gajardo Escalona, 32 years old functional family former student of an Industrial High School where he specialized in electricity at the time of his arrest he worked as a jaletero with few friends he called himself a worker in In her house they found everything from texts, clothing, even a bomb in the process of being made, one stage ends, another begins. In many laws, there are special funds when it comes to victims who have this type of thing happen to them, which can be anywhere, so we hope to continue accompanying them. and supporting her in this search to achieve some type of reparation precisely for the damage that has occurred, either through a Gracia Hopefully pension or directly through seeking responsibility from the state, there are too many questions left Why What is the point What happened to the that person's head to hurt so many people that I didn't know, what kind of guard something could be, what results did that give, what he really did, I say that I don't know how there can be so much evil in real life, Camilo. Gajardo has already been convicted of the six aforementioned acts and in the next few hours he should know the sentence against him. The prosecution is asking for 68 years in prison since he has been behind bars. In Chile, it was never known again.
Report 24: Explosive attacks, authorities on alert
Explosive attacks, the placement of a bomb, events that we have witnessed in recent weeks, and that until now were not common in the country.
A term that these days repeats a situation that according to the researchers changes the paradigm with respect to an issue that Chile knows from time to time but that today represents a greater challenge even for the three powers of the State because the scenario is very different what we see is an evolution we see a trend and a different group
Not only in the way of acting, not only in the target now the critical infrastructure different from what happened to us during all these previous years with the other anarchist groups and where also the type of pocket that is used is a high-powered explosive
The appearance of new anarchist groups It is a bomb that has already detonated in our territory is the first of the last three attacks, a high voltage tower suffers severe damage after the detonation of an artifact, it even transcends that Dynamite was used in its composition as the bomb with the bomb How many times three times three sounds a roar that is heard in several kilometers around here the first questions arise about the origin of this attack. In the second explosion the structure ended up on the ground more than 22,000 people affected by the power outage in this case the citizens resented the effects of this attack That is why it is relevant to know what we are facing. That was the premiere last night, kid, look, they put it like a bomb, I think why they are going to bend these irons and the closing of the trilogy of attacks, the railway bridge and everyone. They were awarded by The unknown movement 18 October but then another group that claims to be the real one denied the information. Every time different groups appear, with different ideologies, different points of view, different types of explosives or different containers, therefore, we are always used to them produce this type of variation, generally the subject does not place just one explosive device. They generally place several explosive devices, which does involve a very long-term investigation because they require a lot of crushing, a lot of work, this did not happen in Chile, it corresponds to images of the Spanish police who, through simulations, work to prepare their teams to face possible attacks in public places recognized worldwide for their fight against the terrorist group ETA. Now they are experts in the fight against this type of organization that for decades frightened citizens and they are from Panama here the Turkish police force police teams from different nations whose common factor is the fight against violent criminal groups that scare the population by placing explosive devices And who now seek to share experiences with Chile were visiting with uniformed officers from Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, here the best defensive and preventive weapon is to Listen. Each story, we will not show their faces, is part of the commitments that the country acquired with the specialists. Their work requires anonymity, but it is already a confirmed reality that in many Most cases involve transnational crime. We incorporate with great interest those aspects of organizations that operate not only in Europe but worldwide regarding the information of those who may be incorporating these groups, what links they may have with our country and what type. of groups we could have here and that Of course is within the analyzes that we permanently carry out, one of the currents behind this type of attacks is ecoterrorism whose purpose is to support ecological or environmental causes. The most forceful and graphic example is its individualists tending to the savages that's why the confusion the looks back the fast pace interesting what at that minute was totally unknown in this attack the name of Camilo Gajardo Escalona appears, the so-called Lone Wolf was found guilty of sending explosive parcels to Oscar Landerreche, former president of Codelco. and Luis de Granch, former president of the metro, also for the devices that detonated outside the Raúl Silva Enríquez Catholic University in Santiago. The ITS would be present in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, in Chile it was awarded these four bomb attacks that occurred between 2017 and 2019, but in our country suffered a hard blow, we had a very meticulous job to be able to determine also with very strong means of evidence the participation of this person who was already sentenced by the competent courts of our country to a sentence of 45 years. He is the only person who has been detained. in the world and that belongs precisely to this group, a judicial milestone registered in Chile, the bomb left at a bus stop in Vicuña Mackenna with Rancagua reflects for investigators the material and physical damage that groups like its intend to cause to the citizens where they have a position much more extreme of the environmental issue where even the human being is a distortion in nature and therefore must also be eliminated, which is why it was the sending of letter bombs or the sending of explosive devices in parcels, for example. At that time, the South metropolitan prosecutor's office It is the preferred organization to investigate the placement of explosive devices throughout the country from 2019 to date, it is investigating the installation of 32 bombs. The worrying thing is that so far in 2023, the figure exceeds previous periods and is equal to 2022 and not only That also draws attention to the components of these devices, what they have is that they are industrial explosive devices and that they are precisely intended or whose objective in the elaboration of these devices is to produce the damage that produces the breach, the rupture of the structure, those are explosives of a High-end, that is, the artifacts are no longer rudimentary, they are designed with Industrial Mecha, clockwork systems and substances of greater impact. Panic generated this noise bomb, which are also investigated by police. The images show a couple walking through Santiago on Portugal Street between Coquimbo. and Porvenir at 9 at night is the man who leaves a plastic bottle with liquid inside outside a commercial establishment. Although they were trying to give it to a person, they asked one of the workers to please vote for them. They stood here in front so they could vote for that soda container, one of the girls told them no, no, they left it there, they couldn't vote for it and thank goodness because they left the container here on the corner here. in front of the business and approximately 15 minutes later there was an explosion, a very loud explosion. The noise was deafening. It occurred on May 26 and so far there are no clues about the couple, much less about their motivations, but who was going to receive the They believe that they were only trying to cause damage to them. If the girls grab the container and place it here in the back, where we have the garbage can, it was here that there was an explosion and we don't know that it wasn't affected or that it wasn't that it wasn't damaged here. In the business as such, there really is not a little bit worried, or not, a little bit not quite worried. A current problem is how to criminally prosecute these groups today. For example, the Public Ministry applies the weapons law over the anti-terrorist law, the terrorist law. It is not the best tool because the level of proof that the courts must achieve to finally convict a person under the terrorist law often cannot be modified. This last regulation is a proposal analyzed even among the three powers of the State. A terrorist is more benefited than a person who is going to provide a firearm from the point of view of penalties also and from the point of view of the techniques or inclusive measures that I can use with respect to one and with respect to the other, I can intercept a telephone in based on the drug law only with the nickname of a subject by him The general rules that the law gave me when faced with a terrorist, I have to have complete individualization, name, surname, address, profession, occupation. On July 18, the oral trial against Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero begins, investigated precisely by the weapons law. He would risk 50 years in prison and According to the prosecution, 20 of them are involved in sending a bomb to former Minister of the Interior Rodrigo Ginspetter, which was deactivated in time, but not the device that detonated in the 54th police station of Huechuraba, who are cereal installers since they cannot resist continuing to place devices. explosives they In the case they were linked in the bomb case one later they went to Spain in Spain they placed an explosive device and here eh when they arrive there are four explosive devices for which they place again once they are in the country for the Public Ministry Solari gentleman They represent a type of anarchism different from what is happening today, hence the importance of maintaining ties with police from different countries, such as this seminar, exchange of relevant strategies to understand a phenomenon present throughout the world, talks about the standard of research, talks about the capabilities From the training there is also information that is shared in relation to terrorist actions that are committed in both countries where one can learn about new trends, can learn about new actions or new types of explosive devices or situations of that type, a high-standard investigation that The cases that occurred in Valparaíso Bio Bio and Ñuble demand to first identify and then arrest the person or parties involved, always considering that they are long-term investigations, but it is not an exaggeration to say that 2023 is the year of the bombs.