A text dump on Jacob Graham
Alienation and affinity: Jacob Graham is not an “isolated” case — Freedom News
R v Jacob Graham Sentence Note
Student who idolised Unabomber wrote terror guide for ‘misfits and nobodies’ — The Independent
Liverpool student who shared guide on bombs and guns detained — BBC News
'I have so much carnage to commit'
Teenager appears in court charged with eight terrorism offences — Liverpool Echo
Suspected terrorist named after Norris Green house raided — Liverpool Echo
Liverpool teenager accused of plotting to kill ‘at least 50’ in suicide attack — The Guardian
Mentions of Jacob's alias before news of his arrest spread
United Neo-Luddist Front (UNLF)
Freedom News wrote an essay about the Jacob Graham story that was all technically valid, about how it would be nice if every newbie anarchy sympathizing teen could be guided into becoming highly skilled, security culture respecting, poor man's James Bonds, helping bring about mother anarchy.
But, it was a bit of a weird read, considering for example that they don't mention anywhere that the kid was a wannabe school shooter. It would just be nice for there to at the very least be advice in there about the importance of not making groups online or otherwise as warm and welcoming to people who hold such homicidally domineering desires. So, in the hopes that they don't cling on to those views:
In a video on 21 June, Graham took out a machete with a red handle and tapped the blade, saying: "Can't end my life yet, I have so much carnage to commit." ...
In another video, he threatened to attack Hugh Baird College, which he attended, saying: "I'm f****** ready, f****** bring it. I don't care, I'll kill every single last one of them." ...
Graham came to idolise an American terrorist called Theodore Kaczynski - known as the Unabomber - after watching a Netflix series called Manhunt, and pledged to "finish what he started", his trial heard. ...
Also, since he was a wannabe school shooter, it could obviously be that he would have latched onto any extremist ideology.
I do remember seeing two of the telegrams the news mentioned Jacob was a part of, promoted on an anti-tech discord I joined to see what they talk about when I was writing an essay on Ted Kaczynski. I noticed there's obviously plenty of small changes anti-tech groups and forums could implement to make them less appealing for people to hold onto their terrorist desires, like not allowing people to make their profile pictures anti-anarchist terror groups as one example, which is allowed to happen in the one server I know.
For me, it's sad that society failed to offer him meaning, sad that he couldn't be discouraged from his actions, and sad that there maybe wasn't sufficient effort to critique his beliefs and actions.
There are three really great academic articles that argue in methodical detail how; when people who are anti-tech reject the view that other social justice campaigns can be complementary to their ideal end goal, then they on average become more open to using terrorism & bodily-harm violence. The point being argued is a simple one, that too many people conflate radical environmentalists with terrorists for faulty reasons, but the detail in which this point is argued I think shows a lot of fascinating glimpses into the foundational intuitions motivating various people:
Finally, there is The Ted K Archive website that aims to in part offer people arguments for helping pull people back from ideologies like his, however unlikely the chances of that succeeding may be.
A common question some anti-tech people have about the website is 'if the most objectionable aspect to Ted K was his terrorism, why not just promote texts critiquing Ted's justification for using terrorism?' But here's, I think, a creditable argument, the website gives on the 'about' page:
1. Because we like the arguments against a lot of his ideas, so why would we aim only for such a small change? By winning someone over to a bunch of arguments, you can sometimes get them to see the value of a very different life and future. We think more people being invested in high-tech culturally-complex society means getting to experience more people expressing what motivates them in complex ways. And...
2. Because being able to have the debate at the motivating foundation of people's philosophy is important because even if we were able to argue someone out of the justification that it's ok to use terroristic means in x circumstance, because of y secondary practical reason, the next day they could just double down on their foundational philosophy, that that sacrifice needs to be made for the philosophy to flourish.
So, we hope to offer the best counter-ideal that we think it's possible to argue for. And any runner-up prize from achieving that ideal would be great too, like just encouraging a few extremists to drop their justifications for terrorism, just encouraging a few people to be a bit more anti-authoritarian, just a bit more leftist/egalitarian and/or just a bit more pro-tech.
I think I'm going to try and start up a correspondence with the dude, to see if his views have sincerely changed in any way, and if so, ask him what intervention or differences in his life he thinks could have helped put him on a better path. So, to see what other lessons can be learned.
Political Analysis
Alienation and affinity: Jacob Graham is not an “isolated” case — Freedom News
Source: freedomnews.org.uk/2024/02/28/alienation-and-affinity-jacob-graham-is-not-an-isolated-case
Date: Feb 28th

On February 22nd, Jacob Graham of Liverpool was convicted of 3 terror-related offences: preparation of terrorist acts (S5(1)(b) Terrorism Act 2006), dissemination of terrorist publications (S2 Terrorism Act 2006), and possession of material likely to be useful to a terrorist (S58 Terrorism Act 2000).
Something of a self-described anarchist, it appears he had been inspired by the Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski, who died last year), with the jury hearing that he pledged to “finish what he started”.
Jacob had written an online encyclopaedia called the “Freedom Encyclopaedia” dedicated to “misfits, social nobodies, anarchists, and terrorists”, detailing how to make homemade explosives and other weapons. He shared this online with contacts via group chats and videos he had made. He had purchased the requisite materials himself, leading the Counter Terrorism Policing unit to launch an investigation and subsequently arrest him.
He is due for sentencing on March 18th.
The facts of the case seem quite clear, and he has been convicted on those 3 counts. But there is a lot to examine and discuss as anarchists about what to make of this situation.
Jacob’s motivations appear to be many. The police and jury were given various offerings:
“I don’t like the idea of a central control, and I don’t really like the monarchy.”
He didn’t like the way that “corporations act and how they damage the Earth.”
“I think it is fair to say I was quite anti-government.”
“I didn’t agree with the idea of it – the way certain things were handled, the pandemic, the cost of living.”
“I didn’t agree with a group of small people being able to make decisions that affect a mass.”
“If terrorism is standing up for what you think is right, standing up for the working class people of this country, most of us can’t afford to heat our homes or afford food, there needs to be someone to fix this problem. It is my responsibility to do this.”
“I will be a homegrown terrorist because I was born on British soil. If they want to call me a justice warrior or a hero, call me that. If they want to call me scum, call me that because I won’t be here to listen to all of it.”
There is nothing remotely esoteric in these statements. They might come from a young man sitting behind his computer, teddy bear in one hand, machete in the other, but they are not the ravings of a person totally disconnected from reality. They are, in fact, the same things that we see and hear on a large scale in daily life across the globe. Wanton destruction of the planet in the name of profit and the cost of living crises that seem to be compounding every day for the working class are on everyone’s lips, and yet it would appear that nothing is to be done about it. And those that do take action are villainised (see Just Stop Oil for a recent popular movement or any anarchist that has ever taken action ever).
Jacob, 20-something from Liverpool, sits at home on his computer all day, manages to research blueprints for explosives, purchase the materials, practices with them, and makes 138 videos, sharing them with online anarchist and activist groups. Something is wrong with this picture, but it’s not the explosives.
The first thing that perhaps springs to many minds might be the “lone-wolf” imagery that the case before us presents. Yet another disillusioned young man sick of the world around him decides it’s him against the world, and the only way to act is to strike out. Now, it wouldn’t be proper to offer thoughts on whether his ultimate aim of murdering politicians to uphold the struggle of the working class should be condoned, but there is a certain distinction between these goals and those of the many lone-wolf attacks by those who might fall on the right-wing. “Punching up, not punching down” perhaps might help describe the difference. However, what is similar in these cases is how it comes to be that these people reach a point where they believe this is their only option.
The Counter Terrorism Policing Unit’s ACT website suggests that two common signs of radicalisation are “Spending an increasing amount of time online and sharing extreme views on social media.” and “Need for identity, meaning and belonging”. Capitalism breeds such an individualist society that when people are searching for something to belong to, they can’t necessarily find it. And too often, we hear of these lone wolves belonging to extreme online communities that somehow simultaneously give them a sense of belonging whilst reinforcing their very real and physical solitude.
We can quite easily criticise the fact that someone who would call themselves an anarchist would have such a lack of security culture, trusting people that he met online with such a plethora of illegal materials and using non-secure platforms like Discord to do so. He could not have known who he was engaging with, and it is more than likely that agents of the state were involved with such groups as “Earth Militia”, “Total Earth Liberation”, and “Neo-Luddite Action”. There is a whole argument for not using any of these technologies, no matter how secure you think you might be, but perhaps that is a bigger discussion to be held in person with people around you, and to some degree, that ship might have sailed. Perhaps more concerning is why these online communities were the only place this young man felt he could turn.
There was some telegram group or another, essentially calling out anyone who might be feeling like Jacob. In some ways, it was positive, calling for people to stop dreaming of being martyrs and instead involve themselves in their local anarchist groups. But it also felt like the blame was on the person, already in a mindset of individualist antagonism, for being in their “basement” and not already being involved.
This kind of language is concerning, as alienating those we are also imploring to be better, to be involved with the existing structures, is a contradiction in itself. In discussing this, I was offered insight into the case of Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of the US president William McKinley in 1901. Seen as an outsider, he was ostracised and excluded from anarchist societies for his social awkwardness and clumsy interest, to the point of accusations being published in anarchist journals of his being a spy. 5 days later, he shot dead the president of the USA in the name of working class struggle. He was executed less than 2 months later, with Emma Goldman seemingly his only ally, the rest of the anarchist scene having forsaken him for having damaged the anarchist movement. Reserving judgment on whether the assassination of the president of the US is a useful act or not, one wonders what might have been had the anarchist movement not excluded him for being weird in the first place.
Similarly, just days ago, Aaron Bushnell self-immolated in front of the Israeli embassy in protest of the war on Gaza. Interestingly, Aaron was a serving member of the US Air Force yet had an online presence as an anarchist. Crimethinc wrote on this, quite touchingly:
“We urge you to do everything in your power to find comrades and make plans collectively. Lay the foundations for a full life of resistance to colonialism and all forms of oppression. Prepare to take risks as your conscience demands, but don’t hurry towards self-destruction. We desperately need you alive, at our side, for all that is to come.”
But again, in some ways, it misses the pause for self-reflection on what can be done to engage so many who end up going it alone in this world.
It is understandable that the anarchist movement is a difficult one to find a place in, but we must continue to make these ideas as accessible as possible. This is where security culture trumps paranoia. As anarchists, we must be willing to take a chance on opening up and supporting the many people who find themselves frustrated at the world and feel they have nowhere to go. The online world can fill some voids, but nothing can be a substitute for real physical interaction with other people sharing motivations and affinity. We may not have created this world of disaffect and isolation, but if we can’t find ways to break through to people feeling like this, we will only see more cases of despair, desperation, and missed opportunities.
It’s not necessarily about drawing people into some mass militant movement but rather showing that it’s possible to find others who will support them. We don’t all have to be on the same page, but by demonstrating action and affinity and creating space for others to find theirs, we increase the likelihood of people finding camaraderie to act as they see fit and be more effective in doing so.
Another case that comes to mind is the case of Darth Jones, would-be assassin of the queen on Christmas Day two years ago. Managing to scale the wall on Windsor Castle, he failed in his mission to enact revenge on the royal family for never apologising for the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre in India. Different for sure in that Jaswant Singh Chail had no connection to the anarchist scene but did have a fixation with destroying old empires. Who knows, had he had an affinity with others, he might have pulled off his mission.
I haven’t exactly presented many solutions to these issues other than to say perhaps it is better we encourage people into physical spaces to develop their affinity with others and not ostracise them for not fitting the mould of the ideal anarchist. I sincerely hope that others in the anarchist scene find it reasonable to support Jacob Graham as he faces a lengthy custodial sentence in the wake of his conviction, regardless of their opinion of his practice, personality, or the potential effect his actions may have had on the anarchist movement (if there is such a thing). He is still a prisoner, an anarchist and a political prisoner due our backing for his attempts to return fire against the state. Of course, ultimately, the only person responsible for their actions are themselves, and no one should feel obligated to offer support if they’re already struggling. But those of us who do have the energy have the chance to offer him something else, a way forward to engage with other people, real people who share the same motivations and have methods of putting them into action, whether community-building or society-destroying (but perhaps with better security politics this time).
~ DT
Image: From left: Jaswant Singh Chail (Darth Jones), Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), Jacob Graham (Machete Jr.), Danny Trejo (Machete)
Court Document
R v Jacob Graham Sentence Note
Source Transcript: judiciary.uk/judgments/r-v-graham
Source Video: youtube.com/watch?v=WBl2pYZ0dDE
1. Jacob Graham, on the 22nd February this year, you were convicted of Terrorist offences by a jury after a trial which lasted over five weeks. Those offences were:-
a. one offence of Preparation of Terrorist Acts, contrary to s.5 of the Terrorism Act 2006 (Count 2 on the Indictment);
b. three offences of Possession of a Document for Terrorist Purposes, contrary to s.58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 (Counts 3 – 6); and
c. two offences of Dissemination of a Terrorist Publication, contrary to s.2 of the Terrorism Act 2006.
2. You are aged 20, being born on the 22nd January 2004. During the time you committed these offences, between May 2022 and May 2023, you lived with your mother, sister and her partner in the Norris Green area of Liverpool. You were a student and appeared to those who knew you, to be an ordinary young man with an interest in fireworks, the military and outdoor pursuits. You were aged 18 and 19.
3. In reality, however, you were a dangerous young man, who described yourself as “The First Homegrown UK Terrorist”. It was only your uncertainty about whether someone else held that claim before you that caused you any doubts, because you were proud of that claim.
4. You held a clear and settled intention to assist others to commit acts of terrorism. You searched the internet for information and files that explained how to make explosives, weapons and ammunition for the purposes of terrorism. You collected a very substantial quantity of documents and videos which you provided to many others, whom you knew shared your interest in extremist activity and in planning terrorist acts. You even wrote your own document with step by step details of how to make explosives, ignition devices, weapons, the detonation of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and how to defeat law enforcement authorities. You called it “Freedom Encyclopaedia” and it was addressed “to all you misfits, social nobodies, Anarchists, Terrorists (Future and Present) and anyone who wants to fight for Freedom.” Whilst during the trial you denied writing that particular passage on the front page of the document, you still promoted it online, both within encrypted chat groups and in an open source video platform even when you knew it was written.
5. During your offending you became a member and controller of chat rooms on the internet, mostly encrypted to hide what you were talking about. Over many months you discussed in group chat and direct messaging, planning and preparing for terrorist acts. You were the administrator, solely responsible for who could be in the group and who could not. One of those groups was called “Total Earth Liberation Group” with 150 members. Discussion included assistance with information on how to make explosives to attack energy infrastructure sites and commercial entities, how to make a rudimentary shotgun and about poisons and napalm alternatives. You offered yourself as a very knowledgeable and experienced terrorist. Whilst you were not telling the truth about what action you had taken, you were building trust and providing information which they wanted from your digital library of information, which was likely to assist a person preparing acts of terrorism.
6. Particularly disturbing was a document you wrote entitled “My Letter”, which you wrote over a 3 months period in 2022. In it you said the following:-
“If you are reading this then it means I have succeeded in my plan….people who have privilege and still complain about their life, deserve the privilege taken away from them and that’s what I am going to do, I am going to attack government buildings, politician’s houses, mass murder those who think it’s ok to hide their wrongdoings behind money and power…I do not see this life worth living for much longer so I may as well go with a BANG, I do not have a date or set targets, but I am aiming for at least 50 deceased and more injured, any more is a blessing. My Plan is simple and straightforward, I will start a bombing campaign….the planning and manufacturing of the plan will take time. I am estimating 3-5 years, but the more the time I give, the bigger the target.”
7. During the many hours of recorded video you made, in which you explained in graphic terms your terrorist intention. You referred to “My Letter” and, although the jury did not convict you of personally engaging in conduct in preparation for acts of terrorism, you described your wish to carry out a terrorist act in which many people would be killed.
8. In evidence you told the jury that you were only interested in chemistry, pyrotechnics and the military, that you just had a strange hobby. That was what you told the police when interviewed, and also the author of the Pre-Sentence Report. The Jury rejected that explanation when they convicted you of these offences. Whilst that might have been your starting point when you were younger, it was not what you were doing during the Indictment period, far from it.
9. I am satisfied that you are a dangerous offender. During 2022 and 2023 you had a terrorist intention which caused you to create your Freedom Encyclopaedia document and send it to others to assist them in engaging in, or preparation for, terrorist acts. You collected a very substantial quantity of digital files which were likely to be useful to others in those acts, and you disseminated to others information in the form of digital files, intending to provide assistance in the commission or preparation of terrorist acts. You were not merely reckless in that assistance; I am sure, as was the jury, that you intended to assist may others. Further, the author of the Pre-Sentence report was asked to consider your risk of harm to the public, concluded that you present as a high risk of harm. For these reasons I am satisfied that there is a significant risk to the public of serious harm, by you committing serious specified terrorism offences.
10. I am also sure that the seriousness of your offending was aggravated by the period of time over which you committed these offences; the substantial volume of terrorist relevant information which you had acquired; the fact that you conducted your discussions through encrypted messaging with members of your chat room, who were obviously people with extreme views; the fact also that you also promoted your Freedom Encyclopaedia on an open online video platform and that you acted out some of your extremist views when you secretly buried a cache of chemicals in remote woodland, sufficient to create a low explosive
11. I take into account in mitigation of the seriousness of your offending, that you were aged 18 and 19 at the time, and are now only 20; you have good character and no previous convictions. You have also been the victim of witnessing domestic violence in the home whilst you were growing up, which has caused you some psychological harm as referred to in the psychological reports of Dr Harry Wood, dated the 30th October and 19th November 2023. He concluded that you have some symptoms of Complex PTSD, including nightmares, hypervigilance and avoidance of stimuli associated with traumatic events. I have in mind the guideline relating to mental disability but I am not persuaded that your PTSD symptoms have any connection with the culpability for your offending.
12. Whilst it is argued on your behalf that you have changed your mindset away from terrorism, I am not persuaded that you have done so substantially. In the trial you said that you were appalled by what you had written in your “My Letter” document, you did not say the same about the other documents you created, possessed or disseminated. Also, in the Pre-Sentence report it is clear to me that you tried to minimise your responsibility and maintained your innocence.
13. In sentencing you I shall treat Count 2 as the lead sentence, which means that I will take into account Counts 3 – 8 to increase it, but impose concurrent sentences on those Counts.
14. Each of these offences is a Specified Terrorist Offence under Schedule 18 of the Sentencing Act 2020, whilst Count 2 is also a Serious Terrorist Offence under Schedule 17A of that Act. I have concluded that a Serious Terrorism Sentence is not appropriate for Count 2, because I cannot be sure that the risk of multiple deaths by your offences was very likely. However, I am satisfied that an Extended Terrorism Sentence must be imposed on Count 2. It is a Specified Offence; you were over 18 when convicted; you are a Dangerous Offender; neither a Life Sentence nor a Serious Terrorism sentence is appropriate and your custodial term will exceed the minimum required.
15. Under the guideline for s.5 Preparation for Terrorist Acts, Count 2 falls within Category C2. In terms of culpability, because you acquired training or skills for the purpose of terrorist activity and your acts were of significant assistance or encouragement of others. In terms of harm, multiple deaths were at risk but not very likely to be caused. The Starting Point for sentence is therefore 15 years, with a range of 10 – 20 years. The aggravating factors, including Counts 3 - 8, increase that sentence above the Starting Point, almost to the top of that range at 19 years, but the mitigating factors reduce it to 17 years. I reduce that term further by slightly more than 25% to reflect your young age, to a custodial term of 13 years.
16. I am required to assess the period of extended licence, which I determine at 5 years, because I consider is necessary for the protection of the public. That means that on Count 2 you will serve an Extended Sentence of 18 years, of which 13 years is the custodial term in a Young Offender Institution and the extension period is 5 years.
17. In relation to Counts 3 – 6 and Counts 7 and 8, I do not impose a Special Sentence, given the Extended Sentence I impose on Count 2.
18. On Counts 3 – 6, I am satisfied that those offences fall within Category B2, because culpability falls between category A and C and the material provided for specific terrorist activity endangering life which was not very likely to be caused, or had the potential to cause widespread damage to property. The Starting Point for sentence is 6 years and a range of 4 – 7 years. After taking into account the aggravating and mitigating factors, as well as your age, the sentence is 4 years Detention on each of those Counts concurrently and also concurrently with the sentence on Count 2.
19. On Counts 7 and 8, I am satisfied that those offences fall within Category A1, because it was your intention to encourage those to whom you disseminated material which provided instruction for specific terrorist activity endangering life. The Starting Point for sentence is of 10 years and a range of 7 – 14 years. After taking into account the aggravating and mitigating factors, as well as your age, the sentence is 8 years Detention, which will also be served concurrently with all other sentences.
20. Stand up Jacob Graham. The sentence I impose on you is an Extended Sentence of Detention in a Young Offenders Institution for 18 years, comprised of 13 years in custody and an extension period of 5 years. The time you have served on remand is agreed at 290 days which will be deducted from your custodial term, providing a period in custody of 12 years and 75 days. I impose concurrent sentences of 4 years Detention each on Counts 3 – 6 and 8 years Detention on Counts 7 and 8, also to be served concurrently with all other sentences. Your Extended Sentence means that you must serve 2/3 of the custodial term before you may apply for parole. It will be for the Parole Board to make the decision on your release, up to the date you complete the custodial term. Upon your release and until the end of the extension period, you will be the subject of a licence, liable to recall if you breach its terms.
21. You will also be subject to the Notification Requirements under Part 4 of the Counter Terrorism Act 2008 for a period of 30 years. That means that you must notify the authorities of essential information for that period, failure in which means that you will commit a further offence.
22. Also I make a Deprivation Order under s.23A Terrorism Act 2000 in respect of those items on the agreed schedule, which I am satisfied to the criminal standard have been, or are intended to be, used for the purposes of terrorism. I make a Serious Crime Prevention Order, in the terms of the application for 5 years following your release from custody.
23. You will also pay the Victim Surcharge in the appropriate amount which will be recorded on the Court Order for your sentence.
News Stories
Student who idolised Unabomber wrote terror guide for ‘misfits and nobodies’ — The Independent
Source: independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/jacob-graham-liverpool-jail-terrorist-b2514530.html
Author: Pat Hurst
The judge said Jacob Graham appeared to be an ‘ordinary young man, with an interest in fireworks, military and outdoor pursuits’

(GMP/PA Wire)
A college student who wrote a “how-to” terror guide on weapons and bombs dedicated to “misfits” and “social nobodies” has been jailed for 13 years.
Jacob Graham, 20, whose “idol” was US terrorist Theodore Kaczynski – the “Unabomber”, also spoke of feeling wronged by his college and going on a “rampage”, Manchester Crown Court heard.
Bespectacled Graham, using the name “Destro the Destroyer”, recorded dozens of video messages from the back bedroom of his mother’s home where he lived in Norris Green, Liverpool, sending numerous manuals and giving instructions on weapons, explosives and poisons.
A student at Hugh Baird College in Bootle, he also blamed the Government for his “unsatisfactory” life, the court heard.
He was found guilty by a jury last month following a five-week trial at Manchester Crown Court of one count of the preparation of terrorist acts, four counts of possession of information for terrorist purposes and two of dissemination of a terrorist publication, between May 2022 and May 2023.

(GMP/PA Wire)
Graham was cleared of one count of preparation of terrorist acts.
Prosecutors alleged that while he was not about to commit a terrorist act or encourage others to do so, he did assist other extremists he communicated with online.
Mr Justice Goose jailed the defendant for 13 years with a five-year extended licence. He must also notify police of his whereabouts for 30 years, the judge ordered.
Passing sentence, he said Graham appeared to be an “ordinary young man, with an interest in fireworks, military and outdoor pursuits”.
But he added: “In reality, you are a dangerous young man, you described yourself as the first UK home-grown terrorist.
“You searched the internet for information and files that explained how to make explosives, weapons and ammunition.
“You offered yourself as a very knowledgeable and experienced terrorist.
“I am satisfied, you are a dangerous offender.
“There is significant risk to members of the public of serious harm by you committing serious, specified terrorist offences.”
Graham showed no reaction, but as he left the dock to go down to the cells, he smiled at his mother in the public gallery, who had burst into tears as he was jailed.
Jurors heard Graham was motivated by a hatred and contempt for the Government, whom he perceived as tyrannical and oppressive of those he termed “working class” people.
He has above average intelligence and regarded himself as a leader, his probation report concluded.
He acquired a large number of instructions needed to construct bombs, firearms and ammunition – and sourced and obtained chemicals as well as a 3D printer.

(GMP/PA Wire)
He also carried out chemical experiments, the court heard.
After he was arrested on May 26 last year, police found a number of chemicals, each of which could be used as ingredients in various explosive mixtures, jurors heard.
Also found was a 3D printer, which had the potential to be used to print parts of home-made firearms, including the carbine FGC-9 MKII.
Police also found an “online arsenal” of information on his computer devices, including on the manufacture of deadly weapons and explosives, many of which could be made at home with basic skills and using materials or ingredients that could be gotten hold of relatively easily.

(GMP/PA Wire)
He wrote a guide he titled the Freedom Encyclopaedia, which was dedicated to “misfits, social nobodies, anarchists, terrorists (future and present) who wants to fight for freedom… against the Government”.
The guide, written between September and December 2022, goes on to explain in detail how to make weapons, explosives, fuses, pipe bombs, gunpowder, nail and car bombs.
Graham claimed his activities were merely “escapism and fantasy” and told police he just had a “strange hobby.”
Frida Hussain KC, defending, cited the “impact of lockdown” and said Graham was aged only 18 or 19 when he offended, within his own home, and there was no clear ideological, political or religious motivation to his terror offences.
“At the time he was going through a difficult period in his life,” she added.
Liverpool student who shared guide on bombs and guns detained — BBC News
Source: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-68581466
Author: Jonny Humphries

A student who wrote and shared a guide on using bombs, guns and poisons has been detained for 13 years in a young offenders' institute.
Jacob Graham, now 20, was motivated by a hatred of government and by "ecological concerns", a jury heard.
The Liverpool student had been found guilty of preparing terrorist acts by providing assistance to others.
He was cleared of planning an attack but convicted of possessing and sharing terrorist material.
On Monday High Court judge Mr Justice Goose told Graham he was a "dangerous young man" who had fantasised about launching a bombing campaign which resulted in "at least 50 deceased".
Justice Goose, passing sentence at Manchester Crown Court, said Graham had clear "terrorist intention" when he shared detailed guides on building explosives and guns derived from a vast "digital library" of material he had gathered online.
Graham, who wore a grey t-shirt and black spectacles, showed no visible emotion as the sentence was passed, while a woman in the public gallery of the courtroom could be heard sobbing.
The jury heard between May 2022 and May 2023, Graham created and disseminated a document, which contained instructions on building nail-bombs, shotguns, as well as tips on evading police.

That document was addressed to in Graham's words: "All you misfits, social nobodies, anarchists, terrorist (Future and Present) and anyone who wants to fight for freedom."
Justice Goose said although the jury had acquitted him of planning a terrorist act, in another document Graham talked about his wish to conduct a bombing campaign.
The letter added he estimated it would take three to five years for his plan to be achieved.
'Unusually stable'
Justice Goose said Graham had claimed he had a "strange hobby" and his activities were merely "escapism and fantasy".
However he told him: "There is significant risk to members of the public of serious harm by you committing serious, specified terrorist offences."
Graham was sentenced to 13 years in a young offenders' institution, with an extended licence period of five years.
Alistair Richardson, prosecuting, said a psychological report described Graham as of "above average intelligence", and said he "saw himself as a leader capable of influencing others".
The report's author, Dr Harry Wood, also described Graham as "unusually stable" while in custody, and said he came across as "nonchalant and blasé".
Frida Hussain, KC, defending Graham, said he had been going through a "difficult" time and was very young at the time of the offences.
She told the court there were no "clearly defined ideology or political motivation" in Graham's case and no specific plans to kill people.
Ms Hussain said Graham had been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), stemming from "violent and distressing incidents he witnessed as a child and young adult".
Ms Hussain said his mental health was also impacted by the Covid lockdowns.
She said: "All of this offending took place at times when he was isolated within the home within his bedroom."

Officers from Counter Terrorism Policing North West (CTPNW) raided the house where he lived with his mum and sister, in Norris Green, and arrested Graham on 26 May 2023.
Inside the property officers found a significant quantity of chemicals, which could be used as ingredients in various explosive mixtures, the jury were told.
Det Supt Andy Meeks, of Counter Terrorism Policing North West, told the BBC: "It is of course extremely worrying that people can commit these types of serious offences from the comfort of their own home, from their own bedroom."
After a five week trial, Graham was convicted of one count of the preparation of terrorist acts by assisting others, four counts of possession of information for terrorist purposes and two of dissemination of a terrorist publication.
Graham was also ordered to keep the police informed of his whereabouts for 30 years as part of the terms of a Serious Crime Prevention Order (SCPO).
Left-wing anarchist guilty of terror offences after declaring he wanted to kill at least 50 people — Sky News
Author: Duncan Gardham
Date: 23 February 2024
Jacob Graham, from Liverpool, made 138 videos demonstrating how to make explosives and talked about "Judgement Day".: [Video - Student guilty of terror offences]

Jacob Graham, 20, from Norris Green, Liverpool, dedicated his manual, called the "Freedom Encyclopaedia", to "terrorists past and future, anarchists etc" and buried bomb-making chemicals in a secret woodland hide.
He wrote a document called "My Plan" in which he said he wanted to kill at least 50 people by attacking government buildings and politicians' houses.
He also made 138 videos in which he demonstrated explosives and talked about "Judgement Day" and "standing up for working class people."
On the wall in his bedroom Graham had printed out a picture of a car bomb exploding with the words: "Make politicians afraid to start their cars again."
The jury at Manchester Crown Court acquitted Graham of planning a terrorist attack but found him guilty of preparing acts of terrorism by writing the Freedom Encyclopaedia, and of disseminating terrorist publications and possession of documents useful for terrorism.
He will be sentenced in March.
'I have so much carnage to commit'
Graham bought a number of chemicals on the internet and conducted experiments in his back garden before burying some of the ingredients in Formby Woods, recording the location so he could return to the cache.
He also had all the computer files necessary to make a 3D-printed assault rifle called an FGC9 MkII and the printer on which to make it.
Graham came to idolise an American terrorist called Theodore Kaczynski - known as the Unabomber - after watching a Netflix series called Manhunt, and pledged to "finish what he started", his trial heard.
From a remote cabin in Montana, Kaczynski carried out a 17-year mail bombing campaign, in which he targeted tech academics at universities, killing three people and injuring 23.

Graham made video diaries in which he recorded himself wearing a headset and speaking into the camera from his bedroom, with a teddy bear on the bed behind him.
He was motivated by a hatred of government, which he saw as oppressing working-class people, and had developed ecological concerns about pollution, destruction of forests, and the exploitation of natural resources.
Wearing a T-shirt and glasses, he said at one point: "I've got everything I need to start my revolution."
Graham told police he was "left-wing" but "more like an anarchist" adding: "I don't like the idea of a central control and I don't really like the monarchy."
His ideal government would be the size of "Merseyside or Liverpool", he said, adding that he supported the Green Party and was an "environmentalist" who did not like the way that "corporations act and how they damage the Earth."
"I think it is fair to say I was quite anti-government," Graham told his trial. "I didn't agree with the idea of it - the way certain things were handled, the pandemic, the cost of living.
"I didn't agree with a group of small people being able to make decisions that affect a mass."

In a video on 21 June, Graham took out a machete with a red handle and tapped the blade, saying: "Can't end my life yet, I have so much carnage to commit."
In another video made in his bedroom on 9 August, Graham said: "If terrorism is standing up for what you think is right, standing up for the working class people of this country, most of us can't afford to heat our homes or afford food, there needs to be someone to fix this problem. It is my responsibility to do this."
He added: "I will be a homegrown terrorist because I was born on British soil. If they want to call me a justice warrior or a hero, call me that. If they want to call me scum, call me that because I won't be here to listen to all of it."
In another video, he threatened to attack Hugh Baird College, which he attended, saying: "I'm f****** ready, f****** bring it. I don't care, I'll kill every single last one of them."

Encyclopaedia for terrorists
Graham, who lived with his mother, sister and sister's boyfriend, had downloaded a compendium of terrorist publications including the Mujahideen Handbook and the White Resistance Manual, which he stored in a folder called "Alexandria" after the fabled ancient library.
Graham used Discord and the encrypted Telegram app to communicate with others who shared his hatred of government in groups called Earth Militia, Total Earth Liberation and Neo-Luddite Action.
He shared his manual online - which included instructions on how to build a pipe bomb, gunpowder and plastic explosives, along with detonators and instructions on how the perpetrators could evade the police.
Annabel Darlow KC, prosecuting, told the jury: "The mindset of Mr Graham permeates throughout his written material, messages, and homemade video diaries.
"He wished to bring about the downfall of government and society. He expressed the view that he was sick and tired of living in a society that was deteriorating and destroying itself."

Chemicals cache
When Graham was arrested on 26 May last year, police found a number of chemicals, each of which could be used as ingredients in various explosive mixtures.
Graham told his trial he felt like a character in a James Bond or Mission Impossible film or The Last Of Us, a post-apocalyptic video game and TV show.
He said he was "doomsday prepping" for "some sort of possible invasion, civil war, martial law, natural disasters, solar flares, floods, things like that".
Teenager appears in court charged with eight terrorism offences — Liverpool Echo
Source: liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/suspected-terrorist-named-after-norris-27043221
Author: Patrick Edrich
Date: 23 Jun 2023
Jacob Graham appeared in court today after being arrested at a Norris Green address in May

A teenager has appeared in court charged with eight terrorism offences.
Jacob Graham, 19, of Outer Forum, Norris Green, appeared this afternoon, June 23, at the Old Bailey by video link from Forest Bank prison. Graham is charged with two counts of preparation of terrorist acts, two counts of dissemination of terrorist publications and four counts of possession of a document containing information likely to be useful to a terrorist.
The charges relating to preparing terrorist acts allege the teenager, between May 1 2022 and May 26 2023, bought items and acquired instructions to construct lethal firearms and ammunition, acquired and concealed materials to make explosive substances and created a document with the intention of assisting someone to commit acts of terrorism.
It is further alleged that Graham distributed or circulated documents containing information on explosives, improvised and homemade munitions in January and March this year, and that he possessed documents containing similar information between May 2022 and 2023.
He will appear for a plea, trial and preparation hearing on November 24 either at the Old Bailey or at Manchester Crown Court. A four-week trial has been fixed for January 15 next year at Manchester Crown Court before a High Court judge.
Graham was arrested at a Norris Green address on May 26 following a police and bomb disposal unit raid. The charges came as a result of an extensive operation by Counter Terrorism Policing North West and Merseyside Police.
Suspected terrorist named after Norris Green house raided — Liverpool Echo
Source: liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/suspected-terrorist-named-after-norris-27043221
Author: Ellen Kirwin
Date: 2 Jun 2023
A 19-year-old man has been charged with multiple terrorism-related offences

A man has been charged with terrorism offences after a Norris Green house was raided.
A property on Outer Forum was surrounded by police and a bomb disposal unit on Friday, May 26. Officers evacuated the home and arrested a 19-year-old man.
Detectives have now confirmed Jacob Graham has been charged with eight offences including preparation of acts for terrorism and being in possession of material likely to be useful to a terrorist.
Graham, of Outer Forum, Norris Green, has been remanded to appear before the Central Criminal Court on Friday, June 23. Chief superintendent Zoe Thornton said: "I understand that the serious nature of the charges today may cause concern for people living in nearby communities, and indeed wider.
"The safety of the public is paramount and the charges are the result of an extensive operation by Counter Terrorism Policing North West (CTPNW), working together with Merseyside Police.
"Merseyside Police is working very closely with community groups, community leaders, partner agencies and individuals to make sure any concerns are addressed, and this work will continue over the coming days and weeks.
"We always need the public’s help to defeat terrorism by being extra vigilant and letting us know of any suspicious behaviour or activity. The charges today demonstrate that commitment from UK law enforcement to keeping our communities safe."
The full charges of Jacob Graham are as follows:
Two counts of preparation for acts of terrorism, contrary to Section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006
Two counts of dissemination of terrorist publications, contrary to Section 2 of the Terrorism Act 2006
Four counts of possession of material likely to be useful to a terrorist, contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000
Liverpool teenager accused of plotting to kill ‘at least 50’ in suicide attack — The Guardian
Subtitle: Jacob Graham, 19, wanted to bring about ‘downfall of government and society’, court told as trial opens
Author: Helen Pidd
Date: 18 Jan 2024 15.22 GMT
A teenager who wanted “to bring about the downfall of government and society” has gone on trial accused of planning a suicide terrorist attack to kill “at least 50” people.
Jacob Graham, 19, a Unabomber obsessive from Norris Green in Liverpool, stockpiled ingredients to make bombs, carried out chemical experiments and bought a 3D printer to make his own gun, Manchester crown court heard.
He recorded a video of himself boasting he had “everything I need to take down a fucking army” and “everything I need, material-wise, to start my revolution”, the court was told. The college student made 105 videos outlining his planning and motivations and wrote a “manifesto” titled “society and why it is failing”, as well as a letter setting out his intentions, the jury heard.
He also wrote a manual called the “freedom encyclopaedia” that he called his “cookbook”, the court was told. This contained recipes for homemade explosives, with the intention, the prosecution said, of assisting others to commit their own acts of terrorism.
He had also packaged chemicals up and gone to woods in Formby, on the Merseyside coast, and buried them in a secret hide, the court heard.
Graham, who denies carrying out eight terrorism offences between May 2022 and May 2023, said he didn’t have a date or set target for an attack but that he was “aiming for at least 50 deceased and more injured. Any more is a blessing”.
He suggested he could attack “government buildings, politicians’ houses” and would commit mass murder on “those who think it is OK to hide their wrongdoings behind money and power”, the jury was told.
He also had a grievance against Hugh Baird College in Bootle, Liverpool, where he was a student, the court heard. He said he was “a firm believer in an eye for an eye” and that the college had wronged him.
Opening the case on Thursday, the prosecutor, Annabel Darlow KC, told the jury that Graham “referred to his plan as a ‘terrorist’ plan and suggested that terrorism was standing up for what he believed was right and hitting back at a system that has done nothing but ‘degrade the working-class people of this country’. He said it was his responsibility to fix the problem.”
She added: “What he wanted to do was attack and bring about the downfall of government and society. He was against the concept of government. He said that he was sick and tired of living in a society that was deteriorating and destroying itself. His grievances were motivated both by hatred of the government and by ecological concerns.”
The jury watched a video recorded on 9 August 2022 of pink-cheeked and bespectacled Graham delivering a speech to his webcam in his bedroom, with what looked like soft toys visible on his pillow.
“If I’m going to do it I’ve got to do it with a bang, no pun intended. It needs to be big,” he said.
In a video recorded on 3 May 2022, Graham spoke of going on a rampage, stating he would kill himself afterwards. “He then talked about normal people suffering whilst scroungers migrate everywhere and get the good life,” Darlow said.
The jury heard that Graham’s “idol” was Theodore John Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, a US terrorist who carried out a deadly mail bomb campaign.
Graham’s manifesto quoted Kaczynski as saying “the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race” and suggested that society was failing and was destined to collapse, Darlow told the jury.
The trial continues.
Source: <facebook.com/groups/114079248635404/posts/7359769687399621/>
Matthew Van Boven: That weapons cache is embarrassingly pathetic. Just a disenfranchised youth still living in his parents basement clamoring for some attention.
With 8 billion people crammed onto the planet, I'm not concerned with whatever he hoped to do. But I wish somebody could have explained to him how futile such actions would be to his stated goals. It's all going to collapse anyway with billions dead. No need to add a drop to the bucket.
If anything, such actions just make the populous cling even harder to their dying model of existence.
Glenn Helkenn: Matthew Van Boven a bow and arrows and an air soft pistol. They don’t even show the tips of the arrows, but I’m betting that they’re practice points.
Yeah, not really a “terrorist” to be especially terrified of. 😄
Eric Nemeth: Matthew Van Boven not so sure about the, it’s all going to collapse anyway theory, but the problem of doing anything like that alone is futile and in fact doing anything alone is futile especially when we’re talking about changing or even stopping a system and its ability kill life on earth not to mention that it’s just an unpleasant place to live.
Glenn Helkenn: One very important thing to keep in mind on this particular topic:
You could package up every violent extremist terrorist manifesto and ideology ever written in the history of industrial civilization (and there have been soooo many) translate them into Sentinelese or Waorani or Priraha (read Don’t Sleep there are Snakes by Daniel Everett) or any other “uncontacted” tribe being fought for by Survival International, take it to them and read it to them and it would get zero traction. None. I’m sure they would laugh, and then get bored and go back to their daily activities of hunting, fishing, gathering, gardening, making tools, shelters, etc., and enjoying each other’s company.
Such ideas would pose no threat to their social order. Because there’s simply no reality there that the ideas apply to. Nothing to find traction with.
THAT’S the thing that we need to come to terms with. And THAT’S the strength of the Primitivist understanding in terms of showing people a way out of the impotence that gives rise to terrorist violence.
Glenn Helkenn: That kid was definitely no unibomber. Sad to hear his story.
The reality is that kids who feel what he feels and struggle with what he struggles with are becoming a dime a dozen in this late-stage capitalist world. The number of ideologies available for them to latch onto are legion. Had he latched onto right wing, left wing, or Islamic extremism he probably would’ve been more hidden to the authorities, and more supported in his violent aspirations by comrades, and so more successful in actually committing violence. The record of mass shooters, bombers, etc shows that to be true, so I don’t see how encouraging him towards leftist activism would be any help. Leftist activism is becoming ever more impotent and authoritarian and violent as this historical era continues to unfold. Much like right wing activism is.
If you pay attention to what gets posted on this group in particular, you’ll see plenty of options given young people to find meaning and purpose and engagement with the power process (as Ted K described it) in healthy ways that don’t involve terrorist violence. Providing those kinds of live options has always been a purpose of mine, because frankly I need them too. But encouraging more leftist social justice activism is simply not helpful imo. Ted K. explores why in significant detail in Industrial Society and its Future.
Dr. Yannick Veilleux-Lepage
Source: twitter.com/YVeilleuxLepage/status/1762490334825545794
Jacob Graham, a 20-year-old man from #Liverpool, was found guilty of preparing acts of terrorism, including possession of files to create 3D-printed firearms (#3DPF). Here are a few thoughts on a somewhat unusual case.
Left-wing anarchist guilty of terror offences after declaring he wanted to kill at least 50 people
In a document titled "My Plan," Graham expressed his desire to kill at least 50 people by attacking government buildings and politicians' houses. Graham purchased several chemicals online and conducted experiments in his backyard before burying some of the ingredients.

Police also seized a small pipe bomb and an #Ender 3D printer. However, he was acquitted of planning a #terrorist attack.
Instead, he was convicted for preparing acts of #terrorism, disseminating terrorist publications, and possessing documents useful for terrorism.

These charges stemmed from the creation/distribution of a bomb-making manual called "Freedom Encyclopedia" and the production of 138 videos showcasing explosives and his beliefs. Graham also a files and instructions to manufacture an FGC-9 MKII.
Graham's interest in #3D-printed firearms is apparent from his #Telegram account, which features an image of JStark1809, the designer of the FGC-9. His bio includes a quote attributed to JStark: "Live Free or Fucking Die - JStark," further indicating Graham's interest in #3DPF

The ideological motivation is intriguing. Graham described himself as "left-wing" but "more like an anarchist," expressing disdain for centralized control and monarchy, while supporting the Green Party and advocating environmentalism.
Additionally, Graham admired the #Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, after watching a #Netflix series, expressing a desire to continue Kaczynski's actions. In recent years, #Kaczynski has become a figure contemporary eco-fascist have coalesced around.
Ted Kaczynski, Anti-Technology Radicalism and Eco-Fascism
The label "left-wing" may be misleading. His ideology seems more about anti-statism or possibly eco-fascism. Nonetheless, the key point is that the appeal of #3DPF isn't limited to REMVE actors; it also extends to other ideologies and has gained global attention.
Source: <twitter.com/Belstaffie/status/1769793060144054541>
Date: Mar 18, 2024
Belstaffie: Jacob Graham: Left-wing anarchist sent to Young Offenders’Institution (YOI), for 13 years over terror offences, after declaring he wanted to kill at least 50 people "I don't like the idea of a central control and I don't really like the monarchy."
Let the assessments continue!
Dùinandoras: Psychopath
Belstaffie: Has clearly displayed psychopathic traits. But also evidence of fantasy, “I felt like James Bond”. Again, glad he’s behind bars.
Rambling Proletarian
Source: <twitter.com/RmbnProletarian/status/1769789185324405228>
Date: Mar 18, 2024
With the "left-wing anarchist arrested for plans to kill 50" now been jailed. I assume that it may gain popularity here again, so I thought I'd recap on why he isn't one to be supported.
This is Jacob Graham, and he is not "left-wing" like he claims he is in the slightest.
First of all, he obviously has some mental health issues. He has, by his own accounts, "constant anger" and that he is a "ticking timebomb". He also said in one of his videos, "Can't end my life yet, I have so much carnage to commit," while holding a machete.
To further show his flawed beliefs, he has stated that he admires the Unabomber and that he'd "finish what he started". He has also threatened to shoot up his former college in another video.
He is not to be looked up to or admired. Next, onto his politics.
The court heard Graham came to idolise an American terrorist called Theodore Kaczynski - known as the Unabomber - after watching a Netflix series called Manhunt, and pledged to "finish what he started".
In another video he threatened to attack Hugh Baird College, which he attended, saying: <verbaitm>"I'm f****** ready, f****** bring it, I don't care, I'll kill every single last one of them."</verbaitm>
Outside of him saying that hes "left-wing" but "more like an anarchist," there is little evidence to back up these claims. He has said he is angry with corporations, the idea of having a select few having control over all else and disliking central control and the monarchy.
Graham told police he was "left-wing" but "more like an anarchist", adding: "I don't like the idea of a central control and I don't really like the monarchy."
But these are hardly revolutionary ideas. I've seen these opinions from lukewarm Tories. He has also said that he supported the Green Party and is an environmentalist. He is members of tgram groups called "Neo Luddite Action," "Earth Militia," and "Total Earth Liberation".
On another platform called Telegram, he exchanged messages with others who shared his hatred of government in groups called Earth Militia, Total Earth Liberation and Neo Luddite Action.
At best, his politics is some type of vague reformist socalism, at worst a wannabe Unabomber environmentalist terrorist.
He has said he feels like a character in James Bond or the Last of Us. He said that his bomb-making manual was for "misfits" and "social nobodies", as well as "anarchists". I feel like this dude is someone who has been let down by life and wants the attention and wants to feel like he's making a difference at the same time. He said that he's "got everything [he] needs to start [his] revolution"
Jacob is not to be admired or supported in any way. Him claiming that he is left-wing instead of saying what he actually is, a deluded fame-seeker that's mad at the world, hurts the wider left-wing movement, and supporting him will discredit us more.
I get it. You're angry, but going off on your own to do individual acts of violence does nothing for the proletarian cause. Scenarios like this are great examples of why joining revolutonary organisations is absolutely necessary. Channel that anger into reading-theory, building collective mass action, and your organisation, and you can ensure that when the revolution does come, it will have well-defined aim, mass approval, and is more likely to succeed. Doing individual acts of violence only hurts the movement as a whole.
Remember that "without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement." and that you ought to "Educate, agitate [and] organise!".
The story in question:
Post #1
Source: <reddit.com/r/tedkaczysnki/comments/1az6nxm/leftwing_anarchist_guilty_of_terror_offences>
Zealousideal-Skill84: What a fucking idiot. Why would you talk abt your crimes?
ClimbMoreTree: Don't blame him.
Post #2
Source: <reddit.com/r/tedkaczysnki/comments/1az6nxl/leftwing_anarchist_guilty_of_terror_offences>
[deleted]: He literally snitched on himself lmao, why is he even surprised he got caught?.
"Yeah im gonna go and record a bunch of videos with me showing off a bunch of bomb recipes and a machete and talk about how I will kill anyone there", bruh moment.
technologicalslave: The braindead leftist clearly didn't read what Ted wrote!
alexxk51: lesson learned ban Netflix
lesson learned ban Netflix
Ban technology
renematisse: What a fucking loser.
BenTeHen: nice teddy bear bro
ayy_the_dank_lord: Chronically online moron.
woodenshoeFC: i think theres a big problem that may be brewing in this movement and related movements, theres people that just want to commit violence and use ideologies as an excuse. Im just sorta confused how his views werent challenged or refined because it seems like he doesent know what hes talking about despite being in active neoluddite groups.
thats just my instant thoughts though ive only seen this provided article.
exeref: Dude really got his theory from a netflix show
ILoveCatLiver: Fucking chump. Give this retard some testosterone
Source: <reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/1bi0xst>
Student who idolised Unabomber wrote terror guide for ‘misfits and nobodies’
So, Jolly Roger Cookbook 2.0?
It's crazy, back in 1993, every edgy kid downloaded the Jolly Roger Cookbook from the internet and joked about its various recipes and instructions as a rite of passage and nobody cared. Yet today, collating similar information is considered a big deal that will send someone to jail for 13 years. Which isn't to suggest any of it is fine, to be clear, it is not. But it blows my mind how much society and social opinions of such things have changed in so few years.
darkmatters2501: I remember it well. Probably have a copy somewhere it just a slightly different version of the anarchist cookbook witch you can still buy from bookshops. But my understanding is the will try and use it against you if they can, if some police don't like you.
Budge81: Downloaded off the internet in 1993?!? Are you sure?
Ninlilizi_: It could have been even earlier if you remember using usenet in the pre-web days. And the JRCookbook was material originally collated from usenet postings by people with university access to the embryonic internet. Though, I don't think that is too relevant to the point of my comment and I digress.
This case in point, strikes me as more of a societal failure.
If there were opportunities. If we had a society in which young people felt they had a stake in. Maybe if they had a girlfriend, even. They wouldn't be driven to such problematic behaviour to find a way to feel like they have a modicum of power in a world they, ultimately, otherwise feel powerless within.
It's a sad state of affairs, and one that will not be fixed by jail sentences but rather by addressing the core problems with our society that leaves many alienated and downtrodden for the grand crime of not popping out of a sufficiently privileged vagina.
Source: <reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1bhvk94/jacob_graham_leftwing_anarchist_jailed_for_13/>
InMyLiverpoolHome: I followed this case fairly closely as it was close to home.
I think just labelling him an Anarchist or "eco terrorist" is fairly reductive and doesn't really look at the underlying causes. I think he's deeply mentally unwell, and he was particularly hit hard and felt isolated due to lockdowns during key years of his young life.
He felt alone, and from what he could see society was crumbling around him. However, I personally don't think his positions and actions came from a place of altruism or caring about society or the environment. I think above all he wanted to be a hero and be special, so everybody would notice him. That's why his politics were so muddled, and he was reading far right terrorist manuals as well as left wing stuff. Ultimately it was just window dressing to his overall wants, he probably sat in his bedroom fantasising about leading the revolution or being a martyr.
I mean he also came out with stuff like “He then talked about normal people suffering whilst scroungers migrate everywhere and get the good life,”. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/18/liverpool-teenager-jacob-graham-accused-plotting-suicide-attack-trial
I think he was also becoming increasingly desperate and angry, hence why he even turned to things like wanting to attack his college, which was full of students from one of the most left wing parts of the country.
He was a deluded, mentally ill and ultimately pathetic young man who wanted to be noticed, and I don't think he truly cared about whatever politics he spouted.
Note I don't want the above to sound like i'm even slightly trying to justify him or his actions, he's human garbage who would have killed many of the "working class" he proclaimed to want to fight for, I just want to add more nuance and context beyond "he was a left wing terrorist" like the title claims
bastard_rabbit: He was reading Islamist and far right material. Was that perhaps more for tactics and methods of terrorism rather than ideology? Can’t say there has been many far left terrorists who have published known manuals in recent times.
Stellar_Duck: In recent times? Guess it depends on what you mean by recent, but I would argue that if you were indeed left wing and wanted to be a terrorist you'd be looking at the way RAF, AD, RZ and the Red Brigades worked and you're going be reading Frantz Fanon and Marighella and that shit.
Any resistance to this strength must also be of a violent nature because it is the only "language" the colonizer speaks. Thus, violent resistance is a necessity imposed by the colonists upon the colonized. -Frantz Fanon
Justification for violence if you believe you're colonized. I guess with this logic all those Jews deserved to be killed/raped on the 7th.
Stellar_Duck: Well, I'm certainly glad we can bring that shit into every god damn discussion about anything.
How is that related to me saying that if the fuckstick in this article wanted to be a left wing terrorist there are plenty of left wing loons and authors he could read and research.
Primitive Progress
Source: <discord.gg/QVNBM9bnqk>
ClimbMoreTree: Jacob Graham and Kaczynski followers:
I think it is unfortunate that he's getting sentenced and filmed himself making death threats. I agree to some extent regarding meaning and religion, since society has tore those down and replaced them with the most vapid consumerism.
I believe young people, especially young men, are more likely to have a natural inclination to aggressive behaviour due to testosterone, which slowly decreases. In essence, a young man's fuel is necessary for sexual competition before reproducing, which then lowers testosterone. I believe to hijack this natural desire for military operations is taking the man for a fool.
However, at any point that the man's interests are threatened, and later on in life, say, around 50 or 60, I believe it is perfectly valid to harness that man's life to the fullest extent, if he believes a violent action he takes is fully rational.
Essentially a girlfriend or wife would have probably stifled both Ted and Jacob but not forever. Once one goal is achieved, he may move on to the next.
Slade specifically:
I believe a great deal that leads to difference regarding violence may have come from the environment in which a person grows up. Since you grew up in a Buddhist/New Age household, you are more likely to adhere to these beliefs (and it's also possible genetic difference plays into it as being particularly receptive to poetry , art, altruism etc.) Take Ted, raised in an aggressive household and exposed to aggressive behaviour from his peers. Even before his family situation got worse (apparently they had good years too), Ted remarks how there was a young girl whose face he deeply disliked and couldn't rationalise why - he then reasoned he doesn't need any justification and has no care for ethics. In his relationship with his brother, too, he displays very stunted empathy.
Now you may say "This is a tragedy he was forced to become corrupted by their circumstances", but I view it as utilitarian outside of law.
Evil genius? Absolutely not. Resentful bullying and parental abuse victim who never understood empathy from the get-go? Probably.
I believe it is a difference in human design, and neither approach, individualistic nor altruistic, is fully correct. Yet we have grown to abhor words like "competition", "individualism", "opportunistic" and "unfeeling". Yet these traits are very much positives. You'd want your surgeon or mortician to be unfeeling, otherwise they couldn't perform. In cases of famine, such as the Ukrainian holodomor, some mothers fed their own dead babies to their living children. Cold and opportunistic? Yes, but also good.
To wish people got along smoothly and were fully altruistic and nonviolent shouldn't be a dream or proposition, it is a promise. These things have been baked into us for good reason and removing them without certainty that never again will humanity experience suffering leaves humans vulnerable.
If there will never be any wars (debatable since people in power are competitive by nature), if there will be no more famine (I'm unsure about the statistics, but you'd still have to make plenty of space for farmable land, landfill space, not to mention as long people have more than 2 children, necessities will just grow), control for no future plague outbreaks (I find this very unlikely), allow people with violent tendencies to have a meaningful outlet for it, and probably a few more points, then I don't think the expansion of a peaceful mindset and lifestyle (or religion) can do much for humanity on a large scale.
[Deleted Comment]: ...
ClimbMoreTree: Yes, it will help you on an individual level, just like living like a primitive would help me on an individual level.
But I agree with Slade that revolution (including eco-terrorism) would inflict further harm upon the environment, aside from being irrelevant and small, soon to be engulfed.
ClimbMoreTree: To Slade: maybe you were correct, regarding Kaczynski fans and people with "other such mental issues", including myself. I am still exploring it, but recently experienced something related to another Kaczynski fan that was deeply uncomfortable.
Hamburglar: Personally I find the worship mentality most concerning
I’m not saying it’s mental illness, necessarily but it isn’t a positive way of engaging with ideas
mbe82are: I 100% agree, and sadly, it even goes outside of the extreme political spectrum. It's just more present in the extreme spectrum and more noticeable. For example, some people see Trump as a godly status figure while he's just an average man with average problems, much like how Kaczynski wasn't perfect either.
ClimbMoreTree: I was referring more so to the appeal of primitivism itself, in the case of people wishing to become martyrs or retreat from society.
The person I met seemed to exhibit shockingly low empathy to people of other races, much like how I made an edgy joke I deleted about how people from impoverished countries would be ignored and die in the case of global conflict. I thought it was horrible, but "that's the way things are", which allowed me to suppress empathy and find it funny.
Long story short, I met another fan in real life off Reddit, got a borderline marriage proposal and touched inappropriately after saying "no" hours after meeting.
My fault too, but it made me realise something bigger -- regarding the types of people who dream about retreating from society, who feel society has become decrepit, or feel that "strong live, weak die".
They're very unsympathetic and uncharismatic.
Hamburglar: “Got a borderline marriage proposal”
ClimbMoreTree: Think of Jacob Graham, who made death threats. How many things do you think had to have gone wrong in his life to do so? I didn't think about it this way till just now.
Hamburglar: Care to elaborate on that?
AlexanderWake: Care to elaborate on that further?
ClimbMoreTree: I won't.
AlexanderWake: Thanks for the input
mbe82are: Primitivism romanticizes a past that never truly existed; primitive societies were often harsh, with shorter lifespans, higher infant mortality rates, and limited resources. While modern society has its flaws, it provides opportunities for progress, equality, and human flourishing unimaginable in the past. One could argue that withdrawing from society based on a belief in "strong live, weak die" oversimplifies the complex interplay of factors in modern life. In simple terms, I agree that people holding such views are unsympathetic and fail to acknowledge different perspectives and ideas.
ClimbMoreTree: This is doubtlessly projection, since it applies to me, but I would bet money there isn't a single Kaczynski fan who is well adjusted and has a healthy social circle. My reason for being interested in primitivism, above all else, was past social rejection.
There is absolutely no way, in hell, you can be a Kaczynski fan and socially well adjusted. That clearly went for Kaczynski himself.
Very good criticism of the system. Admirable lifestyle (in the woods), emulating hunter-gatherers. But very bad motivation for doing so -- unresolved social and emotional issues.
Neo-Luddite Hub
Source: <reddit.com/r/tedkaczysnki/comments/18bt7dj/neo_luddite_hub_discord_server/>
Date: 23/03/2024
Mazy: Does anybody know about this?
Graham, a computer science student, used the name Destro the Destroyer" and communicated with like-minded extremists using a gaming platform called Discord.
On another platform called Telegram, he exchanged messages with others who shared his hatred of government in groups called Earth Militia, Total Earth Liberation and Neo Luddite Action...
The court heard Graham came to idolise an American terrorist called Theodore Kaczynski - known as the Unabomber - after watching a Netflix series called Manhunt, and pledged to 'finish what he started'."
Jacob Graham: Left-wing anarchist jailed for 13 years over terror o...
Chess: Oh shit
Chess: That guys name sounds familiar
Chess: @gusfring
Chess: @mod
AlexanderTheWake: I donr remember an NLA
I remember a TEL
Chess: Remember Ludditeknight
AlexanderTheWake: I remember someone there was arrested
Chess: Seriously? Another one
AlexanderTheWake: I dont, was he in the article?
Telegram is not secure
Chess: He was like some guy on TikTok
Lemme see
svet: I thought about something interesting -- what will we do with all the ammunition? Here's the thing -- thankfully, post-ATR, there will be no way to manufacture guns or the bullets needed for them. However, there are most certainly massive stockpiles, both in the West, as well as around the world, of ammo, and you only really need 1 bullet in the mag to be a threat. So, what will happen? There's a danger this will be used to establish some kind of larger-scale government, which is not the worst thing that can happen to humanity, but otherwise quite problematic. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this?
svet: Was he an actual left-winger? He likely was, if he acted so stupid as to do this. Really just seems stupid.
If terrorism is standing up for what you think is right, standing up for the working class people of this country, most of us can't afford to heat our homes or afford food, there needs to be someone to fix this problem. It is my responsibility to do this.
Sounds quite leftish.
Mazy: I thought someone went by the username Destro here. "Destro the Destroyer" is his nickname they mention in the article
Chess: Ur correct
Probably same person
AlexanderTheWake: He was here?
gusfring: Yes
He was
I used to talk to him whilst I was in NLA

svet: Damn
Chess: Where the heck did “destro the destroyer” come from though lol
svet: What a goofy name for a domestic terrorist
Chess: Goofy ahh terrorist
gusfring: Guess had a new account maybe
botulinum_chicken: Was he the guy that got raided by feds a few months back?
Well there's definitely some feds in the server now, everyone say hi
svet: We all know about fletchman, who else glowin it up in here :catp:
annoyed swamp cat: we had a fed from the netherlands a while back
they on my ass :prisonTed:
svet: So glad I live in a borderline anarchical Balkan country :EZ: 🇧🇬🏴☠️
Timmy Mouse: This doesn't sound good if we have fed plants in here.
svet: What does it change, anyways? We are a legal organisation either way. Nobody here is openly advocating -- or Jesus, planning for violence, like that poor idiot who got jailed
botulinum_chicken: Mr.Mouse, you must always assume there are feds among us
Chess: This news is literally proof that you won’t be arrested if you are smart
The guy was stupid so he got arrested
botulinum_chicken: Ya but the problem is you may get a loose nut in here who does something dumb and we all get raided by feds by being in the same server
Chess: Nah that’s another guy
Kymviv or something
At the very least the news article didn’t mention NLH
So guess that’s a good thing
They said NLA which is a telegram group
svet: There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized
No, im not taking my meds
svet: Yeah I read "Neo Luddite-" and almost had a bit of a heart attack I won't lie
Chess: True 💀
We coulda been famous :PepeHands:
svet: Damn it! I guess we'll have to wait until the next semi-moron joins :FeelsBadMan:
botulinum_chicken: If he sent his bomb manual here we would have outed him immediately
AlexanderTheWake: Too many idiots like him exist
My favourite part of the article was where he said he thought it’d start a revolution
svet: Useful idiots to the glowies, I suppose
Not good for much else
Chess: That was hilarious
Mfer needs to read ATR
svet: Bro skipped theory day
And focused on praxis 😭
Potash: jacob did not read ISAIF
Mazy: So y'all can dismiss him as a fool and wannabe terrorist but I'm concerned about his association with luddite groups. If those kinda people are too common it will guarantee this kind of movement flops
Timmy Mouse: And we don't need ATR to be flopping, otherwise we will have AIs, AGIs, BCIs, BMIs, and the like taking over to control us and bring the end to all natural wilderness that is left.
Chess: With any ideology it was bound to happen
But yes this does harm the association with Luddism
This is the only like the first or second news I know of based on what I’ve seen so far in my past 2+ years being in Luddite circles
svet: Pretty clean record, let's be real
Chess: Indeed
Source: <raddle.me/f/News/184651>
Graham came to idolise an American terrorist called Theodore Kaczynski - known as the Unabomber - after watching a Netflix series called Manhunt, and pledged to "finish what he started", his trial heard.
Ted Kaczynski's writing and its consequences have been a disaster for the terminally online.
On a serious note:
Graham told his trial he felt like a character in a James Bond or Mission Impossible film or The Last Of Us, a post-apocalyptic video game and TV show.
He said he was "doomsday prepping" for "some sort of possible invasion, civil war, martial law, natural disasters, solar flares, floods, things like that".
sounds like Someone dissasociated a bit from Reality too much doesn't it?
ChaosAnarchy: this might've been told on purpose for an insanity plea.
but yeah in the article their views where more told like that they said they are "kinda anti-government" or "left" and "kinda anarchistic" and I'm like "bruh"
feels more like they just like ted and that they're a bit too religious(?)
More information can be found in several other articles, including a mirror article saying his alias was: "Destro the Destroyer"
Edit 2:
The lawyer argued:
Ms Hussain continued: 'Or whether, what you see is the product of a young man, who was in the sanctuary of his own bedroom, behind a computer screen, engaging in what was going on in his life at that time.
'A form of escape, a fantasy, he had no intention to make into reality.'
Ms Hussain suggested his activities reflected his interests over a number of years in the military, warfare, chemistry, outdoor living, survivalism and writing, and what he was doing was merely, 'escapism and fantasy'.
Benaresh: makes sense. I had a similar phase when i was becoming collapse aware. Whole Survival shit and watching fire and explosions for bomb ideas.
More information can be found in several other articles, including a mirror article saying his alias was: "Destro the Destroyer"
I'm sorry, but that is really funny to me.
Anarchist News
anon: lol @ msm calling this misanthrope “left-wing”. Another victim of internet brain poisoning
lumpy: as a misanthrope, i agree but to build on your point, the way that brain worms from online toxicity tends to cause a "horse shoe theory" effect is fascinating, no?
almost as if the law enforcement, counter insurgency perspective on "extremism" ends up creating and manufacturing their imaginary enemy in the imagination of impressionable folks, staring too long in to the screen
Mentions of Jacob's alias before news of his arrest spread
Some of these discussions happened before his arrest and some were between people ignorant of his arrest.
They give a vague impression of some of the communities Jacob inhabited and simply evidence that he was a fairly well known person on a few anti-tech forums.
To skip to the few times his alias is mentioned, simply hit CTRL+F & type 'destro'.
Neo-Luddite Hub
Source: <reddit.com/r/tedkaczysnki/comments/18bt7dj/neo_luddite_hub_discord_server/>
Date: 12/04/2023 & 10/06/2023
Deleted User: wtf is happening in ur pfp
i cant make out what that is
Carl: It was a tribute to a martyr
Deleted User: oh
Carl: JStark1809
Deleted User: ah yes
Carl: He invented the first reliable 3D printed semi auto and he got killed by the German feds
Deleted User: hes cool
i have some edits of him ...
Deleted User: destros edit?
I didn’t save it and I cba to look for it in the telegram
Carl: I wouldn’t doubt Zealot actually living in the woods. I’ve had to stop Zealot from running away 5 times post-UNLF and he actually had the bags packed and ready to go for 2 of those 5. Without me balancing him out, I wouldn’t doubt if he did something rash like that.
Deleted User: Carl I’ll be honest he wouldn’t run away and if he did it would be news in his state at least he larps most of the time so it’s probably all just a lie
AlexanderTheWake: As expected, Ted K archives are peices of shit

sovyetika234: this motherfucker is so lame
AlexanderTheWake: My ex put on her story celebrating teds death to piss me off :tedLOL: :tedLOL: :tedLOL:
Stolen: rIp KiNg
AlexanderTheWake: Hoes mad

sovyetika234: he literally dm'd me because apparently my pfp causing danger to his server
he said its promoting terrorism
Deleted User: what a bozo
AlexanderTheWake: They hate ted
Ted k archive is anti ted
what a bozo
My ex put on her story celebrating teds death to piss me off :tedLOL: :tedLOL: :tedLOL:
Good thing that she is your ex, you dodged a bullet
Colonel Sanders:
My ex put on her story celebrating teds death to piss me off :tedLOL: :tedLOL: :tedLOL:
My ex put on her story celebrating teds death to piss me off :tedLOL: :tedLOL: :tedLOL:
reason to murder
AlexanderTheWake: Fr, when we were dating she was really pro Ted, after i broke up with her shes gone full technophile
sovyetika234: same
adam: im wearing my rolex in memory of ted
ancient yew tree: Is that ironic
adam: no?

ancient yew tree: That's really cringe
Are you a troll
adam: i rarely wear it since people always getting robbed in my area
Are you a troll
no ive been here for a year
ancient yew tree: How is that in memory of ted
That doesn't mean you're nobnanteoll
AlexanderTheWake: Fr
adam: idk i just wanted to show u my watch
ancient yew tree: You mean your object of capitalism
sovyetika234: is it rolex x casio
adam: nah gmt master
ancient yew tree: Consumercuck alert
adam: nah
boy ur 43
AlexanderTheWake: If your name is digital, how comes you have an analog watch? Checkmate consoomer
adam: because my old roblox name in 2017 was digitaladzy and i had to keep the handle since i had all my respect and shit on dat name
otherwise my @ would just be adam
sovyetika234: you are that hungarian guy
adam: yes
sovyetika234: it clocked me but i didn't want to guess
how are you
adam: pretty good wbu
sovyetika234: yeah fine
gusfring: Soy what was your name in NLA
sovyetika234: asking to me?
gusfring: ye
ancient yew tree: But he loves child labour
Where is everyone from
sovyetika234: alkon terley
adam: dont u hate nla or are u guy’s friends now
sovyetika234: i hate nla
ancient yew tree: Yes
gusfring: No
ancient yew tree: Yeah me too
sovyetika234: i hated when it was unpopular
adam: u hate nla still?
sovyetika234: i hated austin
ancient yew tree: What's nla
But do you love me
adam: austin like big brother from 1984
Mt anon: who is austin
adam: couldnt say anything without being told ill get banned
sovyetika234: neo larper action
ancient yew tree: 😳
Mt anon: luddite knight?
who is austin
some mod from nla
u hate nla still?
I hate eco defence
who is austin
gay mf
adam: same
ancient yew tree: What's eco defence
gusfring: Or at least dislike Luddite
adam: he was chill when he had that gym pfp
gusfring: Mf is allowing leftist in
gusfring: Probably not him
adam: then he changed it to some masked guy holding a gun and became an asshole
botulinum_chicken: I never joined the telegram chats but seems you guys all hate them. What happened there?
adam: yea it was
gusfring: wait whose Austin
sovyetika234: leftists are best compared to others
adam: some mod in nla
gusfring: Wavy?
sovyetika234: yeah
adam: yes
he was austin first
gusfring: Na wavys chill
adam: then changed his pfp and name to wavy
gusfring: I like him
adam: hes chill but super strict on moderation
Deleted User: Drip🥶
sovyetika234: basically same with everything happened to here
gusfring: Not anymore
adam: musta changed since i left telegram
i deleted that shit months ago
sovyetika234: you seem more collected
adam: yea
sovyetika234: i liked luddite knight but its better to have a smart enemy than a stupid friend
Taylan: I've never joined that group but my impression is that they are a bunch of stupid larper kids
adam: luddite knight was based at first
then he started dating some femboy
Taylan: there was this guy sharing videos of him vandalizing stuff
adam: and went all degen
sovyetika234: %100
gusfring: They did vandalism
adam: now nla is allied with lgbtq and stuff
gusfring: But they are leftist at least some of them
Taylan: thinking he is contributing to anything
sovyetika234: luddite made all that vandalism
gusfring: He’s not
now nla is allied with lgbtq and stuff
gusfring: He believes more in animal liberation and monkey wrenching
gusfring: And not in taking out the system
They aren’t
It was just a joke
sovyetika234: when we said you can't go worse after all that and they went
adam: i went on my burner phone on his telegram and he was posting about how “transgender hate wont be tolerated in nla”
because his bf thule is transgender
gusfring: It went down hill when they changed the name
AlexanderTheWake: Trannies stay seething
sovyetika234: lmao thule

It went down hill when they changed the name
thats when i left it
gusfring: That Jos women is making teds death comedic
sovyetika234: what the fuck
adam: apparently luddite dosent even like ted anymore
“his bombings were bad”
gusfring: He doesn’t
adam: dawg wtf 😭
sovyetika234: tragedy for real
adam: how did he go from a ted fan to backing lgbtq and hating ted
sovyetika234: %80 of this server
botulinum_chicken: She joined here now
gusfring: I banned her
adam: nah she left
gusfring: After I got kicked
botulinum_chicken: Oh
adam: oh she banned
gusfring: from the place
sovyetika234: tbf he always had red flags with his demeanor
adam: yea

sovyetika234: i never understood why destro didn't leave did he left
gusfring: He has practically
‘Lijah: We only say that when there’s a federal agent in here (you) (Sarcasm)
adam: destro made his own chat and left i think
sovyetika234: he was the only one
‘Lijah: He went off discord
Mt anon: twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1667627403089268739?s=46
adam: i remember when we all left nla to make our own chat
United Neo-Luddist Front (UNLF)
Date: 01/07/2022
Source: <discord.gg/FqJUTN4NVM>
sage: How about
We don’t discuss laws
Until we actually have the funds needed for the village
Because there’s absolutely no point in getting divisive and argumentative over a theoretical thing
We don’t even know if there’s going to be a village - so why are y’all arguing about this?
Deleted User: no
Deleted User: i was not getting argumentative, just stating my opinion on these "Laws"
this is project talk, not funding talk
sage: you’re literally arguing with someone over the Internet about something we aren’t even sure will exist
that’s not project talk, it’s retarded
Deleted User: sage, calm down
sage: i am calm wdym
Deleted User: sounds like you dont have faith in the project
sage: we both know it’s ambitious
Deleted User: that was not an argument it was a debate big difference LOL
sage: I’m not saying it’s impossible
Deleted User:
that was not an argument it was a debate big difference LOL
sage: but it’s a process that will take time
@Deleted User
sage: glad you two can agree on something (edited)
Deleted User: we can agree that we are debating the future laws of our village
sage: Isn’t it more productive to discuss ways to make money
Deleted User: yes, sell drugs
Deleted User: no
Deleted User: Healthy discussion and debate is to be encouraged. I implore that you don’t disrupt this useful discussion.
i said we could have tabacco and now everyone wants drugs
tobacco is a drug
Deleted User: Also I’m building a village whether you salty bastards join or not.
Deleted User: ill join
Deleted User:
i said we could have tabacco and now everyone wants drugs
When did you say that?
sage: I’m talking economically.
Deleted User:
Also I’m building a village whether you salty bastards join or not.
can we have drug in your village sir?
Deleted User:
When did you say that?
"no man nor woman can take tabacco with in 20 polls of any house or near engough may endanger the same or barn or hey-loft that may occasion the fyring their of lest they be fined 10 shillings for every such offense"
sage: it’s not a question of commitment
Deleted User: You said I could smoke certain natural herbs like mugwort.
Deleted User: ok MAYBE you can have tabacco
Deleted User:
it’s not a question of commitment
I can fund the village out of my pocket. It will just take at least 8 years.
Deleted User: Probably not tobacco.
Deleted User: Marijuana?
sage: If we’re doing the drug debate:
I’m of the opinion that:
Alcohol under 22% is legal.
Tobacco is legal when smoked outside
Other medication is only legal if prescribed by a doctor.
Deleted User: Sure
@Deleted User
Deleted User: shut the fuck up you stoner piece of shit
Deleted User: sounds good
@Deleted User
Deleted User: I’m either for all drugs or no drugs.
Deleted User: tenor.com/view/no-bugs-bunny-nope-gif-14359850
sage: tobacco is kinda so ingrained into our society that we can’t stop people from smoking it
Deleted User: discordapp.com/attachments/.../
Deleted User: Obviously life-saving prescription drugs
sage: but it’s ofc undesirable and something we should avoid
Deleted User: also who is the enforcer of these "Laws"
sage: we’d have a court-like system
Deleted User: You just won’t be allowed in
If you’re carrying contraband
you'll never find it heheheh
sage: i took law for a couple years, Ive been writing some ideas down for the past couple days
Deleted User: Logistics 😎
i'd enjoy that tbh
sage: I think the only thing we could really do is exile people
Deleted User: i will shoot you
and claim self defense
sage: It’s private land, entrance to private land is a privilege granted by the owner
Deleted User: i will simply shoot back
sage: Give the powers of the owner to the person who adjudicates these cases and the problem should be solved
but anything aside from exile is hard to legally back up
Deleted User: are you serious?
sage: no he’s messing around
Deleted User: yes
sage: shush Alex
Deleted User: shush monke
sage: don’t reveal your schizophrenia this early
it needs to be a surprise
Deleted User: well destro left
i think you should be more serious considering the context of this channel
sage: I agree
Deleted User: Alright
I'm out of the loop and want to get more involved.
What is the status of this project
sage: I’ll try to update you
We’re currently working on two things
First off - finding good land
It needs to be in a suitable location, be large enough, somewhat cheap, have access to water, etc
Secondly - getting a hold of money
Deleted User: Perhaps start a Pro-Luddite business?
Maybe invest?
sage: Absolutely essentially for buying land and materials for the village
sage: kinda hard to do
looking at flipping shit, honest jobs, marketing, selling e-books and courses rn
Deleted User: Where are we going to put in the money
Let's say I was a multi-millionaire hypothetically
Where would I donate for the Village
sage: Currently the mods are putting aside the month of July for getting a hold of money
Deleted User: That is tomorrow
sage: Then we gather a common fund, which we’ll use as seed money for the others projects
Deleted User: What platform will the Common Fund be on
sage: There’s a discussion we mods need to have about money administration and how we’re going to get a hold of people who wanna do work “for” us
sage: not sure, probably a regular bank account one or more of us have access to
anprim hype cave
Source: <discord.gg/dSRmuxdsT6>
Date: 30/09/2022
Dante.: where do yall join from 🤔
Deleted User: idk disboard
Deleted User: Destro
Mentions of the Telegram channels Jacob was a part of
Some people who wondered into these groups may have been entirely well intentioned people. But, given the evidence of what was discussed in the group is likely well documented already in court, and the sheer foolishness of participants palling around online with fascists and misanthropic wannabe school shooters, then I think there's utility in showing where the telegrams were promoted in bio-primitivist spaces.
Quoting the court transcript:
During your offending you became a member and controller of chat rooms on the internet, mostly encrypted to hide what you were talking about. Over many months you discussed in group chat and direct messaging, planning and preparing for terrorist acts. You were the administrator, solely responsible for who could be in the group and who could not. One of those groups was called “Total Earth Liberation Group” with 150 members. Discussion included assistance with information on how to make explosives to attack energy infrastructure sites and commercial entities, how to make a rudimentary shotgun and about poisons and napalm alternatives. You offered yourself as a very knowledgeable and experienced terrorist. Whilst you were not telling the truth about what action you had taken, you were building trust and providing information which they wanted from your digital library of information, which was likely to assist a person preparing acts of terrorism.
Neo-Luddite Hub
Source: <reddit.com/r/tedkaczysnki/comments/18bt7dj/neo_luddite_hub_discord_server/>
Date: 10/04/2023
Chess: [Video]
The NLA group seems interesting

Deleted User: they have a telegram
Deleted User: @Deleted User is admin in the NLA telegram group
hey how did u link my telegram and discord
they are nothing alike
Bioconservative Libertarian: What does nla stand for?
AlexanderTheWake: Neo luddite assembly I believe
Deleted User: Because of your pfp
Your name is Adam @Deleted User

sovyetika234: can you send a link
Deleted User: No Access
sovyetika234: username not found
Deleted User: [Video]
Deleted User: Neo Luddite Action

Deleted User: wdym
my pfp here is narator
on telegram its kali
Deleted User: Yeah but you used to have a pizza pfp
Deleted User: Wdym link doesn't work?

Deleted User: I fixed the invite link @sovyetika234 🎗:
Deleted User: those rules are useless btw
there are political and religious arguments every 2 hours
Mt anon: as they should be
and dude
being neo luddite is political extremism
Taylan: Neo luddism is not political
Deleted User: 🤣
It is
Taylan: not inherently
it's supposed to be not pollitical
Deleted User: It's all political buddy
No matter how hard you try
Some things just can't be separated from politics
Taylan: Yeah politics is unavoidable to some degree but we should try to minimalize it's effects on the movement
Deleted User: Y'know what
I'd rather have more intelligent people on my side then have more people in number
Taylan: it shouldn't discract us from our main purpose
Deleted User: Quality is better than quantity.
politics is fake
Taylan: agreed
Deleted User: As they say
One stinky gal is worth a thousand bitches
Deleted User: When Ted said that the revolution was not to be political he meant that we shouldn’t try to plan a new society or create a Luddite state
The revolution should be for regression alone
Luddism is still very much a political philosophy
Deleted Users: you have telegram
Kinda but not really
join tel
or nla
or whatever other groups we have
idk how
ask @Deleted User
wait i think i know you
something like that
What do you mean
That isn't me
join this
I will tommorow
Isn't deep ecology a larp
A feel like making that the title is a bad idea
no one can send except luddite
no one can send messages
ye I know
get him in tel
but he said he can join the chat
what chat

T.E.L (Total Earth Liberation) 🏴🗿 Chat
Environmentalist chat for Main TEL channel. Discussions on environmentalism and ALL DIY self sufficency projects. 🌲🏴 Off topic stuff will be considered spam & will be regulated.Do not incriminate anyone WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for what YOU DO or SAY.
yall hiding a chat from me?
that’s the new announcement thing
the old nla chat is up still of course with a new name
‘Lijah: No I want them here to be mocked
You see I’m a self hating jew
Not to stereotype myself or anything
Deleted User: :ludditeflag:
‘Lijah: All these telegram chats are super sus
This server is more intellectual and less needlessly edgy
proceeds to say the n word
Muhammad raped 12 women and forced to them to marry him
Such a sigma
Chess: These telegram chats need some reference to ISAIF otherwise I won't bother joining, it's a waste of time to join just another earth first! clone
Deleted User: Ef is so larp
I hate most of the green/ environ movement
the other ones are cool
Kacynskists should separate themselves
except for eco defence

bro publicly saying his plans for tips
Jacob's social media

Groups: Earth Militia, Total Earth Liberation, and Neo-Luddite Action, plus others.

Username: Destro#2247
Servers: United Neo-Luddist Front (UNLF) and 'Kaczynskism' which got banned and then re-branded as Neo-Luddite Hub, plus others.