Title: All of The Ted K Archive’s Controversially Published & Deleted Texts
Author: Various Authors
Notes: This is a live wiki page that anyone can edit. So, both librarians and readers can add arguments and counter-arguments for archiving texts or for deleting and moving texts elsewhere, or any other edit suggestions.

A library enthusiasts introduction

This text was created because we desire to be transparent about all controversial archiving decisions. Plus, we hope it will be interesting for anyone curious about various library crew’s archiving ethoses.

This archive aims to serve a similar role to the existence of other archives dedicated to tragic events like 9/11. Ideally, a 9/11 memorial archive would include documents on (1) the terrible harm to families and firefighters as the long-term victims of that attack, as well as (2) documents explaining the grievance narratives of the perpetrators, such as documents on imperialist wars, intelligence agency tricks, extractive corporations, etc. Plus, (3) documents on actions that could be pursued going forward, to try to reduce the likelihood of similar tragic events happening again.

The people who created this archive are pro-tech left-anarchists, and so see the solution to preventing the re-emergence of alienated people like Ted as; agitating for rewilding at least 50% of the world, boycotting animal agriculture and living a minimum viable use tech lifestyle to partly provide this incentive, plus forming housing and worker co-ops for kids general well being growing up, etc.

The internet, bookshops, and libraries are all swamped with more information than anyone could read in a lifetime, but when searching for reading on a particular subject, having the choice of a 100 texts on that subject isn’t necessarily valuable if the task of choosing between them is made more difficult by a library crew’s choice to archive 50 texts that showcase embarrassingly authoritarian ideas, or where the one text that would interest you most has been deleted from the catalog due to the library crew having a personal issue with the author.

Therefore, when browsing texts from these institutions it would be valuable to get a sense of what type of texts are likely included at a higher or lower rate. So, what type of texts it is better to go elsewhere to look for. A simple brochure or web page people could read would suffice, to see a list of some of the texts that were controversially included or excluded, and ideally the reasons why.

Finally, I think there is value in discussing the embarrassment some people feel about controversially platforming some texts under various website banners. For example, almost every anarchist would agree that platforming the complete works of Mao under the banner of ‘The Anarchist Library’ just because he was an ex-anarchist would be an unjustifiably embarrassing platforming of ideas. So, if The Anarchist Library ever began hosting a bunch of Maoist texts and one of the reasons they gave for doing so was that the texts can’t easily be found elsewhere, then having a new archive be created to fulfill people’s desire to research this topic would be opening up a good alternative solution. That way it could allow for the texts to be viewed in a place not under the banner of ‘anarchism’, so not muddying the two concepts together.

All this is to say, I think it would be good for various library crews to publicly post arguments and counter-arguments for why they think archiving various controversial authors and texts would or would not amount to this kind of embarrassing platforming.

Further reading:

Live Texts

1. Introductory Texts

About this project

A readers argument for deleting: ‘Deprogramming’ people sounds manipulative.

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A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: The word deprogramming was used simply to refer to the emotional growth Ted K’s fascist fans could choose to go through for example by reading texts that critique their past literal glorification of the Khmer Rouge’s genocide:

We, the librarians who bought the website domain, are pro-tech anarchists, but we just find his life story and impact really interesting.

So, we’re hoping the website will continue to draw people in with similar politics to him and similar mental health issues frankly. Then for the cold hard reality of the primary source reading material, the epic-ness of the suggested reading material and the inviting discussion spaces connected to the website, to all have a deprogramming effect and be a mental health support.

For example, a popular text on the website for a while was simply a book on how to Unfuck Your Friendships and the discord has already played host to a discussion between people encouraging each other to think rationally about their depression diagnosis.

Also, there are fans of Ted K who literally glorify the Khmer Rouge’s genocide and burning down of cities, so having books about that genocide on the archive to hopefully, yes deprogramme, simple dogmatic reasoning, holding people back from compassionately relating to how fucked up a policy that was is we think a good thing.

The reason we’re saying all this is simply to promote transparency. We think due to the undesirability of anti-tech philosophy, opening all its rarer arguments up to scrutiny is likely going to have a positive outcome in drawing in more critical analysis and leading more people to reject the ideas.

Saying all that, this isn’t the main goal of the archive by any means, we’re mainly just happy to have been able to achieve archiving goals, such as creating parallel pages for every PDF on the Calif. Uni. website archive of UNABOM documents, making them easier to search through.

Read the text here: About This Project

2. Original Texts

A text dump on eco-extremism

A readers argument for deleting: The text includes the end-stage ITS messages which are so vile and misanthropic that even the anarchist library would never upload them.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: The text includes a massively long introductory critique and the latter ‘communiques’ is evidence of the group’s delirious downfall where they withered into irrelevancy. Again, the likely net good is being able to understand the history of a group that started out slavishly walking in Ted’s ideological footsteps and how they became way more misanthropic and hopeless than him, plus their supporters and promoters.

Read the text here: A text dump on eco-extremism

A text dump on Bronze Age Pervert

A readers argument for deleting: Fascist shit has nothing to do with Ted K.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: We think Ted K is a reactionary, who cycled through a bunch of reactionary dispositions, starting with fascism and ending on a kind of anti-tech vanguardism. He advocated an organizational strategy similar to Maoism and suggested seeing if alliances could be made with jihadists like Bin Laden.

So, we value text dumps on similar people to understand the connections, like why the bronze age pervert dude called up Anarchy Radio recently. Eco-extremists don’t like those connections being made because many of them like Ted and would like to see way more eco-extremist texts on websites like The Ted K Archive and The Anarchist Library.

Read the text here: A text dump on Bronze Age Pervert

A text dump on Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

A readers argument for deleting: If the archivists agree with the politics of this text they’ve lost their mind.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: Typically when texts are published with the title ‘a text dump on x’ it’s because it’s a research text dump of information that the archivists think is dogshit political theory e.g. ‘a text dump of right-wing videos on Ted K’.

It’s just archived because it’s not easy to find anywhere else on the internet and has some relevance to helping people understand some of Ted K’s fans. A fair few ‘insurrectionary nihilist anarchists’ like Ted K, the person this research text dump is about promotes insurrectionary nihilism.

Read the text here: A text dump on Magical Comrade Molotov Catgirl

3. Primary Source Documents on Ted K

Ted Kaczynski’s journal that included his plan to disfigure the face of a romantic interest

A readers argument for deleting: Ted wrote an impeccable deconstruction of leftism which is a big blow to the archivists ideological core, so, going against Ted’s wishes by publicly publishing his most personal works is just a pathetic attempt at character assassination.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: Nowhere in Ted’s writings does he ever even attempt to defend the claim that his critiques of ‘leftists’ applies to the average leftist, he explicitly makes a point of stating that the exercise of trying to verify his claims would be uninteresting to him, quote: “If you don’t like this application of the world ‘leftist,’ then you are free to designate the people I’m referring to by some other term”.

Many misconceptions about Ted’s life abound, such as that the first time Ted set out to kill people was after machines began encroaching on his wilderness life, which is just bullshit, so I think it’s simply valuable for primary source documents showing the true events of his life be free and easily accessible.

Read the text here: Ted Kaczynski’s journal that included his plan to disfigure the face of a romantic interest

4. The Collected Works of Ted K

All the texts that Ted K desired be copyright

A readers argument for deleting: Ted likely didn't have an issue with the free sharing of information on principle, the same way he didn't have an issue with terrorizing people on principle, however he did want to try and opportunistically use the law to try and make accessing most of his writings come at a cost that would help fund anti-tech organizations.

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A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: We have no interest in helping fund anti-tech organizations.

Read the text here: The Collected Works of Ted Kaczynski

5. Analyses of Ted’s Ideas & Actions

The Ultimate Ted Kaczynski Research Document

Author: Theo Slade

Topics: biography

A readers argument for deleting: All texts should be free, not hidden behind a Patreon account, otherwise you don’t really care about achieving an anarchist world.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: One pay-walled text on the website does not a not an anarchist make. The author says the book took over a year to produce and simply isn’t comfortable with the text receiving a wider audience until it’s fully finished. But, they’d like to find collaborators and are offering help:

At some point I would like to condense this book down into one normal-length book, cutting chapters and putting quoted sources into my own words. If you’d like to help as a co-author or would like my help with your own ideas for what to do with the material, just let me know.

I’ve also quoted a ton of people in this book, so the offer is open to anyone I’ve quoted to let me know if you might like your quote updated with a new statement.

My email is ishkah@protonmail.com.

Read the texts here:

6. Suggested Reading

Any & all suggested reading critiquing Ted

Arguments for deleting: Ted is an anarchist POW [prisoner of war], so he deserves not to be shit all over.

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A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: Even if I were to grant Ted is an anarchist POW, it wouldn’t make the ‘war’ he fought any more justifiable, it would just mean some anarchist POWs deserve to be shit all over. Ted is an asshole who planted a bomb on a public airliner, took a knife to meet a romantic interest who turned him down, with the plan to disfigure her face for it, and slowly tortured animals to death for eating food in his cabin.

Finally, it’s doubtful whether Ted was ever an anarchist and he later rejected any identification as an anarchist:[1]

In 1995 I described FC as “anarchist” because I thought it would be advantageous to have some recognized political identity. At that time I knew very little about anarchism. Since then I’ve learned that anarchists, at least those of the U.S. and the U.K., are nothing but a lot of hopelessly ineffectual bunglers and dreamers, useless for any purpose. Needless to say, I now disavow any identification as an anarchist.

Read the texts here:

Disrupting The Purist Anarchist Pipeline

Author: Theo Slade

Topics: critique

A readers argument for deleting: The text argues that insurrectionary thought is just a step along the road to eco-extremism, which isn’t true.

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A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: The text over and over again emphasizes specifically the ‘purist’ pipeline so that there will exist people who go from centrist to liberal and liberal to social democrat for dogmatic purist reasons too:

One obvious critique of the way I’ve compiled these quotes is that I open up anarchism and its many specialized philosophies, to a charge of being solely irrational steps along the road that people adopt for reasons of personal purity. Also, that the same could be said of people adopting center-left liberalism as opposed to status quo centrism.

I believe, however, that the desire to take on political identities for personal purity or the need to view the world in rigidly fundamentalist ways is a specific willfully self-limiting phenomenon. I’m not saying the only way a person could arrive at all the philosophies that I’m going to discuss is through a desire for personal purity. So, although I think this is an important critique that can be leveled at some niche ideologies participants, it certainly isn’t a perfect defeater to all the ideologies....

I’d also like to offer an analogy that someone could go from desiring a ‘libertarian socialist revolution’ to a ‘vulgar anarchist insurrection’[2] because people can buy into anarchist ideology for all the wrong reasons. The same way a person with an eating disorder could just be using veganism as a way to restrict their diet on the way to raw veganism, etc.

Read the text here: Disrupting The Purist Anarchist Pipeline

Censored doxes of the eco-extremist writer/translator/publisher Abe Cabrera and his vivisectionist wife

Author: L

Topics: critique

A readers argument for deleting: No good is being achieved. And even if the husband did commit an unethical act, the wife can’t be guilty of the crimes her husband committed.

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: Identifying names and locations are blacked out or replaced with the word ‘[censored]’. The likely net good is being able to understand the history of a group who started out slavishly walking in Ted’s ideological footsteps and how they became way, way more misanthropic and hopeless than him, plus their supporters and promoters.

Also of interest is how everyone who was part of the Atassa project reacted to the doxxing and the character description of Abe in Children of Ted:

Read the texts here:

7. Broader Topics

Texts by Daniel McGowen

A readers argument for deleting: Daniel is an ex anarchist POW, so he might deserve special treatment in being asked whether he wants his texts published.

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A librarians argument against deleting: There are countless witness testimonies of the time and place Daniel was radicalized also being a hotbed of interest in the Unabomber manifesto. So when using the website to learn about these events, it’s useful to have writing by the ELF members themselves to look through in the same topic. He acknowledges himself he made some dumb decisions like burning down a tree farm due to thinking they were genetically modified trees when they weren’t, and so hopes others can learn not to make the kind of mistakes he made, this website can attempt to in part serve that purpose.

Read the texts here:

8. The Criminal Justice System

Why The World’s Cushiest Prison Is Also Among Its Most Effective

A readers argument for deleting: The archivists are celebrating what they call ‘good prisons’ like in Norway.

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A librarians argument for deleting: ...

A librarians argument against deleting: We celebrate good-ish character virtues on the part of liberal reformist legislators who push for rehabitalation focused prison policies in authoritarian countries as one short-term tactic among many:

‘The good, the bad and the gray’ are rough approximations of the character virtue intentions of the individuals & groups listed, and/or the net positive outcomes we think they may have achieved in giving people the courage to break free from their social conditioning. That isn’t to say we think every action taken by every group or individual listed in the good or gray categories were ethical.

Read the texts here:

Censored Texts

Doxes of the eco-extremist writer/translator/publisher Abe Cabrera and his vivisectionist wife

Author: L

Topics: critique

A readers argument for censoring: ...

A readers argument against censoring: ...

A librarians argument for censoring: The reason the person was doxed and their critique of the person is still fully intelligible despite censoring the information. Also, there is some minute chance that we’d be causing greater net suffering through harming innocent or reformed people years later.

A librarians argument against censoring: The evidence this was Abe in the first place, then the shutting down of Atassa and the way everyone reacted on release of the dox confirms it, so he and his vivisectionist wife should have a spotlight put on their lives even just as a journalistic human interest story.

Read the texts here:

Deleted Texts

Various fascist texts as primary source reading to understand the threat

A readers argument for deleting:

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: An email was sent to our previous server owner arguing that the whole site should be taken down. The server owner dismissed many of their arguments, but they agreed on one point, which was that they disagreed with archiving a few fascist texts as primary source reading to understand the threat, so the texts were swiftly taken down by us.

The texts had included short disclaimers and were listed in the table of contents under a large section on anti-fascism. The thinking was that they would help with understanding why:

  • Some anarchists had become Ted K fans and then fascists.

  • Ted has acquired a fairly large fascist following.

In tandem with the above, one aim was also to attempt to archive lots of Ted’s reading interests and influences. Ted had a 1008 page book of Hitler’s speeches in his cabin. We couldn’t find the exact one he had, but we found and archived an even longer volume set, with more critical analysis included:[3]

Series I, #3, pp. 253–254. The name “Nicomus Bagley” is fictitious. The quotation actually is from a book of Adolf Hitler’s speeches titled “My New Order.” I was a little embarrassed to put a quotation of Hitler in my notebook.

A librarians argument against deleting:

Read the texts here:

Garden Issues #1–4

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: The domain provider complained about a ‘kaczynskist’ zine that was archived on the website called ‘Garden’ that we had up in a partially redacted form:

The hosting of an abusive content (Illegal) on your dedicated server

We genuinely thought there wouldn’t be a problem if one part was redacted, the author said that police visited them over why they had gathered the redacted info, but that it wasn’t illegal and they weren’t arrested, so we just thought it was a situation of police overreach like potentially also with The FBI Investigation of Forest Anon.

The zine was up on amazon at one point, is still up on web.archive.org and other issues still up on the anarchist library and archive.org.

In hindsight maybe it was reckless and we should have just had the other issues up which weren’t as risky.

A librarians argument against deleting: ...

Read two of the texts here:

Rejected Texts

Masculinity & Technology

Author: Dennis Yuleman

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: We’ve archived two texts by the author and are open to archiving others, but with regards to short anti-tech essays like this we’d prefer to collect them into a collection of essays on one page, that includes essays from both the pro and anti-tech side. So, in this case, on the subject of whether technology necessarily dulls masculine and/or feminine desires.

Some anti-tech essays appear to revel in men’s aggression and natural physical dominance over their prey, which is an attitude we think is worthy of critique. Though as anarchists we do want people to have access to the opportunity to risk their lives with dangerous adventurism without a nanny state saying no. There are obviously lots of places the discussion can go and interesting reading material to discuss.

A librarians argument against deleting: Similar stand alone anti-tech essay exist on the website.

Read the text here: Masculinity & Technology

Fundamental Issues with Socio-Schizophrenia and the Smartphone

Author: Chance Bond

A readers argument for deleting: ...

A readers argument against deleting: ...

A librarians argument for deleting: We’ve archived one text by the author and are open to archiving others, but with regards to short anti-tech essays like this we’d prefer to collect them into a collection of essays on one page, that includes essays from both the pro and anti-tech side. So, in this case, on the subject of whether the answer to technology addiction is destroying all digital tech or not.

A librarians argument against deleting: Similar stand alone anti-tech essay exist on the website.

Read the text here: Fundamental Issues with Socio-Schizophrenia and the Smartphone

[1] Ted Kaczynski’s Updated Notes on His Manifesto

[2] The primary meaning of vulgar is a kind of less complicated copy of an original idea/object where some of the original important nuance is lost. So with anarchists who treat insurrectionairy anarchism as the strategy which is of primary importance, I think some nuance is lost. Like what Cells of Fire said about people fetishizing illegalism and voluntarily going underground. Maybe they respected people who talked about having to go on the run to live by their principles after the cops got wind of who they were, but then the people who thought they were copying them mistakenly imagined they were following in their footsteps by going underground even when they didn’t need to.

“You see, Ricks — they get lazy. There’s always a shitty decoy towards the end. But those decoys made decoys too, and got lazy themselves. And far enough down the line… There be monsters.”

[3] Ted’s Notes on his Journals (Feb. 1996)