Theo Slade
Anarchist/Socialist Periodicals
Anarchist/Socialist Periodicals
For a shorter top 25 list sorted by publication schedule click here.
For all the latest free issues click here.
And finally for the same list in table form click here.
In Short
· Free to view online
· Scheduled
· Dope
· e-flux
· Roar
· Anathema (Philly)
· Slinghot (Cali)
· Salvo (Cali)
· Irregular
· Endnotes
· Lies: A Journal of Materialist Feminism
· Rupture
· Squatters Action of London Action Paper (SLAP)
· Fire Ant
· Rebel Worker (Sydney)
· Rebellion and Possibility (Philly)
· Strike! (London)
· Freedom (London)
· Nightfall (Minnesota)
· No More Illusions (Michigan)
· Fantasma
· Hostis
· Only in full if you buy
· Free preview
· Baffler
· N+1
· Dissent
· Scheduled
· Lumpen
· Tribune
· Jacobin
· Commune
· Irregular
· Sapphic
· Sonorus
· Hoax
· Perspectives On Anarchist Theory
· Retired
· The Rag
· Bright
· Hip Mama
· Rad Dad
· Trespass
· Lip
Free Online – Scheduled
Dope – Quaterly – £3
The latest issue features contributions from anarchist writers including Cindy Milstein and Lisa McKenzie, a piece by writer and dub poet Benjamin Zephaniah, as well as work by British Iraqi rapper and activist Lowkey and Sleaford Mods’ Jason Williamson.
In 2019, they aim to distribute DOPE to street vendors in Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol and Manchester, and Patreon allows DOPE to provide copies to those who need it for free.
Organize! – Bi-annualy -£4.50 (Incl. P&P)
A focus on developing anarchist communist theory, practice, and analysis of the world at large. It also contains reviews of new books from anarchist writers and has a regular arts segment.
Radical Philosophy – Quarterly – £8
Radical Philosophy is a UK-based journal of socialist and feminist philosophy, the fir?st issue of which appeared in January 1972. It was founded in response to the widely felt discontent with the sterility of academic philosophy at the time (in Britain, completely dominated by the narrowest sort of “ordinary language” philosophy), with the purpose of providing a forum for the theoretical work which was emerging in the wake of the radical movements of the 1960s, in philosophy and other fields.
KSL Bulletin – Quarterly -£1.70
The Kate Sharpley Library exists to preserve and promote anarchist history. We preserve the output of the anarchist movement, mainly in the form of books, pamphlets, newspaper, leaflets and manuscripts but also badges, recordings, photographs etc. We also have the work of historians and other writers on the anarchist movement.
Roar – Quarterly -x (First 8 issues
for €12 each)
Independent coverage and critical analysis of world politics and current affairs — from a radical social movement perspective. The world-system is in crisis. Global capitalism and liberal democracy are crumbling all around us. Now more than ever, we need subversive commentary, engaged research and critical analysis to make sense of our tumultuous times and help stave off the coming global catastrophe.As an activist-run journal of the radical imagination, we consider it our mission to contribute to that collective effort.
Cultural Survival – Quarterly – $6.20
Our work on the front lines of advocacy with international Indigenous communities is predicated on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and our programming works to inform Indigenous people of their rights, issues and threats affecting their communities. Cultural Survival believes that vibrant and durable communities rest on the principles of self-determination, human rights, informed citizenry and access to information, the freedom of expression, and the right to organize and shape the future in a way consistent with one’s tradition, language, culture and community – and we believe Indigenous Peoples have the power and solutions to solve many of today’s problems when respected and empowered to do so.
e-flux – Monthly – Free to pick up at a no. of galleries
e-flux is a publishing platform and archive, artist project, curatorial platform, and enterprise which was founded in 1998. Its monthly publication e-flux journal has produced essays commissioned since 2008 about cultural, political, and structural paradigms that inform contemporary artistic production.
Anathema (Philly) – Monthly
A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical.
Montreal Counter-Info – Quaterly
Aspires to provide a space for anarchists in Montreal to diffuse their ideas and actions across overlapping networks and tendencies, outside the realm of leftist or corporate media projects.
Slinghot (Cali) – Quarterly – $1
Independent, radical newspaper published in the East Bay since 1988 by the Slingshot Collective. Accepts submissions of articles, artwork, calendar items, spots to add to the radical contact list, suggestions for distribution, and thoughts about what they should be doing next.
Salvo (Cali) – Quaterly – $1
Salvo is a multimedia project that focuses on working class perspectives and issues in the greater Los Angeles area of California.
Free Online – Irregular Schedule
Lies: A Journal of Materialist Feminism
LIES is a journal spearheaded by a queer feminist collective based in multiple cities: Oakland, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, London.
LIES is a platform for certain conversations and critiques that are difficult, impossible or dangerous if cis men are in the room.
We attack the legacy of racism and transphobia that has plagued feminist organizing, and strive to develop new autonomous feminist practices that take antagonism to white supremacy and transphobia as essential parts of feminist struggle.
LIES came out of our experiences within these struggles. It seeks to embody and develop in print the practice of autonomy that we needed to save ourselves in the midst of movements squared on patriarchy and fueled by the subordination of everyone but white cis men.
LIES is a communist journal against communists. We draw our purpose and support from feminist, queer, and trans circles, our friends and comrades to whom this journal is devoted.
Centred around DIY culture – free parties, squats, social centres, art and activism. Updates on squats, various campaigns, calls for solidarity and announcements of various cultural events. For readers outside of Europe it gives a nice glimpse into a very different political and cultural scene.
Squatters Action of London Action Paper (SLAP)
The paper combines news, pictures, analysis and humor and aims to strengthen connections between squatters in London in order to encourage direct actions and other forms of anarchist organizing.
Rebel Worker (Sydney)
Rebellion and Possibility (Philly)
Strike! (London)
Freedom (London)
Nightfall (Minnesota)
Regional action reports and upcoming events, plus articles on grassroots organizing.
No More Illusions (Michigan)
Articles on campaign approaches, reports on a variety of actions and brief updates about actions across the US.
The latest issue features a “Direct Action Chronology” listing anarchist activity since July alongside a number of different communiques. There are also longer articles critical of eco-extremism, the development of cities, and CCTV cameras and public surveillance. There’s also a nice short “More Than Words” section that explains in just a few sentences their perspective: anarchist, informal, and anti-civilization. — Sprout Distro
Only in full if you buy – Free Preview
The New Left Review – Bi-Monthly – £5.80-7.50
A 160-page journal published every two months from London, New Left Review analyses world politics, the global economy, state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history and philosophy; cinema, literature, heterodox art and aesthetics. It runs a regular book review section and carries interviews, essays, topical comments and signed editorials on political issues of the day. ‘Brief History of New Left Review’ gives an account of NLR’s political and intellectual trajectory since its launch in 1960.
Anarchist Studies is an inter- and multi-disciplinary journal of anarchism research, which has been publishing novel, refreshing and provocative arguments for over twenty years. The journal publishes original research on the history, culture, theory and practice of anarchism, as well as reviews of recent work published in the field.
Fifth Estate – Quarterly
The Fifth Estate, founded in 1965, is an anarchist, anti-capitalist, and anti-authoritarian, anti-profit project published cooperatively by a volunteer collective of friends and comrades. We are committed to non-dogmatic, action-oriented writing and activity to bring about a new world.”
Baffler – Bi-Monthly
America’s leading voice of interesting and unexpected left-wing political criticism, cultural analysis, short stories, poems and art. Our regular subjects include Silicon Valley snake-oil, the deadening weight of consumer capitalism, our faithless media, and the redemptive promise of people claiming control of their own lives.
N+1 – Quarterly
n+1 was founded in New York City in 2004 by six young writers and editors who wanted to revive the American tradition of politically engaged literary magazines. At the time, the intellectual scene felt disturbingly fragmented and drained of vitality: political magazines didn’t care about literature, literary magazines didn’t discuss politics, and big ideas had to be buried in tiny book reviews. The founding editors wanted to make a magazine that could encompass all the subjects they cared about—one that didn’t shy away from difficult and ambitious writing, and that saw literature, politics, and culture as aspects of the same project.
Upping The Anti – Bi-annualy
We publish theoretical and critical articles, interviews, and roundtables. Upping the Anti also includes a book review section where activists assess new writing on the Left. “Upping the Anti” refers to our interest in assessing the interwoven tendencies that define the politics of today’s radical left: anti-capitalism, anti-oppression, and anti-imperialism.
Dissent – Quarterly
Dissent is a quarterly magazine of politics and ideas. Founded by Irving Howe and Lewis Coser in 1954, it quickly established itself as one of America’s leading intellectual journals and a mainstay of the democratic left. We publish the very best in political argument, and take pride in cultivating the next generation of labor journalists, cultural critics, and political polemicists.
Art Forum – $4.50
Only in full if you buy – Scheduled
The Crack – Monthly – £1.80 (Incl. P&P)
Crack Magazine is a monthly independent music and culture magazine distributed across Europe.
Red Pepper – Quarterly – £2-10
Red Pepper is a quarterly magazine and website of left politics and culture. We’re a socialist publication drawing on feminist, green and libertarian politics. We seek to be a space for debate on the left, a resource for movements for social justice, and a home for open-minded anti-capitalists.
The New Inquiry – £2 Digital
Each issue features roughly 60 pages of original art and writing. Although the magazine can often be experimental, subscribers can expect to find each issue containing interviews, short features, long-form essays, book reviews and a monthly advice column, “Dear Marooned Alien Princess,” by Zahira Kelly.
Lumpen – Quaterly – £5.75
A Journal of Poor and Working Class writing is exactly what it sounds like. First hand accounts of lives on the rock face of austerity, critical assessments of the state of the left, the UK, and the international. Touching on the intersections of race, gender, mental and physical health. Discussions of violence, sex, identity, family, exclusion, education and loss. And that’s just issue one.
Tribune – Quaterly – £5 Digital / £7.50 Print
Tribune was established in 1937 as a socialist magazine that would give voice to the popular front campaigns against the rising tide of fascism in Europe. For eighty years it has been at the heart of left-wing politics in Britain, counting giants of the labour movement like Aneurin Bevan and Michael Foot among its former editors.
Jacobin – Quaterly – £7.50
A leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly and reaches over 30,000 subscribers, in addition to a web audience of 1,000,000 a month.
Historical Materialism – Quaterly – £17
Founded in 1997, it asserts that, notwithstanding the variety of its practical and theoretical articulations, Marxism constitutes the most fertile conceptual framework for analysing social phenomena, with an eye to their overhaul. In our selection of materials, we do not favour any one tendency, tradition or variant. Marx demanded the ‘merciless criticism of everything that exists’: for us that includes Marxism itself
I am Hip-Hop – Yearly – Unknown sale price
The aim of the magazine was to use the Hip-Hop culture to influence and reinforce positivity within society especially amongst the youth and disadvantaged.Available as a yearly print edition and online website, the magazine embraces all elements of Hip-Hop culture especially the 5th element ‘Knowledge’. With articles on social issues, interviews and reviews of Hip-Hop artists, poetry, education, well-being and conscious arts, the magazine has become a Hip-Hop collectable.
Labor Notes – Monthly – $2.50
We report news about workers that the mainstream media doesn’t find worth printing—from workers’ point of view. We explore the trends that are keeping workers on the defensive and analyze labor’s responses: what’s working and what’s not? And as an independent publication, we’re free to include the voices who say we could be doing better—and tell how.
In Labor Notes, you’ll find reports on inventive organizing tactics and contract campaigns. You’ll read coverage of the people who are working to kick some life into their unions and put their fellow workers in the driver’s seat. You’ll read sometimes shocking stories of workers’ struggles abroad, and inspiring stories of solidarity.
Peace Magazine – Bi-monthly – $4.12
Anarcho-Syndicalist Review – $5
Our outlook is internationalist. We stand in solidarity with working people everywhere, and in particular with those who, rejecting both state capitalism and state socialism as proven threats to the health of people and planet alike, seek peace and justice for themselves and their fellow workers through international labor solidarity.
Earth First – Quaterly – $5.50
The Earth First! Journal is the voice of the radical environmental movement. It contains reports on direct action; articles on the preservation of wilderness and biological diversity; news and announcements about EF! and other radical environmental groups; investigative articles; critiques of the entire environmental movement; book and music reviews; essays exploring ecological theory and a sometimes-lively letters to the editor section. The Earth First! Journal is an essential forum for discussion within the Earth First! movement. It is meant to be bold, controversial, amusing and diverse in content and style. You won’t find hard-hitting news like this anywhere else.
Broken Pencil – Quarterly – $6
Social Justice Journal – Quarterly – $12
Commune – $20
Commune is a popular magazine for a new era of revolution. The old political orientations are dead: the center cannot hold. While others offer social democratic fantasy from a past that cannot return, we bring you instead the future, a magazine of politics and culture that knows what so many already intuitively recognize: capitalism can’t be made more tolerable, couldn’t be saved even if we wanted to, and won’t be voted away. We take our inspiration from the movements of our time, publishing writing that reflects and clarifies the creative intelligence at work within them. The answers are in the streets.
Monthly Review – Monthly – $23
“At a time when many people have fallen into despair, when our opponents seem invulnerable, it’s critical to have a magazine that challenges us to think, inspires us to action, and makes us realize that the impossible is only difficult, not insurmountable. That magazine is Monthly Review.” — Danny Glover
Irregular Print Schedule
Here. In my Head – £1
Forever Incomplete – £1
Sapphic – £1
Power Makes us Sick – £1.80
Power Makes us Sick (PMS) is a creative research project focusing on autonomous health care practices and networks from a feminist perspective. PMS seeks to understand the ways that our mental, physical, and social health is impacted by imbalances in and abuses of power. We understand that mobility, forced or otherwise, is an increasingly common aspect of life in the anthropocene. In this quest for placeless solidarity, we start with health. PMS is motivated to develop free tools of solidarity, resistance, and sabotage that are informed by a deep concern for planetary well-being.
Sonorus – £2
Working Class Queers – £3 (postage incl.)
Drawn Poorly – £3
Chronic Pain Zine – £3.20
Hoax – $3.50
Antipolitika – £4
Antipolitika is an anarchist bilingual journal (with issues in English and Serbo-Croat) initiated by comrades from Belgrade and Zagreb, but with an idea to involve more people from the Balkans and other places.
We came to the conclusion that in the northern Balkans the anarchist/anti-authoritarian perspectives are not very developed and differentiated from the leftist ones. This is an attempt to develop an anarchist/anti-authoritarian perspective, as a reflection of our practice, and in that way to help develop the movement in Balkans. Antipolitika will have topical issues with contributions from individuals and groups from the Balkans and beyond. The theme of the first issue is Anti-militarism.
Could Antipolitika be the Balkan or even European Rolling Thunder? Its well produced, thoughtful includes riot porn in colour! In an age of hard copy magazine demise this is a bold venture deserving to be supported.
Hard Crackers – $6
A new periodical looking at the lives of “ordinary people,” among whom there exists the capacity to overturn the present mess and build a new society. A place where black people can express their bitterness at the prolonged mistreatment they have suffered at the hands of whites, and where the resentment on the part of many whites at being blamed for a history they do not think is their fault can also be heard. “The alliance between a real estate tycoon and the people who live in shacks and trailer parks cannot endure.” This publication grew out of discussions among people who had been involved with the journal Race Traitor and virtually every article deals directly or indirectly with race.
Blind Field – $10
In ‘culture,’ we take seriously questions of cultural production – including mediation, negation, representation, and imagination — in terms of reflections, deflections, and critiques of an ever-globalizing capitalism. Our journal seeks to understand critical tendencies and latent antagonisms of the contemporary period and its cultural imaginaries — drives and impulses that demand the cultivation of different modes of perception, interpretation, and resistance. We insist that we live in history; the present is a blind field.
Perspectives On Anarchist Theory – $12
Modern Slavery – $12
Retired Archives
Fresh storytelling about health, education, and social impact. We tell stories about the world’s biggest problems for the people who want to change them.
World War 3 Illustrated – $10
Collecting together reflections on personal experience, essays, papers, conference proceedings, interviews, discussions, letters and other interventions from individual squatters and collectives who are using squatting to promote social change. We aim to publish submissions of peer-reviewed articles and working papers on research topics connected to squatting struggles worldwide. Reviewers are selected for their knowledge of the subject matter, with a diversity of background preferred.
Writings on why people should support squatting, reports on squatting activity mostly in Europe and the history of squat scenes.
The Olympia Communard (Washington)
This newsletter intends to be a record of the blockade–of the writings, events, and actions taking place near and far. As Olympia Stand tends increasingly towards the Olympia Commune–a liberated space of mutual aid and free association–we want to illustrate that transformation. This newsletter is not representative of the blockade as a whole. It is simply the perspective of some future possible world, glancing back at the collapse of this world and searching for those elements of redemption hidden therein.