Title: The Unabomber Claims Letters Written In His Name Are A Hoax
Subtitle: The notorious domestic terrorist says "some creep in Santa Barbara" is impersonating him in letters to journalists.
Topic: News Stories
Date: June 20, 2016

Ted Kaczynski, the notorious American domestic terrorist known as the Unabomber, wrote in a letter received by BuzzFeed News on Monday that "some creep" is impersonating him in letters to journalists.

In May, New Yorker staff writer Lawrence Wright posted on Twitter a letter he received from someone claiming to be Kaczynski, offering the opportunity for an exclusive interview. In his letter to BuzzFeed News, Kaczynski accused "some creep in Santa Barbara" of impersonating him and called journalists who fell for it either "stupid" or "lazy."

Responding to a request for comment by email, Wright wrote, "The letter was postmarked California so it probably was a scam. Although what would be the point? Anyway good for you for following up. Now you're the one talking to the Unabomber, not me!"

Kaczynski's letter to BuzzFeed News was in response to an interview request, which he declined.

Editor's note: This author has no relation to Ted Kaczynski.

Read the letter below:
