Title: Fate of stored cabin up to Unabomber family
Topic: News Stories
Date: 6 May 1998
Source: The Billings Gazette, 6 May 1998, Page 4. <newspapers.com/newspage/409841621/>

SACRAMENTO. Calif. (AP) The tiny cabin where Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski plotted an 18-year bombing spree sits in a warehouse, its fate uncertain. The 10-by-12-foot shack, Kaczynski's home in the Montana wilderness, was taken by truck months ago to Sacramento, where defense lawyers had planned to use it as evidence of Kaczynski's mental illness.

But the trial ended in a plea bargain in January, and Kaczynski was sentenced Monday to four consecutive life sentences plus 30 years. The shack, now stored in a hangar at a former Air Force Base, is owned by the Kaczynski family, prosecutors and defense attorneys agreed Monday. The weather-beaten cabin is currently under the control of U.S. District Judge Garland Burrell, who oversaw Kaczynski's trial. Among the possibilities: The cabin could be reduced to kindling by the family, it could be auctioned and the money given to victims' families; it could be burned.

Kaczynski has one other asset, and the publisher holding it for him isn't sure what to do next. Kristan Lawson of Jolly Roger Press in Berkeley printed and sold more than 12,000 copies of the Unabomber Manifesto before Kaczynski's identity was known. Lawson put the royalties more than $1,200 into an account to eventually be claimed by the Unabomber. The money is still there. "I've been waiting for some sort of word," Lawson said Monday. Lawson said he would gladly turn the money over to the government if ordered to do so.

He is also willing to consider for publication "Manifesto II," which Kaczynski is reportedly writing.