Title: Supermax has new resident
Topic: News Stories
Date: 6 May 1998
Source: The Billings Gazette, 6 May 1998, Page 4. <newspapers.com/newspage/409841621/>

FLORENCE, Colo. (AP) Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski joined some of America's most dangerous criminals Tuesday at Supermax, the so-called Alcatraz of the Rockies.

Twelve-foot fences topped with razor wire and a cell with a concrete bed and a chair greeted Kaczynski, who began serving four life sentences plus 30 years for a bombing Spree that left three dead and 29 injured. The 55-year-old former mathematician was sentenced in Sacramento, on Monday under a plea bargain that spared him a possible death sentence. Kaczynski joins Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh; Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing; and Charles Harrelson, the hitman father of "Cheers" star Woody Harrelson. The $60 million high-security federal prison opened in 1995 in this town 3,500 people about 100 miles southwest of Denver. Kaczynski, like all newcomers and prisoners deemed dangerous.

... was placed in solitary confinement, where he will remain until officials decide otherwise.

He will be locked down 23 hours a day in a 12-by-7-foot cell designed so that inmates cannot make eye contact with other prisoners or see anything except walls and sky. Solitary confinement inmates cannot go to the library or the dining room or attend religious services. A courtroom inside the prison ensures inmates never have to leave the grounds.

Associated Press Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski looks out at the tarmac toward a sheriff's deputy upon arriving in Pueblo, on Tuesday. Kaczynski will begin serving four life sentences plus 30 years in Supermax, above, the U.S. prison in Florence, Colo.