#title No trace of Kaczynski in state’s data bases #subtitle He never owned property here, got a license or had any trouble with the law. #author Chip Parkinson and Brooke Adams
Deseret News start writers #authors Chip Parkinson and Brooke Adams #date 5 Apr 1996 #source The Deseret News, 5 Apr 1996. <[[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=kbsRAAAAIBAJ&pg=PA47][books.google.co.uk/books?id=kbsRAAAAIBAJ&pg=PA47]]> #lang en #pubdate 2024-08-20T23:12:53 #topics news stories Theodore John Kaczynski left behind few traces of his alleged life in Utah. He apparently never owned property, bought a fishing license or got a Utah driver’s license Federal agents never searched any home or apartment he might have lived in. Kaczynski never registered to vote, and he has no criminal record here, not even a parking ticket, according to a search of public records, using his given name as well as his known aliases Even for the sleuths assigned to track down the Unabomber. it is as though Kaczynski never passed this way. “His name doesn’t ring a bell and it or his aliases have no reference in our data base.” said Salt Lake Police Sgt Don Bell, a member of a multiagency task force organized in 1987. Kaczynski, if he really is the Unabomber. probably won’t return to Utah, either Investigators acknowledge other jurisdictions investigating homicides will get first crack. However, Utah officials could pursue first-degree felony charges against the suspect if he is ever extradited to the state, said Salt Lake District Attorney Neal Gunnarson. “The statute of limitations doesn’t run when a defendant is out of state, if we can prove the bomber hasn’t been here, then we can prosecute no matter how much time has passed.” he said. The Unabomber first struck in Salt Lake City on Oct. 8.1981. Police found a gasoline-based bomb in the hallway of building at the University of Utah It was the only unexploded bomb investigators have discovered. The second Utah-based bomb was mailed from Brigham Young University in 1982 to a Vanderbilt University professor in Nashville. Tenn A secretary was seriously wounded when she opened it. In February 1987. computer store owner Gary Wright suffered bums and cuts to his face, hands and legs when he picked up a box in the parking lot of CAAMs. Inc. The incident generated the only known composite sketch of a suspect. Officials at both BYU and the U. of U. on Thursday checked lists of other potential abases used by Kaczynski and came up blank The names include Ted Tudminen. Ted Tuominen and Ted Kaczyn. A local TV station bnked a “Dave Kachensky” to the Unabom case Thursday. According to U spokesman Larry Wiest. Dave Kachensky was a graduate student and research assistant at the University of Utah from 1981 to 1985 m the chemistry department. But Dave Kachensky, who now lives in Colorado, has nothing to do with the Unabomber. “It’s not the same guy.” said Gary Keck, a chemistry professor at the U who was Dave Kachensky’s Ph.d adviser “He is a much younger guy than the person they’ have in custody It is not the same person, but they are showing his name on TV. the place he lived.“ The Unabomber is suspected of killing three people and injuring 23 others m 16 separate attacks between May 1978 and April 1995.