Early advertisement for the Earth First! Journal
Autumn 1987
Green Anarchist #17. <thesparrowsnest.org.uk/collections/public_archive/16089.pdf>
Early advertisement for the Earth First! Journal
This is the most militant environmental paper we’ve seen. It isn’t new but we’ve only just met it. From Arizona, USA, it advocates violence to protect the wilderness. Earth Firsters sabotage vehicles and machinery which threaten the forests. Although it has articles about anarchism, it seems basically apolitical. It shows just how far ahead of Britain the USA is environmentally. It gives a Scottish contact address: Grant Collie, 6 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh. EH3 6LE: and an English address: Chris Laughton, c/o 57 Wood Lane, Greasby, Wirral. L49 ZPU (?) $2 from POB 5871, Tucson, Arizona. 85703. USA.