Title: Forest Anon is live!
Author: Forest Anon
Date: October 24 2024
Source: <youtube.com/watch?v=-PoBwXkZbqA> [now dead]
Notes: Someone asked Forest Anon not to delete the stream as he wanted to save it, and Anon replied he’s welcome to save it, but that basically he has his youtube set to not save streams into a video after it ends, I think because he doesn’t want them on his channel. Hopefully, he’s cool with this transcript being out there anyways, with one sketchy story redacted, if not he’s welcome to reach out by emailing <thetedkarchive@proton.me>, or joining the discord or matrix live chat spaces, or by tweeting at us.

Hey, there’s someone online, I figured I’d come back home. Just put the baby back to sleep. But now that I know how to do the chat mode. I would figure I would sneak back out one last time. Anybody in live chat?... moderation shit... I don’t want to moderate. I don’t want to moderate it. Just wanna talk to my friends.

Give a thumbs up or a hello because I’m still trying to figure out how to... do this... it’s a lot different now.

Welcome back.

Hello, Pa... Hmm. There we go. Hello. Alright cool. We got a chat.

Yeah, YouTube just changes everything.

How old’s the baby?

41 days! I’m not going to be one of those people who are like, Oh no, this many days, this this many weeks. But we’ve been recording it in a book and like recording every diaper change, recording every seating. So I guess like a month then. A month and 11 days.

Hey, man, how are you doing? Been following since like 2020

2020 was when the fire happened, oh man, you’ve been following since the good stuff.

I have to keep touching this with my phone. Maybe I can like flip it over so my thumb doesn’t get no. Oh, there we go.

My brother you alive?

I am alive

You got a baby? What?

I got a baby. I got a wife and you see street lights. I am not in the woods at the moment. My cabin is still there. But yeah, my life has been real awesome. My life has been real cool and still full of adventures every day.

Oh, it’s IX, I remember you,

Yeah, the wildfire was insane. Holy shit, you got a wife, my man!

Yes, I do. She’s beautiful. And er... Oh, for a second I started looking for my phone? Yeah, she means the world to me. My baby means the world to me. It’s a little girl. And you know, just for Internet purposes, I don’t I can’t post pictures, can’t say the name. There’s a lot of weirdos out there who just want to, like, fry me or watch me fry. It just sucks.

Bless you, bro.

Bless you too, man. Yeah, and. You know, like I mentioned in a previous screen, it’s like one of those things where. Uh, it’s not like you know where you get like a infected tooth or something. You got to get it put, wash. You know, it’s like an infected tooth. Where you got to. Get it pulled and you can’t really do it. Because you live in the woods and there’s arteries and there’s things that you don’t know about your teeth that. Handful people do. Has the same thing with the delivery. A lot of people think it’s just old school delivery in a bathtub type things. But if you’ve ever read Growth of the Soil...

Man I hate having to, OK, so if I just touch this, I’m gonna miss... I was glad you love.

Satisfaction said:

how are you? Where have you been, man?

I’ve been living in a very ghetto part of the ghetto. Maybe I’ll meet some characters out here to show you guys. But yeah, it’s like probably one of the worst parts of the ghetto you could imagine. You probably read stories about the Fife. Recently here I’ll give you a hint. Recently some like crime boss died. Who was leading a gang on the street. You could take that and run with it. But I don’t know it’s. Every time I like try to live stream somewhere somebody there’s always someone who’s like. Who doesn’t like me? Who they’re like. Oh, yeah, he’s doing this like it’s weird, dude. People keep tabs on you who don’t even like you. And to be honest, I wish I could just get everybody we were friends with me and be like, hey, let’s all get in the circle, but there’s just fucking weirdos out there, man. Weird little kids. Who only follow you to see what you’re doing. Try to dox you try to SWAT you, try to get the FBI after you. The FBI, they like me. Like gang members out here, they like me, too. Maybe we’ll meet someone on the street. But yeah, it’s pretty funny. It just sucks, man.

Every time I post somebody like somebody. Will post the screenshot on 4 Chan and he’s up to this right now and everybody else will be there and sometimes it’s like meant good heartedly, but I would just rather nobody post about me and if you like me, just kick it here with me. I like the small circle I got here. I try to. I try to keep it down low under wraps...

Hey, someone cut a fig tree down.

Let’s see what’s going on. I. Gotta ohh, here we go.

How are you bro?

Killerstar6000, I remember your name. I’m good.

Yeah, I thought he was dead.

I ain’t dead. I don’t die.

OK, that’s a surprise.

Life is full of surprises.

Returning of the king


God bless you Forest Anon. Man please don’t delete this steam. I’m going to save that.

You can save that, but I am going to delete this, so... the streams kinda delete themselves. I don’t delete them. Are you still here? You, Kevin? No, not at the moment. Right now I’m near the. Army. Because it’s healthy, brother. Thank you.

Tell us your secret.

I don’t know. I don’t have a secret. Just read a lot. Feed animals when you find them. And. I guess just get in the woods as much as you can.

Did you meet your wife in the forest

No, you know what’s funny is that I met her around here. She left one of the sweetest comments ever. I was like, I need to meet you. And then I took the train to go find her. I found her. And god damn, I’m glad I found her.

Just dropping in to say that you’ve been an inspiration to me. I hope you do well.

Well, Sigmund, you guys have been more of an inspiration to me because you guys kind of, I know I looked at you guys like. Like I escape society for the time and you guys were living in it and that was braver to me, you know.

Hey, look, here’s a here’s a ghetto kitty. Hi, ghetto Kitty. Hello. Hey.

But yeah, you guys are more of an inspiration to me. Just being out there, doing your usual routines. If you go to college, you’re an inspiration to me. If you working on the five year an inspiration to me, if you live in the woods, you’re an inspiration to me. I kind of get inspired by anything I can get inspired by kind of the way I just read anything I can read and get my hands on so. You know, you guys are all good people and I appreciate all of you. Thank you for your secret. Hell yeah, man. Lucky man. Happy for you, brother. We love you. Hey, I love you too. Candy gender. Back in civilization, as you can tell by the street lights and the cigarette in my hand and. I’m sure somebody will post you some some form and I’ll get him into a backlash and and people just sending me privately. I don’t have any social media now, so nobody can send me private messages and **** all over me. How long you’ve been away from the cabin, bro? Been ages since last year and saw like two years ago I’ve been waiting to come for five months. Boom. What have you been up to? Trying not to die. It’s way more dangerous out here. I got stories. I got crazy stories from just out here that scare me more than any anything in the woods would.

Move from the forest to the concrete jungle, new skills incoming.

Yeah. Really. And the skills that I’ve learned is to just make friends with people, to smile and nod at people, to look poor and mind their own business. [Redacted]

When was the last time you visited your cabin?

About 5 months ago.

Living outside civilization this hard but living unit is even harder.

Yes, yes. Carlos. Yes. Oh, my God, yes. You, you nailed it. You you hit. You hit it right in the head. Hey mate, just thought about you today. Wondering how you are glad to see you. Well, I’m glad to see you guys are all doing good. I’m just glad to talk to you. Maybe we’ll see a crazy character out here. We haven’t seen enough time to prove. Hey. I wish I could show you guys a picture of my baby. She’s so cute. She looks just like me. No way. I kind of laugh. It’s really cold here in here. Oh, man. Enjoy it. It’s real hot here in California and the devil’s. OK. Hey, what you up? In the city, raising the child man, it’s crazy. It’s hard. It’s so hard. Oh, my God. They had to wake up every three hours to feed her. She’s 41 days old. 30 noon for 11 days. I only sit for 11 days because you start counting it as days. I don’t want to be one of those people who’s like no baby. There’s 247 weeks old. But I can see how people kind of get caught. In the trap. Well, you have a child now. Yes, I got a little girl. Hey. Oh, this is because you left. Keep playing with heat the second.

What do you think about raising her in the forest?

I’m gonna raise her in the forest, but there was no way I could deliver a child in the forest. Like there are so many complications and I’m glad I didn’t because we ended up having to have a C-section. And Oh my God. Like a baby. Like, there’s so many things that you don’t even think about. The baby’s driving the birth canal for X amount of hours and then. Having to cut. The belly open to deliver. Oh my God, it’s just the same way people are like. Whoo. You got a bad tooth. Just knock it out with the rock. Like you can’t do that. You really can’t do that. You got arteries in your ******* face, man. It’s hard. And and I don’t know. I think the hard part is coming on here and trying to explain that to people. A lot of people just think you could just squat down in the bushes and have a kid you can’t man, especially if there’s complications. And I’m so glad I did not do anything like that. Because I got a little girl now that would not have been able to have been delivered if it wasn’t for a good doctor. That’s just it’s it’s hard to admit it’s real hard to admit. But thankfully my thing wasn’t like, uh, like being against doctors. I just wanted to ******* play with sports in the woods, so. Yeah, but yeah, that’s that’s the wife doing after the childbirth. I understand. It can be tough. Thankfully, no postpartum. She’s bounced back amazingly. Looks beautiful. She’s back. The house she was. And just within 41 days. And she, I love her. She’s got me through a lot and she’s. Helps me through a lot. I if anything I’ve had more depression than she has. That’s like the the one thing like the. The postpartum depression, but I think I had more depression than her. Because. I was just trying to deal with the baby. In the city. And that’s pretty hard when you come from the woods and everything and and you have freedom. And then suddenly you’ve got this little girl. Who just takes up? The cartoons all your time, all your everything. Has a different thing. Yeah, virtually non existing or something now. All gone with them. Once again, that side. I’m not even gonna try and show the top because I look like a I look like an idiot, so you get that screenshot and post it in four chain and and say like a bunch of horrible things.

How anon met his wife

What does the Misses your life in the forest cabin?

Ohh, that’s. Well, that’s how I kind of met her. Well, she. Was. She was like, wow, you know, I’m it’s cool that you’re doing this. She left the room like that. I met her on here and she left a very amazing comment. I wish it. Was. Still on, but then it was just one of the most amazing comments I ever saw. And I was like, you know. I’m gonna go meet you. Where do you live? And I took the train and go find. Her. Hop the train. And went out and found her. And she had, ironically, she lived not far from my original hometown. And I remember the first night I had with her. We spent on the beach. And I had like a I was so sore from hopping the train. She’s like your an old man And saying to this day, she calls me her old man. And. Yeah, she’s just a very wonderful woman, and I don’t know, I think I think I really lucked out. I know. I really lucked out. She said that. Every day I just kind of wake up and I’m like, I just. I’m waiting to wake up from what I wake up from. I’m waiting to wake up from a dream because, you know, I was waiting the kid.

Oh wow, they built. A beautiful shrine to this guy. Alright, I’ll tell you guys this story in a second. What a beautiful song. Look at this. How beautiful is this little vigil? Beautiful. You gotta take your hat off. When they get shot. I’ll tell you a story about this vigil.

Congrats on your baby. What are you reading at the moment?

I just finished reading the art thief by MM Schinkel. And before that I read the Laughing man by Victor Hugo. I love Victor Hugo.

Have you checked in on the rest of your family?

I don’t have much family, except for my mother and I checked in on the mother all the time. She checks in on me. It’s actually kind of been a blessing. We check in on each other a lot more since I’ve been. Out. Of the woods and I called her more. I used to just e-mail her, and now I have service, so I call her.


It’s super different than what I’m used to. Stay safe and hey bro, keep up with your updates. I thought something happened. I was waiting. Do you have any other social media? I’m fine. Everything’s good. I have no social media news. That you mentioned just discovering brothers carries of him right now. Great author. That is really my favorite books. Especially. There’s a part when he gets into the carriage and he says I’ll tell you that when Jesus went down to hell and he got all the savers and he said or he got all the sinners, he rounded them up and they did. And he said now don’t worry because I’m saving you, I’m going to protect you because I’m going to send the important people here. I’m going to send the judges and lawyers and politicians. One of my favorite parts of Brothers Karamazov.

How anon began writing to Ted K

Yo dude, can you talk about your last and/or most meaningful letter exchange with Ted Kaczynski.

How do you know about that? Wow, that’s crazy. I’m surprised anyone knows about that? Actually, I’m not. Everybody knows about everything.

One of the last meaningful letter was a Christmas card he sent me with somebody holding the goose’s head and with Medeuces’s head had an electrical out, an electrical male plug hanging out her neck. And he basically just said, well, how do you want to be mentioned in this book? Do you want your full name? Do you want a nickname? And then I sent him a letter and I was like, just my full name.

Wow, that’s funny that you know that. What’s your name? Ishkah. Wow, that’s crazy. People knows everything out there. That’s wild.

Sorry to pry too much, but how’s your life day to day? How’s your daily life in the city?

That's ok, that's not prying. Man, My life in the daily city is actually very nice. It’s like I make a new friend every day. And everybody’s nice. I’ve met people from all kinds of cultures. There’s El Salvadorians who give me free pupusas, there’s a corner of alcoholics who say “no more tequila” to me because they gave me tequila, and I fell on my head and went to the hospital. And then. Got lost for three days and then my wife went looking for me. And. That was a real funny ordeal. It was... it was not funny at the time, I blew a .35, but. Then when I went walking to the store, they all leaned, they all sit on the wall, they all leaned their heads over like I was a ghost.

And I saw some guy tonight on acid named ace. I didn’t know he was on acid. He’s like you’ve got a cigarette. I gave him a cigarette. He’s like you got a lighter. I give him a lighter and he’s like, is this a lighter? I’m like, yeah, yeah, he’s like. I’m sorry, man. Is this a cigarette? I’m like, yeah, he’s like, oh, I’m. Sorry man, I just got off acid. I’m like, well, I hope you had a good time, bro. You just need characters. You need characters all the time, all the time. It’s just like riding trains. It’s just like being on the road. But it’s all in one little street.

Glowing a little bright there Ishkah

Yeah, it’s cool. Ishkah’s cool. That’s crazy. I’m surprised you knew that. I’m really surprised he knew that.

I was going to send a letter to Ted K, but tragically, he passed before I could.

No. It’s a good thing he passed before you could. I’m sure he’s much older than you and. You got a whole life ahead of you and a lot of things left to do. So there’s a whole life. There’s a whole road map ahead of you and there’s only a few roads we have gone on. There’s many roads left to find.

lol I’m just a European who can’t afford to fly out to Michigan where all Ted’s letters are stored, but I remember making that connection after the FBI story video.

Ohh that’s Ishkah again.

Aren’t you from the Ted K archives. Which tries to debunk Kaczynski?

I think the Ted K archives... Ted K archives I think they mentioned me. They’re pretty cool. Uh, Ted K archives said some nice things about me. I think they may be the same ones who run... I don’t know if... they’ve got the same interface as The Anarchist Library and uh... I’m not going to get into it, but if that’s Ishkah, if that’s... if Ishkah is involved with all that and the Ted K archives... If you’re from The Ted K archives, thank you for posting my stuff, man. I appreciate you.

Do you mind me asking what city you’re in?

Yes, I do haha. I don’t know. Maybe one day I’ll say it, but now there’s a lot of people who just love sending SWAT teams to other people’s homes.

What happened to your cabin bro, forest anon do you still visit it?

It’s still there. It’s still in the woods. Nobody’s going to it. I haven’t visited it in five months. I’m going to visit it next week with my wife. Uh. And I’ve got like a surprise. I’ve got a surprise planned for her there. We’re going to finally get away from the little baby.

But hey, if Ishkah is really from the Ted K archive... I didn’t know the Ted K archive tries to debunk his works, but I think Ted K kind of hoped people would try to debunk him. I think that’s what his whole letters to Skrbina were all about and why they were in his book. I think Ted K welcomed... why do I keep calling him Ted K? I think Ted’s... I just read that... but I think Ted’s main thing was just hoping people would debunk him, you know, and any chance he could get to reply to criticism he sure did.

When are you making a new YouTube video? When are you revisiting it?

Maybe, I’m kind of staying off YouTube. Just cause people know it’s out there, man. People are crazy.

What line of work you currently in?

I’m still in ranching. Just it’s casual work very far and few in between now.

Joseph said:

Fair enough. Whenever I’m in those inland towns and county the street culture is crazy.

Yeah. It is crazy. And I mean, you could probably make some guesstimates just based off what I said and some news articles. But yeah, yeah, I came in here wanting to just kind of...

I’m involved in archiving stuff, cheers. There’s a long section of analyses of Ted’s work, but also all of his works that people can read on their own.

Amen, and yeah, if you... if you... if you wanna read my... If you wanna know my full name... And you know my nickname Branwell... And you read the introduction to... Not technological... Yeah, What is it? Fuck, I’ve been out of this for so long... Whatever the green cover was, you’ll see my name in there. And he thanked me in his book. But I’ll just say remember my nickname Branwell and you’ll be able to find out on your own.

I think one of the most meaningful letters I got, in reply to Ishkah, besides the Christmas card where it was Medusa’s head with the male electrical plug was the second letter he sent me, which he said...

I told him about fences and I was like, hey man, I just run into a lot of fences, like everywhere I go, there’s fences. And I saw you like Edward. Abby. I like Edward Abbey too.

And he just said. I usually I don’t reply to a lot of letters, but your letter was really sincere. And it’s funny because I didn’t think it was so sincere, but it did it.

Ohh, and he called me intelligent too and that’s all cool cause a lot of people online call me retarded. Which I don’t blame them. I laugh like an idiot and I look like an idiot and talk like an idiot. But I don’t know. I guess I just don’t filter what I say, which kind of gets me in trouble. On the Internet, with people who are easily offended by things and I don’t know...

Here I did... I met this one guy who I was like, hey, man... and I was interested in Henry David Thoreau. And then I saw Ted built a cabin like Thoreau. And I rode and I was like, yeah. So you built the cabin, like the role. And. And I read your book about, like ‘the walking man’ and how the walking man usually ends up. No matter if he tries to walk being directed by cars and stop lights. And and I’ve been running into a lot of fences. And Edward, have you always said that’s what we do on the? On the West side of America, we cut fences wherever we are and I don’t know something like that.

He’s like, yeah, that seems real sincere. And he got into, like, a long conversation. I helped him. Lookup is booked. The first quote in, fuck, Why can’t I think of the name, but I don’t know. The book starts with the Tacitus quote, something along the lines of... an home, right? Study of human development or something like that. I am amazed by people’s underestimation of human planning. It was a Tacitus quote and I source to that quote and it starts out. The book starts off chapter one with that quote.

And then like, if you look in the bibliography at the end, like the Lenin Wine Hound. I looked at the Incan empire and the messengers and the messaging system. And a lot of that was because of me. And he thanked me in his book. With my full name. So yeah, you want to look up my full name and dox me and SWAT me, good luck. I still really technically don’t have an address.

Anti-Tech Revolution: How & Why ;)

Thank you Ishkah! Fucking hell, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I was like I’m in that book and I can’t think of it. That’s how... That’s how out of the game I. Am with this stuff.

Flustering and Toxic said:

I want to thank you for your videos where I live in Germany and I was 99% ready to abandon my life and head back... and head into the Black Forest here and live like you.

It’s not too late if you want to do it. If you don’t want to, don’t do it. Life is good either way, like Ed, Abby said. Freedom starts between the ears and that really is the thing and. And like Seneca said, you could change your where you are. It doesn’t matter you have. To change who you are. But I had to change where I was to change who I am.

Society and all the bullshit got to me, but I’m better now.

Yeah I don’t blame you. Read a lot though, I am retarded though.

Be careful of Ishkah, he’s a bad actor.

I don’t know man. Ishkah seems cool. But there are bad actors out there and I am careful of them. But as long as they’re not asking me how to build bombs or where I live, shit like that. If they’re just talking about things like that, it’s all good.

You’re no longer in the cabin? Said Tom Reed.

No, not for five months. Going to go back to visit in a week because I got a surprise for my wife.

Bruno said:

Do you go to church?

No. I’m a terrible Catholic and any Catholic out there will hate me. Any Protestant out there will hate me. Any religious person out there will hate me. But *** ****, I believe in Christ. And I’m sorry if that ****** people off. I was baptized at Catholic. Went to communion and there were no churches where I ******* lived in the woods and I’ve been asked multiple times. If I go to church, I don’t go to church. I. Read the Bible. They got same Bunny looked on my arm. Saint Francis on the other. Jesus on the left. And sorry if that rubs people the wrong way or whatever, but everybody else. Everybody’s always kind of like waiting for you to slip up, especially Christians. And I don’t even like calling myself a Christian because Jesus didn’t call himself a Christian. He didn’t call disciples a Christian and. I just believe in God, I. Believe in Jesus Christ. And make it that way you will. I’ve had people tell me that I’m horrible because I believe in sola scriptura. I’ve I’ve had people tell me I’m horrible because I believe in, in, in works about faith. I’ve had people tell me I’m horrible for all kinds of reasons.

I’ve really just stopped getting into religious conversations online with people. Because it’s probably better to just not do that. Because anytime you do. People think they’re better judges than God. And I just. Would rather kind of. You know. Do my own thing and. And believe in my own things. And if you want to find. Hypocrisies in me go ahead. Are you looking good? You good? No, I’m not limping. My back hurts because my baby, she only likes it when I dance that night. So I have a real bad back now. So nice to see you again, green friend for wow, that’s a crazy name in France. Hey, Green, it’s Thomas Beaver. God bless you.

I’m a terrible Catholic as well. But thanks to the churches I’ve been to, in my opinion, you don’t need to a church to believe in God.

Amen, man. There was God before churches. And I I’ve only been judged by people online for not going to church, to be honest. Saint Francis need to go back to study Jesus. Amen. Fortunately.

What is the reason you did not go to church now that you’re back in the city?

Jesus Christ almighty. Jesus. Holy moly. This is why I don’t get into this ****. I’ll probably cut off the stream, people are getting weird. And that those samples call themselves Christian Dietrich, saying cause like Yep, it’s getting weird. It’s getting weird. Holy ****, it’s getting weird. All the Christians are getting crazy. Yep.

Did this guy stop larping and finally get a girlfriend?

I’ve one upped you man, I got a wife and a kid. It’s much more important to follow the gospel than to go to church. You see what I mean about people getting super ******* weird? It’s so funny, and it’s all people who don’t go outside who don’t do anything who don’t talk to people who stay inside. Getting these echo chambers online on random ******* forums and. Never and never felt the warm embrace of a woman.

But this is the kind of **** I deal with. This is why I don’t come on here. That’s why I came on here for only a little bit, just to talk to the few on here. Seems we get to about what is it, 40 people and then it gets weird. Sorry for starting it when you think sorry for starting it you ask about religion and if you go to church and you’re online, what you think people are gonna be dumb, they’re gonna be dumb. They’re going to say dumb things. You’re asking a very divisive question and a simple question, and you start calling all those words. Yes, I know a simple question. Very divisive question you ask something about church. If you go to. Church and it gets weird. It gets weird, and I’m sorry, but there’s just strange people out there. They’re strange kids out there. And they all got their own beliefs, and I don’t blame them. I don’t even judge them for having their own beliefs. But it gets fucking weird. It’s why I don’t come online. That’s why I don’t come on here, so I don’t do these streams. It’s why I don’t talk to people. It’s why I don’t have social media. People are just just oddballs.

I’m not online much, sorry.

Well, you should stay off the line. That’s what I do. And I’m gonna start staying offline again because yeah, man, it’s just it’s very, very weird, very weird out there like I don’t like talking about, you know, you you you start mentioning things, you mention your beliefs, your core beliefs. People are going to believe the same things you do, and it’s just it’s fucking stupid. And it’s just down to. To ask questions like that and think that they’re going to...

Did it take time to adjust to living in the city after coming back?

I’m still adjusting. Obviously because you know, you walk on the street and you don’t ask dumb questions, you don’t get asked questions about your beliefs. You get asked like things like, hey, you gotta say that. Hey, how’s your day? Who’s this? Who’s this? Who’s this? You guys, you just things that are not, you know. Yeah. It’s just. It’s just funny. It’s almost like there’s a there’s a there’s a blueprint for when the conversation gets weird.

Do you ever skateboard now you’re back in town.

God damn, I wish I did, man. I wish, I wish. I could do anything like that. The green beans of the cabinet chicken coop in the province in the Philippines. Why are you in the Philippines? That’s crazy. I’m going to live there. With my parents for me to go to college, which I hate, maybe you should try it. If you don’t like it, it’s. But maybe you should just try it. Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t. How do we cure complacency and not being able to do what we want to do? And then? I guess. Just. I don’t know. That’s a good question. If I could cure complacency, I would. I would cure it. I guess if you find the wild hair or something that you want to do something that you’re itching to do, go through it. Do it now. Do it before you lose that wild hair. Were you also a smoker before returning? Ohh yeah, I don’t remember. You might have seen a video where I’m rolling tobacco. That’s another thing. Oh, that’s another thing I’ve been judged for. I’ve been judged for smoking. I’ve been judged for drinking, believing in God. I’ve been judged for being white. I’ve been judged for being a man. I’ve been judged for. The random books I’ve read I’ve been judged for so many things and then it’s something like this. Kitty, let me see a Kitty cat running by. And then you’re like, oh, yeah, that’s right. People don’t exist. They’re just kitties and squirrels. And then you start missing the quails and thugs and squirrels and the crows and the and the deer and following them in the snow and. And then you get online. You gotta deal with a bunch of nuts and. I don’t know. Yeah, it got weird. Yeah, just for being human. All through human. When did you return to civilization? Five months ago? Whilst complaining? Stop victimizing yourself to Jonathan Pork and Stein. That’s a funny name. Reply your comment cause I like your name. Yeah, of course. You know, it’s been a while. You live in the city name. She’s a little. Jonathan Perkins, don’t be. He’s got a funny name. Do you want anywhere? You said you walked back from the hospital? Are you gonna judge me for it? To you?

What’s your favorite music?

Anything that sounds like it’s from Mars.

Alright, take care my friends.