I swear that this Inventory is a true and detailed account of the person or property taken by me on the warrant.![]() Subscribed, sworn to, and returned before me this date. ![]() |
Inventory of items seized at the residence of Theodore Kaczynski, HCR# 30, Box 27, Lincoln, Montana
Date Printed: 04/11/96
Item | Description | |
DEV | 1 | (control sample) one Winchester Super X shotgun round |
L | 1 | ng misc. pipes and cordage |
L | 8 | Northwest Territory hiking shoes |
L | 9 | black pepper can containing several metal pieces and a plastic bottle labeled “strychnine oats” |
L | 10 | one Aldrich box containing misc. papers, newspaper clippings, a bus schedule, addresses of corporate officials and maps of San Francisco |
L | 11 | misc. cans, string, plastic and metal |
L | 12 | pieces of lock in a cornmeal container |
L | 13 | toolbox in green bag |
L | 14 | piece of pipe (possible piece of rifle) |
L | 15 | radio sonde measuring temp., humidity, etc. |
L | 16 | metal parts and pieces |
L | 17 | welding-type mask |
L | 18 | Tater Tot box containing misc. books and maps |
L | 19 | tan duffel bag containing clothing and two additional duffel type bags |
L | 20 | metal parts and pieces, chains, locks and possible traps |
L | 21 | wire screen |
L | 22 | bow strings and arrows in a quiver |
L | 23 | one steak knife |
L | 24 | pipes (miso, sizes) |
L | 25 | pipes and a bowl |
L | 26 | L-shaped pipe |
L | 27 | section of pipe |
L | 28 | section of pipe |
L | 29 | plastic bag containing black jacket |
L | 30 | bomb components |
L | 31 | two rolls of brown paper marked “3qq,” can containing wire marked “qq” and documents |
L | 32 | box marked all “1 or 10 q or qq” (handwritten), metal tubes, wiring, springs, ball trigger in tinfoil, stapler, 9V battery and small copper-colored tubing |
L | 32a | copper-colored tubing removed from Item L-32 |
L | 33 | books with “5q” marked on container |
L | 34 | letters |
L | 35 | Samsonite briefcase containing University of Michigan degrees, etc. |
L | 36 | gray case containing typewriter |
L | 37 | large green ammo can that contained Item L-4 |
L | 38 | TV wire with cord around it |
L | 39 | yearbooks in green plastic bag |
L | 40 | green tarp and twine |
L | 41 | box of clothing and towels |
L | 42 | rain-poncho-type material |
L | 43 | typewriter parts |
L | 44 | section of pipe |
L | 45 | various paper and twine |
L | 46 | Sears box containing arrows |
L | 47 | 12 saw blades |
L | 48 | a section of rope |
L | 49 | a section of wood |
L | 50 | five bottles labeled “saltpeter” |
L | 51 | five bottles labeled “saltpeter” |
L | 52 | five bottles labeled “saltpeter” and plastic bag marked “3q” |
L | 53 | glass container with off-white drills |
L | 54 | Calumet bottle containing white powder |
L | 55 | plastic container with white clumpy powder |
L | 56 | plastic bottle with black chunky material in paper and hand- labeled “wezela [unreadable] #2, nuevo lote exp 103” |
L | 57 | container of white powder labeled “KC103 [unreadable] potassium 99.95% pure” |
L | 58 | container of white powder |
L | 59 | container of yellow crystals with plastic bags |
L | 60 | container of white powder |
L | 61 | six sealed bottles labeled “sulfur” |
L | 62 | plastic bag and container of yellow powder labeled “sulfur” |
L | 63 | plastic bag containing two pieces of wood and makeup |
L | 64 | solder wire and plastic bag |
L | 65 | container labeled “salt” |
L | 66 | jar of white crystalline substance and note “ammonium nitrate” |
L | 67 | 1 -gal. jug labeled “abietic acid,” and sample taken from the jug (two plastic bags) |
L | 68 | bottle labeled “ammonium nitrate NH4NO3” |
L | 69 | two cans in bags labeled “abietic acid” |
L | 70 | two bottles labeled “aluminum” and box lid with experiment info. |
L | 71 | various containers marked “aluminum materials” |
L | 72 | This item number was not used. |
L | 73 | piece of wire |
L | 74 | piece of wood |
L | 75 | two steak knives |
L | 76 | large plastic container labeled “NaCl3 + NaCl” |
L | 77 | two pieces of wood and three strips of wood |
MA | 1 | box of 52 books |
MA | 2 | box of 41 books and 23 index cards |
MA | 3 | pair of gloves |
MA | 4 | metal pan and stick |
MA | 5 | appears to be hand-done calendar |
MA | 6 | can with paper addresses |
MA | 7 | can with matches and wood fragments |
MA | 8 | three tools |
MA | 9 | part of radio |
MA | 10 | documents |
MA | 11 | tin with wire across top |
MA | 12 | tools in Tide detergent box |
MA | 13 | container of fine twine |
MA | 14 | small ratchet, tweezers and a pocket knife |
MA | 15 | four measuring spoons |
MA | 16 | tools in a can |
MA | 17 | blue zippered sweatshirt |
MA | 18 | blue hood and old towel |
MA | 19 | two pair of plastic glasses |
MA | 20 | bluejacket |
MA | 21 | green hooded jacket |
MA | 22 | metal pot |
MA | 23 | plastic bag containing cans and hoses |
MA | 24 | a cutting of green jacket |
MA | 25 | one plastic container labeled “citric acid” containing white powder |
MA | 26 | magnet |
MA | 27 | one plastic bottle containing metallic granular material |
MA | 28 | wood and screws |
MA | 29 | red-colored vise |
MA | 30 | pieces of metal |
MA | 31 | medallion |
MA | 32 | drawings and documents |
MA | 33 | clamp - |
MA | 34 | bottle of white powder labeled “NaCl” |
MA | 35 | Item numbers MA-35 through MA-54 were not used. |
MA | 55 | wood pieces and screen |
MB | 1 | 74 books |
MB | 2 | 29 books and documents |
MB | 3 | folded papers with chemical residue |
MB | 4 | recorder and case |
MB | 5 | two empty metal cans |
MB | 6 | three arrows |
MB | 7 | one rock |
MB | 8 | four copper tubes |
MB | 9 | plastic jar containing triggering devices, each numbered with masking-tape tag |
MB | 10 | three pairs of scissors |
MB | 11 | one plastic bottle of glue, label “Elmer’s Mucilage” |
MB | 12 | one tube of Duro Super Glue |
MB | 13 | one metal can containing three tubes of paint in the following colors: medium cadmium red, raw umber, deep permanent green |
MB | 14 | one metal can containing wicks and strings with a piece of newspaper inside to keep contents from moving about |
MB | 15 | two paint kits: small one in black metal container labeled “Prang Water Colors”; larger one in yellow and clear plastic container |
MB | 16 | one wood-handled knife, contained in a sheath made of newspaper |
MB | 17 | one T-shaped metal pipe or bracket with serial number GH-4 and partial serial number 3658391. |
MB | 18 | two small metal tins |
MB | 19 | one metal can |
MB | 20 | one white plastic shopping bag containing steel wire; hand-written notation on outside of bag “S...”; and handwritten notation on packages of wire, “coast to coast, Helena, July, 1994.” |
MB | 21 | one metal can labeled “Del Monte Whole Leaf Spinach,” containing melted metal fragments |
MB | 22 | one paper bag containing white electrical extension cords; bag wrapped in strapping tape |
MB | 23 | one small metal can |
MB | 24 | nine metal cans |
MB | 25 | two small metal cans |
MB | 26 | one small white ceramic crucible |
MB | 27 | two off-white-colored ceramic crucible lids |
MB | 28 | one brown clasp envelope marked “autobiography” |
MB | 29 | Grip-Line rubber-stamp kit |
MB | 30 | plastic bag containing several notebooks, envelopes and misc. handwritten documents |
MB | 31 | one brown paper bag containing two packages of notebook filler paper |
MB | 32 | one brown paperback book titled Growing Up Absurd, by Paul Goodman |
MB | 33 | misc. maps |
MB | 34 | one box of Reynolds aluminum foil with red rubber band around it |
MB | 35 | three metal bottle caps labeled “Mazola Com Oil” |
MB | 36 | piece of cut pipe |
MB | 37 | bottom portion of unfired cartridge |
MB | 38 | one Hanson, Model 1509 scale, wrapped in brown paper with mask ing tape |
MB | 39 | brown plastic jar “Nature’s Best”, containing fired cartridge casings |
MB | 40 | one brown wood-handle pocket knife |
MB | 41 | pick-hatchet tool |
MB | 42 | knife in sheath of tattered white cloth |
MB | 43 | hunting knife in leather sheath |
MB | 44 | wood-handle file |
MB | 45 | seven large drill bits |
MB | 46 | Great Neck #50 hacksaw |
MB | 47 | one drilling base |
MB | 48 | one handsaw |
MB | 49 | one handsaw |
MB | 50 | one brown plastic oblong Hershey canister with lid |
MB | 51 | three brown thin cardboard paper trays |
MB | 52 | three brown thin cardboard paper trays |
MB | 53 | two brown thin cardboard paper trays one coil of wire and metal parts one package of Mead brand typing paper, with bottom half in paper and strapping tape student guides and publications from the University of Montana and Carroll College |
MB | 54 | one brown plastic oblong Hershey canister with lid numerous containers (metal, plastic and cardboard) containing a variety of nails and metal fasteners |
MB | 55 | numerous containers (metal, plastic and cardboard) containing a variety of bolts, screws and metal fasteners two white plastic butane cigarette lighters |
MB | 56 | one Calumet Baking Powder canister containing one red Le Watch brand watch, watch parts and misc. metal parts one brown plastic oblong container, containing one mousetrap, one piece of inner-tube valve, and one orange plastic bag containing wire one yellow plastic pail six cast metallic objects cone-shaped metallic casting one cast metallic object |
MB | 57 | ten canisters containing various metal samples and one round metal object |
MB | 58 | one metal can containing nuts, bolts and other metal objects one cardboard canister containing small amount of white powder and labeled “Shopper’s Value Quick Oats” |
MB | 59 | one cardboard canister containing small amount of white powder and labeled “Shopper’s Value Quick Oats” |
MB | 60 | one plastic bottle labeled “Chateau 70% Rubbing Alcohol” and containing springs and other metal objects one Calumet Baking Powder canister containing machined metal parts |
MB | 61 | one Calumet Baking Powder canister containing parts of a pocket-knife blade and other assorted metal parts |
MB | 62 | Johnson & Johnson Medicated Band-Aid metal can containing various metaj parts |
MB | 63 | one metal can containing wire and other metal parts one cylindrical Quaker Yellow Com Meal cardboard canister containing two spools of solder |
MB | 77 | one cylindrical Quaker Oats cardboard canister containing wires, a switch and an alligator clip |
MB | 78 | bottom half of cardboard instant-milk box containing tube of Trubond clear silicone caulk, a clear plastic box of screwdrivers with masking-tape label “254,” a wire brush, a level, three paintbrushes, a paper bag containing small square magnets and misc. metal parts |
MB | 79 | hand drill with blue and red wooden handle |
MB | 80 | nine pieces of wood approximately 8 in. long (appear similar to paneling strips) |
MB | 81 | misc. pieces of metal, including tin-can lid, ball of aluminum foil, two pieces of blue hacksaw blade, pipe fittings in T formation and pair of pliers |
MB | 82 | group of metal fasteners, bundled together with blue rubber band |
MB | 83 | two white homemade envelopes, one with handwritten notation “wire,” the other “dump.” |
MB | 84 | three yellow rubber gloves: one labeled “Ansell” brand; another labeled “Large, Play tex, Dover, Del.”; all three with wrist area cut off |
MB | 85 | one cut portion of a battery, “Radiosonde, NSM-6135-01-054- 2098, VIZ Mfg. Co., 335 E. Pierce St., Philadelphia, PA, 19144, USA, Patent No. 3205.096,” wrapped in a piece of newspaper dated Nov. 22,1995, page 4 of the Consumer Press |
MB | 86 | small plastic container with strip of black tape around it and tom white handwritten label, “Lima Duras de Hierro Parcialmente Limpias,” containing brownish-black powder believed to be aluminum |
MB | 87 | two plastic bottles of glue: one labeled “Ross Mucilage for Paperwork,” the other “Ross Kangaroo Mucilage” |
MB | 88 | one metal nutcracker |
MB | 89 | one metal Hershey’s Cocoa can containing misc. nuts and bolts |
MB | 90 | Quaker Yellow Com Meal container with handwritten notation “transformer” on top, containing electrical wire and misc. electrical parts |
MB | 91 | one metal Hershey’s Cocoa can containing misc. metal parts |
MB | 92 | one brown plastic container containing trace metal |
MB | 93 | Calumet Double Action Baking Powder metal container containing a lump of metal |
MB | 94 | one small Shopper’s Value Tomato Paste can containing resisters and a tan plastic shopping bag containing resisters |
MB | 95 | seven rolled-up maps |
MB | 96 | homemade olive green cloth pouch containing a tan plastic shopping bag with three matchbooks with playing card symbols on it, two plastic bags with small pieces of wood in them, and a compass on a string, and a red rubber band. Blue denim patches and various pieces of string all over outside of pouch 97 misc. pieces of curved wire, metal cap in doughnut shape, and round piece of metal cut in strips around the edges |
MB | 98 | Gold Medal flour sack containing misc. debris (to include soil, wood and hair) |
MB | 99 | tan plastic shopping bag containing various types of cord and twine |
MB | 100 | Flavorite Large Pitted Ripe Olives can containing large amount of screws and handwritten note “burned and soaked in corroding solution—clean” |
MB | 101 | glass jar with red metal lid and handwritten note attached with masking tape that says, “aluminum from some type of paint— type of paint unknown.” The jar contained clumps of a silver- gray substance. |
MB | 102 | two small orange plastic containers covered with pieces of newspaper, one secured with a tan rubber band |
MB | 103 | one metal ring and a spool of brown thread labeled “American Thread Co., Stamford, CT., 100% Polyester” |
MB | 104 | metal files wrapped in orange and clear plastic bag, with a white piece of paper attached with a black rubber band. There appear to be some kind of mathematical equations on the paper. |
MB | 105 | one metal can containing misc. pieces of copper |
MB | 106 | brown cardboard box containing misc. [grinding] wheels and pieces of metal |
MB | 107 | Quaker Yellow Com Meal cardboard container containing pieces of screening material |
MB | 108 | one hacksaw blade with red color on each end |
MB | 109 | one metal can containing misc. screws, metal parts and a white envelope with silver coin pieces in it |
MB | 110 | two pieces of splintered hardwood, wrapped in a sheet of newspaper, front page of Missoulian, dated Friday, Sept. 16, 1988 |
MB | 111 | three pages of handwritten notes attached together with a metal paper fastener and rolled up using a large tan rubber band |
MB | 112 | one spool of twine secured with a piece of masking tape |
MB | 113 | one small brown plastic bottle labeled “Nature Made Therapeutic M [unreadable],” with a piece of masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “coarse aluminum filings” |
MB | 114 | one small metal can containing small clumps of metal. The can is covered with a piece of newspaper and secured with a dirty white rubber band |
MB | 115 | one Calumet Baking Powder can containing soldering wire |
MB | 116 | one small metal container (appears empty) |
MB | 117 | one small metal can with wire handle through it and one piece of metal |
MB | 118 | seven metal casings |
MB | 119 | one small brown plastic bottle labeled “Nature Made Therapeutic M [unreadable],’’with paper label attached with masking tape, with handwritten notation “aluminum filings from our big block of cast aluminum 5.1 oz.” |
MB | 120 | one Carnation Dry Milk cardboard container |
MB | 120a | small orange plastic bottle with white plastic cap, with piece of masking tape around it with handwritten notation “AgCl, slightly photo-decomposed” |
MB | 120a | one whitish plastic bottle with black cap, label “manganese dioxide (technical) contact with other material may cause fire. Do not grind. Do not breathe dust. 8J28D, 1/4 lbs. Analytical & Research Chemicals, Inc.” |
MB | 120b | small brown plastic bottle with black cap, with piece of masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “lithorgetminium & free lead not very pure” |
MB | 120c | small plastic orange container with white plastic cap, with a piece of black tape around it securing a white label with handwritten notation “Fe^, .347 units, Exp. 51, Lot [unreadable] without H2So4” |
MB | 120d | small plastic tube containing blue powder. The tube had masking tape around it, with the handwritten notation “[CuS04] 5H20 copper sulfate.” |
MB | 120e | small glass jar with red and white checkered metal cap containing white flaky substance, with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “NH4C1 [ammonium] chloride Exp. 136” |
MB | 120f | small plastic bottle labeled “Supreme Brand Aspirin Tablets” containing pink-colored strips of paper and white label reading “litmus paper neutral” |
MB | 120g | one small white plastic bottle with white metal cap, labeled “Bayer Aspirin,” with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “lead chloride—contaminated with some hydroxide, oxide, or carbonate of lead” |
MB | 120h | whitish plastic bottle with red plastic cap, containing a grayish powder |
MB | 120i | small gray plastic box labeled “[pH Hydrion] vivid, double roll 5.5 to 9.5, catalog no. 168” |
MB | 12Qj | small brown plastic bottle with white plastic cap, with notebook- paper label taped on with masking tape with handwritten notation “Na2CO3 from Red Devil lye. Should be reasonably pure, if Red Devil lye is. (No, not very pure)” |
MB | 120k | white paper envelope wrapped with masking tape with handwritten notation “Elmer’s Brand Mucilage” |
MB | 120l | whitish plastic bottle with white cap labeled “orange.” The bottle had a white paper label secured with masking tape. The label contained the following handwritten notation: “Fe(OH)2 partially (or wholly?) oxidized to Fe(OH)3 Exp. 51, lot E” |
MB | 120m | small brown plastic bottle labeled “therapeutic M” with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “lead acetate, lead hydroxide, lead carbonate, unknown proportions, not very pure” |
MB | 120n | one Calumet Baking Powder can with paper label secured with masking tape, with handwritten notation “black sand presumably consists] largely of [Fe045]” |
MB | 120o | white plastic bottle with white plastic cap labeled “NDC 09230371-03 powdered alum (ammonium alum) astringent, Whiteworth” |
MB | 120p | white plastic bottle with white metal cap. Bottle contained a label, “McKesson boric acid crystals NF,” and had a small white price tag “112-1755, K3MME, Bergums 1.93.” |
MB | 120q | small tan cardboard box labeled “Fuel compressed, trioxane, ration heating, F.S.N. 9110-263-9865,3 bars, specification: MIL-F-10805C, Can-Tite Rubber Corporation, Inwood, L.I., New York, 11696” |
MB | 120r | one brown plastic Osco Castor Oil bottle with white plastic cap MB 120s one Grape Super Sip plastic bottle with paper label secured with masking tape bearing handwritten notation “Fe203 Exp. 51, Lot (di)” |
MB | 120t | small clear glass Folger’s jar with gold-colored plastic cap containing greenish-gray crystals. The jar has masking tape wrapped around it with the handwritten notation “greenish precipitate (presumably a copper compound) from Exp. 241.” |
MB | 120u | white plastic McKesson Boric Acid Powder NF bottle with white metal cap. The bottle has a small white price tag bearing the following information: “112-1797 H3HG Bergums 1.77” |
MB | 120v | one whitish plastic Raspberry Super Sip bottle with white plastic cap with masking tape across and around cap and masking tape around bottle with handwritten notation “AgCl, heavily contaminated with [unreadable] compounds and other crap” |
MB | 120w | white elongated plastic bottle with white plastic cap, label “laxative” (brand name not visible) with white paper label secured with masking tape, with handwritten notation “mixture of [litharge] and minium, possibly contaminated with other oxides of Pb, also perhaps carbonate and nitrate of Pb, hydroxide, and a little free lead” |
MB | 120x | clear glass jar, with whitish plastic stopper type cap, with white paper label secured with handwritten notation “amorphous carbon (made by heating sucrose)”; containing a black powdery substance |
MB | 120y | metal can covered with a piece of newspaper, secured with masking tape with handwritten notation “alder charcoal” |
MB | 120z | oblong whitish plastic container with black cap, with black tape and masking tape around the cap; label “Aldrich Scientific, P3191,500g, Potassium Carbonate, Anhydrous Granular Technical, K, Co, FW 138.21, Aldrich Scientific, 5415 Jackwood Dr., San Antonio, TX 78238-1897, Lot 9C06G” |
MB | 121 | rod-shaped pieces of dark-colored/blackish powder, wrapped in a handwritten note inside a red and white checkered bread bag |
MB | 122 | three bundles of clear glass tubing; one wrapped in a page of Consumer Press newspaper dated June 21,1995, and secured with yellow and white rubber bands; another is wrapped in a large-pocket bubble wrap, with handwritten notation “5 mm pyrex tubing”; another is wrapped in large-pocket bubble wrap with handwritten notation “10 mm pyrex tubing,” all wrapped together in a Missoulian newspaper dated Jan. 16,1991 |
MB | 123 | one white porcelain mortar and pestle, wrapped in Consumer Press newspaper dated April 5,1995, page 26, and secured with a yellow rubber band |
MB | 124 | metal can with handwritten notation “12:00 AM,” containing two metal castings |
MB | 125 | round cardboard canister, label “Old-Fashioned Quaker Oats,’ with handwritten notation on the top “rubber tubings, funnels, bulbs, etc.” The canister contains assorted pieces of rubber tubing, a small piece of glass tubing, a black rubber stopper, two metal clips and one smaller round cardboard canister. The smaller canister is a Quaker Yellow Cornmeal container with handwritten notation on the top “plastic and glass tubing, short pieces.” This smaller container contains assorted pieces of plastic and rubber tubing, several black rubber stoppers and two metal clips. |
MB | 126 | one stainless steel .22-cal. revolver and nine .22-cal. rounds of ammunition. The revolver is further described as an “H&R Inc., U.S A., Model 930, serial # AE 1935.” The revolver has a black handle, which is wrapped in masking tape |
MB | 127 | one package of Gillette Super Blue Blades and a variety of string and twine bound together with a blue rubber band in a white piece of paper. The paper has the handwritten notation “additional ties for big shelter cloth” |
MB | 128 | one yellow and black plastic True Value flashlight with light bulb in it but no batteries |
MB | 129 | cardboard box with U.S. Post Office metered mail “Kansas City, MO, Oct. 27, ’76,” containing various spools of twine, bundles of string and numerous strips of leather |
MB | 130 | one cardboard box that had contained Items MB-79, MB-84 and MB-86” |
MB | 131 | one metal can containing pieces of carved wood and carved bone |
MB | 132 | one Band-Aid Brand Plastic Strips metal can wrapped in a plastic bag, secured with a blue rubber band, containing five strands of copper wire |
MB | 133 | one piece of wavy wire bent in the form of a circle |
MB | 134 | tan plastic shopping bag containing one cut brass bracket/pipe fitting, two small pieces of copper tubing (one piece has masking tape around it), four plastic containers (two whitish plastic with white metal tops, one whitish plastic with a red plastic top, and one orange plastic with a white plastic top), each containing copper and/or other metal fragments |
MB | 135 | one round cardboard Old Fashioned Quaker Oats canister containing an electronics tester, serial number 800341385, with handwritten note on masking tape on front “note: when on ‘high’ the ammeter gives incorrect reading. See Exp. 242.”; and a second handwritten note on top of canister, “ammeter,” between two intersecting pieces of masking tape. |
MB | 136 | one clear plastic box containing one long flathead nail, one piece of wire, and assorted pieces of metal |
MB | 137 | one small clear glass jar, with red and white checkered metal cap, containing two staples (for wood) and a small amount of gold, shiny [granules] and flakes |
MB | 138 | one orangish-yellow elongated plastic container/box containing nails, small pieces of wood, and sewing instruments and materials |
MB | 139 | one roll of Gould Quikstik brown packing tape; label inside roll “Gould Packaging, Inc, Vancouver, WA 98666” |
MB | 140 | one pair of pliers |
MB | 141 | one unopened package of Coghlan’s Waterproof Wooden Matches, “Coghlan’s Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada, made in Australia,” containing four boxes of matches |
MB | 142 | one white plastic bag containing a white plastic face mask, with string and rubber band attached to it, and an empty package of “Flexo Products, Inc. replacement micro-foam filters for protective mask” |
MB | 143 | one piece of copper tubing |
MB | 144 | one metal can containing a white toothbrush, bottle caps, balls of aluminum foil, pieces of screening material and various metal pieces |
MB | 145 | one small round cardboard Quaker Yellow Cornmeal canister, containing numerous hose clamps and metal brackets, with handwritten notation on the top of the canister “Hose clamps, etc.” |
MB | 146 | two blue and two orange plastic funnels, and one white homemade cloth filter for funnel |
MB | 147 | one paper Gold Medal Whole Wheat flour bag, containing several large nails, secured shut with a dirty tan rubber band |
MB | 148 | one white plastic jar with white metal cap; label “Rexall Sublimed Sulfur, N.F. (Flowers of Sulfur), Parasiticide- Scabicide” |
MB | 149 | one small, square, yellow tin labeled “John Wagner & Sons, Rare Flowery Jasmine Tea,” containing one small metal washer and several small pieces of wire |
MB | 150 | one plastic bread bag, secured with a shoelace, containing five small containers: 1) an orange plastic bottle with white plastic lid, with masking tape around it, with handwritten note “Thermite laced with chlorate mixture”; 2) an orange plastic container, with white plastic cap, with masking tape on it, with handwritten notation “Exp. 118”; 3) an orange plastic bottle with white plastic lid, with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “KC103 + S + charcoal + mucilage”; 4) an orange plastic container with white plastic cap, with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “Al + S”; 5) a small metal container, silver color, with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “Smokeless powder from Remington 30.06 bronze points” |
MB | 151 | one tan plastic shopping bag, containing three aluminum-foil envelopes/pouches; each with masking-tape labels with handwritten notations: 1) “Restos parcialmente cuajados de mezcla 2064(a) de Exps 225, 228, 245, mezcla 2064(a)”; 2) Mix 158-4 (slightly modified) from Exp. 244 clean and can be used.”; 3) “Mix 158-4 Exp. 244. Clotted with acetone” |
MB | 152 | one metal can with white paper label attached with strapping filament tape, with handwritten notation “Exp. 126 Pittsburgh container #2” |
MB | 153 | one clear plastic jar with white metal lid, with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “(Al + S) + thermite” |
MB | 154 | one paper container of “[unreadable] Fine Granulated Sugar,” secured with two large rubber bands |
MB | 155 | one paper Gold Medal Whole Wheat flour sack with handwritten notation “dump in Lincoln” at the bottom, containing miscellaneous debris (to include soil, small pieces of wood, metal, screws and bolts), secured with a rubber band |
MB | 156 | white plastic bag containing one large round cardboard Quaker Old-Fashioned Oats canister, with handwritten notation, “class 1 no rust,” on intersecting pieces of packing tape on top and containing a large variety of metal pieces and wire |
MB | 157 | one white plastic bag containing one small round cardboard Quaker Yellow Com Meal canister, containing one aluminum- foil envelope/pouch, containing “flash powder”; handwritten notations on top of canister “spoons” and “Exp. 220” (crossed through) |
MB | 158 | round metal Calumet Baking Powder can with white paper label secured with masking tape, with handwritten notation “Na2CO3—impure. Probably contaminated with [NaHCO3], NaCl, and NaC103. This is the first lot of crystals removed March 23. And second lot.” |
MB | 159 | one brown plastic bottle with clear plastic lid, labeled “Osco Drug Vitamin Mineral Formula,” with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “Crude KC1O3, medium KC1O3, content. Must be filtered.” |
MB | 160 | blue powderlike substance |
MB | 161 | white plastic bottle labeled “RIT Liquid Dye,” with masking tape around it, with handwritten notation “CaSO4 (not dry)” |
MB | 162 | brown plastic bottle with white metal cap and pink-colored plastic twisted under cap, with masking tape around bottle, with handwritten notation “mostly KC1, with modest amount KC1O3, tare with cap=0.6 oz.” |
MB | 163 | one metal can with aluminum foil pressed over the top, with white paper label secured with masking tape, with handwritten notation “Cuidado muy sensibilizado nezcla c de Exp. 90 esta la misma que la mezela #5”; contains large black particles |
MB | 164 | one glass bottle with white metal cap; labeled “McKesson glycerin USP, #21315, McKesson Laboratories, Dublin, CA 94566” |
MB | 165 | liquid sample from bottle marked “sodium tartrate” |
MB | 166 | liquid sample from bottle marked “KC1” |
MB | 167 | whitish plastic bottle with white metal cap, with clear plastic twisted under cap, with label “McKesson saltpeter (potassium nitrate),” with small bright-yellowish-green price tag, “Bergum Drug, Why Pay More? $1.73” |
MB | 168 | small brown bottle with white plastic cap, with masking tape around bottle, with handwritten notation “crude KC1O3. Good purity, except that it must be filtered. Tare with cap=0.6 oz.” |
MB | 169 | one clear plastic bottle with clear plastic cap, with pink plastic twisted under cap, with masking tape around bottle, with handwritten notation “crude KC1O3—good purity” (twice) |
MB | 170 | one round cardboard and metal canister labeled “Clabber Girl Baking Powder,” containing silver-gray powdery substance |
MB | 171 | two small white cardboard boxes labeled “Potassium chromate K. CrO, for lab use only, Hagenow Labs, Inc., Manitowoc, Wis.,” in a white plastic shopping bag |
MB | 172 | one white plastic shopping bag containing a white powdery substance, and containing a small clear plastic baggie with an aluminum-foil envelope/pouch, containing a powdery substance (possibly “flash powder”) |
MB | 173 | one small plastic orange container with white plastic cap, with white paper label secured with masking tape, with handwritten notation “BaSO4 may be contaminated with a little MgCl2 and smaller amount of MgSO2” |
MB | 174 | small white plastic jar with white metal cap, with handwritten notation “smallest,” containing metal screw/bolt and nut |
MB | 175 | one whitish plastic bottle with white metal cap, with masking tape around bottle, with handwritten notation “pure sucrose ground fine” |
MB | 176 | one clear glass jar with white metal cap, with picture of a lion on the cap and the name Wagner, with masking tape around jar, with handwritten notations “curie hydroxide?” (crossed out) and “probably basic carbonate Cu2(OH)2CO3”; contains blue powdery substance |
MB | 177 | whitish plastic bottle with white metal cap and clear plastic twisted under cap; label “McKesson boric acid crystals NF, NDC 0022-0144-85” and small square bright-yellowish-green price tag, “Bergum Drug Why Pay More? $1.93” |
MB | 178 | one white plastic bottle with white plastic cap; label “Flowers of Sulfur USP, Whiteworth Inc., Gardena, CA. 90248, NDC 0923-3500-03,” with masking tape around the base, with a small square white price tag, “Bergums 217-6956 L5GJB $5.17” |
MB | 179 | small orange plastic container with white plastic cap, with masking tape around container, with handwritten notation “silver oxide Ag2O” |
MB | 180 | one small clear glass jar with white metal cap, with handwritten notation “washed charcoal very finely ground”; contains black powdery substance |
MB | 181 | one small orange plastic container with white plastic cap, with black tape around it, securing a white paper label, with handwritten notation “Fe2O3 Exp. 51, [unreadable] (bi), with H2SO4” |
MB | 182 | one round metal can labeled “Calumet Baking Powder,” with a piece of newspaper over the top, secured with masking tape around the can, with handwritten notation “perfectly clean”; and one round brown cardboard canister, with silver-colored metal lid, containing powdery substance (possibly “flash powder”) |
MB | 183 | unknown powder |
MB | 184 | glass bottle containing pure liquid |
MB | 185 | rubber bands and ties |
MB | 186 | two pieces of metal |
MB | 187 | small piece of cut metal |
MB | 188 | (3) razors, (1) thermometer |
MB | 189 | cordage |
MB | 190 | two plastic containers with white crystalline material |
MB | 191 | (5) pairs of glasses and (1) clear lens |
MB | 192 | long piece of inner tube |
MB | 193 | two cans of adhesive |
MB | 194 | .25-cal. gun (Raven Arms), magazine containing six bullets, and one bullet |
MB | 195 | vacuum debris |
MB | 196 | vacuum debris |
MB | 197 | dust and debris |
MB | 198 | vacuum debris |
MB | 199 | vacuum debris |
MB | 200 | screws |
MC | 1 | three blue binders |
MC | 2 | two binders |
MC | 3 | two binders |
MC | 4 | two binders |
MC | 5 | misc. documents in yellow envelopes |
MC | 6 | 36 books |
MC | 7 | gloves |
MC | 8 | shoe insoles |
MC | 9 | nylon and cord |
MC | 10 | rifle scope wrapped in plastic |
MC | 11 | greenish-colored coat |
MC | 12 | vitamin jar containing steel pins |
MC | 13 | rag pillow |
MC | 14 | blanket |
MC | 15 | three mittens and two boots |
MC | 16 | two wood planks (one with aluminum covering) |
MC | 17 | blue scarf |
MC | 18 | scarf (turquoise and green) |
MC | 19 | red hat |
MC | 20 | strapping |
MC | 21 | bolt action .22-cal. rifle |
MC | 22 | Remington model .700 30.06 #6292650 |
MC | 23 | straw hat and strings |
MC | 24 | information on white paper re. 30.06 |
MC | 25 | wooden/metal contraption |
MC | 26 | one hand-bowed wood saw |
MC | 27 | bookshelf |
MC | 28 | metal bracket |
MC | 29 | screen sample |
MC | 30 | wood and nails |
MD | 1 | two check boxes. One contains a toothbrush; the other contains a dental instrument. |
MD | 2 | envelopes, handwritten documents and misc. documents |
MD | 3 | two books of checks #135-159 and #160-184; account number 001-04219-12, in the name of Theodore J. Kaczynski, from the Western Federal Savings Bank |
MD | 4 | envelopes containing misc. documents |
MD | 5 | brown box containing misc. documents |
MD | 6 | padded envelopes and self-adhesive labels in tan plastic Osco Drug shopping bag |
MD | 7 | one box of Mead envelopes, one package of self-adhesive labels and one package of hole reinforcers |
MD | 8 | one blue spiral notebook and one black vinyl notebook |
MD | 9 | plastic shopping bag containing Montana driver’s license, $32 cash and misc. handwritten notes |
MD | 10 | one small tomato-paste can containing 87e and a black watch and receipt |
MD | 11 | two metal cans containing “secrets” box, paper clips and keys |
MD | 12 | two metal cans containing pipe cleaners, writing instruments, rulers and a watch |
MD | 13 | stack of maps rubber-banded together |
MD | 14 | two small cardboard boxes and typewriter ribbons |
MD | 15 | plastic container with assorted maps and matchbook from Limited System Stores, Lombard, Illinois |
MD | 16 | six books: Eastern mysticism, Basimov’s Guide to the Bible, Holy Bible-Dictionary Concordance, Comes the Comrade, Les Miserables, Vols. 1 and 2 |
MD | 17 | plastic K-Mart shopping bag containing carbon paper and misc. paper |
MD | 18 | three notebook binders and a pad of colored construction paper |
MD | 19 | notebook and misc. papers |
MD | 20 | can opener |
MD | 21 | metal container/can (appears empty) |
MD | 22 | metal container/can labeled “Veg-All” (appears empty) |
MD | 23 | metal container/can (appears empty) |
MD | 24 | black oblong metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 25 | black oblong metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 26 | black oblong metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 27 | one clear glass jar containing visible residue |
MD | 28 | one clear glass jar containing dental bridge |
MD | 29 | one plastic jar labeled “Honey USDA Food” (appears empty) |
MD | 30 | one black oblong metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 31 | four brown oblong plastic lids |
MD | 32 | one small plastic jar with partial label (appears empty) |
MD | 33 | one small plastic jar, brown with orange label “Nutri-Plus calcium, magnesium and zinc” (appears empty) |
MD | 34 | one small plastic jar labeled “calcium hydroxide, USP” (appears empty) |
MD | 35 | one metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 36 | one metal can covered with paper and rubber band |
MD | 37 | one metal can labeled “Veg-All” (appears empty) |
MD | 38 | one small metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 39 | one container of Morton salt |
MD | 40 | one white Mix ’n Drink plastic cup |
MD | 41 | one white Mix ’n Drink plastic cup |
MD | 42 | one white Mix ’n Drink plastic cup |
MD | 43 | one white Mix ’n Drink” plastic cup |
MD | 44 | one white plastic cup |
MD | 45 | box of Proverb Series matchbooks, containing 21 matchbooks |
MD | 46 | razor blades wrapped in aluminum foil |
MD | 47 | one small tin can containing visible residue |
MD | 48 | one glass jar with blue metal lid |
MD | 49 | one metal frying pan without handle |
MD | 50 | one metal can |
MD | 51 | one glass jar labeled “Adams Unsalted 100% Natural Peanut Butter” and extra lid (appears empty) |
MD | 52 | bottom half of plastic water jug, partial label “Distilled Water” |
MD | 53 | one metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 54 | one metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 55 | one metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 56 | one metal can labeled “Del Monte Diced Tomatoes” (appears empty) |
MD | 57 | one metal can labeled “Veg-All” (appears empty) |
MD | 58 | one small metal can (appears empty) |
MD | 59 | one cardboard box full of misc. documents, envelopes and leather portfolio |
MD | 60 | green canvas U.S. Army backpack |
MD | 61 | khaki-colored cloth, somewhat deteriorated and resembling a ski mask |
MD | 62 | wood-handled hammer |
MD | 63 | one package of saw blades |
MD | 64 | one long-bladed black handle knife |
MD | 65 | saw (handsaw) |
MD | 66 | one wooden, apparently handmade, measuring instrument |
MD | 67 | one small brown glass bottle |
MD | 68 | metal can containing spent cartridge casings |
MD | 69 | one baking-powder canister with handwritten masking-tape label, “trigger spring for .22 rifle” |
MD | 70 | two packages of waterproof matches and one matchbook |
MD | 71 | one red metal box containing gun-cleaning kit labeled “Sears, cal.30 6 20253” |
MD | 72 | one piece of metal with curled end |
MD | 73 | one coil of rope |
MD | 74 | one small, round, cardboard Quaker Yellow Cornmeal canister, containing a white powdery substance |
MD | 75 | one white plastic jar with black plastic cap; label “2919 tartaric acid N.F., Humco Laboratory, Texarkana, Texas 75501,” with portion of red tamper-resistant tape across the cap and a small white square price tag “247-9996IEUR Bergums $8.83”; label states “fill Aug. 3-83, Exp. May-88” |
MD | 76 | one large whitish plastic jar with white plastic cap; label “NDC-0395-2285-01 Humco Laboratory, plaster of Paris (dental)”; contains white powdery substance |
MD | 77 | wood pieces |
MD | 78 | staples |
MD | 79 | wire ring |
MD | 80 | scabbard |
MD | 81 | feathers |
MD | 82 | This item number was not used. |
MD | 83 | shelf |
ME | 1 | steel/metal screen with wood frame |
ME | 2 | wood brace and screw |
ME | 3 | screws and nails |
ME | 4 | two pulleys |
ME | 5 | screws |
ME | 6 | staples |
ME | 7 | cordage |
ME | 8 | screws and wires |
ME | 9 | strainer, hooks |
ME | 10 | wire |
MF | 1 | vacuum sweepings of main floor |
MF | 2 | filings/debris |
MF | 3 | file (tool) |
MF | 4 | file with red handle |
MF | 5 | metal files |
MF | 6 | brushed debris |
MF | 7 | package of Manio envelopes |
MF | 8 | brown bags/newspapers |
MF | 9 | debris/cardboard |
MF | 10 | folded cardboard box |
MF | 11 | plastic bottle (cut in half) with rolled notebook papers |
MF | 12 | improvised explosive device (ied) contained in a cardboard box, wrapped in plastic bags with various tape and rubber bands |
MF | 12a | pipe bomb |
MF | 12aa | outer pipe with attached metal fragments |
MF | 12ab | pipe shaving and filter |
MF | 12ac | end plug/metal fragments |
MF | 12ad | tape and twine, outer wrap of pipe |
MF | 12ae | improvised detonation and filler |
MF | 12af | bulk filler |
MF | 13 | This item number was not used. |
MF | 14 | small blue spiral notebook containing handwritten notes in [unreadable] plastic shopping bag with rubber bands |
MF | 15 | six twigs from paper container |
MF | 16 | pliers/vise grip |
MF | 17 | cardboard cylinder container |
MF | 18 | hatchet |
MF | 19 | traveling kit—nylon bag with contents, with list of items |
MF | 20 | nails |
MF | 21 | shoes, with double sole of different sizes (contained in a plastic bag) |
MF | 22 | aluminum rectangular pan |
MF | 23 | batteries (size C, two batteries) |
MF | 24 | box of wax paper |
MF | 25 | piece of wood with a piece of wax paper |
MF | 26 | brown sweater rolled in plastic bag |
MF | 27 | dirty green tarp in plastic bag |
MF | 28 | hat, brown bag, camouflage jacket, green/brown pants and canvas jacket contained in plastic bag |
MF | 29 | plastic rain gear (poncho) |
MF | 30 | brown plastic raincoat |
MF | 31 | knife |
MF | 32 | maps of local area (two maps) |
MF | 33 | canvas green/brown face mask and black canvas face mask |
MF’ | 34 | radio and map of Lincoln, Montana, area |
MF | 35 | white rags tied together |
MF | 36 | plastic bag with two fish hooks, string and two boxes of matches |
MF | 37 | pocket knife |
MF | 38 | pieces of wood in plastic |
MF | 39 | plastic garbage bag, and bag containing clothing strips |
MF | 40 | iodized salt in bottle |
MF | 41 | ammo pack and waterproof matches |
MF | 42 | pipe approximately 61/ ft. long |
MF | 43 | handmade gun with spent cartridge |
MF | 44 | wood boards in foil |
MF | 45 | debris |
MF | 46 | misc. wood with screws and nails, to include pieces from the wood bin itself, bed and bed frame |
MF | 47 | one large piece of wood bin |
MF | 48 | one bottle of Trazadone antidepressant |
MF | 49 | wood fragments |
MF | 50 | wood fragments in plastic container |
MF | 51 | tin containing hand tools |
MF | 52 | two spades/hand shovels |
MF | 53 | six metal bars |
MF | 54 | long piece of metal |
MF | 55 | newspaper articles |
MF | 56 | cornmeal box containing spools, wood and foam |
MF | 57 | two axes |
MF | 58 | piece of cable |
MF | 59 | plastic bag of stitching hoop and thread |
MF | 60 | plastic bag containing filter paper to measure bum and documents explaining it |
MF | 61 | misc. metal pieces, screws, bolts, etc. |
MF | 62 | pair of forging pliers |
MF | 63 | pieces of wood |
MF | 64 | springs and note on envelope in Quick Oats box |
MF | 65 | misc. metal and brass in Quick Oats box |
MF | 66 | tin-can lids in Quick Oats box |
MF | 67 | metal can |
MF | 68 | cardboard can with trace |
MF | 69 | metal pot and lid |
MF | 70 | Calumet can containing wax-type substance |
MF | 71 | piece of sheet metal |
MF | 72 | a cut portion of axe blade |
MF | 73 | metal can containing unknown residue |
MF | 74 | metal can containing unknown residue |
MF | 75 | metal can containing unknown residue |
MF | 76 | metal can containing unknown residue |
MF | 77 | metal can containing unknown residue |
MF | 78 | metal can containing unknown residue |
MF | 79 | cardboard box of wire and a plastic bag |
MF | 80 | cardboard container within one metal can |
MF | 81 | plastic container |
MF | 82 | misc. pipes, metal rod and a tire tool |
MF | 83 | black powder and smokeless powder |
MF | 84 | loose metal parts |
MF | 85 | plastic bucket containing thick black material |
MF | 86 | paper bag containing metal container with metal tops and wire |
MF | 87 | one plastic bag containing various drill bits and other metal items |
MF | 88 | metal container of black granular material |
MF | 89 | metal container containing white powder material |
MF | 90 | three plastic bottles labeled “alcohol,” containing liquid |
MF | 91 | two metal fragments |
MF | 92 | one white plastic container of white powder |
MF | 93 | one metal can containing keys and twine |
MF | 94 | plastic container of white powder |
MF | 95 | two samples, one from each paint can |
MF | 96 | sample of ash taken from pot |
MF | 97 | sample of ash taken from wood stove |
MF | 98 | ammunition for .22-cal. |
MF | 99 | ammunition |
MF | 100 | green notebook |
MF | 101 | vacuum debris |
MF | 102 | vacuum debris |
MF | 103 | wood |
OC | 1 | tool made with rebar |
OC | 2 | sample of cabin wall |
OC | 3 | staples removed from homemade ladder |
OC | 4 | corroded metal-like substance |
OC | 5 | paint can with acetone can in it |
OC | 6 | screen wire |
OC | 7 | paint can with acetone |
OC | 8 | piece of green license plate |
OC | 9 | sample of screen |
OC | 10 | paint scrapings |
OC | 11 | paint scrapings |
OC | 12 | can of adhesive |
OC | 13 | glazing compound |
OC | 14 | can labeled “acetone” |
R | 1 | ceramic bowl |
R | 2 | ceramic bowl |
R | 3 | ceramic bowl |
R | 4 | ceramic bowl |
R | 5 | rusted sheet metal |
R | 6 | two strips of burnt steel |
RSP | 1 | (ied) partial section of wooden box |
RSP | 1 | (ied) piece of label from the wooden box |
RSP | 2 | (ied) piece of label from the wooden box |
RSP | 2 | This item number was not used. |
RSP | 3 | (ied) partial section of wooden box |
RSP | 4 | (ied) packaging material |
RSP | 5 | (ied) misc. debris |