Montana State Library
Montana as it is and was

Cover picture: Going-to-the-Sun Mountain and St. Mary's Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana. Courtesy of Mr. William H. Browning, Travel and Promotion Manager, Montana Chamber of Commerce, Helena.
Title Page

930 East Lyndale Avenue, Helena, 59601
A second compilation of books about Montana follows the Centennial year of the Montana Territory. The first bibliography was compiled by Miss Rita McDonald and was called, "Books About Montana and the West."
"Montana As It Is And Was" is issued as an aid to public and school libraries in the selection of books about Montana for the general collection. All of the books that are included were in print at the time this publication was printed. Additions to the bibliography will appear regularly in the monthly MONTANA NEWSLETTER and MONTANA LIBRARIES which is published currently by the Montana State Library.
The author, title, publisher, date and classification number are given for each entry. Addresses are furnished for publishers not listed in Books in Print. The exception to this is the Montana Historical Society, 6th and Roberts, Helena, Montana, 59601, which appears throughout the bibliography as Mont. Hist. Soc.
Key to Abbreviations and Symbols:
Inter.—Intermediate (Grades 4-6)
Prim.—Primary (Grades 1-3)
Upper—Grades (7-12)
Abbott, Edward C. ("Teddy Blue") and Smith, Helena H. We pointed them north: recollections of a cowpuncher. Univ, of Okla. 1955 $4.50 Central Montana cattle country from 1884 to 1939. B Upper
Abbott, Newton C. Montana in the making. 13th ed. Gazette Printing Co., Billings 1964 $4.50 978.6
Alter, J. Cecil. Jim Bridger. Univ, of Okla. 1962 $5.95 B
Amaral, Anthony A. Comanche: the horse that survived the Custer massacre. Westemlore 1961 $5.50 978.63
Andrews, Ralph. Curtis' western Indians. Superior 1962 $12.50 970.4
Andrews, Ralph. Indians as the Westerners saw them. Superior 1963 $12.50 970.1
Andrist, Ralph E. Long death. Macmillan 1964 $8.95 Indian wars. 970.5
Annin, James. They gazed on the Beartooths. 3 vols. Author, 336 N. 5th St., Columbus 1964 $37.25 History of Stillwater Coun ty. 978.6
Armstrong, J. B. The big North. Author 1965 $3.00 (Avail able at local bookstores or from Tascher Associates, 715 Beverly, Missoula, Mont, or Mont Hist. Soc.) 917.86 Upper
Armstrong, J. B. The raw edge. Mont. State Univ. 1964 paper $1.75 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Authentic portrayal of life as a cowboy from Texas to Montana and as a homesteader in Montana. 917.86
Ashley, William H. The West of William H. Ashley. Old West 1963 $35.00 Story of the fur trade, 1822-1838. 338.1
Athearn, Robert G. High country empire. Peter Smith 1965 $3.50 The plains and the Rockies, 1800-1960. 978
Athearn, Robert G. William Tecumseh Sherman and the settlement of the West. Univ, of Okla. 1956 $5.00 Indian wars, in cludes Montana. B
Atherton, Lewis. The cattle kings. Ind. Univ. 1961 $6.95 918.8
Babcock, Mrs. Tim. First ladies' cookbook. Montana Centennial ed. 1963 $3.95 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) 641.5
Bakeless, John E. Lewis and Clark, partners in discovery. Peter Smith 1962 $4.00 917.8
Bard, Floyd C. Horse wrangler; sisty years in the saddle in Wyoming and Montana, as told to A. W. Spring. Univ, of Okla. 1960 $4.95 B
Barsness, Larry. Gold camp: Alder Gulch and Virginia City, Montana. Hastings 1962 $5.95 978.6
Barton, Fred. Charles M. Russell. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1962 paper 25c An old friend writes about the life of C. M. Russell. B
Bauer, C. Max. Yellowstone—-its underworld. Univ, of N. Mex. paper $1.00 917.87
Bay, Stuart The cry was gold. Community Press 1963 paper 50c (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Pitcures of Montana ghost towns. 978.6
Beal, Merrill. I will fight no more forever. Univ, of Wash. 1963 $6.00 Chief Joseph's famous words are used as the title of this book about him and his people. 970.3
Beckwourth, James P. The life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth, mountaineer, scout, and pioneer, and chief of the Crow Nation of Indians . . . Ross & Haines 1965 $8.75 Reprint of 1856 edition. 978
Beidler, John X. X Beidler: vigilante. Univ, of Okla. 1957 $2.00 B Upper
Berry, Gerald L. The Whoop-up trail: early days in Alberta and Montana. Applied Arts Institute, Edmonton, Alta. 1953 $3.50 paper $2.00 978.6
Blankenship, Gladys R. From the Crow country. Author, c/o Crow Agency, Hardin 1965 $2.00 Montana poems. 811
Bollinger, James W. Old Montana and her cowboy artist. World Pub. 1963 $3.00 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) B
Bonney, Orrin H. and Lorraine. Absaroka Range and Yellowstone Park field guide. Swallow 1963 $2.00 917.87
Brad, Jacoba B. Homestead $5.00 Life in Libby. B on the Kootenai. Caxton 1960
Bradley, Lt. James. March of the Montana column; a prelude to the Custer disaster. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $4.00 Journals kept during march of Montana troops to Battle of Little Big Hom 978.6
Briggs, Edwin. Legal barriers to competition in Montana state and local law. Bureau of Business and Economic Research (Univ, of Mont., Missoula) 1964 $3.00 340
Briggs, Harold E. Frontiers of the Northwest: a history of the Upper Missouri Valley. Peter Smith 1940 $6.75 Montana and the Dakotas. 978 Upper
Brininstool, Earl A. Troopers with Custer. Rev. ed. Stackpole 1952 $5.00 Collection of articles written or edited by author. 973.82
Brisbin, James S. The beef bonanza; or, How to get rich on the plains. Reprint. Univ, of Okla. 1959 $2.00 636.08
Brown, Mark. Plainsmen of the Yellowstone. Putnam 1961 $7.50 978.63 Upper
Burke, Bill. Rhymes of the mines. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1964 paper $1.00 811
Burroughs, R. D., ed. The natural history of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Mich. State Univ. 1961 $7.50 Selections from the Journals. 591.978
Bye, John O. Back trailing in the heart of the short grass country. Author, 2743 NE 103 St., Seattle, Wash. 1956 $6.00 Rem iniscences of Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas. B
Caesar, Gene. King of the mountain men. Dutton 1961 $4.95 New and appealing biography of Jim Bridger. B Upper
Call, Hughie. Golden fleece. Rev. ed. Crown 1961 $3.95 917.86 Upper
Call, Hughie. Little kingdom. Houghton 1964 $3.00 B Upper
Campbell, Henry. Song or two then silence. Country Bookshelf, 1520 W. Main St., Bozeman 1964 $2.50 784
Campbell, William C. From the quarries of Last Chance Gulch. 2 vols. Bel-Arm Corp., P. O. Box 582, Helena, Mont. 1965 $16.50 set Vol. 1 $8.50 Vol. 2 $9.50 978.6
Carlson, Jen. Thru the dust. Christopher 1952 $2.00 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Story of life on the prairies of eastern Montana. 978.6
Carter, Georgia N. Montana tall tales. Author, 543 Rimrock Rd., Billings 1964 $1.50 978.6
Catlin, George. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians; written during 8 years' travel amongst the wildest tribes of Indians in N. Am. in 1832-39. 2 vols. Ross & Haines 1965 $17.50 Facsimile of the orig inal edition of 1841 with new introduction and index. 970.1
Chalmers, Harvey. Last stand of the Nez Perce. Twayne 1962 $5.00 973.83
Chittenden, Hiram M. History of early steamboat navigation on the Missouri River. (Reprint of 1902 ed. 2 vol. in 1) Ross & Haines 1962 $8.75 978
Chittenden, Hiram M. Yellowstone National Park. Univ, of Okla. 1964 $1.95 917.87
Christopherson, Edmund. The night the mountain fell: the story of the Montana-Yellowstone earthquake. Author, 919 Woodford, Missoula 1960 paper $1.00 551.2 Upper
Christopherson, Edmund. This here is Montana. Author, 919 Woodford, Missoula 1961 paper $1.00 Written primarily for the tourist. 978.6
Christopherson, Edmund. Westward I go free, the story of J. F. K. in Montana. Earthquake Press 1964 $1.00 (Order from Au thor, 919 Woodford, Missoula) B
Clairmonte, Glenn. Calamity was the name for Jane. Sage 1959 $3.75 B
Clay, John. My life on the range. Univ, of Okla. 1962 $5.95 First published in 1924. B
Coffeen, Donald H. Custer battle book. Carlton 1964 $2.00 973.82
Cole, Philip. Montana in miniature, ed. by Van Kirke Nelson and Cato Butler. Van Kirke Nelson, 216 Buffalo Block, Kalispell, Mont. 1966 $15.00 More than one hundred one-page stories of Montana history, each accompanied by a full page illustration by Olaf Seltzer. 978.6 Upper
Collins, Dabney Otis. The hanging of Bad Jack Slade. Golden Bell 1963 paper $1.00 B
Cook, Charles W. Valley of the Upper Yellowstone; an exploration of the headwaters of the Yellowstone River in the year 1869, ed. and with an intro, by Aubrey L. Haines. Univ, of Okla. 1965 $3.75 917.87
Cox, Ross. The Columbia River: or scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains. Univ, of Okla. 1957 $5.75 Includes account of winter spent among Flatheads in early 1800's. 917.95
Craighead, John. Field guide to Rocky Mountain wildflowers. Houghton 1963 $4.95 582
Crossen, Forest. Western yesterdays; a collection of authentic interviews with venturesome people, principally old-time Westerners. 3 vols. Boulder Pub. Co. 1963 $3.50 each paper $1.95 each (Order address: Box 1433, Boulder, Colo. 80301) 917.8
Custer, Elizabeth. Boots and saddles. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $2.00 B
Custer, George A. My life on the plains. Peter Smith 1962 $4.00 Univ, of Okla. 1962 $5.95 B
Davis, Jean. Shallow diggin's. Caxton 1962 $6.50 Tales from Montana's ghost towns, picturing life in the nineteenth-century mining towns. 978.6
De Barthe, Joseph. The life and adventures of Frank Grouard. Univ, of Okla. 1958 $5.00 Adventures in West and Montana in 1860's and 1870's. B
Dehnert, Amy Hales. History of the Episcopal churchwomen in Montana. Author, 636 Avenue C, Billings $3.00 283
Denig, Edwin T. Five Indian tribes of the Upper Missouri: Sioux, Arickara, Assiniboines, Crees and Crows, ed. by John C. Ewers. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $4.00 970.48
De Voto, Bernard A. Across the wide Missouri. Houghton 1947 $10.95 Rocky Mountain fur trade of the 1830's. 978 Upper
Diacon, Lois. Grip of the Bear Paws. Mountaineer Publ., Big Sandy 1962 $5.95 Fictionalized account of life on the south side of the Bear Paw Mountains, based on true incidents. 917.86
Dillon, Richard. Meriwether Lewis. Coward 1965 $6.95 Bi ography of the explorer. B
Dimsdale, T. J. The vigilantes of Montana. Univ, of Okla. 1959 $2.00 First book to be printed in Montana. 978.6 Upper
Edwards, Gordon J. A climber's guide to Glacier National Park. Siena 1960 $3.75 917.86
Eggenhofer, Nick. Wagons, mules and men; how America moved West. Hastings 1961 $8.50 385.09
Evans, C. B. Another Montana pioneer. Author, 9920 East 10th, Spokane, Wash. 99206 1961 $2.65 Early days in Montana and Idaho. 978.6
Evans, C. B. Western pioneer home life. Author, 9920 East 10th, Spokane, Wash. 99206 1964 $4.00 978.6
Ewers, John C. Artists of the Old West. Doubleday. 1965 $12.95 759.18
Ewers, John C. The Blackfeet; raiders of the Northwestern plains. Univ, of Okla. 1958 $5.75 970.6 Upper
Finerty, John F. War-path and bivouac; or The conquest of the Sioux. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $2.00 970.3
Fisher, Vardis. Suicide or murder? The strange death of Meriwether Lewis. Swallow 1962 $4.95 B
Fletcher, Robert H. Free grass to fences; the Montana cattle range story. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1961 $12.00 978 Upper
Florin, Lambert. 917.8 Ghost town album. Superior 1962 $12.50
Florin, Lambert. 978 Ghost town treasures. Superior 1965 $10.50
Florin, Lambert. 917.8 Western ghost towns. Superior 1961 $12.50
Frink, Maurice with
Casey E Barthelmess. Photographer on an army mule. Univ, of Okla. 1965 $6.95 Biography of Christian Barthelmess who came to Fort Keogh in 1888 with the 22nd Infantry. 917.8
Frontier Omnibus. Mont. State Univ. 1962 $12.00 (Order from Mont Hist. Soc., Helena or the Assoc. Student Store, Univ, of Mont., Missoula) Twenty-seven articles encompass three-quarters of a century in the history of the northwestern frontier—diaries, memoirs, documents, letters. 978.6
Frost Lawrence. Custer album. Superior 1964 $12.50 973.82
Gard, Wayne. Frontier justice. Univ, of Okla. 1949 $3.75 Montana roundup, chapter 9. 978 Upper
Gard, Wayne. The great buffalo hunt. Knopf 1959 $5.75 Buffalo trade of the 1870's including that in Miles City area. 978 Upper
Gitchell, J. W. Many voices. Vantage 1964 $3.75 Montana poems. 811
Gitchell, J. W. We bet our lives. Vantage 1962 $3.50 917.86
Gold, Douglas. A schoolmaster with the Blackfeet Indians. Caxton 1963 $5.00 818
Graff, James R. Historic Helena, 1864-1964. Home Building and Loan Assoc., Helena 1964 $2.70 978.66
Graham, Clara. This was the Kootenay. Evergreen Press, 1070 S.E. Marine Drive, Vancouver, B. C. 1964 $4.50 978.6
Graham, William A, comp. The Custer myth;
a source book of Cus- terania. Stackpole 1954 $10.00 973.82 Upper
Graham, William A. Story of the Little Big Hom. Stackpole 1952 $5.00 973.82 Upper
Grant, Bruce. American forts, yesterday and today. Dutton 1965 $5.95 355.7
Greever, William S. Bonanza West; the story of the Western mining rushes, 1848-1900. Univ, of Okla. 1963 $5.95 978
Grinnell, George B. Blackfoot lodge tales. Peter Smith 1963 $3.50 398.21
Grinnell, George B. By Cheyenne campfires. Yale Univ. 1962 $7.50 970.3
Grinnell, George B. Cheyenne Indians; with an introduction to the new edition by Mari Sandoz. Cooper 1962 $20.00 970.3
Grinnell, George B. The fighting Cheyennes. Univ, of Okla. 1956 $5.95 Covers period 1840 to 1880. 970.3
Grinnell, George B. Pawnee, Blackfoot and Cheyenne. Scribner 1961 $4.95 Excerpts from some of author's better known works. 970.1
Gros Ventres of Montana. Part 1 Social life, by Regina Flannery. Catholic Univ, of America Press, 620 Michigan Ave. N.E., Washington 17, D. C. 1953 $3.75 970.3 Part II Religion and ritual, by I. M. Cooper, ed. by Regina Flannery. Catholic Univ, of America Press, 620 Michigan Ave. N.E., Washington 17, D.C. 1957 $5.00 970.3
Guthrie, A. B. Blue hen's chick. McGraw 1965 $5.95 B
Hafen, LeRoy. Mountain men and the fur trade of the far West. 2 v. Arthur H. Clark, 1264 S. Central Ave., Glendale, Calif. 91204 1964 $14.50 each 978
Hamilton, James M. From wilderness to statehood: a history of Montana, 1805-1900. Binfords 1957 $8.00 978.6 Upper
Hamilton, William. My sixty years on the plains, trapping, trading and Indian fighting. Univ, of Okla. 1960 $2.00 Account of western adventures of author who later settled in Montana. First published in 1905. B Upper
Hansen, Virginia. The fabulous past of Cooke City. Author, 2407 Cascade, Billings 1962 $1.00 978.6
Harris, Edward. Up the Missouri with Audubon. Univ, of Okla. 1951 $3.75 Audubon at Fort Union. 574.798
Helburn, Nicholas. Montana in maps. Endowment and Research Foundation (Montana State Univ., Bozeman) 1962 $4.00 Copies of individual maps available, 4c each. 912
Henry, Alexander. New light on the early history of the greater northwest. The manuscript journals of Alexander Henry . . . and of David Thompson ... 1799-1814. Exploration and adventure among the Indians on the Red, Saskatchewan, Missouri, and Columbia rivers. 2 vols. Ross & Haines 1965 $17.50 Facsimile of the 1897 edition. 971.2
Highland, Geneva. Big dry country. Author, Jordan, Mont. 1960 $4.50 Local history of Garfield County. 917.8
Historical Sketch of Deer Lodge City, Montana. Centennial Committee 1964 paper $1.00 (Order from Deer Lodge Chamber of Commerce) 978.6
Hoebel, Edward A. The Cheyennes; Indians of the Great Plains. Holt 1960 paper $1.50 970.3
Holbrook, Stewart H. Burning an empire; the story of American forest fires. Macmillan 1943 $5.95 Montana-Idaho fire of 1910, pp. 121-133. 634.96 Upper
Holgren, Beryl. Frank Baney, forty years a Montana law enforcer. Vantage. 1965 $3.95 (Order from Mrs. Victoria Baney, Eureka, Mont.) B
Hollman, Clide. Five artists of the Old West; George Catlin, Karl Bodner, Alfred Jacob Miller, Charles M. Russell, Frederic Remington. Hastings 1965 $3.95 920
Howard, Helen A. Northwest trailblazers. Caxton 1963 $6.00 1965 $4.95 979.5
Howard, Helen A. Saga of Chief Joseph. Caxton Revised edition of "War Chief Joseph." 970.2
Howard, Joseph K. Montana, high, wide and handsome. Yale Univ. 1959 $6.00 978.6 Upper
Howard, Joseph K. Montana margins: a state anthology. Yale Univ. 1946 $6.50 Collection of writings about Montana selected to give picture of life of state. 978.6 Upper
Huntington, Bill. Both feet in the stirrups. Western Livestock Reporter, Billings 1959 $5.00 917.8
Hutchens, John K. One man's Montana. Lippincott 1964 $4.95 978.6
Hyde, George E. Red Cloud's folk: a history of the Oglala Sioux. Univ, of Okla. 1937 $5.00 970.3
Hyde, George E. Spotted Tail's folk: a history of the Brule Sioux. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $5.00 970.2
Iverson, Ronald J. Princess of the prairie. Mont. State Univ. 1965 $3.25 (Order from Author—Box 287, Belgrade, Mont., or McGill Museum, Bozeman, Mont.) 978.6 Upper
James, Thomas. Three years among the Indians and Mexicans. Lippincott paper $1.25 James came up the Missouri with the 1809 Manuel Lisa expedition and was at the Three Forks with Colter in 1810. 978
Johnson, Florence Riddle. Ghost trails country. Author, Route 1, Box 4A, Mill Creek, Anaconda 1964 paper $1.00 History of early mining days around Anaconda. 978.6
Johnson, Maxine C. Beef cattle in the Montana economy. Bureau of Business and Economic Research (Univ, of Montana., Missoula) 1961 free 636.21
Johnson, Olga W. Bears in the Rockies. Kootenai-Craft Productions, Libby 1960 paper $2.00 (Order from Author, 3168 Williams Highway, Grants Pass, Ore. or Mrs. Inez Herrig, Lincoln County Library, Libby, Mont.) 591.5
Johnson, Olga W. Early Libby and Troy. KootenaiGraft Productions, Libby, Mont. paper $2.00 (Order from Author, 3168 Williams Highway, Grants Pass, Ore. or Mrs. Inez Herrig, Lincoln County Library, Libby, Mont.) 978.6
Johnson, Virginia W. The unregimented general: biography of Nelson A. Miles. Houghton 1962 $6.95 B
Jones, Agnes L. Crow country. Rocky Mountain College, Billings $2.50 978.6
Jones, Evan H. Tales from the Teton. Home Sales, Fort Benton* 1965 $2.50 978.6
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. Nez Perce Indians and the opening of the northwest. Yale 1965 $10.00 970.2
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. Patriot chiefs; a chronicle of American Indian leadership. Viking 1961 $6.50 Includes Crazy Horse and Chief Joseph. 970.2
Kennon, Robert From the Pecos to the Powder; a cowboy's autobiography. Univ, of Okla. 1965 $5.95 917.96
King, Charles. Campaigning with Crook. Univ, of Okla. 1964 $2.00 978.6
Knight, Oliver. Following the Indian wars: the story of the newspaper correspondents among the Indian campaigners. Univ, of Okla. 1960 $5.95 Much on the Sioux uprising of 1876. 973.8
Kohls, William Ray. Attempts to start Masonic Lodges in Montana. (Order from Mrs. W. R. Kohls, Ennis) 1964 $3.25 366.1
Kraenzel, Carl F. Great Plains in transition. Univ, of Okla. 1955 $5.00 Scholarly regional study. 978
Kuhlman, Charles. Legend into history. Stackpole 1951 $5.00 Study of Battle of Little Big Hom. 973.82
Langford, Nathaniel P. Vigilante days and ways. Mont. State Univ. 1957 $3.50 (Order from Rudy's News, P. O. Box 1533, Missoula. Request prices on quantities.) 978.6
Larpenteur, Charles. Forty years a fur trader on the upper Missouri; (his) personal narrative, 1833-1872. Ross and Haines 1962 $8.75 917.78
Lass, William History of 'steam-boating on the Upper Missouri. Univ, of Neb. 1962 $5.50 386.3
Lawrence, Lou. Pioneer days at Big Sandy, Montana. Big Sandy Mountaineer 1963 paper $1.50 978.6
Leighton, Margaret. Bride of glory. Farrar 1962 $3.25 B Upper
Lent, D. Geneva. West of the mountains: James Sinclair and the Hudson's Bay Co. Univ, of Wash. 1963 $6.75 971
Lewis, Meriwether. Journals of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Sergeant John Ordway. State Hist. Soc. of Wis. 1965 $9.00 917.8
Lewis, Meriwether. Letters of the Lewis and Clark expedition with related documents, 1783-1854, ed. by Donald Jackson. Univ, of Ill. 1962 $10.00 917.8
Lewis, Meriwether. The Lewis and Clark expedition. 3 vols. Lippincott 1961 $12.50 paper $2.25 set, $1.25 each Author's account originally published in 1814. 917.8
Lewis, Meriwether and Clark, William. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, 1804-1806, ed. by R. G. Thwaites. 8 vols. Hillary 1959 $165.00 978
Linderman, Frank. Plenty-Coups, chief of the Crows. Peter Smith $3.50 (Reissue of "The American") 970.2
Linderman, Frank. Recollections of Charley Russell, ed. by H. G. Merriam. Univ, of Okla. 1963 $6.95 B
Link, Louis W. Great Montana earthquake. Author, Cardwell, Mont. 1964 paper $1.25 551.2
Link, Louis Mont.
W. 1964 Lewis and Clark paper $1.25 expedition. 978 Author, Cardwell,
Long, James L. The Assiniboines; from the accounts of the Old Ones told to First Boy; ed. by Michael S. Kennedy. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $5.00 Reissue of "Land of Nakoda". 970.3 Upper
Lowie, Robert H. The Crow Indians. Rinehart 1956 paper $3.75 970.3 Upper
Luttig, John C. Journal of a fur-trading expedition on the Upper Missouri, 1812-1813. Argosy-Antiquarian, Ltd., 116 E. 59 St., New York 10022 1964 $8.50 978
McAlear, J. F. The fabulous Flathead. Author, Polson, Mont. 1962 $3.00 978.6
McClung, Lowell. Montana's Centennial. Author, Wilsall, Mont. 1964 50c 978.6
McCracken, Harold. The Charles M. Russell book: life and adventures of the cowboy artist. Doubleday 1957 $14.95 B
McCracken, Harold. Frederic Remington, artist of the old West. Lippincott 1947 $17.50 B
Maine, Floyd S. Lone Eagle: the white Sioux. Univ, of N.M. 1956 $3.00 Setting for part of book is Musselshell River country. 970.2
Marquis, Thomas B. Wooden Leg: a warrior who fought Custer. Univ, of Neb. 1962 paper $1.90 970.2
Marriott, Alice L. Hell on horses and women. Univ, of Okla. 1953 $4.50 Five chapters deal with modern Montana ranch life from woman's point of view. 917.8 Upper
Martin, Mildred A. The Martins of Gunbarrel. Caxton 1959 $5.00 Life on a dude ranch near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming but close to Montana border. 917.874 Upper
Mattes, Merrill J. Indians, infants and infantry. Old West 1960 $5.95 Two chapters on Fort C. F. Smith B
Merriam, H. G., comp. Sang it all his life. Montana Institute of the Arts. 1965 25c (Order from H. G. Merriam, 665 E. Kent, Missoula, Mont.) Poems by Montana poets, many dealing with Montana. 811
Miller, Alice Stewart. Virgil Stewart: self-made dentist of the ludith Basin. Author, 6226 1st Ave. N.W., Seattle, Wash. 1963 $2.50 B
Miller, David H. Custer's fall; the Indian side of the story. Duell 1957 $4.50 978.3 Upper
Miller, James K. P. The road to Virginia City: diary. Univ, of Okla. 1960 $3.75 Utah and Montana Territory in the 1860's. B
Mills, Edward L. Plains, peaks and pioneers: eighty years of Methodism in Montana. Binfords 1947 $3.75 287.786
Mockel, Myrtle. Montana's song and poems of the West. Dorrance 1964 $2.50 (Order from Author, 1110 3rd St. W., Billings) 811
Moncure, Peyton. "Out West" in Montana. 1964 paper 75c (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Scrapbook of the author's special interests in the Treasure State. 978.6
Montana Almanac and Supplement. Mont. State Univ. 1959-1961 paper $1.60 (Order from Univ, of Mont. Library, Missoula, or Rudy's News, P. O. Box 1533, Missoula, quantity prices on request) 978.6
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. Bulletin #39 Handbook for small mining enterprises in Montana. 1964 $2.00 (Order from Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Room 203 B, Main Hall, Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, Butte) 622
Montana Chamber of Commerce. What's going on at the legislature. Mont. Chamber of Commerce, Helena 1964 paper 25c A manual for visitors and guidelines for a visit to the legislature 328.3
Montana Heritage Series—Number 4. Paxson. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1954 Portfolio of the art of E. S. paper 35c B Upper
Montana Heritage Series—Number
8. Yellowstone wonderland. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1957 paper 50c 917.87 Upper
Montana Heritage Series—Number 9. Glorious Glacier. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1950 paper 50c 917.8 Upper
Montana Heritage Series—Number 10. Life and times of Olaf Seltzer, 1877-1957. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1961 paper 50c B Upper
Montana Heritage Series—Number 12. Schultz. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1961 Blackfeet man, James Willard paper 50c B Upper
Montana Heritage Series—Number 13. Open range days in old Montana and Wyoming. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1963 paper 50c 978.6 Upper
Montana Heritage Series—Number 14. E. S. Paxson—Montana artist. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1964 paper 50c B Upper
Montana Historical Society. Contributions. Vol. VI and X $12.00 each (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) 978.6
Montana Historical Society. Contributions. Vols. 1-10 set $245.00, $24.50 each Available March 15, 1966 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) 978.6
Montana Nurses Association. Nursing in Montana. The Association, 1409 Helena Ave., Helena 1961 paper $2.00 610.73
Montana; the Big Sky Country. Centennial ed. Ashton Printers 1964 paper $1.00 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) "Montana Books" by H. G. Merriam (p43) lists memorable and beloved books. 978.6
Montana, the magazine of western history. Vols. 1-7 paper $105.00 set, $15. each (Order from Johnson Reprint Corp., Dept. SL, 111 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 10003 or Montana, the Magazine of Western History, 6th and Roberts, Helena) 978.6
Montana, the magazine of western history. Cowboys and cattlemen. Hastings 1964 $10.00 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) 917.8
Montana, the magazine of western history. Red man's West. True stories of the frontier Indians from
Montana, the magazine of western history. Selected
and edited by Michael S. Kennedy. Hastings $10.00 987.6 Upper
Morgan, Dale Lowell. Jedediah Smith and the opening of the West. Peter Smith 1964 $4.00 B
Morgan, Lewis H. The Indian journals, 1859-62. Univ, of Mich. 1959 $17.50 Includes expedition to Rocky Mountains by way of Missouri River in 1862. 970.48
Myers, Carol. Montana where my treasure is. Western Allied Printing 1964 paper 50c (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Collection of poetry. 811
Neihardt, John G.__ A cycle of the West. Univ, of Neb. 1963 paper $1.85 Five epic poems, three of which pertain to frontier Montana. 811.08 Upper
Nelson, Bruce. Land of the Dacotahs. Peter Smith $3.75 History of the Upper Missouri country. 978 Upper
Nye, Elwood. Marching with Custer. Arthur H. Clark 1964 $18.00 973.82
Oglesby, Richard. Manuel Lisa and the opening of the Missouri fur trade. Univ, of Okla. 1963 $5.00 978
Olson, James C. Red Cloud and the Sioux problem. Univ, of Neb. 1965 $5.95 970.3
Osgood, Ernest S. Day of the cattleman. Univ, of Chicago 1957 paper $1.95 History of cattle industry on northern plains with many Montana references. 636.081 Upper
Overholser, Joel F. Centennial history of Fort Benton, Montana, 18461946. Fort Benton Centennial Assn., River Press, Fort Benton 1946 paper 50c 978.6
Owen, John. Journals and letters of Major John Owen, pioneer of the Northwest, 1950-1871. Eberstadt 1927 2 vol. $20.00 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) B
Owings, Ralph. Montana directory of public affairs. Rev. ed. Author 1960 $10.00 (Order from Edwards Brothers, 2500 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich.) Compendium of factual material about Montana's government. 328.339 Upper
Pace, Dick. Golden gulch. 1962 paper $1.00 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Montana's fabulous Alder Gulch. 978.6
Paladin, Vivian A. From buffalo bones to sonic boom. Glasgow Jubilee Committee 1962 paper $1.50 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) History of Glasgow. 978.617
Parsons, John. West of the 49th parallel: Red River to the Rockies, 1872-1876. Morrow 1963 $6.00 327.73
Paul, Rodman. Mining frontiers of the far West, 1848-1880. Holt 1963 $7.75 978
Perry, Eugene S. Montana in the geologic past. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, Butte) 1962 paper $1.00 622
Phillips, Paul C. The fur trade. 2 vols. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $16.50 Scholarly work by former U. of M. professor on fur trade of whole American continent. Little specifically on Montana. 338.1
Phillips, Paul C. Medicine in the making of Montana. Mont State Univ. 1962 $10.00 (Order from Russell Hegland, 1236 N. 28th, Billings) 610.9
Pioneer Historical Circle. Pioneers and progress on the prairie. Pioneer Historical Circle 1964 $3.50 (Order from Mrs. Verna Carlson, Circle) 978.6
Powell, Ace. Ace of diamonds, ed. by Van Kirke Nelson. Van Kirke Nelson, 216 Buffalo Block, Kalispell, Mont. 1965 $1.50 Stories of early days in Glacier Park and on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Written and illustrated by Ace Powell. 978.6
Randall, L. W. Footprints along the Yellowstone. Naylor 1961 $4.95 Episodes about Yellowstone River area. 978.63
Rawling, Gerald. Pathfinders. Macmillan 1964 $6.95 978
Remington, Frederic. Frederic Remington's own West, ed. by Harold McCracken. Dial 1960 $7.50 Anthology of Remington's writings illustrated with his drawings. 917.8
Renne, Roland R. Montana citizen. State Publ. Co., Helena 1959 $4.95 Textbook 342.786 Upper
Rickey, Don. Forty miles a day on beans and hay. Univ, of Okla. 1963 $5.95 355.12
Ritch, Johnny. Shorty"s saloon. Ulus, by Charles M. Russell. Naegele Pub. paper 50c (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Poems. 811
Robinson, D. H. Through the years in Glacier National Park, an administrative history. 2nd ed. Glacier Natural History Association, West Glacier 1962 $1.50 917.8
Rogers, A. H. Western memories. Exposition 1963 $2.75 (Order from Author, 2410 Auburn Road, Sacramento, Calif.) Author's experiences in Montana and Dakota as a stock raiser and farmer in 1890's and later. B
Ronan, Peter. History of the Flathead Indians. Ross & Haines. 1965 $4.95 First published in 1890 under title: Historical sketch of the Flathead Indian Nation from the year 1813 to 1890. 970.3
Ross, Alexander. Fur hunters of the Far West, ed. by K. A. Spalding. Univ, of Okla. 1956 $5.00 Covers years 1810 to 1825. In cludes account of trip through western Montana. 917.95
Ruble, G. C. Guide to Glacier National Park. Forney Publishing, Northstar Center, Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 1963 paper $1.75 917.86
Russell, Austin. C. M. R., Charles M. Russell, cowboy and artist. Twayne 1954 $4.00 Biography by nephew. B Upper
Russell, Charles M. Paper talk. Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, Fort Worth, Texas 1962 $7.50 741.91
Ruth, Kent. Great day in the West. Univ, of Okla. 1963 $12.50 978
Sales, Reno H. Underground warfare at Butte. Author 1964 paper $1.95 (Order from World Museum of Mining, P. O. Box 1316, Butte) 978.6
Sandoz, Mari. Beaver men. Hastings 1964 $5.95 973
Sandoz, Mari. Buffalo hunters. Hastings 1954 $5.50 978 Upper
Sandoz, Mari. Cattlemen from the Rio Grande across the far Marias. Hastings 1958 $6.50 978
Sandoz, Mari. Crazy Horse: the strange man of the Oglalas. Hastings 1955 $4.95 970.2 Upper
Schoenberg, Wilfred. Jesuits in Montana, 1840-1960. Oregon-Jesuit, Box 4408, Portland, Ore. 1960 $1.00 978.6
Schultz, James W. Blackfeet and buffalo; memories of life among the Indians. Univ, of Okla. 1962 $5.95 970.3
Scudder, Ralph. Custer country. Binfords 1963 $3.00 973.82
Selby, Hazel. Home to my mountains. Van Nostrand 1962 $4.75 917.96
Sharp, Paul F. Whoop-up country; the Canadian-American West, 1865-1886. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1961 $5.00 978 Upper
Shawver, Jessie. Dusty trails. Author 1965 $6.50 (Order from O'Connor News Stand, Miles City) History of Brusett, Mont. 978.6
Shawver, Jessie. Jackaroo saga. Author 1961 $6.00 (Order from O'Connor News Stand, Miles City) History of Brusett, Mont. 978.6
Shelby History Group. Montana Institute of the Arts. Shelby backgrounds. Shelby History Group, M.I.A., Box 707, Shelby 1965 $3.25 978.6
Skarsten, M. O. George Drouillard, hunter and interpreter for Lewis and Clark. Arthur H. Clark, 1264 S. Central Ave., Glendale, Calif. 91204 1964 $11.00 B
Smurr, John W. and Toole, K. Ross. Historical essays on Montana and the Northwest. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1957 paper $4.50 978.6 Upper
Sprague, Marshall. Great gates; the story of the Rocky Mountain passes. Little 1964 $7.50 978
Stegner, Wallace. Wolf willow. Viking 1962 $5.95 Mon tana-Canadian border reminiscences. 917.8
Stewart, Edgar I. Custer's luck. Univ, of Okla. 1955 $6.95 Well documented and comprehensive. 973.82 Upper
Stork, Byron C. Rawhide and haywire. William-Frederick 1959 $4.25 Reminiscences of a man who was a cowboy, homesteader and sheepherder in early days in Montana. 917.86
Stuart, Granville. Diary and sketchbook of a journey to America in 1866 and return trip up the Missouri River to Fort Benton, Montana. Dawson's 1963 $20.00 917.8
Stuart, Granville. Forty years on the frontier; as seen in the journals and reminiscences of a gold-miner, trader, merchant, rancher and politician, ed. by Paul C. Phillips. Arthur Clark 1957 $17.50 917.86
Sunder, John. Fur trade on the upper Missouri, 1840-1865. Univ, of Okla. 1964 $5.95 338.1
Sweetman, Luke D. Back trailing on the open range. Caxton 1951 $3.50 Easem Montana, 1885 to 1900. 917.86 Upper
Tascher, Harold. Maggie and Montana. Exposition 1954 $2.50 (Order from Mont. Hist. Soc.) Story of Maggie Smith Hathaway. B
Templeton, Sardis W. Lame Captain: the life and adventures of Pegleg Smith. Westernlore 1965 $7.50 B
Terrell, John Upton. Black robe: the life of Pierre-Jean de Smet. Doubleday 1964 $4.95 B
Thorp, Raymond and Bunker, Robert. Crow killer. New Am. Lib. paper 40c Biography of Liver Eating Johnson, frontiersman of early day Montana. B
Tilden, Freeman. Following the frontier with F. Jay Haynes: pioneer photographer of the Old West. Knopf 1964 $12.95 Pic torial history of the West. 778.9
Toole, K. Ross. Montana: an uncommond land. Univ, of Okla. 1959 $4.95 978.6 Upper
U. S. Dept, of the Interior. Natural resources of Montana. Dept, of the Interior, Division of Information 1964 paper 50c (Order from Supt. of Documents, U. S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402) 978.6
Utley, Robert M. Custer and the great controversy. Westemlore 1962 $6.75 973.82
Utley, Robert M. Last days of the Sioux nation. Yale Univ. 1963 $7.50 970.6
Vaughn, J. W. With Crook at the Rosebud. Stackpole 1956 $5.50 978.6
Vaughn, Jesse W. Reynolds campaign on Powder River. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $5.00 978.6
Vestal, Stanley, pseud. The Missouri. Holt 1945 $4.50 History and legends of Missouri River country. 978 Upper
Vestal, Stanley, pseud. Sitting Bull: champion of the Sioux. Univ, of Okla. 1957 $5.00 B Upper
Victor, Frances Fuller. River of the West. Long's College Book 1950 $7.50 Joe Meek's own story. B
Waldron, Ellis L., comp. Montana politics since 1864 and atlas of elections. Mont. State Univ. 1958 $6.00 (Order from Rudy's News, Box 1533, Missoula) 342.786
Waller, Norma L. Frank Bird Linderman, 1869-1938. Museum of the Plains Indians, Browning, Mont. paper free B
Ward, Fay E. The cowboy at work. Hastings 1959 $8.50 636.208 Upper
Warden, Richard D. Metcalf of Montana. Acropolis 1965 $4.00 (Available at local bookstores) B
Warner, Charles. Old coins of the Sweet Grass Hills. Author 1965 paper $2.75 (Order from Dundas Office Supply Co., Great Falls, Mont.) Poems about the author's friends and experiences in the Sweet Grass Hills. 811
Weisel, George F. Men and trade on the Northwest frontier. Mont. State Univ. 1955 $3.00 (Order from Univ, of Montana Li brary, Missoula, or Rudy's News, P. O. Box 1533, Missoula) 978.6
Wellman, Paul I. Indian wars of the West. Doubleday 1954 $6.50 First published as "Death on Horseback," it includes the author's "Death on the Desert" and "Death on the Prairie." Latter covers struggle on the Northern Plains, 1862-1891. 970.5 Upper
Western Montana Medical Association. Proceeding of the air pollution conference held in Missoula in October 1964. Authors 1964 $2.50 to libraries, $5.00 to individuals (Order from Mrs. Wesley Wilson, 2117 38th St., Missoula) 628.5
Wheeler, Burton. Yankee from the West. Doubleday 1962 $5.95 B
Whetstone, Dan W. Frontier editor. Hastings 1956 $4.50 Reminiscences of Cut Bank, Montana. B Upper
Whithorn, Bill. 60 miles of photo history—the upper Yellowstone. Park County News 1965 $1.00 (Order from Mrs. Doris Whithorn, Pray, Mont. 59065) 978.6
Whithorn, Bill and Doris. Photo history of Aldridge. Authors 1965 $8.50 (Order from Mrs. Doris Whithorn, Pray, Mont. 59065) 978.6
Wiley, Frank. Montana in the sky. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1966 $10.00 History of aviation in Montana. 629.13
Wilkins, Thurman. Thomas Moran: artist of the mountains. Univ of Okla. 1966 $7.95 B
Willard, John. Adventure trails in Montana. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1964 $4.95 978.6
Wolle, Muriel S. Bonanza trail: ghost town and mining camps of the West. Ind. Univ. 1953 $10.00 Sketches and brief text. Montana, pp. 173-213 978.
Wolle, Muriel S. Montana pay dirt; a guide to the mining camps of the Treasure State. Swallow 1963 $12.50 978.6
Woodson, Warren. Pioneering tales of Montana. Exposition 1965 $4.00 978.6
Wright, Kathryn. Montana—territory of treasures. Gazette Printing Co., Billings 1964 $5.00 Colorful presentation of people, places and events in Montana's territorial history. 978.6
Writers' Project, Montana. Montana, a state guide book. Rev. ed. Hastings 1955 $6.95 917.86 Upper
Wyman, Walker D. The wild horse of the West. Univ, of Neb. 1962 paper $1.60 636.168
Adams, Andy. The log of a cowboy. Houghton 1927 $4.50 Cattle drive from Texas to Blackfoot Agency in Montana. Fiction written as autobiography. Upper
Ames, Francis. That Callahan spunk. Doubleday 1965 $4.50 Novel with a Montana homestead as the setting.
Bier, Jesse. Trial at Bannock. Harcourt 1963 $5.95 Modem courtroom drama set in Montana.
Cushman, Dan. Stay away Joe. Stay Away Joe Publishers, 1500 4th Ave. No., Great Falls 1964 $4.90
Donald, Alma P. Love and three squares a day in Montana. Exposition 1964 $4.50 Fictionalized autobiography of the au thor, whose background had not prepared her for the life of a ranch wife.
Duncan, David. Long walk home from town. Doubleday 1963 $4.50 A fourth dimensional novel of time, memory and young love with a Montana setting.
Elston, Allan V. Beyond the Bitterroots. Pocket Bks. paper 35c
Fisher, Vardis. Mountain man; novel of male and female in the early American West. Morrow 1965 $5.95
Fisher, Vardis. Tale of valor: a novel of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Pocket Books paper 50c
Guthrie, Albert B. The big it and other stories. Houghton 1960 $3.50 Collection of short stories with Montana settings. Upper
Guthrie, Albert B. The big sky. Houghton 1947 $4.50 Fur country of Montana between 1830 and 1843.
Guthrie, Albert B. These thousand hills. Houghton 1956 $4.50 Development of cattle industry in what is now Teton country.
Hanes, Frank B. The fleet rabble. Farrar, Straus 1961 $4.95 The plot is centered around the plight of the Nez Perce and Chief Joseph when forced onto the Reservation.
Henry, Will. Gates of the mountains. Random 1963 $4.95 Adventure story of Lewis and Clark expedition.
Johnson, Dorothy. Hanging tree. Ballantine paper 40c
Kenelty, Grace. Tom Mi. American Press, 282 7th Ave., New York 1, New York 1963 $2.50 Experiences of a young Italian in America whose notebook, written during his travels, includes stories jof Lewis and Clark in Montana.
Lapeyre, Robert A. Prickly pear or bust. Adams Press 1960 paper $1.00 (Order from Author, 3001 2nd Ave. N., Great Falls) Gold rush days in Montana.
Lapeyre, Robert A. Surprise city. Adams Press 1962 paper $1.00 (Order from author, 3001 2nd Ave. N., Great Falls) Setting in Montana gold mining town.
Lott, Milton. The last hunt. Houghton 1954 $4.50 Last buf falo hunters on western frontier in 1870's. Setting of story is in Blackfeet country. Upper
McCaig, Robert. Burntwood men. Macmillan 1961 $2.95 Story of Metis rebellion of southern Alberta.
McCaig, Robert. Crimson creek. Macmillan 1963 $3.95 Ad venture story of the Indian-white problem in the late 1800's.
McCaig, Robert. Drowned man's lode. Macmillan 1960 $2.95 Mining story.
O'Neal, Marion. Don't push my trees around. Greenwich Bk. Pub., 282 7th Ave., N. Y. 1965 $3.75.
Read, Ethel. Signa, the untalented one. Carlton 1965 $3.95 Experiences of a young teacher in a one-room Montana schoolhouse.
Remington, Frederic. Pony tracks. Univ, of Okla. 1961 $2.00 Collection of sketches, one with 1870 Montana background. Upper.
Charles M. Trails plowed under. Doubleday 1954 $5.95 Cowboy and frontier anecdotes, stories and personal reminiscences. Upper
Shiflet, Kenneth E. The convenient coward. Stackpole 1961 $5.95 Based on life of Major Reno who commanded a battalion at Battle of the Little Big Hom.
Stegner, Wallace E. Big rock candy mountain. Hill & Wang 1957 paper $1.95 Montana during prohibition days is the setting for part of the story. Upper
Walker, Mildred. The curlew's cry. Harcourt 1955 $3.95 Ranch and town life in vicinity of Great Falls, 1905 to the 1940's. Upper
Walker, Mildred. Winter wheat. Harcourt 1944 $3.50, Life on a Montana wheat ranch just before second World War. Upper
Western Writers of America. Legends and tales of the old West, ed. by S. Omar Barker. Doubleday 1962 $4.50 Collection of early western folklore and stories.
Winsor, Kathleen. Wanderers eastward, wanderers west. Random 1965 $7.95 Life in Montana between 1861 and 1881.
Anderson, A. M. Fur trappers of the old West. Harper 1946 $2.40 Adventures of Jim Bridger and others on the Missouri, the Yellowstone and in the South Pass country in the 1920's. B Upper
Anderson, A. M. Grant Marsh, steamboat captain. Harper 1946 $2.40 B Inter.
Bailey, Bernadine. Picture book of Montana. Whitman 1961 $1.50 917.86 Inter.
Bailey, Ralph E. Indian fighter; the story of Nelson A. Miles. Morrow 1965 $3.50 B Upper
Bebenroth, Charlotte M. Meriwether Lewis, boy explorer. Bobbs 1946 $2.25 B Inter.
Berry, William D. Buffalo land. Macmillan 1962 $1.95 lib. ed. $3.44 America's grassland wilderness of the 1860's and the animals native to it. 599 Inter.
Blassingame, Wyatt. Sacagawea, Indian guide. Garrard 1965 lib. ed. $1.98 B Prim.
Bloch, Marie H. Mountains on the move. Coward 1960 $3.50 551.43 Inter.
Blough, Glenn O. Christmas trees and how they grow. McGraw 1961 $2.95 lib. ed. $2.96 582 Inter.
Boesch, Mark. The cross in the West. Farrar 1956 $2.25 Catholic missionaries on the western frontier. 282.79 Upper
Brown, Dee. Showdown at Little Big Hom. Putnam 1964 $3.50 978.6 Upper
Burt, Olive W. Jed Smith; young western explorer. Bobbs 1963 $2.25 B Inter.
Burt, Olive W. Jedediah Smith, fur trapper of the West. Messner 1951 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.19 B Upper
Coffman, Ramon P. Famous explorers for young people. Dodd 1942 $3.25 Includes Lewis and Clark. 920 Upper
Daugherty, James. Of courage undaunted: across the continent with Lewis and Clark. Viking 1951 $5.00 917.8 Upper
Davis, Julia. No other white men. Dutton 1937 $3.95 Story of Lewis and Clark expedition. 917.8 Upper
Davis, Russell. Chief Joseph: war chief of the Nez Perce. McGraw 1962 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.01 B Upper
Eifert, Virginia. George Shannon: young explorer with Lewis and Clark Dodd 1963 $3.50 B Inter.
Garst, D. Shannon. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perces. Messner 1953 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.19 B Upper
Garst, D. Shannon. Cowboy artist: Charles M. Russell. Morrow 1960 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.19 B Upper
Garst, D. Shannon. Crazy Horse, great warrior of the Sioux. Houghton 1950 $3.50 970.2 Upper
Garst, D. Shannon. Custer, fighter of the plains. Messner 1944 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.19 B Upper
Garst, D. Shannon. Jim Bridger, greatest of the mountain men. Houghton 1952 $3.50 B Upper
Garst, D. Shannon. Joe Meek, man of the West. Messner 1954 $3.25 B Upper
Garst, D. Shannon. Sitting Bull, champion of his people. Messner 1946 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.19 970.2 Upper
Haines, Madge and Morrill, Leslie. Lewis and Clark, explorers of the West. Abingdon 1959 $1.75 Good account of the political and historical background of the expedition. 917.8 Upper
Heiderstandt, Dorothy. Indian friends and foes. McKay 1958 $3.75 Includes Sacajawea, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. 970.2 Upper
Henry, Ralph C. Our land Montana. State Pub., Helena 1962 $4.70 978.6 Upper
Henry, Ralph C. The people of Montana. State Pub., Helena 1958 $3.75 Montana government textbook. 342.786 Upper
Henry, Ralph C. Treasure state: the story of Montana for junior Montanans. State Pub., Helena 1954 $3.75 Montana history textbook. 978.6 Upper
Hopkins, Joseph G. E. Black robe peacemaker: Pierre de Smet. Kenedy 1958 $2.50 B Upper
James, Will. Cowboy in the making. Scribner 1937 $3.50 Author's boyhood on a Montana ranch. B Inter.
James, Will. Lone cowboy. Scribner 1930 $5.00 B Upper
Jeffries, Jeff. Beyond the shining mountains. Roy 1961 $3.25 History of the West beginning with Lewis and Clark expedition. 978 Upper
Johnson, Dorothy M. Famous lawmen of the Old West. Dodd 1963 $3.25 920 Upper
Johnson, Dorothy M. Some went West. Dodd 1965 $3.50 920 Upper
Judge, Frances. Forest fire! Knopf 1962 $3.00 lib. ed. $3.39 634.9 Inter.
McCall, Edith. Heroes of the western outposts. Children's 1960 $2.50 Includes incidents from lives of Jim Bridger, John Colter, Joe LaBarge. 978 Inter.
McCall, Edith. Steamboats to the West. Children's 1959 $2.50 978 Inter.
McKown, Robin. Painter of the wild West: Frederic Remington. Messner 1959 $3.25 Includes period as reporter at Fort Keogh in the 1870's. B Upper
Martin, Christopher. Your national parks: Yellowstone. Putnam 1965 lib. ed. $3.29 917.87 Upper
Meadowcroft, Enid L. Crazy Horse. Garrard 1965 lib. ed. $1.98 B Inter.
Meadowcroft, Enid L. Story of Crazy Horse. Grosset 1954 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.60 Indian point of view. B Upper
Miller, Helen M. Thunder rolling. Putnam 1959 $3.00 Chief Joseph of the Nez Perces. 970.2 Upper
Miller, Helen M. Westering women. Doubleday 1961 $2.95 Includes Sacajawea and Elizabeth Custer. 920 Upper
Neuberger, Richard L. Lewis and Clark expedition. Random 1951 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.28 917.8 Inter.
Nichols, Dave. Cowman's son. Chilton 1960 $3.50 Account of a boyhood on a Montana ranch from 1913 to 1930. 917.86 Upper
Penney, Grace J. Tales of the Cheyennes. Houghton 1953 $3.00 Indian legends. 398.2 Upper
Place, Marian T. Buckskins and buffalo. Holt 1964 $3.50 lib. ed. $3.27 978.6 Upper
Place, Marian T. The copper kings of Montana. Random 1961 $1.95 338.2 Upper
Polking, Kirk. Let's go with Lewis and Clark. Putnam 1963 lib. ed. $1.97 973.4 Prim.
Pollock, Dean. Joseph, chief of the Nez Perce. Binfords 1950 $2.50 970.2 Inter.
Reinfeld, Fred. Trappers of the West. Crowell 1957 $2.95 Includes Jim Bridger, John Colter and Jed Smith. 978 Upper
Reynolds, Quentin. Custer's last stand. Random 1951 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.28 973.82 Upper
Rich, Louise D. First book of the fur trade. Watts 1965 $2.65 338.1 Inter.
Ross, Nancy W. Heroines of the early West. Random 1961 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.28 978 Upper
Schultz, James W. My life as an Indian, adapted by Robert E. Gard. Meredith 1957 $3.00 Legends, stories and reminiscences of the Blackfeet Indians. 970.1 Upper
Seibert, Jerry. Sacajawea: guide to Lewis and Clark. Houghton 1960 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.20 B Inter.
Seymour, Flora W. Sacajawea, bird girl. Bobbs 1945 $2.25 B Inter.
Shelton, Lola. Charles Marion Russell. Dodd 1961 $4.00 B Upper
Sickels, Eleanor M. In calico and crinoline. Includes Sacajawea. 920 Upper Viking 1935 $4.00
Stevenson, Augusta. George Custer: Boy of action. Bobbs 1963 $2.25 B Inter.
Stevenson, Augusta. Sitting Bull: Dakota boy. Bobbs 1960 $2.25 B Inter.
Tomkins, Calvin. Lewis and Clark trail. Harper 1965 $4.95 917.8
Tousey, Sanford. Bill Clark: American explorer. Whitman 1951 $1.75 B Upper
Wellman, Paul I. Greatest cattle drive. Houghton 1964 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.20 Nelson Story's great cattle drive. 978 Upper
Wellman, Paul I. Indian wars and warriors, West. Houghton 1959 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.20 970.6 Upper
Wilkie, Katherine E. Will Clark, boy in buckskin. Bobbs 1953 $2.25 B Inter.
Winders, Gertrude. lim Bridger: mountain boy. Bobbs 1955 $2.25 B Inter.
Adams, Andy. Trail drive, edited and illustrated by Glen Rounds. Holiday 1965 $3.95 Juvenile version of "Log of a Cowboy." Upper
Allen, Merritt P. Western star: a story of Jim Bridger. McKay 1941 $3.24 Upper
Annixter, Jane and PauL Buffalo chief. Holiday 1958 $3.25 Struggle for survival of the buffalo and the Plains Indians against the advance of the white man. Upper
Aatwater, Montgomery M. Avalanche patrol. Random 1951 lib. ed. $3.39 Upper
Atwater, Montgomery M Cattle dog. Random 1954 $2.95 Upper
Atwater, Montgomery M. Hank Winton, smoke chaser. Random 1949 lib. ed. $3.49 Upper
Atwater, Montgomery M. Rustlers on the high range. Random 1952 $2.95 lib. ed. $3.49 Upper
Atwater, Montgomery M. Ski lodge mystery. Random 1959 $2.95 lib. ed. $3.19 Upper
Atwater, Montgomery ML Smoke patrol. Random 1949 lib. ed. $3.29 Upper
Atwater, Montgomery M. Trouble hunters. Random 1956 $2.95 lib. ed. $3.09 Upper
Ball, Zachery, pseud. Keelboat journey. Dutton 1958 $2.95 Journey to the headwaters of the Missouri in 1831. Upper
Bartlett, Alice Wiles. Montana Meadow Star. Southern Pub. Assn. Book Department, Box 59, Nashville 2, Tenn. 1965 $3.95
Bialk, Elisa. Tizz is a cow pony. Children's 1961 lib. ed. $2.50 Pony spends summer on a ranch in western Montana. Prim.
Bialk, Elisa. Tizz on a pack trip. Children's 1961 lib. ed. $2.50 Glacier National Park. Prim.
Bialk, Elisa. Wild Horse Island. Houghton 1961 $3.50 Vaca tion on a Flathead Lake island. Inter.
Boesch, Mark. Fire-fighter. Morrow 1954 $3.50 Upper
Call, Hughie. Peter's moose. Viking 1961 $3.00 Story has Montana setting. Inter.
Christensen, Gardell D. Buffalo kill. Nelson 1959 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.11 Blackfoot Indian boy takes part in a buffalo hunt. Inter.
Christensen, Gardell D. Buffalo robe. Nelson 1960 $3.25 Se quel to "Buffalo kill." Inter.
Emmons, Della G. Sacajawea of the Shoshones. Binfords 1955 $3.75 Upper
Farnsworth, Frances J. Cubby in Wonderland. Univ, of
N. M. Rev. ed. 1958 $2.00 Inter.
Farnsworth, Frances J. Cubby returns to Yellowstone. Univ, of N. M. Rev. ed. 1961 $2.00 Inter.
Farnsworth, Frances J. Winged moccasins: the story of Sacajawea. Messner 1954 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.19 Upper
Faulknor, Cliff. White calf. Little 1965 $3.75 Story of a Piegan boy; describes details of Blackfoot culture. Inter.
Finney, Gertrude E. Sleeping mines. McKay 1951 $3.25 Heroine seeks her father's once famous silver mines near Helena. Upper
Freschet, Bemiece. Young eagle. Scribner 1965 $3.25 lib. ed. $3.12 Story of a young eagle in Montana's Mission Range. Inter.
Garbutt, Bernard. Roger, the rosin back. Hastings 1961 $2.95 A Missoula horse joins the circus. Prim.
Guthrie, A. B. Big sky; an edition for younger readers. Houghton $4.25 Upper
Haines, Francis. Red Eagle and the Absaroka. Caxton 1959 $3.50 Nez Perce buffalo hunting expedition into Montana. Upper
James, Will. American cowboy. Scribner 1942 $4.50 Story of American cowboy built around three generations of Bills. Upper
James, Will. Smoky, the cowhorse. Scribner 1926 $5.00 lib. ed. $2.97 Horse story. Upper
James, Will. Will James' book of cowboy stories. Scribner 1951 $3.50 Upper
James, Will. Young cowboy. Scribner 1951 $3.50 Prim.
Johnson, Annabel and Johnson, Edgar. The bearcat. Harper 1960 lib. ed. $3.27 Montana coal mining town at the turn of the century. Upper
Johnson, Annabel and Johnson, Edgar. The black symbol. Harper 1959 $3.50 lib. ed. $3.27 A boy's search for his father during Montana's gold prospecting days. Upper
Koch, Elers. The high trail. Caxton 1953 $3.50 Two boys lost on the Idaho side of the Bitterroot Mountains. Upper
Kroll, Francis L. Young Crow raider. Lantern 1954 $2.75 Crow Indian boy takes part in a raid against the Sioux. Inter.
Leighton, Margaret C. Comanche of the seventh. Farrar 1957 $3.00 Horse that survived Battle of the Little Big Hom. Inter.
Leighton, Margaret C. Story of General Custer Grosset 1954 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.60 Inter.
MeCaig, Robert That nester kid. Scribner 1961 $2.95 Home steading in the cattle country of Montana about 1896. Upper
McGiffin, Lee. Pony soldier. Dutton 1961 $3.00 Civil war story which includes battle with Sioux at Killdeer Mountain, Montana. Upper
McGraw, Eloise J. Moccasin trail. Coward 1952 $3.75 Hero lived with Crow Indians for six years before he found his brothers and sisters in Oregon. Upper
Marsh, Jessie B. Chip the Chipmunk. Bethany Press 1962 $2.50 Setting is the 1959 earthquake area. Prim.
Meader, Stephen. Buffalo and beaver. Harcourt 1960 $3.50 Early fur trading in South Pass country in which Montana tribes take part. Upper
Montgomery, Rutherford. Beaver water. World 1956 $2.95 Fur trapping in Idaho and southern Montana in the 1830's. Upper
Munves, James. We were there with Lewis and Clark. Grosset 1959 $1.95 lib. ed. $2.60 Inter.
Place, Marian T. Steamboat up the Missouri. Viking 1958 $3.00 A sixteen-year-old cub pilot on a Missouri River boat during Civil War days. Upper
Place, Marian T. Thunder in his moccasins. Viking 1962 $3.25 Upper
Place, Marian T. Wild horse trap. Viking 1955 $2.50 Madi son County horse-breeding ranch in the 1880's. Upper
Rounds, Glen. Blind colt. Holiday 1941 $3.25 This and other Whitey stories are based partly on author's experiences on father's ranch in Montana's Powder River country. Inter.
Rounds, Glen. Buffalo harvest. Holiday 1952 $3.25 De scribes Plains Indians' dependence on the buffalo. Inter.
Rush, William M. Red Fox of the Kinapoo: a tale of the Nez Perce Indians. McKay 1949 $3.95 Upper
Rush, William M. Rocky Mountain ranger. McKay 1944 $3.75 Upper
Scherf, Margaret. Mystery of the shaky staircase. Watts 1965 $3.50 The setting of this story is Montana. Upper
Scherf, Margaret. Mystery of the velvet box. Watts 1962 $3.50 Montana setting. Upper
Schultz, James W. Quest of the fish-dog skin. Houghton 1960 $2.50 Adventure story of early Blackfoot Indians. Upper
Schultz, James W. Trail of the Spanish horse. Houghton 1960 $2.75 Upper
Schultz, James W. With the Indians in the Rockies. Houghton 1960 $2.95 Upper
Stoutenberg, Adrian and Baker, Laura M. Scannon: dog with Lewis and Clark. Scribner 1959 $2.95 Inter.
Sweetman, Luke. Gotch, the story of a cowhorse. Caxton 1947 $3.00 Upper
Sykes, Jo. Chip on his shoulder. Funk 1961 $2.95 Horse story with locale near Livingston.
Sykes, Jo. Trouble creek. Holt Upper 1963 $3.50 lib. ed. $3.27 Upper
Sykes, Jo. Wolf dog of Ambush Canyon: a Montana mystery story. Holt 1959 $2.95 Upper
White, Dale, pseud. see Place, Marian T.
Wier, Ester. Loner McKay 1963 $3.75 lib. ed. $3.44 Upper
Worcester, Donald. War pony. Walck 1961 $3.00 In the last part of the book the war pony accompanies the Lewis and Clark expedition on its return journey through Montana. Inter.