List of Books the FBI Found in Ted Kaczynski's Cabin







1884 Revisited (K2040-5)

201 Russian Verbs (K964-42)

3 Rivers North telephone book (K963-38)

A Finnish Grammar (K963-11)

Abundance for What? (K974-60)

Age of Metternich 1814 - 1848 (K964-3)

Alexander D and the Modernization of Russia (K964-21)

Ancient World (K964-33)

Andem and Medieval Coins (K964-48)

Ancient Near Fast (K974-66)

Ancient Engineers (K204O-2)

Annals of Imperial Rome (1064-37)

Arabs in History (K974-27)

Argentina. Sociedad De Masas (K964-26)

Asimov's Guide to the Bible (K2039-5)

Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (K2018-21)

Autopsy of Revolution (K974-2)

Axiomarization of the Theory of Relativity (K1075-17)

Baronial Household of the Thirteenth Century (K974-58)

Baroque Tunes in Old Mexico (K964-13)

Basic Conversational Russian (K963-7)

Beginner’s Russian Reader (K964-S2)

Beginning Latin Book (K963-18)

Botany (K1075-9)

Brothers Karamazov (K2019-12)

Caesar the Conquest of Gaul (K964-15)

Caesar’s Gallic War (K963-1)

Calculus (K1075-14)

Camping and Woodcraft (K1075-5)

Cartas Finlandesas - Hombres Del None (K974-49)

Cassell's New Compact Latin Dictionary (K963-23)

Catalogo. 1987 (K974-8)

Celts (K964-14)

Century Handbook of Writing (K963-29)

Chinese Political Thought in the Twentieth Century (K204O-1)

Comes the Comtadel (K2039-6)

Committee of Vigilance (K974-I7)

Companion to Caesar (K963-30)

Companion to Vergil (K963-31)

Concise Russian and English Dictionary (K963-13)

Conquest of Mexico (K964-45)

Conquest of Pent (K964-9)

Conquest of New Spain (K964-46)

Controlling Knapweed (K1075-2)

Cossacks and the Raid (K2019-25)

Count Your Calorie* (K963-21)

Course of the South to Secession (K974-63)

Crowd in History, 1730-1848 (K964-38)

Cuentos.(K974-4?)_ _____

Cuéntos Y Relatos Del Norte Argentino (K974-41)

Daily Life in Andem Rome (K964-10)

Darkness at Noon (K974-28)

David Copperfield (K2019-14)

Deerslayer (K974-40)

Defease Never Rests (K974-18)

Eastern Mysticism (K2039-4)

Edible Wild Plants (K1075-21)

Edible Wild Plants (K107S-23)

Effects of Nuclear Weapons (K1075-18)

Egyptian Language (K963-15)

El Perfil Del Hombre Y La Cultura En Mexico (K974-37)

a Idioma Espaool En Sus Primeros Tiempos (K964-19)

Electronics Made Simple (K1075-28)

Elementary Chinese (K964-49)

Elementary Spanish Grammar (K963-32)

Elements of the Topology of Plane Sets of Points (K1075-36)

Elements of Style (K963-14)

Elizabethan World Picture (K974-48)

Esbozo de Una Nueva Gramatica de la Lengua Espanola (K963-4)

Espana Contemporânea - Lengua Y Cultura (K963-9)

Essential Works of Marxism (K974-12)

Essentials of Russian (K963-10)

Essentials of Electricity for Radio and Television (K1075-27)

Far from the Madding Crowd (K2019-22)

Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wildflowers (KI075-25)

Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs (K1075-4)

Field Guide to Westen Birds (K1O75-1)

Field Guide to Animal Tracis (K1O75-3)

First Aid Measures for Accidents and Antidotes of Poisons (K1075-37)

First Larin Reader (K963-24)

Florilegio de cuentos hispanoamericanos (K974-33)

Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy (K963-37)

Forest People (K974-ÍI)

French English English French Dictionary (K964-27)

French Grammar (K964-25)

French Revolution Conflicting Interpretations (K2018-14)

French Revolution, V 1. (K2018-1)

French Revolution. V 2, (K2018-2)

French Chivalry (K2018-I8)

French Revolution (K2018-I6)

Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (KI075-20)

Garden City Seeds (K963-35)

General Chemistry for Colleges (KI075-26)

German Grammar (K964-44)

German English English German Dictionary (K964-32)

Germans (K2018-7)

Graphic Survey of Chemistry (K1075-29)

Great Short Works of Joseph Conrad (K2019-5)

Growing Up Absurd (KI008)

Guide to Common Mushrooms of British Columbia (K1075-6)

Guide to Common Edible Plants of British Columbia (K1075-7)

Gurney's 1996 Spring Catalog (K963-36)

Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (KI 075-12)

Handbook of Greek Mythology (K974-20)

Hard Times (K2019-21)

Harmless People (K974-5)

Hatchet Mea (K974-29)

Historia De La Civilizacion Espanola (K964-23)

Histories (Tadais) (K964-41)

Histories (Herodotus) (K964-28)

History of the German Language (K2018-10)

History of Violence in America (K2040-3)

History of the First World War (K964-18)

History of the Middle Ages 284 - 1500 (K964-1)

History of England (K2018-17)

Hiller's Dictatorship and the German Nation (K2018-15)

Holy Bible Dictionary Concordance (K2039-3)

How to Know the Wild Flowers (KI 075-15)

I.C.S. Reference Library, Mathematics Mecham es (K2019-1)

I.C.S. Reference Library, Link Mechanisms, et al, (K20I9-2)

Idearium Espanol - El Porvenir De Espana (K974-3)

Individual Differences Trails &. Factors (K974-52)

Information War (K974-21)

Intellectual Foundations of China (K974-31)

Introduction to Organic Chemistry (K1075-19)

Introductory Russian Grammar (K963-5)

Journal of a Trapper (K974-51)

Juan Valera (K974-44)

Julius Caesar (K2019-16)

Know your Rights (K974-16)

La Cronica Del Peru (K964-17)

La Rebelion de las masas (K974-I0)

Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (K1075-11)

Last Days of Hitler (K2018-5)

Last of the Mohicans (K974-39)

Latin America and the Enlightenment (K964-20)

Latin Grammar (K963-16)

Latin Review Text (K963-19)

Latin Made Simple (KS63-8)

Lena Seca (K2019-26)

Les Mlserables, v 1, (K2039-1)

Les Miserables, v 2, (K2039-2)

Life on the Mississippi (K974-46)

Livy Books I and II (K964-30)

Logarithms (KI075-13)

Los relâmpagos de agosto (K974-57)

Lost Languages (K963-17)

Louis XIV and Twenty Mdlion Frenchmen (K2018-11)

Making of the Middle Ages (K964-12)

Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes (K974-53)

Many Mexicos (K964-I I)

Maxhmna (K2019-27)

Mechanics of Materials (KI075-31)

Medici (K2018-8)

Medieval Cities (K9644)

Merchant of Venice (K2019-15)

et m es (K2019-18)

Método Espano! (K974-32)

Midceotury Revolution. 1848 (K964-24)

Modem Physics (K1075-32)

Mushroom Hunters Field Guide (KI075-35)

My Lives in Russia (K964-7)

My Life as an Indian (K974-50)

Napoleon Buonaparte Builder or Wrecker (K2018-13)

Napoleon (K2018-3)

Napoleonic Revolution (K2018-19)

New England Frontier Puritans and Indians 1620 - 1675 (K974-38)

New Understandings of Administration (KS64-39)

Nigger of the Narcissus (K2019-6)

Nomads of the Long Bow (K974-64)

Nomads of South Persia (K974-47)

Non-Flowering Plant (KI075-16)

Norse Discovery of America (K974-34)

Nuer (K974-30)

Ochrann (K964-8)

OfMiccandMen (K2019-11)

Old Regime and the French Revolution (K2018-6)

Organization Man (K974-9)

Origins of the Latin American Revolutions, 1808-1826 (K964-22)

Orwell: 1984 (K974-19)

Paradise Below Zero (K963-27)

Parties and Politics in the Early Republic (K974-62)

Peloponnesian War (K964-31)

Peregrina y otros relatos (K974-43)

Pocket Russian Dictionary (K963-20)

Pocket Book of O. Henry Stories (K974-45)

Poisonous Plants of the United States (K1075-8)

Popular History of the Reformation (K964-34)

Practical Handbook of Spanish Commercial Correspondence (K963-3)

Primitive Medical Aid in the Wilderness (K963-33)

Prince and the Discourses (K974-55)

Prose Edda (K2019-17)

Psicopatologia de la Vida Urbana (K974-15)

Psychology of Women (K974-1)

Radical Tradition (K974-7)

Raggle Taggie (K2019-24)

RazofsEdgè (K2019-9)

Recommended Dietary Allowances (K963-28)

Revolution and Reaction 1848 • 18S2 (K964-35)

Rille Shooting (K963-22)

Riverita (K2019-28)

Roman Imperial Coins (K964-5)

Roman Political Ideas and Practice (K964-2)

Russia A History (K964-6)

Russian book (K964-43)

Russian Book 7 (K964-50)

Russian book? (K964-53)

Russian People (K964-51)

Satires of Juvenal (K974-14)

Science of Fingerprints (K963-26)

Secret Agent (K2019-8)

Selected Lives and Essays - Plutarch (K964-47)

Sense and Nonsense in Psychology (K974-4)

Shadow-Line (K2019-7)

Short History of 20th Century England 1868 - 1962 (K974-36)

Siete Cuentos (K974-13)

Silas Mainer (K2019-19)

Skeptical Inquirer, V 4, #2 (K974-25)

Skeptical Inquirer V 3, #3 (K974-26)

Skeptical Inquirer, V 14, #2 (K974-54)

Skid Road (K974-11)

Sobre La Libertad Humana (K964-16)

Southwest Montana telephone book (K963-39)

Spandau The Secret Dianes (K2018-12)

Spanish - English English - Spanish Dictionary (K963-6)

Spanish Stories (K974-56)

Stalking the Wild Asparagus (K1075-22)

Stories of the East (K20I9-10)

Tale of Two Gties (K2019-13)

Technical Society (K974-22)

Text-book of Organic Chemistry (K1075-10)

Three Short Novels Heart of Darkness, Youth, Typhoon (K2019-4)

Tracking Dog (K963-25)

Treasure Island (K2019-20)

Tristan and feeult (K2019-23)

True Believer (K2040-4)

Twelve Caesars (K964-29)

Two Lives of Charlemagne (K2018-4)

Typing for Beginners (K974-59)

Understanding Japanese Society (K974-455)

United Stales Government Manual (K963-2)

Using Pesticides Safely (K963-34)

Victory (K2019-3)

Vitalized Chemistry (KI075-30)

Viva Mexico (K974-35)

Western Montana Regional Telephone Directory (K963-40)

Why Lenin? Why Stalin? (K2018-9)

Wild Edible Plants of the Western United States (KI075-24)

Wild, Edible and Poisonous Plant* of Alaska (K1075-34)

Wildlife of the Northern Rocky Mountains (KI 075-33)

Winston Dictionary (K963-12)

World of the Maya (K964-36)

Year of Battles: A History of the Franco-Gtnnan War of 1870-71, portion (K2018-20)

Your Right to Privacy (K974-6)

Zapata and the Mexican Revolution (K964-4O)

Zetetic, V 1, #2 (K974-23)

Zetetic, V 1, # I (K974-24)


Backward Masking, and Other Backward Thoughts About Music (K974)

Early History of Indo-European Languages (K963)

Genes, Drives, and Intellect (K974)

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Special Mental Abilities in a Sample of Twins Reared Apart (K974)

Genetic and Rearing Environmental Influences on Adult Personalty: An Analysis of Adopted Twins Reared Apart (K974)

How People Make Their Own Environments: A Theory of Genotype -> Environment Effects (K974)

Massai-Broncho Apache (K974)

Mines and Machines (K974)

On Being Sane in Insane Places (K974)

Personality Similarity in Twins Reared Apart and Together (K974)

Psychology and Near-Death Experiences (K974)

Relation Between Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement (K974)

Sensory Thresholds and the Concept of’Subliminal’ (K974)

Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (K974)

Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (K974)

Studies of Stressfill Interpersonal Disputations (K974)

Subliminal Deception: Pseudoscience on the College Lecture Circuit (K974)

Twice-Told Tale: Twins Reared Apart (K974)


Indians of the U.S. K2018C-3
Costa Rica K2018C-2
U.S. map - railroad K2018C-1
World map K2018B
World map K2018A
Northern Ontario K2036-23
Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, Saskatchewan. Canada K2036-4
British Columbia K2036-19
Saskatchewan, Canada K2036-3
Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, Saskatchewan. Canada K2036-14
Western Europe K2018C-4
Western Central United States K2036-9
Alaska Western Canada K2036-8
California Los Angeles KI 163-1
California Los Angeles KI 163-2
California Los Angeles KI 163-6
California San Francisco KI 163-4
California San Jose KI 163-3
California Oakland KI 163-7