Title: Profiles of Unabomber Jury
Topic: News Stories
Date: December 23, 1997
Source: washingtonpost.com. Originally published in The Associated Press

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    JUROR 18

Brief profiles of the 12 jurors and six alternates picked to hear the trial of Unabomber suspect Theodore Kaczynski. All are white and are serving anonymously; the information in these profiles was gleaned during questioning of jury candidates in open court:


A middle-aged woman with two sons. She was a juror in a gang-related murder trial that ended in a plea agreement. She was very worried about the media intruding on her life.

Death penalty: “I have mixed feelings. ... Society has a right to exact out its consequences ... but I'm not a proponent of killing anyone.”


A young man with a construction-type job for a large company. He once applied to the California Highway Patrol academy and was accepted, but ultimately did not attend.

Death penalty: “It's not comfortable enough for me, but I could.”


A retired law enforcement secretary whose ex-spouse and current spouse are retired law enforcement officers. She has a sister who was retarded and had a nervous breakdown.

Death penalty: “I don't believe it stops other murders. I don't think the death penalty is the harshest penalty you can give someone, because I believe in God. I think death is not so bad.”


A retired man who had heart surgery in April but has recovered. He takes a light blood pressure medication.

Death penalty: “If the evidence warrants it and justifies it, I believe the death penalty can be justified. ... If the crime justifies the penalty, I have no problem with it.”


A middle-aged woman who reads The Sacramento Bee and knew about the mental defect defense controversy. She had a job in which she traveled a lot.

Death penalty: “I'm not sure. I don't feel strongly either way. I guess there may be times where it may be warranted and times where it would not. ... I'm a middle-of-the-road person.”


A middle-aged man who has a neighbor who works for the county sheriff, and another who works for the Forestry Service.

Death penalty: “If someone is found guilty of a long string of events that caused death and they were quite aware of what they were doing,” then he could support the death penalty. But he also said the death penalty could be “more of a vindictive action.”


A woman who was once a juror in a civil trial, and says she needs good instructions from the judge.

Death penalty: “I don't know that I can say that it's particularly effective as a deterrent, but I don't have a moral problem with it.”


A woman with a friend who lived down the street from 1985 Unabomber victim Hugh Scrutton. Said of Kaczynski, “When they arrested him, I figured he probably did it. I still figure he did it.” She worked in the same job for 31 years and said she follows the rules.

Death penalty: Serial killers “should be killed just so they don't do it again.” But said believes Kaczynski should get life without parole.


An articulate, older woman who works for the state, sometimes across the street from the building where Gilbert Murray was killed in a 1995 Unabomber attack. She has family in law enforcement, including her male partner.

Death penalty: The Polly Klaas case made her think she could vote for the death penalty. “The fact that it was a child attacks my sensibilities ... Her defenselessness, her innocence, and the fellow that was convicted of that crime, I believe, had a criminal history that suggested to me that he wasn't going to get better, that he wasn't going to be rehabilitated.”


A young woman employed by a company whose clients include some FBI agents. Thought incorrectly that a woman in her office might be a witness in the case. Her father was a deputy sheriff. Said she had a premonition she would be called for the case.

Death penalty: “It depends very much on all of the circumstances. To me, a big philosophy in my life is, `It depends.”'


An older woman who once worked in a social service office. She has a son and daughter, doesn't read newspapers and keeps a diary. She has been on state jury duty several times and is a fan of novelist John Grisham. She feared publicity about being a juror.

Death penalty: “I'm a proponent. I agree with it in extenuating circumstances. ... I would try to be honest, just and merciful.”


A middle-aged woman with cousins and other family members in law enforcement, and a cousin who was either badly wounded or killed in Vietnam. She has served on a jury before.

Death penalty: Once totally opposed to capital punishment, she now believes “in some cases it needs to be used.” But she added, “Only God can decide that. That's how I was raised.”


A middle-aged man who runs a driving school. He is married and has two children, ages 6 and 3.

Death penalty: “I believe that in all of nature and all of mankind, certain acts require the death penalty.”


A middle-aged woman from a small town. She works for an agency that handles money. She once served on a jury in an elderly abuse case and was unhappy that the case was thrown out on a technicality.

Death penalty: “I voted for the death penalty the year I turned 18.”


A middle-aged man who just started a job in construction management. In commenting on evidence reportedly found in Kaczynski's cabin, said, “I think a lot of people have bombs we don't know about.”

Death penalty: “You can't put a blanket over it and just say, `Put them to death,' even though they killed someone. ... It's real easy to sit around the kitchen table and talk about the death penalty ... but when you get into the courtroom and see someone sitting in front of you who's a real person and not someone on the news or in the paper, it's very difficult.”


A middle-aged woman who once served on a jury in a death penalty case, but jurors were unable to reach a verdict on the punishment. She doesn't subscribe to newspapers because she “can't stand the feel of ink.” She works in a business that is especially busy at the holidays.

Death penalty: “I voted for the death penalty ... for some people that's an alternative, for other people it's not. There are people who I believe are just born evil.”


A middle-aged man who, along with his wife, is a newspaper carrier, but says, “The news is not dependable.” He has never been on a jury.

Death penalty: “I think there are cases where the death penalty is just. To come up with that kind of sentence, it has to go along with the intent.”


A man who has apparently worked in the post office for 30 years and had meetings at work about recognizing package bombs. He recently saw the movie “Twelve Angry Men,” about a holdout juror, but didn't like it.

Death penalty: “Generally, I would say yes” to the death penalty in a premeditated murder, but would consider life “if there were mitigating circumstances.”