James Fitzgerald
Publications Found in Kaczynski’s Cabin
Volume II

Lena Seca (Dostumbres of Campo)
Logarithmic Tables of Numbers & Trigonometrical
Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen
Making of the Middle Ages, The
Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes
Mushroom Hunter’s Field Guide, The
Napoleon Buonaparte Builder or Wrecker
New England Frontier Puritans & Indians
New Understandings of Administration
Norse Discovery of America, The
Old Regime and the French Revolution, The
On Being Sane in Insane Places
Origins of the Latin Amer. Revolutions 1808–1826
Orwell:1984 Reflexiones desde 1984
Parties and Politics in the Early Republic
Peloponnesian War, The (Thucydides)
Personality Similarity in Twins Reared Apart
Plutarch — Selected Lives and Essays
Pocket Book of O. Henry Stories, The
Poisonous Plants of the United States
Popular History of the Reformation, A
Practical Handbook of Spanish Commercial Corres Fletcher Ryan Wickham
Primitive Medical Aid in the Wilderness
Prince and the Discourses, The
Psicopatologia De La Vida Urbana
Psychology and Near Death Experiences
Recommended Dietary Allowances
Relation Between Scioeconomic Status and Acade
Revolution and Reaction 1848–1852
Roman Political Ideas and Practice
Sense and Nonsense in Psychology
Sensory Thresholds And the Concept of ‘Sublimina
Short History of 20th Century England 1868–1962, A
Skeptical Inquirer Vol, 14, No.2/Winter 1990
Skeptical Inquirer Vol.Ill, Zenetic The
Skeptical Inquirer, The (Vol 4 No 2)
Skeptical Inquirer, Untitled Spring 1979
Sobre La Libertad Humana en el Reino Asturleones.
The Sources of Human Psychological Differences
The Sources of Human Psychological Differences
Southwest Montana 1994 telephone book
Studies of Stressful Interpersonal Disputations
Subliminal Deception: Pseudoscience On the Colle
Textbook of Organic Chemistry, A.
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
The Winston Dictionary College Edition
Tracking Dog, Theory and Methods
Twelve Caesars, The (Suetonius)
Understanding Japanese Society
United States Govenment Manual, The 1988–1989
Vitalized Chemistry, 5th Edition
Western Montana Regional Telephone Directory
Wild Edible and Poisonous Plants of Alaska
Wild Edible Plants of the Western United States
Wildlife of the Northern Rocky Mountains
Latin Three Year
Author: | Charles L. Freundlich |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Amsco School Publications, Inc. |
Category: | Textbook |
Year of Publication: 1961 | |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Lab Number | K963-19 |
Summary | This book is a review text for the study and review of previously learned Latin grammar. In the preface to the book, the author states that one purpose of the book is to “enable the student to prepare himself adequately for formal examinations..” etc. The book has nine chapters containing, mostly, grammatical exercises. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 80 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | In the right margin there is a circled mark next to translation exercises. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 81 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | There are two circular figures with a heart drawn in each one, one large and one small, in the right margin next to grammar exercises. There are also numerous underlinings of Latin words in a grammar exercise. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following is written in the upper-left corner of the book’s cover: June 19 P.M. be there at 1:00 P.M. Below this is a circular object with a small heart in the middle. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Between page 206 and the Index |
Type of Marking: | Missing pages |
Description: | There are numerous pages that appear to have been torn from this textbook. The missing pages are between page 206 and the Index. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 206 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached for underlined Latin words as well as three letters written in a word match exercise at the bottom of the page. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | Between pages 74 and 75 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | The insert is a mimeographed sheet titled ELK TRACKS, December 1981. The insert is apparently a regular school publication, this one being for December, 1981. It provides an outline for what school activities will take place during December and January. Everyone at the school is wished a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. At the bottom of the page is a drawing of Santa Claus. The reverse side has a stamped address: BOXHOLDER Lincoln, Montana 59639. The following words and lines are also written on this side of the insert: Atalanta et Meleager...fungantur...bibeatur aqua ne vinum...bibeatur aqua ne [bibeatur] vinum = Let water be drunk and not wine...Se beba agua y no vino...Que se beba agua y no vino It is noted that boxes are drawn around portions of this written text. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 73 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ....pluperfect in past.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Back cover of book |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following things are written on the back cover of book: Eng. June (illegibel) :15 — 12:15 (illegible) W.H. A.M. Wed. (illegible) 2 3 3 Lat III P.M. Tues Chern AM Wed. Jun (illegible) circular figure is drawn in upper left part. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside cover title page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following is written in the upper-right corner: Karen L. Smith 75 cents (the monetary symbol for cents is used) |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 9
Lena Seca (Dostumbres of Campo)
Author: | Javier De Viana |
Language: | Spanish |
Category: | |
Publisher: | La Bolsa De Los Libros |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Lab Number | K2019-26 |
Summary | |
Insert | |
Where Found: | Between front cover and first page |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Bookmarker, with Spanish, see attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 8 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | underlined Spanish words |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined Spanish words and markings in margins. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined Spanish words and markings in margins. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 6 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined Spanish words and check marks in margins. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 10 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined Spanish words and markings, see attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 13 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined Spanish words and markings in margins. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 13 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | A place in a fair or market where horned cattle are exposed for sale. Mixture? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 12 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Roam. Stronghold. Whetstove or grind-stone. S-A river plant resembling a floating island. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 12 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined Spanish words and markings in margins. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page, Chapter I |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | rivulet |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Appellation given to a European in Buenos Aires. A bad horseman or a bad horse. Ticket. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 6 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | atolladero — deep miry place. (Peru) cord, thong canopy parecer? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 10 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | rebuke |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Spanish and english words. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Spanish and english words. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 8 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Pack-saddle muleteer. Sly |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 7 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | aldabilla. duendes. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 7 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | small knocker |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page, chapter 1 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined Spanish words and check marks in margin. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 20
Les Miserables Vol. I
Author: | Victor Hugo |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Donohue, Henneberry & Co |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Summary | About the French Revolution era. |
Category: | Fiction |
Year of Publication: | |
Lab Number: | K2039-1 |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 118–119 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Blank torn piece of paper — used as book mark |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 2 for 10.00 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Les Miserables Vol. II
Author: | Victor Hugo |
Language: | English |
Category: | Fiction |
Publisher: | Donohue, Henneberry & Co. |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K2039-2 |
Summary | Continuation of the French Revolution era. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Life on the Mississippi
Author: | Mark Twain |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Harper & Row |
Origin: | Unknown |
Year of Publication: | 1980 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden |
Category: | Fiction |
Lab Number | K974-46 |
Summary | Romantic history of life on the Mississippi river; an autobiogaphical account of Twain’s early steamboat days; a record of America’s growth and remembrance of her vanished past. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 168 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Obviously, Marryat was referring to the cane-brakes as impervious to man. (Line drawn up to frase, “and there are no panthers that are “impervious to man.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 362 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The “illness” here referred to must be menstruation. (Line drawn to approximate excerpt: Thus she lived till she attained womanhood, when one day her brother, whose name was lamo, said to her: “Sister, the time is at hand when you will be ill. Listen to my advice. If you do not, it will probably be the cause of my death..... |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Livy Books I and II
Author: | B.O. Foster |
Language: | English Category: history |
Publisher: | Harvard University Press and William Heinemann Ltd |
Year of Publication: | 1976 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K964-30 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Livy, the great Roman historian and friend of the emperor, Augustus, presents an uncritical but clear and living narrative of the rise of Rome to greatness. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Logarithmic Tables of Numbers & Trigonometrical
Author: | Baron Von Vega |
Language: | English Category: math |
Publisher: | D. Van Nostrand Co |
Year of Publication: | 1916 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K1075-13 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | listing of logarithmic tables |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Los Relampagos De Agosto
Author: | Jorge Ibarguengoitia |
Language: | Spanish Category: Other |
Publisher: | serie del volador |
Year of Publication: | 1964 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-57 |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Summary | Entire book in Spanish |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 112 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... tan pronto como se pueda. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 110 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Io de Artajo y el... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... de ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 112 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... estuve de acuerdo. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... debio hacerme ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 116 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... investigar,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 118 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... a quien rendirsele. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 88 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... para las ocho de la noche ya ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 87 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se Ie llama ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 83 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... era por el que ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 82 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... sino hasta ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 111 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... estaba de complete acuerdo |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | ... de acuerdo en que ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... de ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 60 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... estaba de acuerdo con ellos. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 39 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Io mas lejos posible del ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 55 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... estuvo de acuerdo |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se decide por |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 54 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... la saludaron ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... estuve de complete acuerdo. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se encargo de llevar... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 49 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... no ser tan . |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 50 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Io vi cumplir... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... ellos dos.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... dejalos ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Cual reloj? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 39 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... de la manera mas humillante posible),... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 41 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... haciendola volcarse,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 110 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... acabaron durmiendo ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 100 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Cual tren? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 107 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Io antes posible. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 108 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... quedado de acuerdo en que Trenza ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 62 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | good translation for “warn” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... destituidos ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 59 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... uno como sotano. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... torno a una ... necesitamos alguien ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 111 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ? and line going to word los with the s circled |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 42 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... desde hacia muchos anos habia sido ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 57 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se sospechaba,... que eran ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 34 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... demas estaban de acuerdo! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 77 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... usando ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 36 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... en la ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 79 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... atino... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 62 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... ponernos sobre aviso. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 3.95 3–7 For |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se no incorporo ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se me critico ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 63 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... no se habia fijado. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 69 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... estuvimos de acuerdo en levantarnos en armas,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Various pages |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | One or two short vertical lines in either right or left margins by sentences or remarks with underline words |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... guardo ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 15 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... en direccion del... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... tiempo de contestarle ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 22 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... de ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 22 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... actitud a tomar, ...a |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Cual Camara? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 25 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... de ... |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 57
Lost Languages
Author: | P.E. Cleator |
Language: | English Category: Sociology |
Publisher: | Mentor |
Year of Publication: | 1959 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies New and Used Books, Helena, |
Montana Lab Number | K963-17 |
Agent/Analyst: | Merrill |
Summary | Investigation into past writings, how they were discovered, deciphered, and what they reveal about ancient peoples and civilizations. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 142 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | This is not so clear, since the classes mentioned are not necessarily mutually exclusive. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | first page |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | (drawing of a heart, sideways), Steven Mailer |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 108 |
Type of Marking: | underlined/checked |
Description: | even in those days there were skeptics who wer not prepared blindly to accept the doctrine of divine revelation |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 142 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | 1/3+1/4+1/5+1/6+1/7=140+105+84+70+60/420=459/420 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | rubber stamp |
Description: | Autn Bonnies New and Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 10 cents 20 cents with trades New Books 10% disc. 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 5
Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen
Author: | Pierre Goubert |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Vintage Books |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Category: History | |
Year of Publication: | 1966 |
Lab Number | K2018-11 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | This book is a biography/history of Louis XIV and an account of his rule over France. The beginning of the book contains a chronological order of events in Louis XIV’s life. The book also gives a narrative of the demographics, the economy and the society of France before and during the reign of Louis XIV. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Contents page. |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | A backwards question mark is in the left margin by the number 10. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 39 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 25 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...On the whole, people married late:...The average was not more than five children for each household, only two or three of whom might reach maturity... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Title page. |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Yellow price sticker with the following on it: 4444444 used test $3.00 each |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 24 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...sickness was due to malnutrition, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 1st page of part 1. |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Book’s cover. |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | There’s a hole punched through the book’s cover in the top right corner. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 160 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | 1685 is written in the left margin next to the first part of the first sentence in the second paragraph....The Edict of Fontainebleau...Protestantism no longer existed in law, all churches were to be demolished, all assemblies forbidden-...and all children made to attend mass...Outof a million Huguenots, perhaps 200, 000 left:... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 35 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | There is a vertical line drawn in the right margin alongside the first paragraph. Also, the words “Louis’ subjects” is circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 33 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. Also, in the bottom margin, the word France is written below and arrow which is pointing down from the word “her.” There is also what appears to be a haphazard circle drawn around some words in the last two lines on this page. The words in the circle are the following: country, were, France been a really poor. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 22 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The three immemorial scourges of mankind, war, pestilence and famine fell upon King Louis’ subjects...disease, bubonic plague... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 46 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Where Found: | Page 200 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis refused point blank to recognize the new King of England...THE COST OF PEACE 1697 (The date “1697” is written after the title, as indicated) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 44 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 50 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 42 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 31 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The French coalfields lay dormant, unknown and unexploited... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 40 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 34 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. There is a star drawn in the right margin next to a sentence which begins with “Her wealth lay simply....” The word “Her” is circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 3 SOCIETY |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 37 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...This was a strong but still traditional economy,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 36 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...These in all probability constituted France’s main itemof export and yet they were made entirely by countless peasant workers scattered over the countryside.... Also, the word “cloth” is written above the words “These in all”. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 43 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 75 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached, “movement in Catholicism” between the first paragraph and the second paragraph. There is also an arrow drawn up from the word “Jansenists,” in the second paragraph, to “movement in Catholicism.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 77 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, there is an arrow in the right margin pointing up from an underlined sentence to another, non-underlined sentence, in the middle of the page, there is a star-like marking at the beginning of the underlined sentence, “This concept of the king’s public piety as a model and guarantee of the loyalty of his own subjects...” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 86 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Among the measures that did have an effect were those... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 218 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star at the beginning of the last paragraph. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 84 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, “unerring taste” is circled, as is “regal splendour”. There is also a vertical line drawn in the left margin alongside the first half of the second paragraph. There is also a vertical line in the middle of the first paragraph from “unerring taste” to the word “Church”. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 82 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...king’s service, with a chancellor, rector, director...and forty chairs...the Academy had a firm grip on the realm of Beauty on his majesty’s behalf...there had to be an Academy of Architecture as well...the ‘Royal Makers of Furniture to the Crown’... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 81 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, there are three star-like markings written in the right margin next to three separate sentences. There is also a vertical line written within the last paragraph from one underlined portion, “form an Academy,” to “the Academy became...” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, there is a large “I” written in the top-right corner. There are also ten illegible marks written in a vertical line in the right margin alongside the bottom half of the first paragraph. The word “belief,” located in the fourth line of the second paragraph, is circled. There are also two slash-type marks, one short, one long, in the second paragraph. The short slash is before the sentence which begins, “In January...” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 71 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In addition to the underlining, there is a single, big bracket drawn in the right margin alongside the second paragraph. There is also an arrow pointing up from the second paragraph to the first paragraph in the right margin above the aforementioned bracket. There are also two scribble marks in the top margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 78 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...As yet the Most Christian King was thinking only of his glory, not of his salvation...In addition to the underlined sentence, there is a large, single bracket drawn in the left margin alongside the last paragraph. Also, in the last paragraph, there is a slash-like marking before the sentence that begins, “For twelve years...” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 29 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. There is also a single bracket in the right margin enclosing the following: Colbert’s envy and spite, as well as a source of irritation to King Louis. Anti-Dutch policies were a basic and inevitable part of the personal rule on which Louis now embarked, superbly allied to a somewhat naive attempt to remould the French economyon Dutch lines. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 76 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 26 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...‘Mercantilism’... There is also a single bracket in the left margin alongside the following sentence: An increase in population led to greater power: more subjects meant more work and more taxes which would of course bring in more money. They were also concerned to... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 74 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In addition to the underlining, there is a single, parenthetical mark in the left margin around the first three lines on this page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 48 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The clergy,...was recruited largely from members of the nobility and the bourgeoisie....lived off the revenues and seigneurial dues attached to their offices...To these was added the income belonging to the Church such as the universal tithe,...Parish priests lived |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 72 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...he turned his attention to those he was already thinking of as his future enemies...the emperor and the crown of Spain...Louis XIV regarded England as a weak, pro-French... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 6 TWELVE GREAT YEARS |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, “(23–35)” is written to the right of the title. There is also a large “1” written in the right margin next to the first line in the second paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 23 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ..result of... The word famine is circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 32 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 138 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Old taxes were revived...and the normal ones increases...new taxes were invented...obliged to fall back on borrowing...All this was to pledge the future in order to pay for the present war...This meant putting himself at the mercy of the financiers again. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 30 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 49 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Where Found: | Page 28 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | See attached. Also, the following was underlined: Amsterdam was the market and warehouse of the world. French merchants and politicians went there for everything... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 2 ECONOMY |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. Also, written in the bottom margin is the following: Not true of ships trading in Norwegian timber. See C. R. Boxer, The Dutch Seaborne Empire 1600–1800, Alfred A. Knopf, 1965, p. 68. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 87 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, there is a single bracket drawn in the right margin alongside the first seven lines on the page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 100 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the humiliation of the Pope...Louis XIV had no love for ‘priests’....found....spiritual preeminence of the papacy hard to stomach...the supremacy of the Most Christian King of France....King....sapiring to the title of ultimate defender of Christendom....The struggle against the Turks held out further opportunities of glory but further dangers also. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 140 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...But in 1673 the king was running short of money and the edifice which Colbert had built up began to fall apart on all sides...The great trading companies which had been launched in such a blaze of glory, with impressive monopolies, advances, gifts and loans from the king, were also running into trouble and sometimes disaster...There is a bracket drawn in the left margin alongside the third paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 143 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Three circles are drawn in the top margin. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 150 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Jansenism...the battle it was fighting was no longer a purely theological one...devote themselves to apologetics and teachings:...exalted the dignity of the simple priest and called for a simplification of the liturgy to bring the celebrant closer to his congregation... |
Marking | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the king’s somewhat formal religious observance changed into a deeper piety...there to obey him and owed no duty to the decisions of any Italian even if he were the Pope...JANSENISM SPARED... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 148 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | his name respected everywhere, impose his will on the Roman pontiff and even on the heretics...religious persecution...The dashing, nomadic monarchy gave way to the majestic monarchy of Versailles... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 125 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a long, vertical line drawn in the right margin. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 153 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Innocent XI...Basically autocratic and with a high opinion of the dignity of his sacred office, he was not a man to support the pretensions of Louis XIV...In 1680, the Pope attacked. He rejected Louis’ nominee for the post of mother superiorto the convent of Charonne, thereby extending the quarrel to the regale spirituelle...Louis’...assembled |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 94 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Paris was becoming the intellectual capital of the kingdom...The king’s council had already cut down the number of printers and taken over the charge of appointing new master printers...No book, even a straightforward reprint, could be published without the royal consent...The chief of police, parlement and the king’s council were united in their efforts to control freedom of thought. |
Where Found: | Page 104 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a down-pointing arrow in the left margin alongside the bottom half of the first paragraph. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 142 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...For another thing, the competition was largely out of reach. Colbert on his own could not do much against Amsterdam with her Bank and Stock Exchange...There could be no competing with the Dutch freighters...and...with the English cloth trade or.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 102 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A bracket-type vertical line is in the left margin alongside the next to the last paragraph. The word grouping “admirable results,” located in the next to the last paragraph, is circled. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 154 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The word “result” is circled. There is a down-pointing arrow in the left margin going from one part of the text to another. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 99 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a long bracket-type, vertical line in the right margin alongside the full length of the last two paragraphs. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 98 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A long, bracket-like mark is drawn in the left margin alongside the entire first paragraph. Three word groupings in the first paragraph are circled. They are: “foreign policy,” ‘“lengthy policy,” and “of armed aggression’”. There is a downward-pointing arrow drawn in the first paragraph between the word groupings “foreign policy” and “‘lengthy policy.” In the last paragraph, there is a star-like mark before the word “almost” in the fifth line. See attached for the underlined portions. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 97 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A bracket is drawn in the right margin alongside the first full paragraph on the page. There is also a crooked, but vertical, line drawn in the right margin alongside the last paragraph. The underlined portions are as follows:...visions of France...All these brilliant plans served to keep the king amused for a while, but his real dream was of military glory. Wealth and order were merely the material background or agreeable additions to that ultimate goal, which, for him, always consisted of magnificent victories in the field. There is a star-like mark in front of “All these brilliant...” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 105 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...But in 1665, Louis XIV was not yet ready to use his armies to back up the claims...He was deeply involved in the second Anglo-Dutch war. There was keen rivalry between the English and the Dutch, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 95 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The words “this grand determination” is circled. For underlinings, see attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 103 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis XIV believed he could count on the friendship of the ‘maritime powers’. He thought himself certain of England...Holland...-had been an ally of the French since 1662...Sweden was still the traditional ally...The Scandinavians...It was essential to annoythe emperor....Swiss cantons became firm allies,providing troops in return for money...Italian...allies or |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 93 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 92 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Where Found: | Page 91 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 90 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, the following is written in the top margin: 1st estate — clergy, 2nd estate — nobility, 3rd estate — bourgeois. Also, the last nine lines on the page are enclosed in a bracket drawn in the left margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 89 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 122 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 129 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Spain came to their assistance....in Berlin, the Elector of Brandenburg and the Emperor Leopold agreed to intervene against France...... There is a circled X in the bottom right corner of this page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 130 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis XIV went back to France...Rhine was crossed, so many towns had been taken and so many protestant temples returned to the Church. To be sure, the king of France was not yet altogether king of Holland or the Dutch fleet under Colbert’s control but this was only a matter of time. France basked in glory...the invaded had become the invader....The words “basked in glory” are circled. |
Where Found: | Page 141 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...overall failure of Colbert’s...nearly everyone who mattered in France was against him...Controls, regulations and structures imposed from above were all sources of growing discontent...impressive regulations had little effect on habitual practice... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 62 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, there is a single bracket in the left margin alongside the second paragraph. In the left margin alongside the last paragraph, “mazann” and “his mother” are written. There is an arrow pointing to the word “his” . |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 139 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...enabled him to obtain money from the public at only 5 per cent interest...All in all, Colbert kept the deficit down and paid for a war of which he had, at least in the beginning, approved...’Your Majesty’,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 85 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...ORDER AND OBEDIENCE...entrusted the business...chiefly to two men...Colbert de...Le Tellier...military affairs...foreign affairs...His son...Louvois...ln addition to these underlinings, a short arrow, pointing left, is drawn in the left margin from the word “Louvois” to the following, which is written in the left margin: eventually a leading minister along w/ Colbert |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 137 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the arbiter of Europe...First the decision to go to war and then the acceptance of the coalition had brought unavoidable consequences to the internal affairs of the kingdom...Financial stability was nowout of the question...The sale of offices reappeared...There is also an odd-shaped, vertical mark in the right margin alongside the first margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 136 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The allies were deeply divided, each thinking only of their own interests...Louis XIV,...found himself in an excellent position to negotiate...five main treaties were signed...bringing the coalition to an end. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 133 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There are two star-like marks in the last full paragraph. One before the underlined line beginning with “Now the kingdom....” and the other at the very end of the paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 123 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...From 1662 onwards, income exceeded expenditure... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 152 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Gallicanism...united in rejecting a certain number of papal rights...Louis XIV believed quite simply thatthe clergy of the realm were his servants and the Church’s possessions his to dispose of at will. His only interest in any theological disputes wa to assert his own supremacy...The regale spirituelle concerned the king’s right to nominate to certain convents... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 1st page of PART THREE |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 41 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...This meant that there were four interested parties preying on the labour and income of the peasants: the local community, the Church, the seigneur and the king.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 127 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is an odd-shaped mark in the left margin alongside the last paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 126 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | genuine economic boom, of which the following was only the beginning:...Dutch vessels...still carried the bulk of French and international trade...could not compete with the Dutch....There is a short arrow with the text of this page pointing downward after the first two lines which are underlined. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 159 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There are two star-like marks in the text. One comes before and the other at the end of underlined text. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 124 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a bracket-type mark in the left margin alongside the first paragraph. Three words in the second paragraph are circled: “One” and “The second.” See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 132 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Provinces to form a coalition against her aggressor.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 151 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Jansenism, from a scholastic argument, had become one of the greatest currents of French thought...GALLICANISM...The Gallican quarrel was a secular affair...the French Church laid claim to certain ‘liberties’, or customary privileges, in relation to the Holy See... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 45 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 88 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 158 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the revocation was a last-minute decision taken for political reasons in a particular diplomatic situation... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 157 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...he regarded as his ‘hereditary’ enemy the ultra-Catholic house of Habsburg....he needed the alliance of a great many Protestant states and princes against it...Time and again, the diplomatic situation, his prime consideration, forced his to temporize... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 156 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Ever since 1598, two religions had existed side by side on a perfectly legal basis. Nothing of the kind was to be found in any other country in Europe...Hardly any Catholics had accepted the Edict of Nantes... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 155 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...THE EXTIRPATION OF PROTESTANTISM...Louis made himself a great many new enemies by deciding to stamp out heresy in his kingdom. The process of Louis’ policy with regard to....It moved from a limited toleration to first legal and then violent persecution culminating in the revocation... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 131 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a vertical, wavy line in the right margin. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 288 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 194 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...William of Orange, now William III of England, endeavoured to give an organization and a soul...his task was not an easy one since each member was pursuing his own private ends. All the same, the coalition was in possession of good armies, a strong seapower, and above all, sound financial resources... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 309 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 196 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...By the fourth or fifth year of the war...talks were begun. The...An end was reached in the summer of 1697, at a chateau of William’s near Ryswick....Louis...... promoted himself....to the post of |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 178 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 277 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 287 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star within the text of the last paragraph. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 286 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star at the beginning of the last paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 284 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 283 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 282 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...THE KINGDOM... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 313 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 280 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the whole of Europe, with the exception of some insignificant neutrals (Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal), was united against him...The Most Christian King’s sole and quite unintentional ally was the infidel Ottoman, still keeping the emperor and his best troops fully occupied on the borders of Hungary.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 278 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 293 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 276 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The date “1715” is written in the left margin next to the third paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 274 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 273 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 272 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star with the text of the second paragraph. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 279 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 296 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star at the beginning of the next-to-the-last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 83 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...an Academy of Music in Paris...the Academy of Science...Those that were not made into academies, even those that were not altogether ‘regular’, or even strictly national, were subsidized...were offered a real ‘golden bridge’ to come and work in France... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 314 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star at the beginning of the last paragraph. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. Also, the words “‘absolutism’” and “contracts” are circled. In addition to this, there is a star drawn before the word “Provinces” at the beginning of the last sentence in the next to the last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 312 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 310 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis’ reign was one of economic difficulties.... There is also a star at the beginning of the third paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 281 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...This situation, which was worse than that left by Richelieu and Mazarin, was almost entirely brought about by twenty years of war... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 165 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 225 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | resistance of the surviving population and still more to the plentiful work available which stemmed from the peace and the resumption of commerce....For these last years of the century saw an unexpectedly vigorous rebirth of trade...and of private seafaring ventures... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 166 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 177 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...storms, rains, excessive heat or cold...‘poverty of the people’...scarcity of money, the increasing number of business failures, more and more farms abandoned, craftsmen fleeing abroad, depopulation and other disasters...Written sideways in the right margin is the following: tendencies but exaggerated |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 176 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The old administrative forms were beginning to acquire a highly novel basis of properly constituted records...Versailles must have been a curious place: a mixture of work and play, splendour and filth, piety and licence....THE FAR CORNERS OF THE REALM...In addition to the above underlinings, the page number in the upper left corner is circled and there is also a small, squiggly mark in the top margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 175 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Three words are circled. They are: major decisions, simply. See attached or underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 174 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...this artificial capital was the scene of all major decisions...Louis was over fifty nw and, except at table, the burden of maturity was bringing with it a greater moderation...Of the old, talented staff bequeathed to him by Mazarin, nearly all were gone:...Colbert, Le Tellier...Louvois...The king, left to his own devices, governed with the aid of the families and dependents of his former colleagues... |
Marking | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...moved into Versailles...in May 1682...Work was going on continually.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 172 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 171 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Six words are circled. They are as follows: policy, God, king, reasons, the first....The next to the last paragraph has an incomplete circle drawn in it...... See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 186 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...in spite of the peasants’ wretchedness, the landowners’ complaints, rural depression and the misdeeds wrought by armed intolerance, the kingdom of France was far from exhausted....how could it have endured the quarter century which....In addition to the underlinings, there is a slash mark in the left margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 195 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The defence of Louis’ kingdom was supported by French wealth, the effectiveness of her fiscal administration and the aid of a number of financiers...For nine years the conflict ranged over a wide area with each side in turn gaining the upper hand but without ever achieving a decisive lead. A...... In addition to the underlinings, there is a star-like mark in the left margin before the first underlined sentence. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 180 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the increase in the adult and adolescent population, the amount of work available had probably decreased...death roll all over the country began to rise again...The new royal demands fell on a smaller population, already suffering from the effects of famine and sickness... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 190 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 164 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...‘reunions’...beginning of the ‘reign’ of Louvois....There is also a long, vertical line in the right margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 162 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The revocation was both useless and ineffectual. It distrubed, divided and impoverished the kingdom and strengthened all its enemies. More important still, it paved the way directly for the revolution in England.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 170 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...League of Augsburg...the empire...Bavaria, Franconia, ...Palatinate...duchy of Holstein...Sweden and Spain...League made clear that it had no intention of submitting to any frther ‘unjust claims and illegitimate demands’.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 179 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 198 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Military activity...a series of advances and withdrawals that never came to anything... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 182 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...decline in landed income which formed the main source of revenue in France...prices and tenant farms had fallen...anyone with a surplus to sell found trouble in getting rid of it... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 247 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 185 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ties and the number and extent of these was constantly increasing... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 234 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | “(violation of treaty; England/Holland hostile)” is written immediatley before the first full paragraph. There is a bracket in the left margin alongside the bottom half of the first paragraph. There is also a star-like mark within the text. See attached for underlining. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 187 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | layahead of it without the staggering resources of its merchants, sipowners and financiers, without the endurance of its rentiers and without the stubborn, furious and backbreaking toil of its millions of peasants?...NEW VOICES: THE DAWN OF THE GRAND SIECLE...elite of writers, painters and engravers... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 188 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 189 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 167 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...1683 marked a great turning point in the history of Europe. It was the beginning of the end for the Turks and brought about the birth of the first united state of Austria- Hungary....The setting or Louis’ small gains was the Netherlands....At the top of this page, each word and each number in the title, as well as the page number, is circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 69 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 257 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 258 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the exceptional winter of 1709... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 308 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...whole age of Louis XIV...‘monetary famine’...But money was not the only thing.... There is a vertical slash through the bottom half of the last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 260 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Back cover page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 315 163 152 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 262 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ....By showing what the French army could still do, it encouraged the negotiators to rescue the talks....the Emperor.. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 263 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star at the beginning of the very last paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 264 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 265 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 235 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There are three star-like marks within the text of the second paragraph. The first two words, “The result,” of the third paragraph are within one circle. In the left margin, with an arrow pointing to it, “Louis’ son (illegible)” is written alongside the first and second paragraphs. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 255 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the state’s credit fell very quickly.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 57 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis XIV’s words in his memoirs for the year 1661 ring all too true: ‘Chaos reigned throughout.’...kingdom to which Loius acceded. Economically it was rich, if somewhat backward. Socially, administratively and in the state of its provinces, it was complex in the extreme... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 259 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 68 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 67 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: |
See attached. In addition to the underlining, four words are circled as well as underlined. The words are: ‘masterstrokes’, parlements, silence them. There is a line configuration drawn between the words “parlements” and “silence.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 66 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 65 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, there is an arrow drawn in the left margin alongside the second paragraph. The arrow originates at the word “Council” and points down to the last sentence in the paragraph. Also, in this same paragraph, the words “most important act” are circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 64 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining, there is something illegible written in the right margin next to an underlined sentence in the middle of the last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 63 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Where Found: | Page 70 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 5 1661: THE YOUNG KING IN QUEST OF GL |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. In addition to the underlining on this page, the words “‘reputation’ as the supreme goal” are circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 73 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In addition to being underlined, there are star-like markings at the beginning and at the end of the last sentence in the first paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 56 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 55 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 54 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 53 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 250 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 246 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...introduction of paper money.... There is a star within the text of the last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 292 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 303 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...about the revolution which carried William of Orange to the leadership of the Republic... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 240 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Diplomatically speaking, he ad four valuable allies...Cologne and Liege... There is a star within the text of the next-to-the-last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 249 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 294 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis’ ambition to gather around his person the cream of artists and writers... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 295 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 245 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star-like mark at the beginning of the last paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 302 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis’ aggression in 1672 had a miraculous effect upon the patriotic feelings of the Dutch and brought.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 261 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 290 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis still showed amazing powers of resistance and adaptability.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 254 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is also a star-like mark within the text. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 266 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 197 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | commander-in-chief, was planning a great invasion of England... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 161 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | “The revocation” is circled. There is a vertical, wavy line in the right margin as well as an arrow, pointing downward, from the circled words “The revocation.” See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 244 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The page number is circled. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 243 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 14 THE LAST YEAR |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...1714, Louis entered the seventy-seventh and last year of his life. His splendid health was in ruins, wrecked less by age than by his doctors.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 241 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Bavaria...Savoy...Portugal...For a while, these four allies were to save both kingdoms from invasion...... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 253 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The king had just celebrated his seventieth birthday.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 13 THE LAST COALITION |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | THE LAST COALITION |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 238 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 237 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The words “England/Dutch” are written in the right margin just above the last paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 236 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a vertical, wavy line drawn in the left margin alongside the first three paragraphs. There is also a star-like mark at the top of this vertical line. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 242 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 251 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 267 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | “effect of war on people” is written sideways in the right margin alongside the last paragraph. Also, the page number is circled. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 248 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 101 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...battering at the gates of the Empire, and hence of Christendom. Could the Emperor Leopold be left to bear all the burden of what was clearly going to be a stiff fight or, worse still, all the glory of halting the infidel alone? Louis XIV paid careful attention to the form, the timing and the strength of the assistancehe sent. He incorporated it in the army of the League of the Rhine...This little army played a decisive part in the victory over the Turks...At the same time he was engaged in negotiations with the sultan and pointing out to him that it was not France but the League of the Rhine which had halted him...Louis indulged in a mixture of ostentation and Machiavellian cunning...At the heart of it all lay the affair of the Spanish Succession... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 108 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 109 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Both the Dutch and the English, up to their necks in negotiations about their own war, were powerless to move... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 211 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There are three star-like marks in the left margin, one each at the beginning of the last three paragraphs. In the top-left margin, there are two markings, one above and one below the written word “never”. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 112 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | the other paralysed...The Dutch Obsession (1668–72)...activities of French diplomats and the preparations of her military leaders can be described under three headings. They were trying to break up the Triple Alliance, to neutralize possible future adversaries andto forge a still more powerful army...From here, there is a line drawn through the right margin which is the back part of an arrow that continues onto page 113. |
Where Found: | Page 107 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a down-pointing arrow in the left margin at the underlined portion of the first paragraph, which reads as follows: in the spring of 1667 and Louis XIV was already moving into Flanders....The First War (1667–8) ...Six years of unremitting...had succeeded in doubling the king’s revenues. Louis was well aware that there could be no glory without money but he left the details of its acquisition largely in Colbert’s hands. In addition to the underlinings, there is a circle around the word “revenues” . “War of Devolution” is written after “The First War (1667–8). |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 119 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | There is a crooked, vertical line drawn in the right margin alongside the last full paragraph on the page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 114 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a bracket-type mark in left margin alongside the first paragraph. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 121 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 106 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is an arrow in the right margin pointing to the last underlined part of the first paragraph. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 120 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 110 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Dutch + English is written in the top margin. There is a short arrow pointing up to the word Dutch from the first line on this page....former enemies had their hands free...The stage was set for interesting developments...Swedes...Spain...‘Triple Alliance’...Dutch...It came as a bad shock to the French diplomats who had been completely unprepared... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 204 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Louis made the supreme concession of recognizing William and promising to give no further support, even in secret, to the Stuart king living in exile in France...host of concessions, so wounding to the royal pride....in 1697, necessity and hope for the future both urged the king to prudence. The... The name “James II” is written between paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, with a small arrow pointing to the name “James II. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 113 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a vertical, bracket-type line in the right margin alongside the first paragraph. Money, fine wordsand the Catholic faith had each made an effective contribution towards breaking up, for a time, the Triple Alliance of the maritime powers. It remained to harass the ultimate enemy, the Empire...Louvois and the army, Colbert and the navy, were all the outward symbols of this considerable effort....There is an arrow pointing to the last two lines (underlined) on this page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 205 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 215 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a wavy marking in the space between the end of the first paragraph and the title of the next chapter, 1693–4: THE GREAT FAMINE. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 214 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...all the parishes in France were to raise thirty regiments, comprising twenty-five thousand militiamen, for the duration of the war.... There is a star-like mark at the start of the last sentence in the first paragraph. |
Where Found: Page 213 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...An administration with increasing powers and influence was developing within the kingdom. A time was coming when it could be said with some truth that the king was ‘present in every province’ in the person of thirtyor so intendants who were at last really powerful and effective... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 212 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The words “hoarded Louis,” located in the second line, are circled. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 216 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | and disease....from the summer of 1693 to that of 1694 the great majority of people in France-...were threatened with, suffered or actually died from starvation...... Many families were broken.... In the left margin, next to the top-left corner of the paragrph insert, there is a portion of a squared corner drawn. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 206 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Pontchartrain addressed him...by his king: that of continuing to support the war by any |
means. Not a great deal more could be expected from the ‘ordinary’ sources of income.... | |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 208 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Existing officers had their commitments doubled, were obliged to purchase new offices...also created annuities. U....the number increased rapidly, sometimes with scant regard for legality, while the interest augmented....sold titles of nobility to wealthy commoners...... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 209 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There are three star-like marks within the text at the beginning of three underlined sentences. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 210 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a small mark above the word “capitation” located in the middle of the first paragraph. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 217 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...There were fears of a return of the plague...The seasons were not merely ‘out of joint’, they were so for several years on end...The basic causes of the famine were cumulative and accelerating. As usual, a succession of bad harvests set prices rocketing;...For the basic trouble was still cost. Want and famine are deceptive words. What they really meant was high prices. There was flour and bread for all but not all could afford to... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 184 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...annuities...loans at interest transacted between private individuals...a great many private fortunes were based on annui |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 219 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 220 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...The absurdity of a system of taxation which exacerbated the sufferings of the countryside...... There is a star at the start of this underlined sentence. Also, there is a star and a partially drawn, squared bracket at the beginning of the second paragraph. The partially-drawn bracket is in the left margin. There is another partially-drawn bracket at the end of this paragraph in the right margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 221 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star and a slash-type mark at the start of the last paragraph. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 224 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 203 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 226 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...six new companies for trade either with the South Seas or with China....the greatest capitalists of the time were active....irresistible attractions of Peru and China....the way was being opened for the maritime splendours which were the keynote of the eighteenth century.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 227 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 229 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The title at the top of the page is scratched through. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 230 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Most of the title at the top of the page is scratched through. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 115 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...after him, France was ‘first among the first industrial powers of the world’....There is a circle drawn around the second paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 232 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In the left margin, written sideways, are the words “on the part of Louis.” There is a short arrow pointing to the word “on.” The arrow is pointing left from the underlined sentence next to it. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 233 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The name “Philip V” is written sideways in the right margin alongside the first paragraph with an arrow pointing to it. This arrow originates with the adjacent text. Also, after the date 1 November, located in the forth line, the date “1700” is written in between the third line and the forth line. See attached for the underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 12 THE RESPITE |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 207 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the clergy of France provided several millions for which the monarchy recompensed them by delivering the lower-clergy to the bishops...created and sold new offices,...Payment of some.. these was a charge upon the state, which pledged only the future: payment of others was a matter for the public...concerned onlythe tax payers... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 231 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a star drawn in the top margin at the beginning of the text. See attached for underlinings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 202 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | There is a single bracket in the left margin alongside the third paragraph. There is also a star-like mark at the beginning of the next-to-the-last paragraph. See attached for the underlinings. |
Where Found: | Page 96 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...incredibly few people were actually responsible for it...administrative personnel of under a thousand persons:... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 111 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the Portuguese abandoned their struggle against Spain, the Swiss were uneasy...Dutch were bribing the Germans and...Peace was made on 15 April on the principle ofthe alternative...the kingdom of France was made the richer...The war...The ‘queens rights’ had, in the end, been universally acknowledged...of the two traditional rivals, Spain and the Empire, one was humbled and |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 118 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...Wealth and magnificence, splendour and opulence were Colbert’s watch words...There is a circle drawn around most ofthe first paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 201 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | See attached. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 258
Making of the Middle Ages, The
Author: | R.W. Southern |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | New Haven & London Yale University Press |
Year of Publication: | 1965 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K964-12 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | About the main personalities and the influences that molded the history of Western Europe from the late 10th to early 13th century; the chief forms of social, political, and religious organization. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The name Slavs, from which the word slave is derived in various forms in the |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 16 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | This is the division of Europe into two main language groups. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ! (Exclamation point in margin) with the word farthur circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 15 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Europe has always been the scene of more or less deep disunity and of conditions which, to a close observer, must appear chaotic. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 192–193 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of newspaper |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 5
Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes
Author: | John D. Hunter |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Ross & Haines, Inc. |
Category: | Sociology |
Year of Publication: | 1957 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K974-53 |
Summary | The manner and customs of several Indian Tribes located west of the Mississippi; including some account of the soil, climate, and vegetable productions, and the Indian Materia Medica: to which is prefixed the history of the author’s life during a residence of several years among them. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | Cover |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | A book cover made of newspaper |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Many Mexicos
Author: | Lesley Byrd Simpson |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Univ, of CA Berkeley and LA |
Year of Publication: | 1967 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K964-11 |
Summary | Book on the history and culture of Mexico. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 248 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | This was patently an absurdity, so a military junta from this three forces met and reached an agreement, whereby President Bustamante followed Gomez Farias into ... But that left the presidency vacant. And who do you think was chosen? Right again! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 238 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Pedraza was installed as provisional president on January 3,1833. The new Congress showed its gratitude to Santa Anna by voting him the titles of “Liberator of the Republic” and Conqueror of the Spaniards,” and, on March 30,1833, elected him president. The radical Valentin Gomez Farias was elected vice president. But Santa Anna, who detested the dull routine of government, pleaded ill health and left the Poder Ejecutivo to handwritten line between Gomez Farias. The liberal leader was fifty-two years old at the time. He had studied medicine and political science, and was a tremendous anticlerical. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 278 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | To make of Juarez a popular revolutionary after Jacobin pattern, a leader of the masses in a raw struggle for power, or a prophet of the present Revolution, is to misread his history. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 237 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | It was high time, because Guerrero, having been given dictatorial powers to meet the Spansih invasion, was suddenly discovered to be trampling under foot the most sacred heritage of the fatherland. He was accused of being a Jacobin, an atheist, a Mason, a destroyer of religion, and the rest — the usual outcry of the centralists. Vice President Anastasio Bustamante “pronounced,” evidently without consulting Santa Anna, who countered with one of his famous Napoleonic proclamations: “I shall stubbornly oppose those who, on ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 237 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Parenthesis around: any pretex whatever, would temerariously hurl from the presidential chair the Illustrious General, Citizen Vicente Guerrero, and they will succeed in doing so only over my dead body, when 1 shall have perished defending the Chief Magistrate of the Nation!” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 237 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Santa Anna’s nose had failed him. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 237 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Sana Anna made the best of it and retired to Manga de Clavo, his hacienda in Vera Cruz. Congress legitimized Bustamante, who occupied the uneasy seat of the presidency for the first time, on January 1, 1830.... had the good will of the clergy, the applause of the well to do, the effective support of the army, the clericalism of the Senate, and the indecision of the Chamber of Deputies.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 237 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The foulest blot of the Bustamante administration was the murder of Guerrero. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 236 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... General Vicente Guerrero, against the “Scottish Rite” conservative candidate, General Manuel Gomez Pedraza, a former officer in the royal army. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 238 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The uproar was so loud that the sensitive nose of Santa Anna informed him (after three years) that the will of the people was being flouted, and he “pronounced” in favor of General Gomez Pedraza, a moderado. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 234 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The liberal authors of the Constitution of 1824 took it for granted that everything in the Spanish system was had and that the only thing to do was to throw it all out and make a fresh start. They ignored the immense weight of three centuries of habit, and they chose to ignore also the fact the the old system, with all its faults, was a tried and working system, while the new Constitution erected a weak and unfamiliar government in a country ravaged by civil war and overrun by bandits; riveted upon it the tyranny of provincial caciques; allowed for no effective check on the Church or the army, which by that time was a privileged caste, infinitely more rapacious than anything seen in colonial times; and it imposed an uncomprehended democratic ideology upon a people who had known nothing but rule from above |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 238 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Congress worked hard forty-five days. Its program was a complete liberal house cleaning. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 235 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | But there it was, and nineteen more or less independent republics were created, each with the fatal power of accepting the Consitution or ignoring it — a ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 282 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | And Juarez? From the famous black carriage in which, unescorted, he governed liberal Mexico for ten years, came not a word about shedding the last drop of his blood for the fatherland, and the rest. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 265 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Not true! Wheat provides more protein than maize. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 249 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The black despair of the country and the hatred of the government made themselves known in the only way possible: General Mariano Paredes “pronounced” in Jalisco. Santa Ana marched west to meet him, but no sooner had he left the capital than a furious tumulto broke out. The statue of the Benemerito de la Patria was torn from its pedestal, the shiny new cenotaph in the cemetery of Santa Paula was violated, and the Leg was destroyed. The garrison of Mexico City “pronounced.” Santa Anna was caught between two fires. That in the city was the more threatening, and he hastened |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 277 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... and behind hem also the unsmiling figure of one Indian Lawyer, Benito Juarez. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 249 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Parenthesis in left margin by: The country fell a prey to synicism and boredom; boredom and a deepening hatred for the little man with the cork leg; hatred of his ceaseless extortions; boredom with his emptiness and vanity. But no boredom exceeded that of His Serene Highness, who seized the first opportunity to retire to the fine new estate of El Encerro which a grateful country had given him. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 278 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | He returned to Oaxaca and was elected governor, and during his term of office accomplished two things worthy of note: he balanced the state budget, leaving a surplus in the treasury, and he refused sanctuary to Santa Anna after the disaster of 1848 — which is not to be taken as an indication that Juarez had always been opposed to Santa Anna; rather, it was probably the patriot’s reaction to the dictator’s betrayal of his country. Indeed, up to the outbreak of the Three Years’ War, Juarez had been an honest and plodding civil servant, with a marked streak of stubbornness and courage. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 238 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The country went wild with rage and grief; that is, the “mob” did. |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Cross out Mexican History 484 University of Montana Summer 1973 Jack Knight Junior year Handwritten Dave Burchett 710 Pioneer Ct. Elliot Village Missoula, Montana Used Book Price 1.95 Associated Student’s Store |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 243 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Line in left margin under third paragraph and French printed in margin |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 239 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | jurisdiction of the military and ecclesiastical tribunals to the army and the clergy, for those courts had long been a refuge of privileged laymen. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 241 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In spite of Alaman’s warnings, Texas had been allowed to fill up with Yankee immigrants, rude men who despised the “greasers” and who had some reasonable complaints about Mexican notions of justice and and administration. The inevitable happened, and Sam Houston and his Texans, supported, incidentaly, but liberal Mexicans, “pronounced” for the restoration of the Constitution of 1824 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 232 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | to lie and steal and betray one another, and sell out to the highest bidder — in a word, santanismo. And santanismo existed because those who might have prevented it did not make the effort. Perhaps the deadliest of Spanish autocracy was the pssycholoy that kept the Creole class in a state of resentful aloofness. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 241 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | It ignored the Constitution of 1824 and set up a new “principle of authority” in the shape of of Poder Conservador,... |
Where Found: | 246 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The grateful Poder Conservador voted him th new title of Benemerito de la patria (Well- Deserving of the Fatherland) and made him president for the fifth time. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 238 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | It meant to put in a whole liberal program, regardless. The liberals attacked the Spaniards who had escaped the expulsion; they secularized the missions of California; they encouraged emigration to California by exempting the colonists from tithes; they decreed the seizure of the Cortes estate; and they limited the |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Front cover |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books Used books 1/2 price or 20–40 cents with trades New Books 10% discount 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 278 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | He believed in God and Order. With the early Jesuits, he believed that government had its sanction in God’s will expressed through the will of the people. In thus elevating the popular will he naturally ran afoul of the clerical prejudices of his time, but he did so from religious conviction. He had a puritanical belief in his own rightness, and an unyielding, rock |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 13 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Beans must have been known is Europe before discovery of America — Langland refers to them in Piers Plowman. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 56 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | “According to Samuel Eliot Morison, in Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Isabella expressed a willingness to pawn her jewels if it proved necessary, but it did not prove necessary. Nevertheless, the Spanish crown did put a lot of money into Columbus’s expeditions. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 81 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | gloria? in margin and the word Goria!” circle in text with a line and arrow to word in the margin |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 206–207 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Newspaper article page 1 and a continued page titled Death toll mounts in peasant uprising Handwritten at bottom of article Missoulian, Jan 3,1994 |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 220–221 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | A torn piece of paper — blank |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 230 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... liberal (anticlerical, anti-Spanish, democratic, at least in theory);... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 234 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | At the opposite pole from Alaman stood the liberal leaders, Miguel Ramos Arispe and Valentin Gomez Farias, whose political creed was a rationalization of death to the gachupines. Under their inspiration the liberal Congress write the first Constitution of Mexico,... 1824, a naive document incorporating a good many features of the Also a parenthesis in margin by: Constitution of the United States. Their prescription for the government of Mexico was complete decentralization, a federation of semiautonomous states. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 246 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | He was homesick for his cockpit at Manga de Clavo. “Ill health” compelled his retirement, and General Nicolas Bravo was left to face the music.... Also a parenthesis in the left margin by: Hell itself broke loose as soon as the dictator was out of earshot. The puros (that is, the extreme Jacobin liberals), with the veteran Valentin Gomez Farias again at their head, sought to restore the Constitution of 1824, and General Urrea, who had escaped Santa |
Where Found: | 235 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | for a very long time. In short, the federal system was an invitation to anarchy. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 236 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | For four years Santa Anna, like Br’er Fox, had lain low, but now his nose told him that the wind was blowing liberal, and so from his lair in Vera Cruz he “pronounced” Guerrero president, Santa Anna was arbiter of Mexico. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 240 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Santa Anna. Its “plan” called for the dissolution of the liberal Congress, the expulsion of Gomez Farias, the suppression of the militia (liberal), the protection of religion, and the rest. Provincial caciques “pronounced” in unison, all except the cacique of Zacatecas, which Santa Anna took and sacked. In the capital: |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 279 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Once we accept Juarez as a Puritan, his career is not at all mysterious. He was convinced that the Church was corrupt and that in her abuse of wealth and privilege she had betrayed her trust. The “Ley Juarez,” therefore, was an act of purification of the Church, as well as a blow against the enemies of the liberal state. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 251 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | offend his people by withholding his presence from them. And Santa Anna, now liberal democrat, clad in decent civvies, was driven an ordinary hack through the silent streets of the capital to the palace, where he was persuaded to accept the presidency. In the treasury were exactly 1,839 pesos with which to finance the war with the “Colossus of the North.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 277 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | We are invited to believe in the existence of the illiterate shepherd boy of Guelatao who, like an Indian David, slew almost single-handed the French Goliath, and whose wisdom and vision were such that he anticipated all the thinking of the present revolutionary leaders of Mexico. If we listen to the other side, we are treated to the spectacle of a monster, a kind of Antichrist, whose diabolical genius aimed at the destruction of everything good and holy. He was a “bandit,” a “murderer,” an “atheist,” and the betrayer of the “true” Mexico. The power of these myths, to evoke emotion and confuse thinking, is immense. Too much blood has been spilled to allow either side to treat Juarez as an understandable human being. 1 attempt it with some trepidation. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 250 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Parenthesis in left margin by: ... marched on the capital. General Valencia prepared to defend it. There was really little sense in their fighting each other, so they made an arrangement by which Paredes became president and dictator. Paredes to the country: “1 am resolved to make my ideas triumph or perish in the attempt. 1 am determined to punish on one for his past misdeeds, but 1 shall shoot anyone who opposes me, be he archbishop, general, minister, or anyone else!” His prose was not up to Santa Anna’s. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 250 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | On March 1,1845, the United States announced the admission of Texas into the Union. Minister Almonte demanded his passports. The Mexican government promptly declared war on us. War? Surely no country in history was ever less prepared to fight. The army: 20,000 men on the rolls, and 24,000 officers. The treasury was empty. The despair fo the people flamed up in hatred against the criminal stupidity of their rulers. General Paredes “pronounced” again. Half a dozen generals in various parts of the country “pronounced.” The war could take care of itself. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 250 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | He was saved by his stump and limped off into exile. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 250 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Read this |
Where Found: | 241 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | martial law. He dissolved Congress; he discharged all government employees suspected of liberal leanings; |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 253 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The immense disaster that he and his kind had brought upon Mexico had the immediate effect that the reader has already anticipated: pronunciamientos by all parties and caudillos, denouncing the betrayal of the fatherland, denouncing Santa Anna, and denouncing each other. Death to the monarchists! Death to the liberals! Death to the santanistas! Death! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 239 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | While the two armies sparred harmlessly at Puebla, Santa Anna had one of his frequent strokes of luck. The capital was invaded by the cholera. The superstitious populace was told that the plague was a sign of divine wrath against the impiety of Gomez Farias and the handwritten lines between the word liberals. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 240 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Santa Anna was invitied by the army chiefs to cut loose from the liberal rabble. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 241 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... he called a new hand-picked Congress in December, 1834. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 240 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Meanwhile, the liberal Congress went on destroying religion and the army. The country was in danger! And who do you suppose came forward to sacrifice himself for the fatherland? Right! |
Where Found: | 244 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Santa Anna against the King of France! A good match. But the bored Admiral Baudin refused to fight.... if it had not been for the Prince de Joinville, there would probably have been no war at all. The Prince, however, was cut out of the same Byronic cloth as Santa Anna, and thirsted for glory.... la douce France, ...So Baudin prepared a landing party, and Santa Anna was awakened by shouting and firing in the streets. In his underclothing, with his unconquerable blade tucked under his arm, the hero escaped, leaving General Arista to hold the French. Once outside, Santa Anna was his old self. Orders flew, and soon a detachment of Mexican troops was exchanging shots with the Prince de Joinville’s marines from behind a barricade. French honor was appeased after several shours, and the Prince withdrew to his ships. Victory! Santa Anna mounted his white horse. Charge! At that moment the god of luck took him by the hand and led him into the path of a French cannonball. His left leg was shattered below the knee. Never would the fatherland be allowed to foget Santa Anna’s leg. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 240 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A fair sample of the long litany of vituperation which has been leveled at every liberal leader from Jose Maria Morelos to Lazaro Cardenas. Santa Anna ... For eight months he reigned as absolute dictator, with soldiers and |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 239 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Parenthesis in right margin by: Santa Anna heard his country’s call. His return from Manga de Clavo was the occasion for a popular demonstration. More pronunciamientos demanded that he be named dictator. Santa Anna was puzzled. After twenty days in power he left the stew to cook a while longer and went back to Manga de Clavo. The liberal Congress also made a bid for the support of the Illustrious Conqueror of the Spaniards by putting him in command of the government forces. But Santa Anna’s actions were ambiguous. He allowed himself to be “taken prisoner” by the conservative General Mariano Arista, until he should consent to become “Supreme Dictator and Redeemer of Mexico.” Gomez Farias managed by some miracle to put down the insurgents in the capital and generally showed more strength than Santa Anna had expected. So Santa Anna “escaped” from his captors and appeared before Congress, swearing “to defend the Constitution till death,” and vowing that his hatred of tyranny was “eternal.” Congress simply did not believe him. Meanwhile, the insurgents laid siege to Puebla, and Santa Anna met the challenge in his best style; “We march to bring aid to the brave sons of Puebla who ... are defending their sacred walls with a valor worthy of being perpetuated in the annals of our history!” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 245 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Santa Anna’s leg was to be paraded with such effect that revolutions and more revolutions would have to be fought, thousands upon thousands of Indian boys would have to die, and half the territory of the nation would have to be sacrificed, before the leg could be paid for. Santa Anna loved his wound with pathological intensity. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 244 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | French Read |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 251 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Parenthesis in right margin by: The Retreat from Moscow. The army that entered San Luis Potosi seventeeen days later was an army of barefoot skeletons. The news of the defeat was received in Mexico City with the usual prounciamientos against the goverment. Deadlock between Gomez Farias and the rebels. The Great ARbiter hastened to the scene. He was the only one who could decide the conflict, because he was the only one without convictions. And, of course, he reassumed the presidency. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 303 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The unfortunate result of his insulting interference was that Huerta found himself unexpectedly backed by a strong wave of patriotism. He all but expelled John Lind and made warlike gestures at Washington. Puzzled and angry at such lack of appreciation, President Wilson decided that Huerta would have to be got rid of, by war, if necessary. He opened he border for the shipment of arms to the constitucionalistas Carranza, Villa, and Obregon, arms paid for by tens of thousands of head of cattle stolen from the vast empire of the Terrazas family of Chihuabua. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 279 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... that Juarez’ education in liberalism began at that time and that Ocampo became his guide and teacher. |
Where Found: | 247 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Anna’s firing squad the year before, was on hand to make the indispensable pronunciamiento, on July 15,1840. For twelve days the forces of Bravo and urrea were locked in a bloddy embrace in the streets of the capital and the unfortunate citizens were cut down by cannon fire, while they had to listen to the proclamations the Gomez Farias and Bustamante hurled at each other. Meanwhile, no word came from Manga de Clavo. How was Santa Anna to know which side was representing the true interests of the fatherland? Stalemate. An arrangement was made between the forces, Gomez Farias again trudged off into exile, and the liberals went back to their holes. General Anastasio Bustamante was again president, by the grance of Santa Anna and the Poder Conservador |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 280 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | But with all their advantages of good leadership and unity, the conservatives were no better off than they had been with Santa Anna. They were even worse off, because the liberals held the port of Vera Curz, where all foreign goods entered and paid duties. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 265 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... no greater food value. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 250 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The garrison of the capital could not stomach the pretensions of Paredes, and “pronounced.” The country was without a leader. The country was in danger. Yes, Santa Anna was back from his exile, uninvited. He was received with distrust, but received. The smart Yankees had let him through the blockade at Vera Cruz, and Santa Anna retired to El Encero to await the inevitable call. The factions in the capital wre bidding for his support. The liberals looked stronger. The liberals won it. Valentin Gomes Farias, also back from exile and again at the head of the his puros, begged Santa Anna not to |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 289 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Belen Penitentiary, or were shot “while attempting to escape,” an effective device known as the Ley Fuga. |
Where Found: | 262 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A circle around two letters in word reboso marking above word z |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 306 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Penciled star in left margin by top of second paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 308 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Penciled star in left margin by bottom of first paragraph |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 340–341 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Missoulian, Wednesday, January 5,1994 newspaper article title Mexican army quells uprising |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 279 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In the long and tragic years of the civil war he never yielded or compromised or deviated from the straight path of Law, as he saw it. It was Juarez stubborn conviction of right which held his mercurial party together for ten desperate years. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 250 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | back to put it out. But his troops were fed up and began to desert. By squads, by companies, by regiments, they deserted, while small arms, cannon, and equipment filled the ditches. Within a short week the army of Santa Anna was nothing but a memory. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 247 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | General Bustamante was at his wits’ end to outplay the Beneme- |
Where Found: | 247 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Handwritten arrow |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 248 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | rito de la Patria. Suddenly inspired, he did a back somersault and himself “pronounced” for the liberals and the Constitution of 1824! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 249 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The bill came very high: taxes and more taxes; a twenty per cent duty on imports; a “voluntary” contribution by all the householders of the capital; bottomless depression. Santa Anna, bored by the complaints, retired again to Manga de Clavo and his cockpit, leaving General Bravo to carry on But Bravo could not cope with the roar of hatred that went up on all sides, and hte hero was hastily recalled, The seventh return of Cincinnatus. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 277 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Line in left margin above first paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 249 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | General Valentin Canalizo, who had been left to run the show, satisfied no one. How could he? Another weary cycle of pronunciamientos, and Cincinnatus was sent for again. The eighth return. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 286–287 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of newspaper |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 80
Massai-Broncho Apache
Author: | Alberta Begay |
Language: | English Category: magazine |
Publisher: | True West Magazine |
Year of Publication: | 1959 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Lab Number | K974 |
Summary | 1959 July-August Magazine article: The true story of an Chiricahua Apache warrior Massai, the son of White Cloud and Little Starr as told by his daughter. The story unfolds at Mescal mountain when Geronimo comes into the Indian camp to ask for help in fighting/wage war against the White man..This story follows the Indians into into war and eventual captivity with Geronimo getting killed at the end. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Underlined in blue ink pen: The stomach of the deer was cleaned for use as a water bag. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 1 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Written in blue ink pen at bottom of first page: True West Magazine Aug 1959. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Mathematics Mechanics
Author: | International Correspondent |
Language: | English Category: Math |
Publisher: | International Textbook Company |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2019-1 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | Textbook containing the subjects of arithmetic; elements of algebra; logarithms; geometry and trigonometry; and elementary mechanics. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 2–3 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Bookmarker entitled, How to Open a New Book. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 42–43 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Advertisement for Frary & Burlingame, Great Falls, Montana, used as a bookmark. Math problems written on the front and back of the card. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 6 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Pressed flower. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 30–31 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Application for the Department of Physical Training at Oregon Agricultural College, used as a bookmark. The application, dated 1921, was filled out by Ivan F. Selstrom. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 4
Author: | Armando Palacio Valdes |
Language: | Spanish |
Category: | Fiction |
Publisher: | Espasa-Calpe, S.A. |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K2019-27 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 196 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... por la calle abajo,... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 83 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... tiempo a contemplarle ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 226 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... cumple ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 84 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... no tiempo ya de ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 85 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Padece usted del estomago? ... compadeco .. . Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 93 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... siendo ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 102 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... doble efecto. Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 99 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... tuvieran..... Ie tocaban...... les vio irse. Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 228 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... preguntandole ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 229 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... blandos...... traza de ... Marking in margin and question mark in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 226 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | — Note indicative (the word indicative is underlined). Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 167 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... tiempo de...... saludarla ... Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 136 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se enojo por... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 201 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... afrenta de ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 114 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... que Ie tocaban en ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... dijeses que me perdonas. Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... felicitarles. Marking in right margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... quye se viniese ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 106 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | No por eso se crea ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 78 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... levanto...... cuanto mas ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 109 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... habia estado. Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 71 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... que Io bace. Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 122 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... cumplio su juramento. Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 88 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... justo con mendoza, Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 66 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... oirles ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 68 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... y soy perdido! Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 101 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... no seas cursi! ... gozas en ... Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 70 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... tu haces ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 137 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... dar una palabra y no cumplirla; ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 108 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... no sabes de algun ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 138 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | No seas tan ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... te Io ten.» Marking and question mark in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 207 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... porque la temblase un poco la ... Marking in margin |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... alguna delicadeza ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 41 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... advirtio ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 35 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... vista una mujer... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 34 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | La razon ... Markiing in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 17 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... estaba pobre. Marking in right margin. |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... pillos estan. Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | hacersela? The last three letters of the word hacersele are circled. The letter “n” in sino is crossed out. Another question mark in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 65 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... gozo el. Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 104 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... si fuese con ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 220 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... cierra ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 24 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Ie ayudo a vestirlo,.... tedes esta jovencita,... Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 217 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... bien que Io..... bien de...... sangre Ie suministraba el sustento,... Markings in margin. |
Where Found: | 212 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... sabia la ruina ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 210 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...desecho...... amor de su... pasado el verano ... Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 89 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... advirtiese que estaban ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 213 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... era algundime-... algun dinero ... caerme. Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 202 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... supongamos..... tu me matas. Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 203 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Ie hizo ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 204 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se autorizaba murmurar era: Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 127 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... es ... Marking in margin. |
Where Found: | 199 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... hacer caso de ti, y ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 140 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... abandonada.... Ie hacia semejar..... curiosidad por... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 143 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... cumplir con... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 147 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Me muero, me muero ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 148 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... cuanto mas ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 157 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... pasara bastaria ... Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 158 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... do el andaluz insistido,... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 159 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Mucho Ie ofenderia.... senorita...... en trazas...... por Io nueva y Io eficaz … Markings and question mark in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 162 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Ie pregutaban.... mas que en las ... Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 50 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... se Io lleva usted.... cumpla ... Marking and question in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 164 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... advirtiendole,... hacerle ... Markings in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 163 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... les obligo a ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 171 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... autorizaba ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 174 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Ie saludo ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 221 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... la contesto ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 176 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... para ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 178 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... les ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 179 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... insultarles..... si ejecutaba ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 183 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | la demostraba..... susurraba ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 185 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... desde hace un mes he experimentado,... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 188 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Nunca hubiese llegado! Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 190 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... creer que yo puedo ... Marking in margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 200 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... has de ser bueno con Julia...... el... Marking in margin. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 76
Mechanics of Materials
Author: | Philip Gustave Laurson |
Language: | English Category: Math |
Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons, Inc |
Year of Publication: | 1938 |
Origin: | R. Vernon Proctor |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K1075-31 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | textbook for courses in strength of materials for basic engineering |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | $10.00 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 404 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (in Lincoln Library), article “Copper”, gives the following data for fully annealed copper wire: [ultimate] tensile strength = 32,000 lb/in(2) yield point = 10,000 lb/in(2) elongation in two inches = 45% Modulus of elasticity of “copper” (unspecified kind) is given as 16.5 x 10(6) lb/in(2) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 186 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | parentheses around problem on restrained beams — see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside back cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Suppose the section of the beam is a trapezoid of height H, width W at the top, and width V at the bottom Then the distance of the neutral axis from the bottom of the beam is : H(V + 2W)/3(V + W), and I = H(3)/36(V + W) [(V+W)2 + 2VW] |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 187 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | 24.90# in is written next to the combined moment diagram |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 294 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The derivations on this page assume that the load is concentrated at a single point, and that the changes represent deflection of that point of the elastic member |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 304 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 305 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | This book is a part of the library R. Vernon Proctor |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 399 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | .494in(2) = 3.187 cm(2) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | back cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | last page |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Poisson’s Ratio: pp. 9–11 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 12
Medici, The
Author: | Colonel G. F. Young, C. B. |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | The Modern Library, Inc. |
Year of Publication: | 1930 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Lab Number | K2018-8 |
Summary | This book is a history of the Medici family. According to the author, the Medici family played an important role in the in the rebirth of learning and art in the Europe of their time as well in science. But the author attempts to go beyond the historical record of the family by writing about the Medici as merely a family. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 316 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘The conquest of Mexico was completed Aug. 13, 1521, not 1522. Prescott, Conquest of Mexico, Bantom, 1967, page 602 There is an asterisk (*) at the very end of the third paragraph which obviously corresponds to the aforementioned note. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 763 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | This is underlined: Brunelleschi simply cracked the end of the egg There is then an arrow drawn from this underlining to the top margin where the following in written: The same story is told of Columbus |
Marking | |
Where Found: | On the 1st page inside the front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 200 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
Medieval Cities
Author: | Henri Pirenne |
Language: | English |
Category: | History |
Publisher: | Doubleday Anchor Books |
Year of Publication: | 1925 |
Origin: | |
Agent/Analyst: | Aunt Bonnies Books |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Lab Number | K964-4 |
Summary | Story of the revival of trade and urban life in Europe in the 10th and 11th centuries amidst the ruins left first by the breakdown of classical civilization and then by the fury of the Northmen. This revival ended the Dark Ages and opened the period of Medieval civilization. |
Marking | |
Where Found: 34 | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | Vertical dash Next to excerpt: There the Russian merchants had a special quarter and made commercial treaties, the oldest of which dates back to the ninth century, regulating their relations with the population. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 35 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The activity of Russian trade was main- |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 24 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | abandoned gold coinage (and) silver |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 65 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ....twelfth century it had reached the shores of... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Charlemagne and his successors to pro.. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Carolingian Empire |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 36 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Next to excerpt: It was not fated to withstand the crisis which the Petchenegs brought about in the eleventh century. The invasion of these barbarians along the shores of the Caspian and the Black Seas brought in heir rain consequences identical to those which the invasion of Islam in the Mediterranean had had for Western Europe in the eighth century. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 27 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | great thing that Charlemagne accomplished was accomplished either by his military strength or by his alliance with the Church. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Though they had lost their functions in civil administration, the cities therefore continued to serve as the key points in religious administration. Each diocese comprised the territory about the city which contained its cathedral, and kept in constant touch with it. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Next to excerpt: treasury providing for the salary of functionaries, for public works, and for the maintenance of the army and the navy. The financial impotence which caused its downfall was a clear demonstration of the impossibility it encountered of maintaining a political structure on an economic base which was no longer able to support the load. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 24 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | reform of the monetary system (and) by Charlemagne |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 36 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | ....Frankish State, with the Carolingian dynasty, had been removed to the watershed of the Rhine. And to end by making the parallel still more conclusive, there arose, in Russia as in Gaul, a landed aristocracy, and a demesnial system was organized in which the impossibility of exporting or of selling forced production to be limited to the needs of the proprietor and his peasants. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 37 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | ...the theory that the economy of the Carolingian era was not the result of an internal evolution but must be attributed to the closing of the Mediterranean by Islam. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical line |
Description: | The merchants who once frequented them, or dwelt there, disappeared and with them disappeared the urban character which they had still preserved during the Merovingian era. Lay society no longer had the least use for them. Round about them the great demesnes lived their own life. There is no evidence that the State, itself constituted on a purely agrarian basis, had any cause to be interested in their fate. It is quite characteristic, and quite illuminating, that the palaces (palatia) of the Carolingian princes were not located in the towns. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | . economic renaissance, whose first symptoms appeared in the couse of the tenth century.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | increase in population |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | real commercial revival |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 65 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Marseilles took on new life.... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Next to excerpt: The forces which he placed at her service were, moreover, forces of the north. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | eleventh century |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 15 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Islam took no more than fifty years to spread from |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Vertical dash next to beginning paragraph: More and more, the Moslems consolidated their domination over the sea. In the course of the ninth century they seized the...... (See attached) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Empire of Charle (and) an inland one. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 17 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Frankish Empire was fated to lay the foundations of the Europe of the |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Monasteries, whose number multiplied with such remarkable rapidity after the seventh century, were receiving bountiful gifts of land. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 41 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Neither Greece or Rome knew anything analogous to the strictly local and particularist bourgeoisie of the Middle Ages. The life of the city was blended with the national life. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 31 |
Type of Marking: | Marked |
Description: | Beginning of paragraph marked with dash: This economy, in which production had no other aim than the sustenance of the demesnial group and which in consequence was absolutely foreign to the idea of profit, can not be considered as a natural and spontaneous phenomenon. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 32 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | We know that bands of sea-faring Norsemen, that is to say of Scandinavians originally from Sweden, established their dominatin over the Slavs of the watershed of the Dnieper during the course of the ninth century. These conquerors, whom the conquered designated by the name of Russians, naturally had to congregate in groups in order to insure their safety in the midst of the populations they had subjected. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 31 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | abroad, they would not have neglected to profit thereby. They did not sell because they could not sell, and they could not sell because markets were wanting. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 16 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | From this (and) separated, instead of uniting |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 30
Merchant of Venice, The
Author: | William Shakespeare |
Language: | English |
Category: | Fiction |
Publisher: | Airmont Publishing Company, Inc. |
Year of Publication: | 1965 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K2019-15 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | A classic from Shakespeare. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 8–9 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | A doubled-over (1/2”) piece of masking tape, used as a bookmark. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Author: | Ovid |
Language: | English Category: fiction |
Publisher: | Indiana University Press |
Year of Publication: | 1964 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K2019-18 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | a translation of Roman verse by Rolfe Humphries |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 175 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | loyalty to spouse |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 202 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | looks like they weren’t so poor at that |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 130 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | The impious are punished |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 176 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Chaucer’s Griselda |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 8 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Like O.T. God. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 256 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | i.e., fuck |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 367 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 79 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | cruel and impatient |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 373 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | what about the “great sum?” — whatever that may be. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 6&7 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside back cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 218 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | well, well! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 205 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | if it’s that damn big, Erysichthon has performed quite a feat in chopping it down all by himself. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | This is on loan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Kaczynski 463 No. Ridge Lomard, III 60148 is stamped twice and David Stallmann W — 317 Hillcrest 353–1445 is handwritten in pen |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 24 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | racy sense of humor! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Gotterdammerung. One suspects that Classical and Germanic mythology sprang from some common ancestor. Vulcan = Wayland (the smith), so I’ve read |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 392 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Here, Ovid is engaging in the most slavish, degrading, dispicable flattery. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 217 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | death of God’s son ressurrection |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 368 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Back to Golden Age Garden of Eden |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 21
Metodo Berlitz
Author: | M. D. Berlitz |
Language: | Spanish |
Category: Textbook | |
Publisher: | M.D. Berlitz |
Year of Publication: | 1928 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K794-32 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | This is a Spanish grammar book. The entire book is in Spanish. The book contains many exercises concerning the use of grammatical constructions and verb conjugations. It is noted that most of this book’s pages contain markings such as lines, question marks (?) and brackets in the margins. There are also many circled Spanish words within the text of each page as well as check marks in the margins. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 134 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | however much? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 96 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | really? the kind — but don’t understand in this context. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 95 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | For no pay(?) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 94 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note form why ser, not estar? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 105 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | dejar = let, leave, allow, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 125 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 138 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 135 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | wires? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 133 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | con-clus-ively? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 131 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | How understand in this context OK- collisions of machines (planes) What here? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 130 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | t? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 129 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | in spite of |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 136 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | habra? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 108 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | coming? Note Note |
Where Found: | Page 116 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | one or another? why? why? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 114 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | How what mean in this context? ‘Porque no podia ver nada. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 112 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | a Ramon verle |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 111 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | idiom? why not la molesta? Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 98 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note form move in |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 109 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But isn’t this the polite rather than familiar form? Note why subj? Note why estar? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 99 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note form Note form Note el, not Io |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 107 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | idiom Note Note form figure, here? |
Where Found: | Page 106 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | how fit here? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside cover page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | .50 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 104 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 119 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 101 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | all that |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 118 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (illegible) their chick (illegible) from growing?? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 110 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | NOTE Note form |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 37 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | enter, leave — go out, sit down, rise, get up |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 103 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | all that (?) what is being worn. Note form |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 191 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 66 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | For the present? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 33 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | church |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 14 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Black, white, Red, Green, (Blue?), Book, Ink, (paper?), hat |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 17 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Which, Nose?, shoulder, hand, foot |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 18 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | arm, right, left, on?, chair?, under, between, standing, where? Also, the Spanish word caja is circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 19 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | before, behind, in?, hall, room?, outside of, here |
Where Found: | Page 20 |
Type of Marking: | Margins there, takes, puts |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 23 |
Type of Marking: | Margins to count |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 53 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | only, each, leap year, begin, look The Spanish word “sirvase” is underlined. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 27 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Tomen, Pongan, Cierren, Abran, Lieven, Traigan, Vayan, Vengan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 117 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note what for (illegible) they call (??) (why do they call it a resfriado ? (??)) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 34 |
Type of Marking: | Margins cane |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 127 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | d OK |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 124 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 123 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | must be Phoenicians why this form? was to? the ancient what languages? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 122 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | become |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 121 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | In this context? were insipid (?) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 91 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | “one” used as in English |
Marking | |
Where Found: | En el Hotel |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (baggage) checks? presently? is Hegar irregular? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 126 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 24 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | homework |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 47 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | push |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 43 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | sopera — soup bowl, mono — monkey, things, statue, that which, view, ugly, peacock, owl, can’t, can, to touch, high, low, without, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 42 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | saber — to taste, sabor — taste, cheese, agrio — lemon taste, flat, beer, children |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 41 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | smell, olor — noun, smell, sugar bowl, sugar, tetera — tea pot, cafetera — coffee pot, jarra — picture, botella — bottle, vaso — drinking glass, copa — wine, copita, taza — tea drink?, in cup, spoon, fork, large plate, cucharita small spoon, cucharon large spoon |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 40 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Slash mark. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 39 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | imperative, infinitive, pronouns came after in one word, why? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 120 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | exact sense? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 157 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note |
Where Found: | Page 165 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 144 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 163 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 162 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Why not subj (illegible) Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 161 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 62 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (illegible) it strike 12; I go (?) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 159 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | the hoosegow! NOTE |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 145 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | shouldn’t it be “Ie”? Note but why? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 156 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | Anecdotas |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note idiom “what do you want?” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 152 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 151 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note Why Ser, not estar? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 148 |
Type of Marking: | Margins Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 166 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 146 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 169 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note Note, not subj. |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | Page 160 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note sing. bad faced? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | El Reloj |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | and therefore, still, shorter, previous, each, stop |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 139 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why subj Not subj How know when to make subj? COND. But in ex 3 uses IMPER SUBJ AFTER “en que caso.” why subj instead of cond? Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 86 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Why here? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 85 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why not a “les” here? Is that “Ie” and “les” stuff optional? (illegible) of ve (illegible) ellos |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 83 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Is this true? no es sino conjetura -Entonces, a este hombre no Ie gusta comer came. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 76 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | goat leather? It is going to be six? For the present, things will be as you arrange them (?) if it appears you — but (illegible) mean this context? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 164 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | uproot-but in this context?? Note Note Note Note Note deflower why present tense? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 70 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | conditional — but why? must be subjunctive hence; polite imperative |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 69 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The Spanish word “veamos” is circled. must be “let us see” — present subjunctive. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 67 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | to “have to do — like English “have to” — for “must”. like English future “going to do.” The Spanish words “va” and “despues” are circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 52 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | wind, hair |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 211 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note }un-clear to me |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 63 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Idiom — 200 years ago The Spanish words “hace doscientos anos?” are underlined. |
Where Found: | Page 213 |
Type of Marking: | Margins note note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 61 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | redundant? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 54 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | already |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | coat? engage is necessary |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 71 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | EACH |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 177 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 209 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | one-eyed but (illegible) mean here? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 16 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | You, Usted, this, student, I |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 212 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | note why subj, not cond? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 167 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note Note Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 168 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why this form? Note subj |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 192 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 178 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note What in context? Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 185 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why pl? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 174 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (illegible) ont?” Note Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 173 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note use of subj why subj? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 172 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Why Io not Ie? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 171 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why (illegible) pl. Note Note, not subj. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 170 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 205 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | don’t get this sentence OK , means he would wait in London to give whatever “satisfactiosn” (duels) they might demand |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 143 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why subj not cond? Es verdadero? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 64 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Similar to English formation “is taking.” “Esta tomando” is underlined. Why “se,” Is it not redundant? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 179 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 216 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 142 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | dictionary says hada feminine! Note Note Note — sometimes subj. sometimes not. beberia comidaria comprare saldria volvere |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 141 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why present tense now? pegaria? Note fem. here Berlitz makes error, should be la hada |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 180 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note pres, subj Note Caught? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 215 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 195 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | why los not les? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 217 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | vosotros? Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 218 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | why |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 219 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | OK |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 221 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Fut. subj. Probably means huyais note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 183 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | probably means, having been cut into quarters, It still doesn’t lose its authority, though “round shield” is rodela, I assume this means, “In whatever land they value more (look and use if they are too sagacious!) his shields [depicted on coins] in peace then [real] shields in war. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 202 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Seems absurd remark context OK |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 201 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note eagerness or pledge? lights? But why here? But I think there is reason to believe that there is less govt corruption, intriguiing, etc. in English-speaking than in Spanish-speaking countries. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 199 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note Notee |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 198 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | unclear to me { |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 147 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note Note FARTS? Beautiful tricks??? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 207 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Note |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 214 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Type of Marking: | note ok, understand |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 197 |
Type of Marking: | Margins Note |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 133 |
Midcentury Revolution, 1848
Author: | Robert W. Lougee |
Language: | English |
Category: | history |
Publisher: | D.C. Heath and Company |
Year of Publication: | 1972 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Books |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Lab Number | K964-24 |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Summary | Schoolbook on society and revolution in France and Germany. Explores the social origins of the Revolution, particularly in France and Germany, and the roles that the more active social groups played in the Revolution. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | March |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 114 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bavaria |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 115 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Berlin |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 112 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Baden |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 107 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | liberal |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 101 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Reaction |
Where Found: | 37 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Droncke |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 40 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Feuerbach |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 72 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | People came out spontaneously |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 122 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Middle Rhine Hecker |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 74 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | had support of military Mobile Guard except |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 113 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Hesse (illegible) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 92 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Counter (illegible) gain support by skillful policy April |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 93 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Peasants conservative |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 96 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | reaction against workshops |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 36 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Engles |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 98 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (illegible) had military support |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 94 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | May 15 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 73 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Found Direction from students |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 186 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | lack of leadership |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Leroux |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 32 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Blanc AA’i. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 34 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Provdhon |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Numerous pages |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Throughtout entire book, almost every page, excerpts are underlined. See attached., |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 187 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | loyalty to tradition |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Dahlmann |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 184 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | difference in interests |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 27
Minds and Machines
Author: | Hilary Putnam |
Language: | English Category: Philosophy |
Publisher: | |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Minds and Machines explores the various issues and puzzles that make up the traditional mind-body problem which are wholly linguistic and logical in character. Specificially, trying to show issues that arise in connection with any computing system capable of answering questions about its own structure, and have thus nothing to do with the unique nature (if it is unique) of human subjective experience. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 1 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Marked in black ink pen and placed in a paragraph format above the title on the first page of article: This is from Dimensions of Mind: A symposium, Edited by Sidney Hook, New York University Press, 1960 (comprising the proceedings of the third annual New York University Institute of Philosophy, held at Washington Square, New York, May 15–16, 1959.) |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Modern Physics
Author: | Charles E. Dull |
Language: | English |
Category: | science |
Publisher: | Holt, Rineheart & Winston, Inc |
Year of Publication: | 1963 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | co-authored by H. Clark Metcalaf and John E. Williams; a physics textbook for high school |
Lab Number | K1075-32 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 648 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Magnesium 648.8 degrees C (Handbook of Chern & Phys.) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 662 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Systems of units: see p. 115 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 649 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | next to the resistivity of iron: this figure confirmed in another book; x10A-6 is added to the middle column of the resistivity table |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
Mushroom Hunter’s Field Guide, The
Author: | Alexander H. Smith |
Language: | English Category: science |
Publisher: | The University of Michigan Press |
Year of Publication: | 1967 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K1075-35 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | an introduction to the art of mushroom hunting |
Marking | |
Where Found: | front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | price tag of $6.95 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
My Life as an Indian
Author: | J.W. Schultz |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Fawcett Premier Book |
Year of Publication: | 1935 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K974-50 |
Summary | J. W. Schultz presents a stirring personal portrait of the Blackfeet. This book is a source of historical information and a vivid and memorable era of the American past. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 201 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in right margin by: The men married to Indian women — squawmen, as they were contemptuously called — suffered most, and, strange to say, the wives of the newcomers, not the men, were their bitterest enemies. They forbade their childern to associate with the half-breed children, and at school the position of the latter was unbearable. The white ones beat them and called them opprobrious names. This hatred of the squawman was even carried into politics. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 85 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in right margin by: “Montana!” cried the judge, lifting his glass. “Here’s to her and her sun-kissed plains. Here’s to those of us whom kind fortune has given a life within her bounds. Of all men, we are most favored of the gods.” We all Icheered the toast — and drank. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘The next sentence, deleted by the editors, goes: “The more I thought it over, the harder my pecker got.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in left margin by: ... uproariously, and slapped each other on the back, and I gazed solemnly, reproachfully at them. I could not see that I had said anything funny. “He’s goin’ home,” said Sorrel Horse, “and he’s goin’ to be a good, quiet little boy ever after.” “And go to church,” said Berry. “And walk the straight and narrer path, world without end, and so forth,” Sorrel Horse concluded. “Well, you see how it is,” I said. “I’ve got to go — much as I would like to remain here with you; I simply must go.” “Yes,” Berry acquiesced; “you have to go all right — but you’ll come back, and sooner than you think. These plains and mountains, the free life you have, and they’ll never let go. I’ve been back there myself; went to school there, and all the time old Montana kept calling me, and I never felt right until I saw the sun shining on her bare plains once more and the Rockies looming up sharp and clear in the distance.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 87 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Brackets in right margin by: ... we have seen it, the wagons, crowded with people, roaring across the plain, killing and scaring the buffalo. Some day you write to our Grandfather (the President) and tell him that we will not allow one to enter our country. Yes, tell him that 1, Big Lake, send him this word: ‘The white men shall neither put a fire-wagon trail across the country of my people, nor settle here and tear up the sod of our valleys in order to plant the things they feed upon.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 201 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in right margin by: Let me correct the general impression of the squawmen, at least as to those I have known, the men who married Blackfeet women. In the days of the Indians’ dire extremity, they gave them all they could, and were content so long as there remained a little bacon and flour for their families; and some days there was not even that in the houses of some of them, for they had given their all. With the Indian they starved for a time, perchance. Scattered here and there upon the reservation, they built for themselves neat homes and corrals, and fenced their hay lands, all of which was an object lesson to the Indian. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 152 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in left margin by: “Then came winter, and snow fell on the high slopes, falling lower, still lower, until the mountains were white clear to the plains. Nothing was now hidden from me of the happenings of the night. Wherever I went the snow gove me the story as well as if some one had looked on, had seen it all, and then related it. Here walked, and fed, and played, and rested deer and elk; here a bear prowled around, turning over logs and stones. There were tracks of wolf, and coyote, and bobcat and fox, each hunting in his own way for something with which to fill his belly. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 7
My Lives in Russia
Author: | Markoosha Fischer |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Harper & Brothers Publishers |
Year of Publication: | 1944 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K964-7 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | A Russian woman, married to an American journalist, writes about her personal experience in Russia under both Czarist and Soviet regimes. A personal book giving, through the experience of one family, an understanding of Russian life. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 137 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | ‘There’s an easy solution to that problem — just don’t fuck. Kalahari bushmen and old — time Apache Indians practiced contraception by refraining from intercourse. Apparently civilized people have less will-power than primitive savages. (Underlined text followed by an asterik is as folllows: “do not want to be converted into child-bearing machines”. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Author: | Felix Markham |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | New American Library, The |
Year of Publication: | 1963 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2018-3 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | This is a biography of Napoleon Bonaparte. The biography covers Napoleon’s life from his early years on Corsica to his death. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 30 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Short, vertical mark in the left margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 20 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Short, vertical mark in left margin. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Napoleon Buonaparte Builder or Wrecker
Author: | Beatrice Becker |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Presses du Palais Royal |
Year of Publication: | 1967 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2018-13 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | This book is a history of Napoleon Buonaparte’s rise to power, his rule over France, his European conquests, his exile on the Island of Elba, and his return to power. The first chapter contains biographical info regarding Napoleon’s childhood and youth. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Title page. |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 1.00 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Napoleonic Revolution, The
Author: | Robert B. Holtman |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | J. B. Lippincott Company |
Year of Publication: | 1967 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2018-19 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | This is a book about Napoleon Bonaparte and the impact he had on the history of Europe. It begins with an overview of what life was like in the Eighteenth Century and then goes on to relate the career of Napoleon, his rule over France and his European conquests. This book aims to give the reader a broader understanding of what the “Napoleonic revolution” meant to the world. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Title page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 255 is written in the upper right corner. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Nazi Revolution, The
Author: | John L. Snell |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | D. C. Heath and Company |
Year of Publication: | 1973 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Lab Number | K2018-15 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | The sub-title to this book is “Hitler’s Dictatorship and the German Nation” and it is a compilation of writings by different authors edited by the late John L. Snell and revised and with an introduction by Allan Mitchell, University of California, San Diego. The book is divided into four parts with each part devoted to one aspect of the Nazi movement. Each part has about six writings pertaining to Nazi Germany and Hitler. One part is devoted exclusively to the personality of Hitler. Another part is about the Nazi movement in the greater context of the whole of German history. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 88 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following is written in the bottom margin: *A. J. P. Taylor defends, in his history of W.W. 11, Hitler’s decision to attack Russia, pointing out that all the Allied intelligence services, as well as the Russins themselves believed Russia would quickly collapse if attacked by Germany. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 99 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following is written in the right margin: and scientifically unfounded The following is written between the first two paragraphs: Jugendbund? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 84 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following is written in the left and bottom margins: This contradicts statment of K. D. Bracher, p.45 of this book. Statement about “running away” to Vienna also contradicts Bracher (same page) who says Hitler’s mother “treated him” to the trip. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Cover title page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | $2.50 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 126 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following is written in the top margin: But Spain was not a true fascist regime — Franco was a traditionalist, not a true revolutionary. I feel sure he had no sympathy for the radical and barbaric elements of Nazism |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 5
New England Frontier Puritans & Indians
Author: | Alden T. Vaughan |
Language: | English Category: history |
Publisher: | Little, Brown & Co. |
Year of Publication: | 1965 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie |
Lab Number | K974-38 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | exhaustive study of Puritan — Indian relations |
Marking | |
Where Found: | throughout book |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | the vast majority of pages in this book have passages underlined; these pages have been photocopied but have not been commented on in this macro |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 337 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | This means, to escape the Puritans |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | ‘Some observers disagree, and say that while the women worked more than the men, still they had plenty of leisure time. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Aunt Bonnie |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 326 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Nonsense |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 35 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | * It has been claimed that Indian medicine was actually more effective than European medicine of the time, since the Indians knew a lot about the medicinal properties of herbs. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 6
New Understandings of Administration
Author: | Harleigh B. Trecker |
Language: | English Category: sociology |
Publisher: | Association Press |
Year of Publication: | 1966 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K964-39 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Book about recent research findings from business, industry, the social and behavioral sciences, and education into clear basic principles and operational processes for agency executives, department heads, division directors, and their related board and committee members. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 119 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | bring disagreements into the open |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 110 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Marking in left margin. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 112 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Vertical line in left margin. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 113 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in right margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 114 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | decision |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 120 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | establishing and improving communication |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 6
Nomads of South Persia
Author: | Fredrik Barth |
Language: | English Category: Sociology |
Publisher: | Little Brown & Company Year of 1961 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication: |
Lab Number | K974-47 |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Summary | The life style of the Basseri Tribe of the Khamseh Confederacy based on material collected in the field in Iran in the period December 1957 to July 1958. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Margins , |
Description: | hypogamy — woman marries down in status bridewealth by man’s fam. is compensation |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Various pages |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Short vertical lines drawn in margins of numerous pages. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (opp. hypergamy — dowry |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 15 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... frequent migrations ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 41 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | bilateral, nearly self-perpetuating kin groups. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 14 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | head, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 15 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Domestic tasks ... women and girls — |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 7 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... sheep and goats are milk, meat, wool and hides, while of the camel only the wool is used. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | trade. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 7 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Sour milk (mast) is a staple food, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | achieved status |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 27 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | chief... lack of support form above, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 26 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | recognized leader |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Front cover |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 20–40 cents with trades New Books 10% discount 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Louis Miles 1.00 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 4 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | extensive pastures.... seasonal |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... bride-price ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 7 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The natural rutting seasons ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 30 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Patrilineal descent |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 7 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Milk and its products ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 5 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | traditional route ... schedule ... yearly cycle constitutes the it-rah ... it-rah ... property ... rights |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Agricultural work in general is disliked ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 14 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... distribution of authority and considerable division o labour... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 25 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | continuous re-affirmation by all its members. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 25 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | dispersal |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 23 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... relatively great independence and self-sufficiency,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | land, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 12 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... one elementary family of a man, his wife and their children,... |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | 12 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (semi-)virilocal |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... anticipatory inheritance,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 6 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... more statioary in the summer,... winter, as in the summer, migrations are local and short |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 35 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | endogamy |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... hold separate title ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | neolocality |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 17 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... high standard of living ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 13 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... distinctive sheep-mark,... conracts |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | fear and suspicion |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 50 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | sections also differ somewhat in prestige |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 50 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | tribe — section — oulad — tent. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | descent group FARS TRIBE (Tirs) (Family) |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 52–53 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of newspaper |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | agnatic kinship ... matrilateral and affinal relations, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 55 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A man’s rights in an oulad thus depend on his patrilineal descent, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | suspension of decisions |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | equal. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | tents ... households are the basic units ... poduction and consumption; ... rights over all movable property ... political purposes. The external sign of theexistence of such a social unit is the tent. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | sense of group-ness lessened; grid-ness increased |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | patrilineal, matrilineal, and affinal kinship. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 26 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | coercion ... mutual consent... compromise ... analysis on the processes |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 32 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | affinal relations |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | mutual trust |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | levirate — br of man(illegible) must marry his widow sororate — sister of woman must marry her widower |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | bride payments, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 50 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | formal hierarchy of groups and sub-groups |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | levirate ... sororate |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 54 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | allocated rights to usufruct, |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 56
Nomands of the Long Bow
Author: | Allan R. Holmberg |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Natural History Press, The Year of 1969 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication: |
Lab Number | K974-64 |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Summary | This book is written by a young anthropologist at the beginning of his career, about the life style of the Siriono Indians of eastern Bolivia. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 41 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘Rodents do not have eye teeth |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 41 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... a rat, a squirrel, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Front cover |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books (illegible) |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
Non-Flowering Plants
Author: | Floyd S. Shuttleworth |
Language: | English Category: Science |
Publisher: | Golden Press, New York Year of 1967 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K1075-16 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | Additional author, Herbert S. Zim. Description of various ferns, mosses, lichens, mushrooms and other fungi. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Norse Discovery of America, The
Author: | Graenlendinga S. Saga |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Hazell Watson Year of 1978 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-34 Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Discovery of the North American Continent by the Norsemen, five centuries before Columbus. Book covers two medieval Icelandic sagas in how the Eric the Red founded an Icelandic colony in Greenland and how his son, Leif the Lucky, later sailed south to explore. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 100–101 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Located a folded piece of newspaper between pages 100–101, folded paper contained advertisement with the name: Mercury. No date or name of newspaper noted. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Nuer, The
Author: | E.E. Evans-Pritchard |
Language: | English Category: Sociology |
Publisher: | Oxford University Press Year of 1972 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie New & Used Publication Books |
Lab Number | K974-30 |
Agent/Analyst: | SA Michael J. Maggipinto |
Summary | This book is a study of the Nuer of the Southern Sudan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following was stamped inside the front cover: Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 20 (money sign for cents) — 40 (money sign for cents) with trades New Books 10% discount 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Author: | A. T. Wassiliew |
Language: | Spanish |
Publisher: | Espasa-Calpe, S. A. |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Category: | history |
Year of Publication: | 1966 |
Lab Number | K964-8 |
Book entirely in Spanish. Memoirs of the last director of the Russian police? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 124–125 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | a cuantas personas sabiamos habian de tomar parte en ella (with a vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | proveyendo a las autoridades de (with vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Vertical dash next to paragraph: Generalmente, los agentes disfrazados de cocheros no trabajaban solos, sino en compania de otros various que iban simulando ser viajeros. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 57 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | de cumplir |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 153 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | En la misma tarde |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Following words underlined in various places, along with vertical dashes in margin: senas acontecia averiguasen |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 182 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | algun recelo. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 42 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Vertical dash in margin next to underlined word: solo. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 171 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | La confusion (and) fue |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 125 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Una manana temprano (with vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 134 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Pasado un mes despues de mi nombramiento (with vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 135 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | susurro la zarino (with vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 147 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | a Io mas tardar (with vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 184 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | huirdela (and) temporalmente. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 153 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | que la Ochrana era la culpable (with vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 154 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | tanto mas agria cuanto que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 161 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | senador N. I. Trusewitsch |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 67 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | mis que en la (with vertical dashes in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 55 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | cumpli el deseo |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 49 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | conexion |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 48 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | solicito ser recibida |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 48 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | senal convenida |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 48 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | que Ie sucedieron |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 57 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | de Io que en realidad |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 152 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Por el camino |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 112 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Le adverti (with vertical dash in margin) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A mi pregunta de si conocia (with vertical dash in margin) |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 27
Of Mice and Men
Author: | John Steinbeck |
Language: | English |
Category: | fiction |
Publisher: | Bantam Books |
Year of Publication: | 1937 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number: | K2019-11 |
Summary | Shelagh Sayers story about two homeless migrant workers |
Marking | |
Where Found: | first page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bonnie Bruce |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Author: | A. T. Wassiliew |
Language: | Spanish |
Category: | history |
Publisher: | Espasa-Calpe, S. A. |
Year of Publication: | 1966 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K964-8 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary |
Old Regime and the French Revolution, The
Author: | Alexis de Tocqueville |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Doubleday Anchor Books Year of 1856 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication. |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2018-6 Culclasure |
Summary | This book, a translation from the original French version, is a history of French politics before and during the French Revolution. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 204 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Pencil slash in top margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 175 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...parts of France in which the improvement in the standard of living was most pronounced were the chief centers of the revolutionary movement... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 205 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | This is a box drawn around the first paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 211 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Two vertical pencil slashes are in the left margin alongside the last two paragraphs. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 48 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...In short, the French and the American systems resembled each other-in so far as a dead creature can be said to resemble one that is very much alive...... |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 5
Old West Magazine
Author: | |
Language: | English |
Category: | Magazine |
Publisher: | Old West Magazine |
Year of Publication: | 1986 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Fall Issue 1986, Various stories in magazine to include: Apache Revenge. No inserts or markings could be located. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
On Being Sane in Insane Places
Author: | D.L. Rosenhan |
Language: | English |
Category: | Article, Science |
Publisher: | Science Magazine |
Year of Publication: | 1973 |
Origin: | Lewis & Clark Library |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Lab Number | K974 |
Summary | Science Magazine January 19,1973 Article requested by Ted via Lewis & Clark Library interlibrary loan on 03/11/1988. Author writes about if sanity and insanity exsist, how shall we know them? How what is viewed as normal in one culture may be seen as quite aberrant in another. This article is an experiment of whether sane can be distinguished from the insane (and whether degrees of insanity can be distinguished from each other) This article describes such an experiment. Eight sane people gained secret admission to 12 different hospitals. This experiment covers their diagnostic experiences as well as their description of experiences in psychiatric institutions. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 257 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined in blue ink: we tend to invent “knowledge” and assume that we understand more than we actually do. We seem unable to acknowledge that we simply don’t know. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Organization Man, The
Author: | William H. Whyte, Jr. |
Language: | English Category: Sociology |
Publisher: | Simon and Schuster |
Year of Publication: | 1957 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-9 Hayden |
Summary | A study of a way of life that many Americans are now leading, and that many more are likely to lead. Book covers life under the protection of the big organization — the corporation, the government etc., Basically a study of society, the organization man, they are not the workers, nor are they the white-collar people in the usual clerk sense of the word. They are the ones that left home in our middle class, spiritually as well as physically, to take the vows of organization life. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 198, 199, 200 |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | Composite Personality Test Handwritten notes in red and black pencil regarding test “Very interesting” comments made by Ted which reads: Black = my real answers Red = answers I conjecture to be “right.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 439 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Blocked paragraph in pencil reads: No man is an island unto himself,but how John Donne would writhe to hear how often, and for what reasons, the thought is so tiresomely repeated. It is premature. To preach technique before content, the skills of getting along isolated from why and to what end the getting along is for, does not produce maturity. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 11 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Between R and L margins, underlined words in sentence in black pencil: television sets, there’s not harm in them. Additionally the word “No” is written next to harm in them...... The text that incorporates the above reads: “mass man” — a person the author has never met — nor will be there any strictures against ranch wagons, or television sets, or grey flannel suits. They are irrelevant to the main problem, and furthermore, there’s no harm in them. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 36 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Blocked paragraph Page 36 and written comments and in pencil reads: This is ridiculous if you conisder the frequency of bloody peasant revolts in middle ages. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 57 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Blocked Paragraph in pencil reads: In part this effort is propelled by natural distaste of the noncreative man for the creative, but again, there is the moral impulse. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 172 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Paragraph blocked in pencil only reads: Some could interpret this attitude on conformity as proof that top executives are conformist. I interpret it otherwise, to be aware of one’s conformity is to be aware that there is some antithesis between oneself and the demands of the system. This does not itself stimulate independence, but it is a necessary condition of it; and contrasted with the wishful vision of total harmony now being touted, it demonstrates a pretty tough-minded grasp of reality. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 358 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Underlined in pencil only: man, rather than society,was ultimately responsible for his destiny. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 440 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Blocked and underlined paragraph in black pencil reads: No one wants to see the old authoritarian return, but at least it could be said of him that what he wanted primarily from your sweat. The new man wants your soul. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 60 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Blocked Paragraph in pencil reads: group handbooks, conference leader’s tool kits, and the like, and you find what sounds very much like a call to arms by the mediocre against their enemies. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Pages 7, 8 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Black pencil: man exsists as a unit of society, of himselt, he is isolated, meaningless: only as he collaborates with others does he become worth while,...... (Blocked and underlined in pencil:) there is the same idea that man’s character is decided, almost irretrievably, by his environment...... (Blocked only in black pencil:) Like the utopian communities, it interprets society in a fairly narrow, immediate sense. One can believe man has a social obligation and that the individual must contribute to the community without believing that group harmony is the test of it. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 184 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Underlined in pencil only reads: the way to success in an organizational life depends upon being aware that most of the decisions that affect one’s destiny are made by others, and that only rarly will one have the opportunity to wrest control into his own hands. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 11
Origins of the Latin Amer. Revolutions 1808–1826
Author: | Lewis Hanke |
Language: | English |
Category: | History |
Year of Publication: | 1965 |
Lab Number | K964-22 |
Publisher: | Alfred A. Knoff, Inc. |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Books |
Agent/Analyst: Aiello | |
Summary | Deals with the Spanish and Portuguese empires in America, Latin American Independence, the exiled Jesuits, the role Britain, France, and the United States and their influences. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | 152 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Asterik in margin for the following, also underlined: Of all the reforms inspired by the Spanish Enlightenment for improving the economic relations between Spain and her dominions the most important was undoubtedly free trade. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 39–40 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Lines to the left of a few paragraphs, see attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Numerous pages |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Various excerpts from numerous pages are underlined. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 14–15 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Bracket in margin for one paragraph. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 3–4 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined with a big asterik: Fleeing before the march of Napoleon’s armies the royal family of Portugal sought safety in Brazil. There it remained for thirteen years. And in this vast and empty land the transition from colony to kingdom and from kingdom to independent empire was a gradual process. There was no abrupt break with the colonial past, no prolonged and devastating civil war. When the royal family returned to Portugal to 1821, the heir to the crown of Portugal himself became the emperor of Brazil, endowed the country with its constitution, and secured its entry into the family of nations, and with the support of a powerful plantation aristocracy, the throne thus peacefully established survived for sixty-five years. |
Where Found: | 123 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Big asterik next to the following, also underlined: Revolutions are caused not by he completely oppressed but by those who have tasted liberty and want more. By giving Americans a vision of better government and denying them a significant share in its operation, the reforms of Charles III, both in their administrative and in their commercial aspects, helped to precipitate the collapse of the imperial regume they were intended to prolong. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Karen Hardegger |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 7
Orwell:1984 Reflexiones desde 1984
Author: | Carlos Garcia Gual |
Language: | Spanish Category: Sociology |
Publisher: | Espasa-Calpe, SA-U.N.E.A. |
Year of Publication: | 1984 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-19 Hayden |
Summary | All in Spanish |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 13 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Animal Farm? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 119 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | “Soma” is from Brave New World |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 112 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Son novelas |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 65 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | If you believe preceding article (p. 40) he never was a communist. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Throughout book |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | There are numerous underlinings of words and markings such as question marks, brackets and lines in the page margins throughout this book. All marked pages copied. See copies for pages and markings. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 127 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | I don’t agree — unless you make the definition of “totalitarianism” (illegible) to include Brave New World |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 6
Paradise Below Zero
Author: | Calvin Rutstrum |
Language: | English Category: Textbook |
Publisher: | Macmillan Company |
Year of Publication: | 1968 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K963-27 Merrill |
Summary | Guide to living in temperatures below zero. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 163 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | that is exactly what is wrong with it. Brings crowds. (Written in margin next to underlined sentence: By virtue of the motorized toboggan a great number of people are planning winter wilderness trips. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 18–19 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of newspaper as bookmark. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 163 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But the wilderness is gone everywhere along the Mississippi. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
Parties and Politics in the Early Republic
Author: | Morton Borden |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | AHM |
Year of Publication: | 1967 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-62 Martinez |
Summary | Book about American history and Parties and Politics in the Early Republic |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 103 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | passed a series of proposals for constitutional amendments: |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Line drawn in margin by second paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 103 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Federalist opposition to the war was their ultimate downfall. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 103 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The Hartford Convention was controlled by moderates from the outset. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 104 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket and tioning 2 in margin by second paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 105 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Ink pen marks under words — possession of liberty, The party Madison Jefferson was cured its major “A glorious “for the permanently in power.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 89 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The instrument Jefferson was eager to use, the penultimate policy, was full-scale economic coercion by a total embargo. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 86 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The retirement of Jefferson marked the beginning of the disintegration of the Republicans. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 94 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Jefferson adroitly kept them loyal to his administration. Madison did not. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 81 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | party in 1798–99, the Republicans suffered a schism. From a party which had been spirited and relatively unified in 1801, they broke into quarreling factions. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 50 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Asterisk & bracket in margin by third paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | mispelled in margin and circle around word indispensible |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 78 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Jefferson clearly allied with the Clinton |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket — precedent for possive V.P.B.??? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 89 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Leopard,... Chesapeake. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 74 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The death of the Federalist party was not sudden or dramatic, but slow and painful. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The Federalists were rejuvenated. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 56 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | “They won, therefore, for all time, that recognition of the right of legal opposition which is the primary condition of successful popular government.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 60 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Even more significant than the issue of morality was the constitutional compromise whereby three-fifths of the slaves were counted for purposes of representation, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 63 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 4 asterisks in right margin by last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | John Adams faced the problem of steadily deteriorating Franco-American relations from the moment of his inauguration. In the |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In a sense, both parties had sought out and tested the far boundaries of the Constitution. For the guidance of posterity they had set the liberal and conservative (but hardly the radical) limits of the American political tradition. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 69 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Approval of the treaty would alter, if not destroy, the Republican tenets of limited government and strict construction. It would, in effect, endorse the Hamiltonian concept of implied powers. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 94 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in margin by middle of top paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 67 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The Republicans were not supposed to innovate, but to undo Federalist innovations. This was the meaning of the “Revolution of 1800.” More was not expected. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 100–101 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The aggressive Young Republicans came to dominate the lower House — establishing Clay as speaker, controlling the caucuses, furthering the system of standing committees. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | By far the most important single force in hastening the growth of national parties were American relations with England and France. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | By every index Jefferson’s first term as president was an unparalleled success. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Jefferson’s second term posed renewed problems which bore striking resemblances to those John Adams faced in 1797. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Foreign affairs again took precedence over every other issue, and the question of peace or war again was on every tongue. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | $3.95 crossed out .40 cents |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 83 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | strongest links connecting Randolph to Jefferson in the 1790’s was their common appreciation of agrarianism. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 42 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | “first decisive symptom” of a schism in the ranks of the Federal party. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 74 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Fischer argues that a second generation of Federalists became politically active after 1801. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 100 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In Congress the Western and Southern War Hawks, though in the minority, were the activists who pushed ad persuaded others to war. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 93 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket and asterisk in margin by paragraph in middle of page |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 52 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | XYZ in margin by third paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 77 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Only in the Supreme Court, presided over by John Marshall, was the final citadel of Federalism preserved. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The higher virtue, to Madison, was a humanitarian concern for the common man. (Here was the genesis of the Republican party.) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 91 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in right margin by third paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 40 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 2 brackets 1 with asterisk by bottom portion of second paragraph and last paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | “the idealism of Jefferson played no small part in the development of the American mind. And war runs counter to any such point of view.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket & asterisk in right margin by second paragraph. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Molloy 549–3309 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | the core problem of federalism; the division of powers. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 10 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Line in margin marking last paragraph on page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 14 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Line drawn in left margin by middle of last paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 30 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Asterisk in front of title Limits of the American political tradition |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in left margin by top paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 35 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Democratic-Republican party a heavy blow by robbing it of an important element of its support.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket & asterisk with 1 beside it in right margin by upper paragraph |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The point Henry Adams missed, however, is that Jefferson could but profit from a war, politically and personally, and a lesser man would have capitalized upon the passions of an aroused nationalism. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 52
Pegrina y otros relatos
Author: | M. Diaz Rodriguez |
Language: | Spanish Category: fiction |
Publisher: | Editores Mexicanos Unidos |
Year of Publication: | 1982 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-43 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | Mexican fairy tales, The Enchanted Well and other tales |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 52–53 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 136 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | 880 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 7 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 39 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 154–155 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Where Found: | 16–17 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 138–139 |
Type of Marking: | underlined see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 13 |
Type of Marking: | underlined see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 128 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 108 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 95 |
Type of Marking: | underlined see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 91 |
Type of Marking: | margins see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Where Found: | 141 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 36–37 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 82 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 65 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 78 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 68 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 34 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 66 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 32–33 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 15 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 26–27 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 24 -25 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 156 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 142 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 146 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | see attached |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 30
Peloponnesian War, The (Thucydides)
Author: | Rex Warner |
Language: | English Category: history |
Publisher: | Penguin Classics |
Year of Publication: | 1980 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie’s Books |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K964-31 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Detailed contemporary account of the long life-and-death struggle between Athens and Sparta, according to Thucydides, an Athenian and general in the early stages of the war. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Pepita Jimenez
Author: | Juan Valera |
Language: | Spanish Category: |
Publisher: | Year of 1981 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Lab Number | K974-44 |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Summary | Entire book in Spanish |
Marking | |
Where Found: | XII |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 1879 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 12 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | estoy |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | para que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 71 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | las que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 23 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | puedan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 68 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | esta hermosa fiera,... Ie llama |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 67 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | la que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 76 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | de |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | temor de Dios, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | XII |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | 1789 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 16 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | no seas |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Confieso a usted que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | a irme de |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | como si dijeramos, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | VII |
Type of Marking: | Margins laque? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Ill |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 1824 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | la saludan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | cribir a usted. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 49 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | la hablo.... a |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 73 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | advirtiese a mi padre del peligro |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | enlazar |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | seguira |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 26 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | fiandome en |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 82 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | estas personas percaron, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 25 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Se conoce que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | que veo su |
Marking | |
Where Found: | III |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | 1842 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 22 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Esta tan afable |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 1500 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | desconoce el |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Various pages |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Short lines on various pages throughout the book in margins. See Attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 70 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | nada malo ni peligroso. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 156 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 86 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | escribir a usted. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 86 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | dar a V. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 85 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | yo merecerlo, lle- |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 36
Personality Similarity in Twins Reared Apart
Author: | Auke Tellegen |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | American Psychological Year of 1988 Association, Inc. Publication: |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974 Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Personality in Twins Reared Apart and Together by Tellegen, Lykken, Bouchard, Wilcox, Segal & Rich. Until recently, almost all knowledge regarding environmental and genetic causal influences on stable personality traits has come from studies of twins reared together. The findings have been remarkable and puzzling. Particularly puzzling, and contrary to what many psychologist would predict, is the finding that almost none of the environmental variance is due to sharing a common family environment. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Plutarch — Selected Lives and Essays
Author: | Louise Ropes Loomis |
Language: | English Category: fiction |
Publisher: | Walter J. Black, Inc. Year of 1951 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K964-47 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Loomis translated book from the Greek. Selected Lives and Essays from the writer Plutarch. Chapters on Greek, Italian individuals, one chapter per individual, etc. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 137 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But isn’t this true of every so-called “democracy”? (Except in very primitive societies with very few people.) |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 32–33 Vo. II |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of newspaper clipping. See attached. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Pocket Book of O. Henry Stories, The
Author: | O. Henry |
Language: | English Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | Washington Square Press, Year of 1964 Inc. Publication: |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-45 |
Agent/Analyst: | SA Michael J. Maggipinto |
Summary | A collection of short stories from 0. Henry, edited by Harry Hansen. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 46 and 47 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | A line was drawn down the left hand margin of page 46 and down the right hand margin of page 47. See copies of these pages. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 217 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | A symbol (*) was marked in the text on page 217. The following statement was hand written on the bottom of page 217: * This must refer to Cetshwayo (also spelled Cetywayo), King of the Zulus; see E.V. Walter, Terror and Resistance, Oxford U. Press, 1969, page 223. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 34 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | A hand drawn bracket was noted in the left margin on page 34. This bracket contained the following text from the story The Green Door: come, at the end of a very dull life, to reflect that our romance has been a pallid thing of a marriage or two, a atin rosette kept in a safe-deposit drawer, and a lifelong feud with a steam radiator. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 107 and 108 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Two lines were drawn down the right hand margin on page 107 and down the left hand margin on page 108. See copies of these pages. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 37 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Two words of text (laid her) was circled on page 37. Also, handwritten in the right hand margin are the words FAST WORK. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 5
Poisonous Plants of the United States
Author: | Walter Conrad Muenscher |
Language: | English Category: science |
Publisher: | Macmillan Company, The Year of 1951 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K1075-8 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Textbook on poisonous plants, classifications, identification, etc. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 260–261 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Blue-colored, doublesided half sheet of paper. See attached. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Popular History of the Reformation, A
Author: | Philip Hughes |
Language: | English Category: religion |
Publisher: | Image Books Year of 1960 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie’s Books Publication. |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K964-34 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | About the Protestant Revolt and the accompanying Catholic Reform in the first half of the 16th century. Story of those who revolted from the Clhurch and those who stayed within to reform it. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Various pages |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Throughout entire book, various excerpts are underlined. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 54 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘It is not clear how one would square this assertion with the statements of Sidney Painter, History of the Middle Ages, Knopf, 1953, pp 372–373. True, Painter refers to a time about a century earlier. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Practical Handbook of Spanish Commercial Corres Fletcher Ryan Wickham
Author: | |
Language: | Spanish |
Category: | Text book |
Publisher: | Macmillan Company, The |
Year of Publication: | 1943 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K-963-3 |
Summary | Book in Spanish |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Primitive Medical Aid in the Wilderness
Author: | Dennis Bleything |
Language: | English Category: Medical |
Publisher: | Life Support Technology, Inc Year of 1971 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K963-33 |
Summary | |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 32 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Shepherd’s — purse seeds are rich in (vegetables) oil. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Prince and the Discourses, The
Author: | |
Language: | Niccolo Machiavelli English |
Category: | History |
Publisher: | Random House |
Year of Publication: | 1950 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Summary | Martinez Anaylsis of political power. |
Lab Number | K974-55 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 136 |
Type of Marking: | Cross out |
Description: | Word typed sprung written above sprung — sprang |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 10–20 cents with trades New Books 10% disc. 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | $1 15 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | viii |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | X next to chapter X In proportion as the founders of a republic or monarchy are entitled to praise, so do the founders of a tyranny deserve execration 141 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | ix |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | X placed by chapters XVI A people that has been accustomed to live under a prince preserves its liberties with difficulty, if by accident it has become free 160 XVII A corrupt people that becomes free can with greatest difficulty maintain its liberty 164 XIX If an able and vigorous prince is succeeded by a feeble one, the latter may for a time be able to maintain himself; but if his successor be also weak, then the latter will not be able to preserve his state 172 XX Two continuous successions of able and virtuous princes will achieve |
Marking | |
Where Found: | X |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | X placed by chapter XXVII Showing that men are very rarely either entirely good or entirely bad 185 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | xiii |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | X placed by chapter XLIII Those only who combat for their own glory are good and loyal soldiers 226 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | xiv |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | X placed by chapter LI A republic or a prince must feign to do their own liberablity that to which necessity compels them 243 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 10 — 20 cents with trades New Books 10% disc. 419 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 138 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Case of U.S. is a counter example |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 338 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Machiavelli would have been surprised by modern developments in artillery and firearms. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 109 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | the law can prevent the ill effects that would otherwise result from that very fertility. Hand printed after fertility Simple — minded. It ain’t that easy! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 143 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Nerva? |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 13
Prose Edda, the
Author: | Snorri Sturluson |
Language: | English Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | University of California Press |
Year of Publication: | 1971 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Lab Number | K2019-17 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | Poetic compositions in the style of the skalds of the Viking ages. These selections include, The Deluding of Gylfi — a guide to mythology and heroic tales and legends interspersed in the issustrations of, Poetic Diction. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 68–69 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of brown paper with the following written on it: p.52 — A nordic Diana; p.63 Odin’s ravens in Valhalla; p.68 Proto type of folding canoe. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Psicopatologia De La Vida Urbana
Author: | Jose Luis Pinillos |
Language: | Spanish |
Category: | |
Publisher: | Espasa — Calpe, S.A. |
Year of Publication: | 1977 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-15 |
Agent/Analyst: Hayden | |
Summary | Entire book in Spanish |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 239 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | por Io que toca |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 243 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | discutir con ... discute con |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 243 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | * But Whitman’s action was almost certainly caused by a brain tumor. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 244 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | los policias: |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 245 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | incluida la capital |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 235 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | propenda ... sienta |
Marking | |
Where Found: 246 | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | ? in between paragraphs |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 253 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Lo hayamos dicho explicitamente |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 259 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | no estaran de mas. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 263 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | bien de la cabeza |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 268 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | en lo tocante a |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 57 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | quien decia |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 230 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | ignorarse |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 223 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | se trata mas que de |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 270 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | infligir |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | circle aroung oeste |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 64 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | propende a no vivir.... ejercer de ciudadanos en los |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 62 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ponernos de acuerdo en que la |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | haya quien la utilice |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Ie ocurre al ciudadano |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | underlined cabe duda ... es un ingrediente |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | propende a perder |
Where Found: | 65 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | comportamiento ... ej ecu tar |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | es |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 32 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | que hoy acontece |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 271 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | tasas |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 234 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | queramoslo o |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Incluso |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 207 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | De aqui que,... sientan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | ? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 195 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | quiza se irritan con facilidad, duermen |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 209 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | oye de ellas |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 183 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | asolan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 184 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | otras fuentes de |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 224 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | not Pinillos’s own opinions |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Prologo page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | No No |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 223 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | aquello con Io ... ser el mismo |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 222 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | quien hace |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 221 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | hacer notar que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 233 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | propenden a |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 207 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | ensenarles a que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 208 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Por Io que hace a la ciudad |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 273 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | tasa |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 206 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | No |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 205 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | el derecho de afirmar |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 197 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | comportar ... va camino de ... Nos agrade |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 196 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Nos guste |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 196 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | ? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 190 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | no obsta para que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 211 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | naive |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 264 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | les sucede a los |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 242–243 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Blank piece of paper. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 284 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | se edifico para que reposen y se sientan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 284 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | por Io que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 275 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | fian ... en el |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 273 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | ‘But there is excellent evidence that schizophrenia is genetically, and not environmentally, caused. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 210 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | circunstancia de que ... disuelva ... formentan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 141 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | ejecutar |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 225 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | atane al |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 130 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | converjan |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 67 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | emparentada |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 88 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | ejecutan |
Where Found: | 78 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Bracket in left margin by: de ser expulsada de su seno y de ser engullida por un proceso teenoeconomico indiferente en el fondo al espiritu humano. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Various pages |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Nemerous pages with short vertical lines in margins |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 161 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | no sirva de mucho |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 158 |
Type of Marking: | underlined por Io que se refiere |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 148 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | suscita |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 74 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | por si solas. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 73 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | De momento ... con |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 138 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | A fin de cuentas, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 151 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | la atencion sobre el hecho |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 178 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | relacion que vincula la enfermedad con el medio |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | cual sea |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 85 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | imposible de |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 35 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | si se nos permite |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 37 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Ridiculo |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 39 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | estupido |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 30 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | fuentes energeticas |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 71 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | por Io que |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 89 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | ejercen un efecto |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 83 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | interesante de subrayar... otrora |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 48 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | ? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 102 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | el |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 104 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | les ha llamado la atencion |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 103 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | alguna razon |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 23 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | proseguir |
Where Found: | 183 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | en una fuente de agresiones |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | puestos de trabajo |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 88
Psychology and Near Death Experiences
Author: | James E. Alcock |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | Skptical Inquirer, Spring 1979 |
Year of Publication: | 1979 |
Origin: | Magazine |
Lab Number | K974 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden,Lee A |
Summary | Alcock’s focus is to examine claims of evidence of survival and to present information about relevant “normal” psychological phenomena that would seem to account for all such evidence. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Psychology of Women
Author: | Juanita H. Williams |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | George J. McLeod Limited |
Year of Publication: | 1977 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-1 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden,Lee A |
Summary | Juanita H. Williams, clinical psychologist examines the basis of women’s behavior in a Biosocial Context. The various chapters cover the common misconceptions about women and shows how psychological findings have refuted them. The historical aspects of the psychoanalytical works of Freud, his disciples, and his critics. Author also provides an ontogenetic analysis of the entire life cycle of women. The biological determinants of behavior, sex differences in infancy and early childhood. Also covers how children learn and how social influences seriously affect behavior. Subsequent chapters are concerned with the biological and psychological aspects of sexuality, birth control, reproduction and treatment of alternative lifestyles with a discussion on roles of housewife, and mother. The chapter on variations from the norm takes up not only female emotional disorders, but also delinquency, crime and a trenchant review of middle age and aging. The final chapter covers the major variables which determine the psychology of women-and of any particular women. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 145 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Paragraph marker in pencil |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 15 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The behaviorists successfully challenged the entire concept of instinct in humans, underlined in pencil: holding that most human behavior was learned. This was written in pencil and placed between the margins: This conflicts with evidence cited by Seligman, Helplessness |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Radical Tradition, The
Author: | Richard Gombin |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | St. Martin’s Press |
Year of Publication: | 1979 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Category: | Political |
Lab Number | K974-7 |
Summary | Book traces the recurrent attitudes in the history of the European revolutionary movement which have criticized socialist and communist parties for their authoritarian and bureaucratic tendencies. Authors focus is on modern revolutionary thought. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 62–63 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Folded piece of newspaper of unknown variety. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 1 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Page 1, underlined sentence in pencil: All human societies generate an order of one kind or another, Next to same sentence in pencil Ted adds: False for many if not all nomadic hunting and gathering societies, unless you take a very broad definition of the term “social order” that exsists in such societies is something very different from the kind of order that exsists in what we call organized societies. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 8 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Ted writting in black pencil says: Not by authoritarian methods but by propaganda. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
Raggle Taggle
Author: | Walter Starkie |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | John Murray |
Year of Publication: | 1964 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K2019-24 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | Dr. Starkie is the President of the International Gypsy Lore Society and his book is an authentic account of vagabonding, playing his fiddle for a meal and living and sleeping amongst Gypsies, peasants, tramps and the colourful waifs and strays of society. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Razor’s Edge, The
Author: | W. Somerset Maugham |
Language: | English Category: fiction |
Publisher: | Doubleday |
Year of Publication: | 1944 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2019-9 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | One man’s search for meaning. Story of Larry Darrell who gives up a chance at wealth and the woman he loved to seek a fatih. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | title page |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | 209 665–2021 when the pain is g— |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Aunt Bonnie |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Recommended Dietary Allowances
Author: | Food and Nutrition Board, Na |
Language: | English Category: Medical |
Publisher: | National Academy of Sciences |
Year of Publication: | 1968 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Books |
Lab Number | K963-28 |
Agent/Analyst: | Merrill |
Summary | Formulations of daily nutrient intakes for the maintenance of good nutrition in the population of the United States |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Aunt Bonnie’s New and Used Books stamp. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Relation Between Scioeconomic Status and Acade
Author: | Karl R. White |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | Psychological Bulletin Vol.91.No3, 461–481 |
Year of Publication: | 1982 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Lab Number | K974 |
Summary | A study using meta-analysis techniques, considering the relation between SES and academic achievement, over 200 studies were examined. No markings or inserts were located in article. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Revolution and Reaction 1848–1852
Author: | Geoffrey Bruun |
Language: | English |
Category: | History |
Publisher: | Van Nostrand |
Year of Publication: | 1958 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie’s Books |
Lab Number | K964-35 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | The revolutions of 1848 and their aftermath in Western Europe. Describes the growing influence of the newer class tensions that resulted from the rise of industrialism and the factory system. Sets in perspective the complex events of these critical years. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 138 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | Two paragraphs highlighted at beginning and end of paragraphs. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9–70 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | Excerpts from varous pages highlighted in yellow. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 161 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | 4. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front book cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Ralph McPherson (Illegible).330 |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 28–29 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of newspaper |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 160 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | Beginning and end of paragraph: On April 14, 1849, Kossuth persuaded the Hungarian Diet to repudiate the rule of the Hapsburg dynasty and declare Hungary a free and soviereign state. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 162 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | Beginning and end of paragarph: In July 1849, Lord Palmerston, British Foreign Secretary, whose distrust of Austria and sympathy with liberal movements was well known, addressed the British Parliament on the Hungarian question. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 92 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Claude Henri, Comte de Saint-Simon, believed that science and industry were transforming society more profoundly than any other forces. See attached. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 8
Rifle Shooting
Author: | |
Language: | English |
Category: | Other |
Publisher: | Collier Books |
Year of Publication: | 1962 |
Origin: | Lincoln Community Library |
Lab Number | K963-22 |
Agent/Analyst: | SA Michael J. Maggipinto |
Summary | This book is a guide to rifle shooting fundamentals. There is no author; it was prepared by the staff of The Hunter’s Encyclopedia. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The following was stamped inside the front cover: LINCOLN COMMUNITY LIBRARY P.O. Box 480 Lincoln, MT 59639 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Written in pencil inside the front cover were the numbers 6–93 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Author: | Don Armando Palacio Valdez |
Language: | Spanish Category: fiction |
Publisher: | Midwest Book Company Year of 1928 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2019-28 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | Setting of the story is in Madrid and in Pasages, a small village on the north coast. Portrays a cross section of Spanish society and contrasts the large city with a small town. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | throughout |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | English translation of this Spansh novel is written above the text throughout this book. See attached for more detail. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Roman Imperial Coins
Author: | Zander H. Klawans |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Whitman Publishing Year of 1953 Company Publication: |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K964-5 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Book about coins of the Roman Empire. An intro to the vast study of the coins for beginner collectors. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 47 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | JUSTITIA — Justice. Holds olive branch, or patera, and scepter. Infrequently she is seen holding scales. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | AEQUITAS — Fair dealing, equity. Holds scales and cornucopiae. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Contents Page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Nero, p. 23 Galba, p. 66 Titus, p. 68 Maximinus I, p. 77 Balbinus, p. 78 Trajan Decius, p. 80 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 91 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | CONSTANTINE I (THE GREAT) By the Edict of Milan he recognized Christianity. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 55 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | lustitia... Justice. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Concord Aequit....Concord of Equity. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | CONCORDIA — Harmony, concord. Holds scepter, patera or cornucopiae. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 7
Roman Political Ideas and Practice
Author: | F. E. Adcock |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Ann Arbor Paperback Year of 1964 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication: |
Lab Number | K964-2 |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Summary | A study of Roman politics from the early kings, through the Republic, to the age of the dictatorships. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Front cover |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 25-50-75 cents with trade New Books 10% discount 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Russia, A History
Author: | Sidney Harcave |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | J.B. Lippincott Year of 1968 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Lab Number | K964-6 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | History of Russia, its people, communism, etc. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 86 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Question mark in margin to the circled words: painters, painters. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 486–487 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Article by Associated Press entitled, “Stalin blamed for massacre”, with Missoulian, March 2, 1989, written on it. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 234–235 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Magazine pages from Parade Magazine, July 28, 1991, article entitled, “How a Tyrant Made Us Believe in Him. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 506 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘According to Richard Gombin (The Radical Tradition, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1979; p. 19, p. 27) Lenin did not believe, or at least did not fully believe, the stuff he wrote in State and Revolution — he wrote the pamphlet as a tactical political move, advocating ideas that were expedient at the moment. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 765 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | “>” sign in right margin next to: Beck, F. and Godin, W. Russian Purge and the Extraction of Confessions. New York: The Viking Press, 1951. Aims and methods of political police practices. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 23 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | the decentralization of political authority; the decline of Kiev as the center of Russia. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Various words underlined: Vladimir; most outstanding; Eastern Orthodox. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | lacked a strong tradition of political cohesion. It lacked also any satisfactory rule of monarchial succession. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | About 988, Vladimir was received into the Eastern Orthodox Church. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Nation (next to following underlined, with bracket) = certain elements in Kievan Russia were favorable to the creation of a nation from its various parts: a common language, a common religion, common social and economic institutions, and a common ruling dynasty. Moreover, out of the fusion of Slavic and Varangian peoples there was developing a vigorous and creative society.. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Those translations were the first written literature made available to the Russian and became the models for their own religious literature. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | piety became so pervasive that the country was known as “Holy Russia”. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 1054 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 22 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | weak grand prince was likely to mean strong local government |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 14
Russian Book (K964-50)
Author: | |
Language: | Russian |
Category: | Pamphlet |
Publisher: | |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K964-50 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Book entirely in Russian. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Russian Book (K964-43)
Author: | |
Language: | Russian |
Category: | other |
Publisher: | |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Bookstore |
Lab Number | K964-43 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Book entirely in Russian |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 218–219 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn off notebook paper with the following: This plan is not affiliated with or endorsed by any particular rural electric co-operative. You may have a company representative contact you. Form No. MGC-88, Plan GRC-CERT.-88, With OP-GRC |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Russian Book (K964-53)
Author: | |
Language: | Russian |
Category: | Pamphlet |
Publisher: | |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K964-53 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Book enitrely in Russian. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Russian People
Author: | V. Tsfhebotarioff Bill |
Language: | Russian Category: Textbook |
Publisher: | University of Chicago Press Year of 1965 |
Origin: | Helena Public High School Publication. |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K964-51 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | A reader on their history and culture intended for second or third year students of the Russian language. (Book is in Russian) |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Satires of Juvenal, The
Author: | Rolfe Humphries |
Language: | English Category: Poetry |
Publisher: | Indiana University Press Year of 1958 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-14 Hayden,Lee A |
Summary | Author translates the sixteen satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis about an angry poet, who describes his world in candid terms during the mid-century A.D. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Science of Fingerprints, The
Author: | Department of Justice |
Language: | English Category: Textbook |
Publisher: | U.S. Government Printing Year of 1963 Office Publication: |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Books |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K963-26 Merrill |
Summary | General reference on classification and other phases of fingerprint identification work. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Rubber stamp: Aunt Bonnies New and Used Books. Used Books 1/2 price or 20 cents 40 cents with trades. New Books 10% discount 419 N Main Helena, Montana. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Scudder’s Latin Reader
Author: | Jared w. Scudder |
Language: | English Category: Text |
Publisher: | Allyn and Bacon Year of 1895 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Lab Number | K963-24 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | Roman Mythology and traditional Roman History written in Latin passages or stories with the English translations. Exercises for translation of English into Latin and passages to be translated at sight are also included in this text. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Names, initials, crossed-out words — see attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside back cover pages |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Words and phrases. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 44–45 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | A doubled-over (1/2”) piece of masking tape, used as a bookmark. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | ix — 235 |
Type of Marking: | See below |
Description: | Multiple pages have markings, underlined words, brackets around passages, and smudges. Pages requiring a description of the notations will be listed accordingly. All pages with any type of marking or notation will have an attached xeroxed copy. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 4
Secret Agent, The
Author: | Joseph Conrad |
Language: | English Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | Doubleday Anchor Books Year of 1953 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication: |
Lab Number | K2019-8 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | A dark classic tale by Joseph Conrad. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Sense and Nonsense in Psychology
Author: | H.J. Eysenck |
Language: | English Category: psychology |
Publisher: | Pelican Books Year of 1957 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie’s Bookstore Publication. |
Lab Number | K974-4 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Author examines the many topics in modern psychology about the powers and dangers of of the hypnotic trance, the wonders of telepathy and clairvoyance, the possibility of the interpretation of dreams, the nature and assessment of personality and the psychology of beauty. Author believes that few reliable accounts have appeared to acquaint the layman with these facts. The book covers reviewing and the evidence, and by acknowledging ignorance when the facts are still in dispute, leaving the reader the decision as to whether the conclusions drawn in the book are justified. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 235 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Bottom of page in black ink pen reads the following: ‘Historians of science agree that the story about Galileo and the leaning tower is probably a myth; there is no evidence to support it. In between margins is a marker for the above to be inserted as an addition to the following: I refer back to a general law discovered when Galileo dropped various objects from the leaning tower of Pisa, three hundred years ago. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 195 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Underlined in black pencil lead, Maudsley Medical Questionnaire Test: Ted may have taken this test...????? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 39 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Blocked paragraph in pencil in book section: Hypnosis and Suggestibility. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 290, 291, 292, 293 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Ted takes possibly another test on opinion statements in the part two-Personality and Social Life Chapter pages 290–291,292,293. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 278 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | At end of first paragraph is a marker for witten comment located at bottom of same page saying the following: Apparently he means to say that since the exceptions to the law are irregular and unsystematic, the law is valid. (??) (continued onto next page 279) saying: OK, here’s-- a new law: all blond-haired people have blue eyes. Proof: brown-eyed blonds do occur buttheir occurrence is unsystematic and unpredictable, so the law is true. Q.E.D. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 276 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | In black ink pen at bottom of page is written: This is silly-hopelessly naive. Human behavior just isn’t that simple. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 6
Sensory Thresholds And the Concept of ‘Sublimina
Author: | Tom Bourbon |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | Skeptical Inquirer Year of 1987–88 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-54b Hayden,Lee A |
Summary | Skeptical Inquirer Winter 1987–88 volume 12, Author writes: What does it mean to say that something is “subliminal” or that it is “below threshold?” Does it mean that something is below the limits of concious perception?”(lt does not!). A large body of research shows that the less likely we are to hear a given sound, the less likely it is to influence our behavior: even behavior as simple as saying, “Yes, I heard it.” How much less likely that such a sound, can exert powerful or mysterious influences over us, as is claimed by proponents of subliminal influences! |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Shadow-Line, The
Author: | Joseph Conrad |
Language: | English |
Category: | fiction |
Publisher: | Doubleday |
Year of Publication: | 1959 |
Origin: | Helmville, Mont. 59843 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Lab Number | K2019-7 |
Summary | Three stories by Joseph Conrad: The Shadow Line, Typhoon and the Secret Sharer |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 9 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 17 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | study anima (spirit of mind) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | back cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Carl Erlandson |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 4 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 16 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | study odi et amo — (I hate and I love) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 14–15 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | study |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 11 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | study E.M. Forster’s criticism of Conrad |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 12 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | study |
Marking | |
Where Found: | front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Carl Erlandson Sbr. 204 HR 8:30 — 8:35 Period 1 8:39 — 9:23 2.9:27 — 10:11 3.10:15 — 10:58 4.11:02–11:45 N. 11:45 -12:34 5.12:34–1:10 6.1:14–1:50 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Title page |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Helmville, Mont. 59843 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 51 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Carl Erlandson |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 11
Short History of 20th Century England 1868–1962, A
Author: | T.L. Jarman |
Language: | English Category: history |
Publisher: | New American Library |
Year of Publication: | 1963 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie’s Bookstore |
Lab Number | K974-36 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden,Lee A |
Summary | Book covers the most decisive period of Britain’s history. The crucial years, when England fought in two World Wars and how conditions changed later to form a new world. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Siete Cuentos
Author: | Blasco Ibanez |
Language: | Spanish Category: |
Publisher: | Henry Holt and Company Year of 1928 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Lab Number | K974-13 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden |
Summary | Book entirely in Spanish |
Marking | |
Where Found: | V |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | checkmarks in margins, see attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | [Signatures] (illegible) Fitzpatrick, 323 Crosby Street Burke Kilroy, 416 (illegible) (illegible) Fitzpatrick de la Casa El Ama |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Did you know Evelyn Sigg. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Numerous pages |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Throughout entire book, there are markings and English words written above Spanish words (possible translations) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | see the Esbozo of the Real Academa, apartado 3.16.7(b) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 77 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | For Monday 6 1/2 Tuesday |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 59 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | (illegible) going to have (illegible) sleep. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 7
Silas Marner
Author: | George Eliot |
Language: | English Category. Fiction |
Publisher: | |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Great Falls Public Schools |
Lab Number | K2019-19 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | A classic tale about a linen weaver, Silas Marner, who was falsely accused of a crime, forced to leave his home and begin a new life. New characters further complicate his life while others help to change his outlook towards the church and personal relationships despite his contempt of the past. As Marner is unable to clear his name of the false accusations of thirty years past, other key players fall to the wayside as their own failings catch up with them. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | School library record |
Description: | Chargeout record of book. |
Marking | |
Where Found: 246 | |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Marked paragraphs. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 191 |
Type of Marking: | Circled |
Description: | The chapter XV is circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 190 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Paragraph is marked. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 54 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The word suspense is written and crossed-out on the page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Back page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | List of items and numbers. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 17 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The Growth of a Miser |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The number 58 is written on the page. Page number is also underlined. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 61 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The word Suspense is written on the page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 154 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Marking on page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 96 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Marking in corner of page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 135 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Markings on page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 280–283 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Check marks on pages. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 136 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The word facsimile is underlined. Marking on side of page |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 169 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The number 3 is circled. Marking on page. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 165 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | The number 2 is circled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 270–278 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Markings and numbers written on pages. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 40–41 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | A listing of numbers on both pages, see attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 98 |
Type of Marking: | Circled |
Description: | Page number is circled. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 19
Skeptical Inquirer Vol, 14, No.2/Winter 1990
Author: | Kendrick Frazier |
Language: | English Category: Pamphlet |
Publisher: | Year of 1990 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-54 Martinez |
Summary | Published by the Committe for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. A phamplet dealing with various scientific articles, the new catastrophism: earth, life and impacts |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Skeptical Inquirer Vol.Ill, Zenetic The
Author: | |
Language: | English Category: science |
Publisher: | Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Clai |
Year of Publication: | 1979 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-26 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | The following stories are listed in the magzine: Psychology of Near Death Experiences, Hynek’s Conversion, Asimov’s Corollary and Testing Thoughtography. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Skeptical Inquirer, The (Vol 4 No 2)
Author: | |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Committee/Sci. Invest, of Year of 1980 Claims of the Paranormal Publication: |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | k974-25 |
Agent/Analyst: | Ken Kirk |
Summary | Articles on the claims of the Paranormal. The “Mars Effect” and Sports Champions, Intuition and ESP, and Self-debunking Tests. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Skeptical Inquirer, Untitled Spring 1979
Author: | |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | Skeptical Inquirer Year of 1979 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Lab Number | K974 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Article on Mystical Experiences, Out of Body Experiences,Hypanagogic Sleep, Hallucinations, etc., Ninserts or markings were located. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Skid Road
Author: | Murray Morgan |
Language: | English Category: history |
Publisher: | Viking Press Year of 1971 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie’s Bookstore Publication. |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-11 Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | A story about the history of Seattle during the first hundred years, as seen through the lives of its seattiers and early citizens. Based on fact covering: Pioneering, Indian Warfare, lumber, railroads, the great fire of 1889, the Alaska Gold Rush, politics of the City etc., |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Marked paragraph in Red ink pen saying: Same notion about the role of the Chief: a Chief had little authority. He was merely a rich man with some eloquence, a man whose opinions carried more weight than those of fellow tribesmen. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Sobre La Libertad Humana en el Reino Asturleones.
Author: | ||
Language: | ||
Publisher: | ||
Origin: | Unknown | |
Agent/Analyst: | Claudio Sanchez-Albornoz | |
Spanish | ||
Category: history | ||
Espasa-Calpe, S.A. | ||
Year of Publication: | 1976 | |
Lab Number | K964-16 | |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello | |
Summary | Book entirely in Spanish. Complete title of book is Sobre La Libertad Humana en el Reino Asturleones Hace Mil Anos | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 76 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | personales libertades juridicas (with vertical dash in margin) | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 62 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | Words underlined: inmaduro (and) Lo Rudimentario (with vertical dashes in margin) | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 53 | |
Type of Marking: | Margins | |
Description: | — specificatory use of present participle (next to underlined frase — de los condes de Castilla otorgando dehesas) | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 76 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | entrega realizada (with vertical dash in margin) | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 82 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | les vemos concluir (with vertical dash in margin) | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 112 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | en que asentarse | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 149 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | noroccidenal | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 31 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | que habian de ser sus alfoces (with vertical dash in margin) | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 82 | |
Type of Marking: | ||
Description: | Underlined se cuidaron (with vertical dash in margin) | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 22 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | segun el mismo Ajbar | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 98 | |
Type of Marking: | Margins | |
Description: | Comparense las afirmaciones contrarias de Emilio Gonzalez Lopez, quien sostiene el fuerte arraigo del feudalismo en el reino asturleones: Historia de la civilizacion espanola, Las Americas Publishing Company, New York, 1959, pag. 93. | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 157 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | les obligaba. | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 180 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | Various words/frases underlined: a los menos; de venganza; penalidad a satisfacer. | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 181 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | Various words underlined: tardios; lograban; suponerles interviniendo. | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 112 | |
Type of Marking: | Underlined | |
Description: | con que asegurar | |
Marking | ||
Where Found: | 88 | |
Type of Marking: | Margins | |
Description: | Comparense las afirmaciones contrarias de Emilio Gonzalez Lopez, quien sostiene el fuerte arraigo del fendalismo en el reino asturleones: Historia de la civilizacion espanola, Las Americas Publishing Company, New York, 1959, pag. 93. Pase esta nota aqui equivocadamente. Hubiera debido colocarla en la pag. 98 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 16
The Sources of Human Psychological Differences
Author: | Thomas J. Bouchard |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | University of Minnesota, Year of Minneapolis, MN Publication: |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Lab Number | K974 |
Summary | Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart by Bouchard, Lykken, McGue, Segal, Tellegen. Since 1979, a continuing study of Monozygotic and dizygotic twins separated at infancy and reared apart, has subjected more than 100 sets of reared-apart twins or triplets to a week of intensive psychological and physiological assessment. Like the prior, smaller studies of monozygotic twins reared apart, about 70% of the variance in IQ was found to be associated with genetic variation. The study focuses on the hypothesis that genetic differences affect psychological differences largely indirectly, by influencing the effective environment of the developing child. This evidence for the strong heritability of most psychological traits, sensibly construed, does not detract from the value or importance of parenting, education, and other propaedeutic interventions. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
The Sources of Human Psychological Differences
Author: | Thomas J. Bouchard |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-52a |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Re-print in Science Magazine, October 12,1990, Title: Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart by Bouchard, Lykken, McGuire, Segal, & Tellegen. This is the same article that was previously reviewed with one exception handwriting was located on the front page of this article and other places: See Markings notes: |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Southwest Montana 1994 telephone book
Author: | GTE |
Language: | English Category: other |
Publisher: | GTE Year of 1994 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K963-39 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | phone book for Bozeman, Helena and Butte, MT |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Spanish Stories
Author: | Angel Flores |
Language: | Spanish Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | Bantam Books Year of 1964 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K974-56 |
Summary | A Book with Spanish stories on left hand side of book and English translations on right hand side of book. |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Spandau: The Secret Diaries
Author: | Albert Speer |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Pocket Books Year of 1977 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication. |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2018-12 |
Summary | This book is a compilation of the diaries that were written by Albert Speer during his postWorld War 11 encarceration from 1946 to 1966. Speer’s diaries contain much personal and historical insight into the Nazi era of which he was so much a big player. This book, as the title indicates, is written in diary form with daily entries. The book also contains a sizeable section of photographs pertaining to the subject matter of Speer’s diaries. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 4 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... consintio en ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 192 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... los que el Estado Ie suministraba ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 72 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... hizo que ... se retirasen ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 108 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... haria bien en tomar... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 78 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... haberlo atropellado,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... consintio... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 84 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... tardo en salir... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 84 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Short line marking lines that have letters circled — Ie |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 10 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... quisiers. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 182 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Short vertical line by second line in second paragraph where underline words appear. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 102 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | lllegable handwritten in red at bottom of page and words circled in red — He debido traerme ... See Attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 98 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... el policia... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 22 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | NOTE! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 22 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Usaba poner... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 68 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... ni sabia que decir, ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 194 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Io ayudo,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 88 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... vio derramada ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | 100 Underlined ... arrodillo ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 102 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... recibido al vendedor,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 182 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... proseguian trotando ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 230 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... seguimos disintiendo... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 76 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... Io era ... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | 194 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Line drawn in left margin by line with underline word |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 192 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Line drawn in left margin by line with underline words |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 96 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... con direccion al muelle.12 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 25
Stalking the Wild Asparagus
Author: | Euell Gibbons |
Language: | English Category: Science |
Publisher: | David McKay Company, Inc. Year of 1962 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K1075-22 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | Descriptions of wild food plants and where they can be found. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 136 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | More than a hundred years ago,... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 136 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | In a book published in 1823 it is indicated that the White Mulberry is native to North America. John D. Hunter “Marners and customs of several indian tribes located West of the Mississippi”. Ross & Haines, Minneapolis, 1957, p. 159 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Stories of the East
Author: | W. Somerset Maugham |
Language: | English Category: fiction |
Publisher: | BallantineBooks Year of 1934 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Lab Number | K2019-10 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | collection of stories by Maugham about Malaya and the far East |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 73 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Playing a tune to keep your pecker up? Hmmm! is written next to this passage. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 240 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Like Tess intentions over rule actions |
Marking | |
Where Found: | cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | $.75 price tag |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
Student Guide, The
Author: | Department of Education |
Language: Publisher: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
English | |
Category: Pamphlet | |
Year of Publication: | 1991 |
Lab Number | K2008 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Pamphlet by Dept, of Education regarding financial aid. How to apply for loans, borrower’s responsibilities, borrower’s rights. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Studies of Stressful Interpersonal Disputations
Author: | Henry A. Murray |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | American Psychologist Year of |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974 Hayden, Lee A |
Summary | Murray, covers the Multiform system of assessment and two essential components of this system that Murray feels has been grievously neglected by most psychologists in their investigations of normal personalities, one being the collection by various means of an abundance of experiental, biological data from each subject, and the other being a serious , systematic attempt to construct a coherent formulation of each personality. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 37. |
Type of Marking: | Handwriting |
Description: | Back of last page in black ink pen: List author and title of article. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Subliminal Deception: Pseudoscience On the Colle
Author: | Thomas L. Creed |
Language: | English Category: Psychology |
Publisher: | Skeptical Inquirer, The Year of 1987 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee A |
Lab Number | K974 |
Summary | The belief that advertisements contain hidden sexual and demonic images is widely held even though no evidence exists that such images are used or that they would be effective if they were. Creed analyzes Wilson Bryan Key’s lectures and books saying that they are harmful in that he provides misinformation that in turn misdirects attention and promotes simplistic thinking. Key’s thesis is that the “unconscious brain” perceives everything instantaneously as well as his conspirators/victims dichotomy reinforces a student’s desire for simple explanations to complex thinking to retreat from the complexity of their college coursework to the comfort of right vs. wrong and obtaining certainty from authority. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Tale of Two Cities, A
Author: | Charles Dickens |
Language: | English |
Category: | fiction |
Publisher: | Washington Square Press |
Year of Publication: | 1957 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Summary | Shelagh Sayers about London and Paris during the French Revolution |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2019-13 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | W.T.K. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | back cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | David Kaczynski |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Technological Society, The
Author: | Jacques Ellul |
Language: | English Category: Sociology |
Publisher: | Random House and Alfred A. Knoph, Inc. |
Year of Publication: | 1964 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden, Lee |
Lab Number | K974-22 |
Summary | Jacques Ellul, A French Sociologist writes A penetrating analysis of our technical civilization and the effect of an increasingly standardized culture on the future of man |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 415. |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined in pencil: Everywhere, it is said, human liberty affirms itself in a world that the skeptics have declared closed to it. In proof of this, literary and musical forms are invoked like magical incantations. Abstract painting, surrealism, jazz; ethical forms such as “eroticism” and the “politics of engagement” are said to be manifestations of the supremacy of human freedom and will in the technical society. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 416 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined in pencil: But it is questionable that eroticism and jazz really represent a purposive reaction to technical aggression. Also placed blocks on page 416, lower third and fourth paragraphs. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 402 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined in pencil “The individual has always found self-expression both in work and in leisure; the two exist in a mutual relationship and express two consubstantial aspects of the human being. It is idealistic to expect leisure to replace the functions of both work and leisure or to epitomize and take upon itself the whole of life”. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 399 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined in pencil “To assert that the individual expresses his personality and cultivates himself in the course of his leisure (we have already considered what may be expected of man’s leisure) is to accept the suppression of half the human personality. History compels the judgment that it is in work that human beings develop and affirm their personality. Those who set an inordinately high value on sports and gambling are without substance. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20. |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Underlined in blue ink “The skilled worker, like the primitive huntsman, remains a technical operator; their attitudes differ only to a small degree. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | xxxii, xxxiii |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | A piece of blank paper is inserted between pages xxxii and xxxiii, in the section of book entitled the Author’s Foreward to the Revised American Edition. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | xix |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Translator’s Introduction page xix or page 19, Writes in pencil within margin saying that: “The translator reveals his ignorance, and the irrational way in which he arrives at conclusions. Ned Ludd could not have been weakminded, because he never existed. He was only a mythical personage used as a symbol by the Luddites”. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 8
Textbook of Organic Chemistry, A.
Author: | A. Bernthsen |
Language: | English |
Category: | science |
Publisher: | D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. |
Year of Publication: | 1922 |
Origin: | Written on inside front cover: John Child |
Lab Number | K1075-10 |
Agent/Analyst: Aiello | |
Summary | Book about Organic Chemistry which is the Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 756–757 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | A blank piece of paper. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 83 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | Absolute alcohol is poisonous |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 22–23 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Torn piece of newspaper — blank. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 56 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | see Lowy and Harrow p.37 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside Front Cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | On inside front cover is John Child. (Illegible) of U. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 1010 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Mucilage, p. 332 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 6
The Nigger of the Narcissus
Author: | Joseph Conrad |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Collier Books |
Origin: | Unknown |
Category: | fiction |
Year of Publication: | 1966 |
Lab Number | K2019-6 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | Jim Wait, the “nigger” of the ship Narcissus, and the other members of the crew represent a cross section of humanity. The crew are subjected to the most intense physical and spiritual anguish that the sea and human nature can devise. It is a story of human character put to the supreme test. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | $.95 price tag |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 23 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | narcissus — self glory and pride, microcosmic world, light vs dark, there is underlining on 1st and 4th paragraphs |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 27 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | devil Dervish is underlined |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 64 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | “...Wamibo, stretched full length, his face on the pillow, groaned slightly with the pain of his tormented universe”. Written above this underlined passage is FIRST REFERENCE |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 25 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | long involved prose passage underlined, see attached |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 49 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | the cook became more crestfallen than an exposed backslider; |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 156 |
Type of Marking: | |
Description: | Margins Needless to say, all these asinine comments scrawled throughout the book are not mine. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 46 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | sardonic is written in next to “sardonic smile” MAIN THEME is written after “He feared naught but an unforgiving God, and wished to end his days in a little house, with a plot of ground attached — far in the country — out of sight of the sea”. See attached for additional underlining. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 45 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | microcosm The passage had begun, and the ship, a fragment detatched from the earth, went on lonely and swift like a small planet. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 9
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
Author: | Joseph Bedier |
Language: | English Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | Doubleday Anchor Books Year of 1945 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication. |
Lab Number | K2019-23 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | A reconstruction version of Tristan and Iseult, french poems formed into a single story. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 26 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Marking on page. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
The Winston Dictionary College Edition
Author: | William Dodge Lewis |
Language: | English |
Category: | other |
Publisher: | The John C. Winston Company |
Year of Publication: | 1942 |
Origin: | Ruby Kissam Lee |
Lab Number | K963-11 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | dictionary |
Insert | |
Where Found: | 1006 & 1007 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | small cardboard bookmark with WEIGHTS OF WIRE NAILS listed at the top with size, length and number per pound information on each size of nail; on back of bookmark is map that has locations such as Three Buttes |
Marking | |
Where Found: | first page, upper right |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | 2.00 is handwritten in pencil |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | RUBY KISSAM LEE is typewritten on a book tag attached to inside front cover |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
Three Short Novels
Author: | Joseph Conrad |
Language: | English Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | Bantam Books, Inc. Year of 1963 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Lab Number | K2019-4 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | Three Short Novels include Heart of Darkness, Youth, and Typhoon. In Heart of Darkness, is the story of the dissolution of a man and the system he stands for. The man is Kurtz, an ivory trader with a mission, and the system is the system of shameless exploitation which certain European powers imposed upon Africa. Youth is an odds-against story, the author early warns that the little 400-ton ship has only a slim chance of reaching her final destination. Typhoon takes place in the China Sea and when it hits, the demonic force of wind and water is horriffic. The storm is the protagonist and the story evolves as we watch its effect upon its victims. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Three Twenty Five
Author: | |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Harvard Yearbook Year of 1961 Publications, Inc. Publication: |
Origin: | Harvard College |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K957 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | 1961 Harvard Yearbook |
Insert | |
Where Found: | On yearbook. |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Brown paper book cover on which 1961 is written. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Three Twenty Four
Author: | |
Language: | English |
Category: | Other |
Publisher: | Harvard Yearbook Publications, Inc. |
Year of Publication: | 1960 |
Origin: | Harvard College |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Lab Number | K957 |
Summary | 1960 Harvard Yearbook |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Three Twenty Six
Author: | |
Language: | English |
Category: Other | |
Publisher: | Harvard Yearbook Publications, Inc. |
Year of Publication: | 1962 |
Origin: | Harvard College |
Lab Number | K957 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | 1962 Harvard Yearbook. |
Lab Number | K957 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Three Twenty Six
Author: | |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Harvard Yearbook Year of 1962 |
Publications, Inc. Publication: | |
Origin: | Harvard College |
Lab Number | K957 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | 1962 Harvard Yearbook. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover. |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Two pieces of brown, ripped, folded paper. The following is written on one of the pieces of paper: T. J’s Graduation Year Book. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | Inside back cover. |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Harvard University Order of Exercises for Commencement program dated June 14,1962, on the front of which is written, in pencil, sideways: KE-2-4408 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Three Twenty Three
Author: | |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Harvard Yearbook Year of 1959 Publications, Inc. Publication: |
Origin: | Harvard College |
Lab Number | K957 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | 1959 Harvard Yearbook |
Insert | |
Where Found: | On yearbook. |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Brown paper book cover on which 1959 is written. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Tracking Dog, Theory and Methods
Author: | Glen Johnson |
Language: | English Category: Textbook |
Publisher: | Arner Publications, Inc. Year of 1977 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K963-25 |
Merrill | |
Summary | Training dogs fortracking competitions and for work required by tracking teams. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 10 |
Type of Marking: | Vertical dash |
Description: | Next to: The summer months in particular become very hot around mid-day and should be avoided when in the early stages of training for the heat can really discourage a dog and can result in his constantly looking for a shady place to retreat to. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Numerous pages |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Vertical lines, brackets, etc. in margins: See attached. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
Treasure Island
Author: | Robert Louis Stevenson |
Language: | English Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | Pocket Books, Inc. Year of 1959 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication: |
Lab Number | K2019-20 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | A classic tale of buried gold, of lusty pirates and of treacherous mutiny on the high seas. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
True Believer, The
Author: | |
Language: | |
Publisher: | |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie |
Harper & Row | |
Year of Publication: | 1951 |
Agent/Analyst: Martinez | |
Summary | The book deals with some peculiarities common to all mass movements. An analysis of sociological of the fanatic in religious and nationalist movement and social revelations |
Eric Hoffer | |
Language: | English |
Category: Sociology | |
Lab Number | K2040-4 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 97 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But exactly the opposite is true! Primitives with intact social structure usually resist modernization. Generally they voluntarily modernize only after their social structure has been disrupted. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 62 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | FALSE! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Yet many of the most successful writers, artists, scientists, are leftists. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | silly |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 95 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | I haven’t noticed such Imitativeness. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | This is true of some mass movements, but by no means all. There are rational mass movements that aim at correction of the real sources of frustration, (e.g. see John Womack Zaputa and Mexican Revolution) But these have a different character from the irrational mass movements. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | No |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | integrate all comers. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 46 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But this does not appear to have been the case in USSR, Eastern Europe |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | He forgets Anti-German hysteria in WWI, when U.S. wan’t even threatened. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 61 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘No. See V. Frankl, “Men’s search for Meaning.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘Soviet Russia did not lack racial bias. See Robert Robinson, Black on Red. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 64 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Nonsense! more personal pride is enough. Many instances could be given. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 64 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | probably false. |
Where Found: | 77 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But it is the intellectuals who are most prove to become “true believers”. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 81 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | True only of militant atheists, most atheists are just people who don’t happen to believe in God — and don’t make any fuss about it. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 94 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | This tends to be true. That is why I am less afraid of selfish right-wing authoritarians than of unselfish left-wing idealists. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 59 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | continuation of page 58 away from them — e.g. in state of Morelos in Mexican revolution. Where is the “consciousness of an irremediably blemished self? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 103 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | It didn’t turn out that way. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | silly. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 128 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | To sum up, the militant man of words prepares the ground for the rise of a mass movement: 1) by discrediting prevailing creeds and institutions and detaching from them the allegiance of the people; 2) by indirectly creating a hunger for faith in the hearts of those who cannot live without it, so that when the new faith is preached if finds an eager response among the disillusioned masses; 3) by furnishing the doctrine and the slogans of the new faith; 4) by underminig the convictions of the “better people” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 52 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | probably false |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 59 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Ok! At least Hoffer is honest about it. Wish all philosophers were equally honest. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 129 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | They want freedom from “the fearful burden of free choice.” 19 freedom from the arduous responsibility of realizing their inefectual selves and shouldering the blame for the blemished product. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 129 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...rise against but its weakness; |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 130 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | WHEN THE MOMENT IS ripe, only the fanatic can hatch a genuine mass movement. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 131 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...fanatic, Chaos is his element. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 131 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Whence come the fanatics? Mostly from the ranks of the noncreative men of words. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 95 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | I doubt it. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 125 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The men of letters of eighteenth century France are the most familiar example of intellectuals pioneering a mass movement. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 54 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | silly ? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 88 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | silly |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 37 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But equality NEVER occurs in a large-scale organized society, because in such a society, a minority of decision — maker always holds a preponderance of power. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | yet USSR was in the end a failure as a colonizing power. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 25 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | probably false in general |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 26 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘Element of truth, but the statement is far too sweeping. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | This is absurd. For example, French Revolution was a bourgois, ie., middle class, revolution. Most leaders of Russian Revolution were of middle class origin, and chose to drop out of middle class to become revolutionaries. They were not failures i middle class life. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 32 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | True! |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Sometimes but often quite otherwise |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | regime of the Politburo |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Yet that regime fellowing to deteriorating economic conditions. Also, immediate causes of french revol. and Russian Revol. were Financial crisis and military defeat, respectively |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 34 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | sometimes true, but not in general. |
Where Found: | 121 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...there is a deep seated craving common to almost all men of words which determines their attitude to the prevailing order. It is a craving for recognition; |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 95 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Probably false |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | No |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 147 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... eye of the true believer, people who have no holy cause are without backbone and character... for men of faith. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 89 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | That is silly. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 148 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In America,... the ideal is indefinite and unlimited. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 149 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 150 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The foreign influence acts mainly by creating an educated minority where there was none before or by alienating... |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Front cover |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnies New & Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 25 — 50 — 75 cent with trade New Books 10% discount 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 132 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The creative man of words is ill at ease in the atmosphere of an active movement. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 128 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The genuine man of words himself can get along without faith in absolutes. He values the search fortruth as much as truth itself. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 146 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But French revol. did not increase individual liberty and American War of Indep. was not a true mass movement. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 96 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Where does he get this? I don’t notice that primitives are more imitative than others. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 98 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | There were no mass exterminations and cone, camps in Spain or Italy. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 24 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘No doubt true in context of mass movements, but not in personal context. Love, loyalty, devotion, etc, to those to whom we have personal ties seems natural instinct. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 108 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | I don’t see this. Charismatic leaders borrow useful techniques from predecessors, but this is what we all do when we apply a learned technique. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 119 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | MASS MOVEMENTS DO NOT usually rise until the prevailing, order has been discredited. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 121 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The men of words are of diverse types. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 133 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...fanatic...cannot settle down....;the fanatic becomes an element of strain and disruption. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 128 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...scoffing man of words becomes the precursor of a new faith. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 132 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...the movement starts rolling, he either retires voluntarily or is pushed aside. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 142 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A mass movement with a concrete, limited objective is likely to have a shorter active phase than a movement with a nebulous, indefinite objective. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 146 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The manner in which a mass movement starts ... some effect on the duration and mode ... the active phase of the movement. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Hoffer has strayed from half-truths into plain nonsense. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | ‘This is ridiculous. It assumes that all frustration is of internal origin. Suppose a mass movement consists of peasants frustrated because their land is being taken |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 92 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | That’s not because Unity and self-sacrifice cause hatred, but because promotion of tolerance and peace is itself a mass movement that attracts “True believer” types. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 39 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | see p.24 and my footnote there. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 94 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Tends to be true (of course not always) |
Where Found: | 92 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Possibly a case of projection on Hoffer’s part. He is clearly a very conventional man. Since hatred is a “no-no” in our society, Hoffer would probably repress his own hatreds. Then — perhaps — he projects onto others the under — current of hatred he feels in himself. A person whose hatreds are on the fully conscious level would probably not taken this pessimistic view that our whole inner life is hot through with hatred. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 148 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... goal which lends itself to continued perfection can keep a nation potentially virile even though its desires are continually fulfilled. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Yes, but there is much more to it than that. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 145 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The personality of the leader is probably a crucial factor in determining the nature and duration of a mass movement. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 134 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | A MOVEMENT IS PIONEERED by men of words, materialized by fanatics and consolidated by men of action. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 134 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...advantage to a movement, and perhaps a prerequisite for its endurance, that these roles should be played by different men succeeding each other as conditions require. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 135 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The man of action saves the movement from the suicidal dissensions and the recklessness of the fanatics. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 135 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The genuine man of action in intent not on renovating the world but on possessing it. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 136 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...preoccupation of a man of action ... is to fix and perpetuate ... and readiness for selfsacrifice. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 137 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In the hands of a man of action the mass movement |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 138 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ceases to be a refuge from the agonies and burdens of an individual existence and becomes a means of self-realization for the ambitious. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 139 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ... active phase is bound to strike us as unpleasant if not evil. The fanatic who personifies this phase |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 139 |
Type of Marking: | Highlighted |
Description: | No mass movement,... be good if its active phase is overlong, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 139 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Where a mass movement preserves for generations the ... a dark age, |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 106 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | But Trotsky had the devotion of the Army — it was his hesitation about using the army that prevented him from overthrowing Stalin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Description. Where does he get this supposed information? In absence of references to his sources, I beg leave to doubt it. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 86
Twelve Caesars, The (Suetonius)
Author: | Robert Graves |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Penguin Books Year of 1979 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K964-29 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Book about the Roman rulers from Julius Caesar to Domitian, the domestic lives of the first Caesars. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Two Lives of Charlemagne
Author: | Einhard |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | Penguin Books Year of 1969 |
Origin: | Unknown Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2018-4 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | This book is actually two biographies in one about Charlemagne, the king and emperor of the Carolingian Empire. One author is named Einhard and the other is Notker the Stammerer. Both authors lived in Charlemagne’s time. Both authors provide a biography of Charlemagne and a history of his rule. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Typing for Beginners
Author: | |
Language: | English |
Category: | Other |
Publisher: | Prentice Hall Press |
Year of Publication: | 1968 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K974-59 |
Summary | A self-teaching manual that will enable you to become an effective typist. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Front cover |
Type of Marking: | notation marks |
Description: | Lesson 41 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Understanding Japanese Society
Author: | Joy Hendry |
Language: | English Category: Sociology |
Publisher: | Routledge Year of 1992 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Publication: |
Agent/Analyst: | Martinez |
Lab Number | K974-65 |
Summary | Book provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of Japanese society and culture. It start with home and family life and continues with various aspects of everyday and ceremonial life. Shows the reality of Japanese society in particular detail, on anthropological studies carried out in houses, villages, factories businesses, schools, and hospitals. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 4.95 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Front cover |
Type of Marking: | Ink stamp |
Description: | Aunt Bonnie Ndw & Used Books Used Books 1/2 price or 25 — 50 — 75 cent with trade New jBooks 10% discount 419 N. Main Helena, Montana |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 2
United States Govenment Manual, The 1988–1989
Author: | Office of the Federal Register |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | U.S. Government Printing Year of 1988 Office Publication: |
Origin: | Lewis & Clark Library, Helena, Montana |
Lab Number | K963-2 |
Agent/Analyst: | Merrill |
Summary | Official handbook of the Federal Government, 1988–1989. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | First page |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Discarded. Lewis & Clark Library, 120 Last Chance Mall, Helena, Montana 59601. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Lewis & Clark Library, 120 Last Chance Mall, Helena, Montana 59601, stamp. Bar code number 31159 00165 3028. “For Reference Only, Not to be Taken From This Room” scratched out. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 803 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Two circle marks located under Defense Air Transportation Administration (and) Defense Atomic Support Agency. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 3
University of Montana
Author: | University of Montana |
Language: | English |
Category: | pamphlet |
Publisher: | |
Year of Publication: | 1990–1992 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K2008-5 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Pamphlet on Graduate Programs and Admissions |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Using Pesticides Safely
Author: | Roxa French |
Language: | English Category: Pamphlet |
Publisher: | Missoula Coop Ext. Svce & Year of 1987 MT Dept of Agriculture Publication: |
Origin: | Lewis & Clark County Extension Service |
Lab Number | K963-34 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | co-authored by Greg Johnson, Roy Linn, Barbara Mullin, Lilly Tuholske and Barbara White; categories covered include pest identification, alternatives to pesticides, buying a pesticide, application equipment, protective clothing, application, cleanup, storage, disposal and emergencies |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Author: | Joseph Conrad |
Language: | English Category: fiction |
Publisher: | Doubleday & Co. Year of 1921 |
Origin: | University Union Lobby Shop Publication. |
Lab Number | K2019-3 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | Novel about a man whose solitary life on a South Sea island reflects his spiritual position. Conflict arises when he brings a woman to his island. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 144 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | * santisima |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 119 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | ‘But on p.114 he says Ricardo and Jones didn’t speak Spanish and it’s hardly likely that Pedro could speak any other language. How did they communicate? |
Marking | |
Where Found: | inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | University Union Lobby Shop stamped in ink |
Marking | |
Where Found: | front cover |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | price tag of $.95 |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 4
Vitalized Chemistry, 5th Edition
Author: | Henry Dorin |
Language: | English Category: science |
Publisher: | College Entrance Book Company |
Year of Publication: 1964 | |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K1075-30 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | high school chemistry book |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 120 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | a circle is drawn in pencil next to Ways of expressing concentrations of solutions |
Marking | |
Where Found: | title page |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | Aunt Bonnie |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 299 |
Type of Marking: | underlined |
Description: | most is underlined in the sentence: These balls are hammered or rolled to remove most of the slag. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 161 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | parentheses are written around the following statements: He thought — correctly — that ions carried the electricity through the solution, but — incorrectly — that these ions were created by the electric current breaking down solute molecules “...when an electrolyte is dissolved in water, its molecules break down into positive and negative particles called ions. Arrhenius reasoned that this effect was proportional to the number of particles of solute, which could be either molecules or ions. Arrhenius assumed that there was an equilibrium between molecules of an electrolyte and its ions in the solution. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 4
Viva Mexico
Author: | Charles Macomb Flandrau |
Language: | English Category: Fiction |
Publisher: | University of Illinois Press |
Year of Publication: | 1964 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Books |
Lab Number | K974-35 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | A classic of travel literature. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | xiii |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Flandrau’s observation that Mexicans have a “habit of vibrating between an attitude of doglike trust and one of the most exaggerated suspicion” is the kind of conclusion that one only derives from long-term stays and intimate relations. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...sallow slenderness and grace. And gracefulness in a nation is a characteristic no good American fresh from “God’s country” — whatever that patriotic if strangely un-Chrisian phrase may mean — can in his heart of hearts forgive. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 79–80 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Trinidad, the new mayordomo (and) There was no scene. When I told him such things could not go on, he gravely agreed with me that they couldn’t, and without resentment departed the next morning. They are strange people. When they do lose control of themselves they go to any lengths; there is likely to be a scene more than worth the price of admission. Somebody usually gets killed. But nothing short of this would seem to be, as a rule, worth while, and on the surface their manner is one of indifference detachment. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 64 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The proprietor of a far-away ranch acquires a certain proficiency in the performance of almost every kindly office, from obstetrics to closing the eyes of the dead. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 62 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | First, the Mexican of to-day naturally has many characteristics in comon with the Spaniard who begat him and whom he still hates; second, that the nation is becoming more and more conscious of itself as a nation, and third, that in a multitude of petty ways a kind of medieval tyranny is still often exercised by the very persons who, as officials of a theoretically excellent republic, ought to stand for all that is liberal and just, (and) Add to this an incredible depth of superstition that is both innate and very carefully encouraged by the Church, and it is not difficult to see why an employer in certain parts of Mexico is compelled to treat his laborers much as one has to treat nervous and unreasonable children. (and) the normal relation between the proprietor of (and) suggests in many respects the relation that existed before the Civil War between our Southerners of the better type and their slaves. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 61 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | For whatever, from time to time, has happened to be the form of government, the people have never enjoyed any large measure of freedom. (and) In the name of gods and of God, or kings, dictators, popes, generals, emperors, and presidents, the people of Mexico have been treated, one would be inclined to say, like so many head of irresponsible cattle, if cattle, sa a resule, were not treated more solicitously. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 17 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | learn that the entire lives of a great number of peones working on haciendas contain two alternatives, one of which is practical slavery and the other imprisonment for debt to his employer. (and) the young man’s eternal indebtedness begins from the beginning. If, however, there are no formalities, the financial burden is not assumed until the birth of the first child. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 54 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | durmiendo. Flandrau’s Spanish is imperfect. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 18 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ..and this money the young man’s employer cheerfully advances. (and) and if he attempts to depart without paying it, a word from the hacendado to his friend the jefe politico would suffice to land him in jail and keep him there. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 43 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The question of “laziness” would be easy to dispose of if one could simply say that just as there are honest and dishonest Mexicans, there are indolent and energetic Mexicans. But somehow one can’t... (and) and yet, of what we know as “energy”, 1 have seen little or nothing. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | xvii |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Elandrau illumined the strengths of a nation and the weaknesses of a system setting the stage, as it were, for the great revoluion. In a sense both men saw a Mexico that was dying that it might be reborn. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 29 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | you always sort of feel as if there was something doing, (and) 1 was truly grateful — is largely responsible in Mexico for the plaza and balcony habit that one immediately acquires and that becomes one’s chief form of diversion. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...and as you compare what you have read in the papers with what is the truth, you can tell yourself that it has also ended your illusions as to the freedom of the Mexican press. (and) Theoretical Mexico — the Mexico of constitutions, reform laws, statutes, and books of travel — has ceased, long since, vitally to concern them. (and) And practical, every-day Mexico is an entirely different, infinitely more mysterious, fascinating affair. (and) “No hay reglas fijas, senior” (there are no fixed rules). |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 27 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | aspect of their physique more of prettiness than of vigor, more grace than virility. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 25 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | 1 had not been shocked at all, and the world just then seemed not so much wicket sa unusually interesting, (and) always pictorial and always dramatic (and) there is among all classes an exraordinary amount of beauty. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 23 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | For even its brutal realities — of which there are many — are the realities of an intensely pictorial people among surroundings that, to Northern eyes, are never quite commonplace. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 22 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | But if one is not inclined to exaggerate the importance of exactitude and is perpetually interested in the casual, the florid, and the problematic, Mexico is one long, carelessly written but absorbing romance. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 21 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | For, in a country where theory and practice are so at variance, personal experience becomes the chart by which one is accustomed to steer, and although it is a valuable one, it may, for a hundred quaint reasons, be entirely different from that of the man whose rance, or mine, or coffee place adjoins one’s own. (and) One never knows, from the largest to the smallest circumstances of life, just what to expect, and Ultimate Truth abideth not. This is not so much because Mexicans are instinctive and facile liars, as because the usual methods of ascertaining and disseminating news are not employed. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 56 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | simpatico |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44–45 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Furthermore, they are a religious, or rather a superstitious people, given to observing as many of the innumerable feasts on the calendar as it compatible with making both ends approach.. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | xii |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | he bridged the gap that meet Anglo Saxon minds must hurdle if an understanding of Mexico is to be achieved. His is not the compounding of the little facts that can result in the big lie. For him, at times, truth is fiction. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Numerous pages 81-End |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | Multiple excerpts are underlined and/or with brackets in margins from various pages. See attached. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | XV |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | The Church is corrupt, grasping, resentful; but it unquestionably gives millions of people something without which they would be far more unhappy than they are — something that no other church could give them. (and) “A Mexican patio... is considerably more than a court-yard. It is a flower garden surrounded by a house.” |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 30 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | In Mexico, however, complete idleness is rarely a bore. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 24
Western Montana Regional Telephone Directory
Author: | Blackfoot Telephone Cooper |
Language: | English Category: other |
Publisher: | Consolidated Communications Directories |
Year of Publication: | 1995 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K963-40 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | phone directory for western Montana, including: Alberton, Arlee, Avon, Bigfork, Bonner, Charlo, Clearwater, Clinton, Condon, Corvallis, Darby, Deer Lodge, Dixon, Drummond, Elliston, Elmo, Evaro, Finley Point, Florence, Frenchtown, Gold Creek, Lincoln and Yellow Bay |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Why Lenin? Why Stalin?
Author: | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | J.B. Lippincott Company |
Year of Publication: | 1964 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2018-9 |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Summary | This book is a history and analysis of the Russion Revolution, 1900–1930. The author offers a unique and in-depth examination of what the real impetus was behind the Russion Revolution. The author ends his historical examination with the Stalin years, but in this, the second edition of the book, he offers some updated perspectives (as of the time the book was published, 1964). |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 204 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | There is a question mark (?) in the left margin. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 205 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...great physical...hardships...subject to a ruinous falsification of their deepest values and ideals in the name of “Soviet spontaneity.” There is also a question mark (?) in the right margin next to this underlined sentence. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 214 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: | ...philosophies of alienation are the revenge which the victims of westernization inflict upon their masters; alienation is creeping into the very heart of American motivation. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 167 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Illegible mark in bottom margin. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 4
Wild Edible and Poisonous Plants of Alaska
Author: | Christine A. Heller |
Language. | English Category: Pamphlet |
Publisher: | University of Alaska, Cooperative Extension Servic |
Year of Publication: | 1966 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K1075-34 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | descriptions and sketches of both edible and poisonous plants that are indigenous to Alaska |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Wild Edible Plants of the Western United States
Author: | Donald R. Kirk |
Language: | English |
Publisher: | Naturegraph |
Origin: | Unknown |
Category: | Science |
Year of Publication: | 1970 |
Lab Number | K1075-24 |
Agent/Analyst: | Wren |
Summary | A guide to edible plants. |
Insert | |
Where Found: | Page 175 |
Type of Marking: | N/A |
Description: | Bookmarker — Torn off piece of newspaper ad. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Notes |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Handwritten notes of various plants. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 307 |
Type of Marking: | Circled |
Description: | 24. Weber, william A., Rocky Mountain Flora, Univ, of Colo. Press, Boulder, 1967. (More thorough than most would want but fairly easy to use and with quite a number of illustrations.) |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Inside front cover |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | 395 |
Marking | |
Where Found: | Page 195 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | No! Leaves are downey. The word hairless is circled. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 5 |
Wildlife of the Northern Rocky Mountains
Author: | Willliam Baker |
Language: | English Category: science |
Publisher: | Naturegraph Press 1961 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Year of Publication: | |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K2075-33 |
Agent/Analyst: | Shelagh Sayers |
Summary | co-authored by Earl Larrison, Charles Yocom and lain Baxter; sketches and descriptions of flora and fauna indigenous to the northern Rocky Mtns |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 19 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | big sage |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 33 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | lodgepole pine western yellow pine engelman spruce |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 34 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | douglas fir alpine fir small Oregon grape swamp currant western larch |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 36 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | thimble berry wood rose rocky mountain ash common service berry devil’s club |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 38 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | snowbrush fool’s huckleberry bearberry mountain huckleberry Utah honeysuckle yellow lamb’s tongue |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 40 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | fairy slipper spring beauty western baneberry meadow-rue wood violet fireweed |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 42 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | wild sarsaparilla (written next to this is: haven’t seen it in this country) bunchberry prince’s pine birdsbill (possibly different species of -—.) cat’s breeches Indian paint brush twinflower scotch bluebells |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 26 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | golden currant white-stemmed gooseberry spalding’s wild rose choke cherry |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 73 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | red-tailed hawk |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 14 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | northern bedstraw |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 57 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | red squirrel flying squirrel northern pocket gopher deer mouse western jumping mouse |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 58 & 59 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | bushy-tailed woodrat muskrat porcupine coyote |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 70 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | gadwall shoveler |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 60 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | black bear |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 6 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | narrow-leaved cat-tail arrow-head common camas yellow pond lily |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 44 & 45 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | heart-leaved arnica white bark pine dwarf juniper |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 110 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | leopard frog |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 48 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | lewis’ monkeyflower pink elephant heads mountain sorrel |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 46 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | bear grass mountain death camas green false hellebore alpine onion western bistort St. Johns wort red heather |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 76 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | spruce grouse |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 83 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | great gray owl nighthawk |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 89 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | Canada jay steller’sjay black billed magpie |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 74 & 75 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | golden eagle blue grouse ruffed grouse |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 109 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | western toad |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 28 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | Canada buffalo berry red-osier dogwood blue elderberry black elderberry black twinberry purple clematis |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 69 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | great blue heron mallard |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 30 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | wild geranium rose hollyhock cow parsnip |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 8 |
Type of Marking: | margins |
Description: | probably I know this one is written next to the description of bog laurel |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 16 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | yarrow mountain alder rocky mountain maple |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 20 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | bronze bells small flowered lupine arrow-leaved balsam root |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 23 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | rocky mountain juniper |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 24 & 25 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | quaking aspen black cottonwood |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 53 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | cony snowshoe hare |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 90 |
Type of Marking: | check |
Description: | raven dark’s nutcracker |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 34
World of the Maya
Author: | Vlictor W. VonHagen |
Language: | English |
Category: | history |
Publisher: | New American Library |
Year of Publication: | 1960 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnie’s Bookstore |
Lab Number | K964-36 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | A history of the Mayas and their resplendent civilization that grew out of the jungles and wastelands of Central America. The wonders of Mayo art and architecture and the enigma of their calendar and hieroglyphic writing. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 146–147 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | * But one fourth of a cord is only about one cubic meter. Maybe he means 16 cubic feet, which would be plausible if we assume that each cubic foot of limestone yields only 1/2 cubic foot of lime. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Year of Battles:, The
Author: | L. P. Brockett |
Language: | English Category: History |
Publisher: | H. S. Goodspeed and Co. |
Year of Publication: | 1871 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | Culclasure |
Lab Number | K2018-20 |
Summary | This is the part of a book about the Franco-German War of 1870–71. The first numbered page in this book is 496 and the cover is missing. The title of the book, the author’s name and the publisher are written on a page, the reverse of which is part of a two-page map dealing with the subject matter of the book. The book is a detailed account of the Franco-German War. It contains many interesting drawings of people and places involved in the conflict. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Your Right To Privacy
Author: | Evan Hendricks |
Language: | English Category: Legal |
Publisher: | Southern Illinois University Press |
Year of Publication: | 1990 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-6 |
Agent/Analyst: | Hayden,Lee A |
Summary | A basic guide to legal rights in an information society. Book covers the major assaults on privacy that have occurred since the advent of the computer age. Explores privacy issues in connection with goverment and private sector use of personal data, bank, medical etc., |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Zapata and the Mexican Revolution
Author: | John Womack |
Language: | English Category: history |
Publisher: | Random House |
Year of Publication: | 1968 |
Origin: | Aunt Bonnies Bookstore |
Lab Number | K964-40 |
Agent/Analyst: | Aiello |
Summary | Study of Emiliano Zapata and an account of peasant life in Mexico and peasant revolutions. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 232 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | mapa is masculine should be el mapa (la mapa is circled in the text) |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 1
Zetetic, The (Vol 1 No 1)
Author: Ken Kirk | |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Committee/Sci. Invest, of claims of the Paranormal |
Year of Publication: | |
Origin: | Unknown |
Agent/Analyst: | |
Lab Number | K974-24 |
Summary | Articles on claims of the Paranormal. 1) Wallis on Dianetics — “Poor Mans Psychoanalysis”: Psychics, Clairvoyance, and the Real World; A Social-Psychological Analysis. 2) Westrum on Expert Witnesses — Scientists as Experts: Observations on Objections to Astrology. 3) Omohundro on von Daniken — Von Daniken’s Chariots: APrimer in the Art of Cooked Science. 4) Fix on Biorhythms & Sports — Biorhythms and Sports Performances. 5) Hyman on Uri Geller — Observations on the Paranormal Powers of Uri Geller. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
Zetetic, The (Vol 1 No 2)
Author: | |
Language: | English Category: Other |
Publisher: | Committee/Scien. Invest, of Claims of/Paranormal |
Year of Publication: | 1977 |
Origin: | Unknown |
Lab Number | K974-23 |
Agent/Analyst: | Ken Kirk |
Summary | Articles on claims of the Paranormal. 1) Geller Phenomena — The nonpsychic Powers of Uri Geller. 2) The TM Movement — The develpment of the Transcendental Meditation Movement. 3) Psychic Reading — “Cold Reading”: How to convince strangers that you know all about them. 4) Astrology — Statistical test of Sun-Sign Astrology. 5) Cattle Mutilation — An Episode of collective dilusion. The UFO debate. |
Number of Inserts and Markings in this book: 0
History of the Middle Ages, A
Marking | |
Where Found: | 190 |
Type of Marking: | Underlined |
Description: |
Two excerpts: ...... but a vital part in the expansion of the civilization of Roman Christian Europe was played by a branch of the Scandinavian peoples-the Normans of Normandy. In fact, one can say that the greatest single force in the extension of the territory effectively controlled by the papacy was the Norman feudal class. The final conquest of Wales by Edward I (1272–1307) made that region a part of feudal Europe. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 194 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | count’s son married Cid’s daughter, (next to underlined excerpt: ...he defeated the Count of Barcelona, took him captive, and became the governor of the land in dispute, the region around Lerida; but he treated the Count so kindly that the latter married his son and heir to the Cid’s daughter. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 192 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Map of Spain, France, etc... the region of Leon is circled and written in margin is Christian Spain. |
Marking | |
Where Found: | 367 |
Type of Marking: | Margins |
Description: | Big circle in margin next to: Edward II (1307–27) was a striking contrast to his father. Ineffective, weak, and vacillating, he was always under the thumb of some stronger character — his queen, Isabelle of France, his Gascon favorite Peter Gaveston or the |