Title: Unabomber Suspect Seized
Subtitle: Tipped by his kin, feds find ex-prof in Montana Cabin
Author: Stephanie Saul
Topic: News Stories
Date: Apr 4, 1996

A former college professor who lived in a remote Rocky Mountain cabin with no running water or electricity was taken into custody yesterday, and federal authorities said he was a suspect in the Unabomber case.

They identified him as Theodore John Kaczynski, 53, a reclusive mathematician whose home near Lincoln, Mont., had been under surveillance for what authorities said was several weeks. Members of Kaczynski’s family had apparently alerted the FBI that they believed he might be the Unabomber.

About 20 agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were searching Kaczynski’s property yesterday, looking for tools and parts used in making the intricate, hand-crafted bombs Unabomber mailed and delivered in what appeared to be random acts.

Since 1978, the Unabomber’s 16 anonymous package bombs have killed three people and injured 23. The federal government formed a multi-agency task force to hunt for the bomber. Agents said they were looking for a a college-educated loner who grew up in Chicago, where the first bomb was found in 1978, and had ties to Berkeley, Calif., and Utah, sites of some of the attacks.

Kaczynski, who grew up in the Chicago area, received a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University in 1962 and a master’s from the University of Michigan in 1964. He completed his doctorate in 1967, also at Michigan. His dissertation was entitled “Boundary Functions.”

He worked for one year as an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley before resigning in 1969.

After leaving Berkeley, Kaczynski moved to the Salt Lake City area, where he performed menial jobs, authorities said. Kaczynski had apparently lived in the Montana cabin for at least 10 years.

“He was real shy, real quiet. His conversations were short,” said a neighbor, Butch Gehring.

Berkeley was the target of two Unabomber attacks. In 1982, an electrical engineering professor was injured when he picked up a pipe bomb left in a package in a coffee-break room. In 1985, a student lost four fingers and vision in one eye when one of the bombs detonated in a computer room.

Salt Lake City was the site of two Unabomber attacks, and also where a suspect believed to be the Unabomber was spotted moving a package containing one of the bombs. It had been disguised as a road hazard.

Unabomber also sent his deadly packages through the mail. One exploded in an airplane. Others killed New Jersey advertising g executive Thomas Mosser and Gilbert Murray, a California Forestry Association official. David Gelernter, a well-known comput- 2 er scientist at Yale who earned his doctorate at SUNY-Stony Brook, was severely injured when a bomb exploded in his office.

Last summer, the elusive killer who seemed to target computer experts, airlines and university professors, mailed a 35,000-word 2 treatise to authorities and newspapers. Unabomber opposed ...

had apparently lived in the Montana cabin for at least 10 years was real shy real quiet.

His conversations were arid a neighbor Butch Gehring Berkeley was the target of two Unabomber attacks In 1982 an electrical engineering professor was injured when he picked up a pipe bomb left in a package in a coffee-break room In 1985 a student lost four fingers and vision in one eye when one of the bombs detonated in computer room Salt Lake City was the site of two Unabomber attacks and also where a suspect believed to be the Unabomber was spotted moving a package containing one of the bombs It had been disguiaed as a road hazard Unabomber also sent his deadly packages through the mail One exploded an airplane. Others killed Tew Jersey advertising executive Thomas Mower and Gilbert Murray a California Forestry Aseociation official David Gelemter a well-known computer scientist at Yale who earned his doctorate at the State University at Stony Brook was severely injured when a bomb exploded in his office Last summer the elusive killer who seemed to target computer experts airlines and university professors mailed a 35000-word treatise to authorities and newspapers Unabomber opposed modern technology explaining that he believed the industrial revolution had been a ter for the human.

He espoused a return to a simpler society with small settlements dependent on only the most basic machinery The treatise was circulated to college professors across the country in hopes that they would recognise the writing Some provided leads that proved deadends as dozens of agents worked on the case The Unabomber promised to end his reign of terror if the Washington Post or or The New York Times published his manifesto. After consultations with The Times which shared the cost the Post obliged. But after his years of silence decision to publish may have been his undoing: It was apparently the similarities between the Unabomber manifesto and writing found in his former home that led to his arrest yesterday A federal source said liked the writings very Three yean ago father also named Theodore died Earlier this year his mother Wanda put a sign outside the home in Lombard a suburb of Chicago where the fomity had lived for 15 yean She decided to move in with her son David in Schenectady NY It was apparently when the Kaczynskis were cleaning out their Lombard home that they found writings by the younger Theodora that appeared similar to those of the Unabomber The fomity alerted a Washington lawyer who called the authorities Neighbors in Lombard described the elder Kaczynskis as wonderful people was the sweetest said one woman who asked not to be identified Neighbors said the elder Theodore had worked as an engineer Wanda Kascynski was a teacher until her retirement In Schenectady next-door neighbor Ann Welch said Wanda Kaczynski sometimes talked of her son Theodore describing him as a loner Wanda respected his choice of lifestyle She see him very much They just Welch said was cut off from his family but I never heard anything negative about Knut Royce in Washington.

Km Mortisugu in Schenectady and Dena Bunis in New York contributed to this story which was supplemented with wire service

Halls of Ivy to Mountain Cabin

Theodore John Kaczynski

Born: May 22 1942 in Chicago III Pre-pued il Evergreen Park i Evergreen Park 111. Home Address: 9209 Lawndale Evergreen Park IU-V Field tf. Concentration: Mathematics. Scholarships and Prizes: Harvard 'College Scholarship at Berkeley in the 1967-68 school yeas He resigned in 1969

For at least the past 10 years Kaczynski has apparently lived in the Montana cabin near the town of Lincoln, population 1000 was kind of a recluse, he kept to himself. Never bothered neighbor Dick Lundberg said never did say anything bad about anybody We thought he was all Bob Orr manager of the Lincoln Telephone Co saw Kaczynski make frq quent trips into town on his dilapidated bicyde He said Kaczynski periodically would come by the plume company office and use a pay phone He also spent a lot of tiwm in the town library Kaczynski mostly dressed in black sometimes in Army fatigues and usually wore dark glasses Orr and Lundberg said He carried his own water to his 12-by-16 foot shack that stood about three-quarters of a mi1 from the main road Duren expressed surprise that his for mer student was bring questioned person I knew be associated with this sort of thing1 Duren said an angry young man We had some students at that time that fit that description but he one of Tom Demontcky contributed to this story TUB AaBOCfATCD PBEBB He was a riiligwnt student who ez-dUKdln math solving problems that baffled even his college professors His flair for numbers took him to the most elite schools but he chose insteed a life Theodore John Kaczynski 53 a for-: mer University of Califomia-Berkeley mathematics professor was taken into custody yesterday in his cabin in the Montana nwmntsiw and questioned in connection with the Unabomber case Former classmates and teachers say Kaczynski first showed signs of his aca-demic and analytic skills as a teenager when he attended Evergreen Park High School south of Chicago He was a National Merit scholarship finalist a member of the German math and coin dubs and a band member in high schooL Classmates said they remembered little of him though he the profile? The quiet kid that you never know what said Domna Bergeron one of 181 students in the class of After finishing high school in three years he attended Harvard University graduating in 1962 He then went to the University of Michigan where he received a degree in 1964 and a doctorate in 1967 both in msthwnstics George Piranian a Michigan math aprmmo Tba 1962 Harvard yearbook stioars Theodora Jota Kaczynsid as ha looked whoa be was 20 Duran said in a teleplume interview last night Duran said Kaczynski was meticulous in and that he had precise handwriting He recalled that Kaczynski preferred working alone while most graduate students seek consultations with their professors was a private person I think anyone was realty close to Duren said After leaving Michigan Kaczynski became an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of California ematics professor emeritus who taught Kaczynski said he was very serious student Very respected him very said Piranian 81 who talked to Kaczynski since 1967 Piranian said Kaczynski once solved a problem that had stymied him and a colleague Peter Duran a math professor at the university recalled Kaczynski as an excellent student independent and full of promise was very impressive We were all expecting wonderful things from ...

Trail of Victims

Following is a list of bombings linked to the Unabomber The FBI gave the case the code name because early targets were universities and airlines.

May 15 1885: One person injured by bomb found in computer room at University of California at

Jusa 13 1885: Package that was mailed to Boeing Co in Auburn Wash on May 8 discovered and safely disarmed

Rev 15 1885: Two people injured by package mailed to professor at University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Professor who was standing nearby unhurt

Dec 11 1885: Hugh Scrutton 38 killed by bomb found near his computer rental store in Sacramento Cafif

Feb 20 1817: Man injured by bomb left behind computer store in Salt Lake City

JsBe 22 1883: Geneticist at University of California at San Francisco injured by bomb sent to his home

Jill 24 1883: Yale University computer scientist David Gelemter who earned his doctorate at the University at Stony Brook injured in office

ID 1884: Advertising executive Thomas Mosser 50 killed by bomb sent to North Caldwell NJ home

April 24 1885: California Forestry Association President Gilbert Murray 47 killed opening mail bomb in Sacramento headquarters

May 25-26 1576: Package found at a parking lot at the University of Illinois at Chicago and brought to Northwestern University in Evanston because of return address It explodes when opened May 26 injuring one person

May 8 1876: One person injured at Northwestern University-

Rev 15 1878: Twelve people suffer smoke inhalation when bomb explodes in plane's cargo hold during American Airlines flight forcing emergency landing at Dulles International Airport near Washington

eJaae It I860: United Airlines president injured at home in Chicago area

Oct 1 1811: Bomb placed in a business classroom at University of Utah in Salt Lake City No one injured

May 8 1882: One person injured at Vanderbilt University in Nashville package addressed to a professor

July 2 1882: Professor of electrical engineering and computer science injured in faculty lounige at University of California at Berkeley.