#title Ted Kaczynski's attempt to acquire a private investigator book #date Unknown #source Excerpt from an FBI document called [[https://thetedkarchive.com/library/the-unabom-task-force-a-review-and-compilation-of-the-writings-of-ted-kaczynski][A Review and Compilation of the Writings of Ted Kaczynski]] #lang en #pubdate 2024-09-07T16:05:12 #authors Ted Kaczynski, Dennis Held #topics The UNABOM Investigation #notes Cabin document #317. *** Letter from Ted Kaczynski to Fact & Fiction book sellers [Not accessible]
*** Letter reply Dear Mr. Kaczynski, Thanks for your letter of Dec. 19, and I’m sorry it has taken so long to get back to you, but we’ve been in the middle of the Christmas rush. I’ve done some research on books about how to locate missing persons. The title you suggested, You Can Find Anyone by Eugene Ferraro, is not available from any of our suppliers, and the publishing company, Marathon Press, has had it’s telephone disconnected. Another title, How To Locate Anyone Anywhere, is currently out of stock at the publisher, who says it is due to be back in stock in February. It’s a $10 paperback book, and the total cost, including shipping and handling, would be $13.50. There are two titles that are available. You Too can Find Anybody: A Reference Manual by Joseph Culligan, is updated annually, and would cost $24.45, including shipping and handling. How to Find Missing Persons: A Handbook for Investigators by Ronald Erickson is available for $12. (The Erickson book seems to be geared more to private investigators.) If you’d like to order any of these books, please let us know. We have a new toll-free number: 1-800-769-7323. Thanks for your interest. Best regards,
/s/ Dennis Dennis Held,
at Fact and Fiction
216 W. Main St.
Missoula, MT 59802