Dear Mark,
I hope you’ve received my note of May 31, 2014. I'm sorry I've taken nearly 3 weeks to get back to you, but there's just too much work for me to do, too many problems that I have to deal with, and I can't keep up with it all.
Let me start by saying that our objective is to form an anti-technological movement. As I implied in my note of May 31, ...
Anyway, I'll be looking forward to your report on further information that you can collect among environmentalists. Meanwhile I want to say something about a couple of your fellow Australians. Obviously it would be helpful if you could recruit someone to help you in collecting information. You can try Sharon Yarwood if you like, but I think you'll probably find her useless. I suggested to her too that she could collect information at environmental demonstrations, but all she does is make excuses for putting it off. She said her son, Jake, who goes to many demonstrations, would collect the information for me, but I've heard nothing from him. Yarwood doesn't seem to want to do anything more than fulminate verbally against the system and its destruction of the environment. That would be harmless if it weren't for the fact that she seems totally lacking in prudence and self-restraint. She was exchanging emails two of my collaborators here in the U.S., and she sent them an email in which she praised Anders Brevik, the Norwegian who killed some 70-odd people in a protest against immigration. She almost seemed to be encouraging anti-tech people to adopt Breivik's approach. My two collaborators were appalled; we're all committed to strictly legal modes of action.
I myself have two reasons for my commitment to legality., the first reason is a personal one: If I seemed to be trying to incite any sort of illegal action, the prison authorities could and probably would cut off my communications with the outside world. Apart from the personal reason, I'm firmly convinced that what is most needed at the present time is a group of a "political" nature that will carry out such tasks as the development and propagation of anti-tech theory, the search for recruits, and the building of organizations. These are activities that can be carried on legally. If such a group were to get involved in illegal activities, then sooner or later members would be arrested and the group would be severely damaged, if not destroyed altogether. See Tech Slavery, p.266.
To come back to Yarwood, I think it's highly unlikely that she would attempt any sort of illegal action, but her imprudence and her lack of self-restraint make her more of a liability than an asset, so in my opinion it would be a waste of your time to contact her.
However, there's another Australian you might want to contact ...
... Porter says he knows of people who have been arrested through the work of undercover law-enforcement agents. This doesn't necessarily mean that Porter himself is involved in illegal activities, but it might mean that, so I've told him flatly not to write to me again if he's involved in anything illegal. ...
Ted Kaczynski