Ted Kaczynski's Unsent Letter to Manhunt Unabomber Assistant
David to Ted
... I'm working on the Manifesto project for the Discovery Channel, which is about you and the FBI's efforts to capture you. ...
... Working on recreating scenes of death and destruction caused by you led me to read your manifesto ...
1. At what point was primitive man in balance with nature? ...
1a. What do you envision the world would look like after the collapse of the industrial society? ...
2. Why did you select such inconsequential targets? If your goal was to start a revolution, to spark the downfall of the industrial system why bomb a computer store owner or a college professor? A power grid, a dam, highway bridges, rail systems all seem like targets that would have actually put stress on to the system and with out killing or harming individual people ...
Ted to David
Dear Mr. Presley:
Thanks for your undated letter postmarked 2/23/17, which I received today. You'll find the answers to some of your questions in my books ... You might also be interested in my manuscript Truth versus Lies, which you can get in electronic form from jherrada@umich.edu.
For the rest, I'll only add that you seem extremely naive. You ask why I didn't blow up "a power grid, a dam, highway bridges, rail systems." Blowing up a major highway bridge would have required hundreds of pounds of explosives ...
... your suggestion that this could have been done without "killing or maiming ... people" is downright silly. What do you suppose would have happened to the people driving across a highway bridge when it was blown up? To the people on a train that got derailed? To the people living downstream of a dam (think of Oroville)? Use your head, man!
Now I have a question for you. You say you're working on a project for Discovery Channel about me & "the FBI effort to capture" me. My bombing campaign ended 22 years ago, my trial was completed 19 years ago. Yet all through the intervening years, over and over and over again, ad nauseam, the media keep putting on these programs about me. Why?
Ted Kaczynski