Ted Kaczynski
Ted Kaczynski’s Notebook
Chronicle July 4 is supposed to contain T’s letter.
Checked: A1-A20
Chronicle checked through July 12. (First relevant was June 29)
Could not find T’s letter in Chronicle July 4 or 5.
N.Y. Times Friday June 30
Robert D. McFadden:
“calling for revolution against what he says is a corrupt industrialtechnological society controlled by a shadowy international elite of government and corporate figures seeking to subvert human freedom.”
In same article, Sulzberger complains about follow up articles.
Guccione: will give one page of mag for indefinite period if stop all bombing including property. (NY Times July 1)
Photo: NY Times July 4
NY Times checked June 29 — July 8 (June 29 was first appearance)
Julian Simon
Wash Post July 1 expressed doubt about the deal, because “deal is off if Law enforcement comes after him.”)
Wash Post checked from June 29 (first appearance) to July 8.
LA Times checked June 29 — July [CROSSED OUT: 8] 12
Statements by FBI agents: “nylon” strapping tape was used.
“every one” of the [CROSSED OUT] devices worked. (Probably from Time, early May, 1995.) FC was marked on “practically all” of the devices.
Quotations from Tyler’s letter [CROSSED OUT] given in Chronicle or LA Times are something like this: he doubts my claim that the system can’t be reformed, and suggests that my revolution is already in progress.
As evidence, he mentions that people are moving to the country and recycling their trash.
One newspaper article, probably the LA Times between June 29 and July 12, stated that not one shred of biological evidence had been found, not one fingerprint, not one hair.
According to radio, exerpts from manuscript published in NY Times and Washington Post on Aug 1, or 2.
Better way of characterizing those revolutionaries who should not be trusted by our kind of revolutionaries: they have one of two traits (or both):
They devote themselves to a cause in which they have little personal stake.
They put more emphasis on placing greater restrictions on human behavior than on freeing human behavior from restrictions. (Caution: it does no good if they seek to free behavior from restrictions in areas where we already have almost complete freedom anyway, e.g. sexual freedom, religious freedom, etc.)
shoes: under dead parsnips behind apple tree in lower garden
9 items in shed
2 items by black raspberry bushes
Two rifles, with scope, 22 pistol, package of ammunition, hat
Orvana Mining
Skip Karn
Joe Goldenstern
Elwood Hiatt
Just where the ridge drops off sharply, to east of ridge, find pleasant, grassy depression. Running south from this depression find a couple of trails through marshy thicket. Follow the one farthest from the stream bottom to where it is barred by 2 pine logs, upper one with large rosin stain. Past logs, follow path as it curves to left. Follow path of least resistance till you find a small grassy open spot next to a small stream. On SE side of grassy patch, about 2 ft. from stream under sphagnum moss.
Serial numbers:
273810 Sears Roebuck
.22 rifle:
Western Field Model M815.
This rifle apparently has no serial number on it, but it can be identified by lower-case Greek letters ‘xxx’ scratched on barrel (by me) just in front of the action.
The ‘xxx’ is on the underside of the barrel. You have to take the stock off to siee it.
.30–06: Remington Model 700 ADL ...
Location of cabin
Go down through logged-off area where it borders the uncut woods till you come to (relatively) good road where it ends in a circle. From circle follow rocky ridge crest in a generally downward direction a short distance till you come to some prominent rocks affording look-out to the left. Here go down into the gulch to the left, find good trail that leads (uphill) to cabin, which is on the next ridge over from the one you came down.
“Right” means on the right-hand side of the road as you look up the road toward Stemple Pass. A little way past the mouth of McClellan Gulch, there is a little road that branches off Stemple Pass Road to the right. At the entrance to this road are 2 telephone boxes, a big one and a small one. The boxes that are farthest up the road (this ....

A little way up the hill from the log is a rock outcrop. About a pound of whole-wheat bread crumbs and two smallish bottles of Wesson oil are buried right next to the downhill side of the outcrop, thus:

Under a large slab of bark a few feet south of the campsite is buried a plastic sheet for shelter — which, however, has a few holes in it.
Fifteen feet or so ...
Location of ammo
buried on our property (this is a verification copy of a note dated August 8, 1973: Ammo is located here: Find leaning fir on S. side of creek with 3 blazes on S.E. side, not penetrating through the bark, at height ... 52” above ground ... About 162o ...