#title Ted Kaczynski's Oakland California Journal #subtitle Journal Series 6, #5 #date Jan 6, 1975 #sku AEG05 #lang en #pubdate 2023-02-09T22:24:11 #source [[https://archive.org/download/ae.-teds-journals_202303/AEG05.%20Series%206%2C%20%235%20-%20Jan%206%2C%201975.pdf][Archive.org]] & [[https://harbor.klnpa.org/california/islandora/object/cali%3A920][California University Library]] #topics Autobiographical Writing, Half-finished copy typing #author Ted Kaczynski #ATTACH t-k-ted-kaczynski-s-oakland-california-journal-1.pdf ... Jan 6, 1975. Have come to Oakland, Calif. To see if I can find more lucrative work than seems to be available in Montana … Feb 27 [1975]: It is an interesting fact that over the past few months women have been on my mind a great deal. For most of the time that I was living alone in Montana, I had few thoughts of sex – If you don’t see women, or ... ... for some little while before I took that gas station job (see other notes), I had been thinking more than usual about women-though still not enough to cause much discomfort. The noteworthy point is that I thought not so much about physical sex as about love and all that kind of mushy stuff. I thought ow nice it would be to have squaw to share my life in the woods-especially if I could get up to Alaska or some such place. But it didn't get really bad until I got infatuated with that danmed little bitch at that service station (see other notes). After I got even that, I still felt a strong desire to get *some* woman. Since coming to Oakland I have begun to feel almost desperate for women. I go running around Lake Merritt to keep in shape (I seem to run faster than practically anybody else I have seen running there-ha!) and there are quite a few females who run there too. And some f them are so beautiful! Oh! I always did have a soft spot for athletic women. They are so lithe, shapely, firm, vigorous, fresh ... Oh! Oh! Oh! They give me a big hard on. Now, when I shaved off my beard after coming down from the mountains in January, I left a little postage-stamp moustache under my nose, just to see what it would look like. It rather caught my fancy, so I decided to keep it. It must make me very handsom--or *something* must have increased my sex appeal; since coming to Oakland I have twice been approached by homosexuals; and as for women--well, though I am generally shy, with women; I have never been shy about treating myself to a good eyeful of goodlooking girls. Now, ordinarily when one looks over a woman when passing her on the street her eyes will at most meet yours for an instant, then flick away and stay away. In the past it has only rarely happened that a female under these circumstances has looked me in the eye and held my gaze. But in the last four weeks in Oakland it has happened several times that women have returned my gaze. Moreover, two of them--girls whom I had never seen before--said "hi" to me as I passed. (Both good-looking.) And another one (very good-looking) gave me a big smile (that one was running around Lake Meritt and I was running in the opposite direction). Another one (very good looking) I believe smiled at me, but that one was not clean-cut and I'm not sure. Nothing like that ever happened to me before--I can't quite explain it. When I was in college some good-looking girls showed they were attracted to me, but I don't recall ever having been greeted or smiled at by perfect strangers (girls) on the streets. (Wait, I do recall *one* exception to that a few years ago.) No, they weren't whores--most of them looked clean-cut and innocent. I would have liked to make the acquantance of these lovelies, but didn't have the nerve to just pick them up on the street like that, and didn't know how to go about it anyway. Well yesterday I applied for a crummy job at a MacDonald's restaurant. There was one other applicant being interviewed-a good-looking girl probably in her early twenties. She mentioned to the interviewer that she was seriously involved in roller-skating, roller-derby, or something-- I don't know what it's all about. I thought she was very attractive. As I said, I tend to have a soft for athletic females. The situation was not suitable for commencing a flirtation ... this morning, by chance, I happened to spot this girl walking down the street. I quickened my pace to catch up with her. When I pulled up with her, I said "Hello - weren't you applying for a job at MacDonald's yesterday?" She was obviously pleased by my attention and became very chatty and friendly. I walked with her to the YWCA, where she was staying, and stood in ont of it talking with her for a few minutes. I left with her name {Debbie Hechst [spelling conjectural]) and phone number, which she gave cheerfully at my request... ... Perhaps I am not really so inhibited with attractive women as I thought ... Feb. 28..March l [1975]; Further report on above: I certainly do not understand what makes females tick. Today I called that girl and asked her to have supper with me. She seemed rather cool about it...I don't resent her very much for it. But I am certainly puzzled... Naturally I won't call her again. March 2 [1975]: Postscript on the above: The note below I composed in my mind for amusement; contemplating it, I was so pleased with my own sparkling wit that I wrote it down and sent it. I don't suppose she'll like it much, but that's okay, since I don't intend to pursue her any more anyway. Dearest Debbie: Obviously you don't want to go out with me at all. I called you back at 4 o'clock, the time appointed by you, and you declined to answer. I was utterly crushed. I ran and got my razor, intending to cut my throat, but I couldn't go through with it because I couldn't find a container to catch the blood in. I wouldn't want to spill it all over the floor. So I guess I'll just pine away and die of unrequited love, you cruel thing. Just to show that I'm selfless and noble and forgiving I'm going to remember you in my will. I'm leaving you my .30-30, my yo-yo, my six-point elk horns, and my jock strap. This last item should be laundered thoroughly before use. Also, I'm leaving you some advice that your mother should have given you: Never speak to strange men on the street. Yours forever more,
Ted Kaczynski underneath the signature I drew a picture of a broken heart. ... March 19 [1975]: Have just got back to my cabin. Found job market extremely bad in Oakland and my money had almost run out... ... But I did bring back one particularly pleasant memory from California, anyway. In connection with my current attack of lust, I joined the Sierra ingles, a section of the Sierra Club, in the hope of meeting some females with outdoor interests...I did go on 2 hikes, Saturday and Sunday, just before I left...The great majority of the women on these hikes were not goodlooking enough to interest me...I had much enjoyable conversation with a young woman maybe 25 years old in the car in which I rode to and from the hike...Trina (last name Enderlein, as I later learned). It turned out she was from Montana (Missoula)...She had a very pretty face; her figure was only so-so, but she had loads of charm...it is amazing how the most inane remark can sound fascinating when it issues from the laughing lips of a pretty young woman with sparkling blue eyes shining with animation. Her "you're an idiot" was so uninhibited and spontaneous and positively good-humored that I remember it with particular pleasure... ... It may surprize the reader to learn that I have never before done that sort of thing with a girl. For nearly 13 years I have had almost nothing to do with females. Before that the only one I had much to do with was Ellen Arl, and she was no good ... ... I wish I could have pursued matters further with Trina! But I was leaving the next day ... if I could have gotten just one kiss from those inviting lips ... Oh well. It feels good to be back in my cabin ... [but] I don't know when I will ever have another chance to meet women ... I have now decided that women are an experience I do not want to miss. March 30: After the last few days back at my cabin I got over my desire for women. Hasn’t bothered me since. We’ll see whether it stays that way.