Title: Some Suggestions Concerning Strategy
Author: Ted Kaczynski
Date: Unknown
Source: “Some Suggestions Concerning Strategy” undated, Folder 12, Box 65, Ted Kaczynski Papers, University of Michigan Library (Special Collections Library). <findingaids.lib.umich.edu/catalog/umich-scl-kaczynski> & <archive.org/details/edga.-teds-essays-on-various-political-issues>
Notes: This is being archived for purely it’s historical interest. In 1999 Ted praised the Earth Liberation Front on its arson attacks because he felt it gave activists a sense that ‘something is going on’. However, I think Ted later advocated against monkey-wrenching & terrorism, as he hoped a secretive international network of anti-tech radicals would instead put their efforts towards organizing to take down technological society in one fell swoop, such as sabotaging their electricity grids at the same time.
  1. After each monkeywrenching operation, ecosaboteurs should send an anonymous letter to the local newspapers. ...
