Kaczynski has never seen the Internet, but over the last 20 years, he’s become familiar with sites like Facebook and Amazon, thanks to his network of pen pals.
As for the Facebook idea, I can’t give a definite answer because I know so little about Facebook. But my initial reaction is strongly negative because the little that I do know suggests that Facebook is mainly a place where adolescents (of any age) post narcissistic self-advertisements in an attempt to make friends via the Internet.
Let’s remember that what is important is not Ted Kaczynski. The thing that really matters is what the technological system is doing to the world. That is the subject ...
... could end up paying royalties twice — once to charity and once to the govt.
I would like it to be known that Parfrey did this charity thing without my consent or my prior knowledge.
5. In your letter of May 29, 2010 you asked me, “Is there any subscription or book that you might like as a birthday present?” Yes, there is! I would like very much to have a copy of Martin E.P. Seligman, Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death (1975). This book is out of print, but you might be able to find a copy via the Internet, maybe on Amazon.com or something like that. Actually, I suspect you won’t be able to find a copy even on the Internet. But it’s likely that a copy ...
7. I have a question. Someone sent me a thing from amazon.com that lists booksellers that sell Tech Slavery. This is at ...
My question is, what do these numbers mean?
... you and she could form a starting-point for such a group.
4. I’m going to have to make the utmost effort to limit what I spend on postage. In the first place, my main source of money has dried up. (That’s a rather bizarre story that I’ll save for some other occasion.) In the second place, the BOP has now decided to limit the stamps prisoners can purchase to twenty 44c stamps per week, or the equivalent in stamps of other denominations. So even if I had a million bucks I would still have to cut down on my correspondence. Or at least cut down on my use of postage stamps.
So I’m going to need some help from friends; like, I can send things to friends and they can distribute them to others, so that I won’t have to expend postage stamps to distribute the things directly. I’ve been doing this to some extent already ...
I’m thinking, too, that my friends on the outside may be able to send things more cheaply by electronic means than they can be sent by ordinary mail.
Question 1. Is it cheaper to send materials by fax than it is to send them by regular mail?
Question 2. Can materials be “scanned” and then sent by email, and, if so, is this cheaper than sending them by ordinary mail?
5. The concrete problem I’m faced with at the moment is that of sending a bunch of stuff to my correspondents in Spain. I have several magazine articles to send them, at least two of which should be important from their point of view. I’ve also “finished” a long essay that I want to send them. (I put the word “finished” in quotation marks because I’m unable to finish the essay properly; maybe my Spanish friends will be able to provide some of the information that I lack.) ...