In 2001, Kaczynski took a prison course in psychology and saved copies of his assignments among his personal papers.
Progress made since last review: Clean conduct ...
Goals for next program review meeting:
Clean conduct
Good sanitation
Recreation 3–5 times a week or when offered
Participate in at least one ACE offered:
INTRO to math 5-14-03
JOY of Science II 7-31-03
Long term goals:
Complete at least one ACE or Psychology course ...
... G. Physical and Mental Health: Due to his medical condition, Kaczynski is not permitted to work....
I have no idea what this “medical condition” could be. I run 5 miles a day, 4 or 5 days a week, so I ought to be fit to work. But if they don’t want me to work that’s fine with me, since I have too much too keep me busy as it is. — TJK 5/3/03
Security breach: On the evening of Nov 29, 1996, I had finished my running and my stretch exercises when the door of 7th floor West opened and 3 lady prisoners came up the stairs. When they saw me they laughed, said “The Unabomber’s out there!” and went back inside. I still had a few minutes of exercise time left, but instead of taking that time I went back inside so that the ladies could use the rec area. I’m so chivalrous!