The Ted K Archive
The Michigan University Archive
Subseries: Copies of Documents
Subseries: Legal Communication
Subseries: Legal Notes and Research
Series 5: Writings of Ted Kaczynski
Subseries: Refutation Documents
Series 6: Clippings and Articles
About the Archive
When Ted was writing his book Truth versus Lies, he wanted a place he could store texts that he was citing as references so that they could be verified for those curious. But, he didn't want them to be so easily accessible that any gossip columnist could mine the information for their entertainment value. Therefore, he negotiated a copyright deal with a University Archive in Michigan, so that people could only request up to two items per month or else would have to visit in person.
To learn more you can read the head archivist Julie Herrada discussing the story of acquiring and maintaining the archive in her journal article: Letters to the Unabomber; A Case Study and Some Reflections
Viewing the Documents
Requesting Scans Online
Step 1: Browse through the full archive contents list for the 1 or 2 folders you’d like to request (You can only request 2 items per month): Ted Kaczynski Papers 1996-2014 (
Make a note of the ‘mixed materials’ number from the 1st column and the folder number from the second column, this is the box and folder number for where it’s stored in the library.

Step 2: Sign up for a free account on the University of Michigan Special Collections website under "All Other Researchers", so that you can request items: Aeon - Registration
Make sure to use a real email you have access to, as that’ll be where they send the dropbox links to scans of items you requested.

Step 3: Once you’re registered, Click here for the archive catalog: Ted Kaczynski papers, 1996-. - Record - Catalog - Library Search (
Scroll to the bottom of that page and click "Request this". (Don’t worry that it says reading room only, see next step).

Step 4: Then click "Switch to Duplication Request" in the top-right corner.

Step 5: A lot of the form will show as having already been filled in automatically. So, you just have to scroll down to where it says box number, and fill in that with the corresponding ‘Mixed Materials’ number from the catalog in step 1.
Under "Other Detail, Inclusive Pages, Etc" you can just reiterate that you’d like ‘Full scans of folders ___ & ___ please.’
Then just hit “Submit Request” and you're finished.

Step 6: In roughly 20 days you should get an email with a scan of your document in a dropbox link. But, you can always sign back into your account to see how the request is progressing (remember that your username is the email you used to sign up with): Aeon - Registration

Visiting the Reading Room
It's just the same registration form to to be able to request items & visit the reading room: Aeon - Registration
Here’s the request form for booking the reading room: Aeon - EAD Requests (
You just have to tick the boxes for the boxes of documents you’d like to see, and they will be brought out one at a time when you visit.
Then say what date you’d like to visit. You have to submit your request at least one week in advance of your visit. And here's the address:
Sixth Floor, Room 660
Hatcher Library South
913 S. University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
Finally, you definitely have permission to take photos as the archive curator confirmed on the website blog article: The Ted Kaczynski Papers.

The Catalogue as of Oct. 2022
Series 1: Correspondence
In Chronological Order
Clerk of Court, US Dist. Ct. Denver, CO
Kathleen Fournier/BBC
Robert Herguth/Chicago Sun Times
Patrick Barriot (1 of 5)
Patrick Barriot (2 of 5)
Patrick Barriot (3 of 5)
Patrick Barriot (4 of 5)
Patrick Barriot (5 of 5)
Dmitry Popov
Denver Anarchist Black Cross
Internationalist Prison Books Collective
Community Resource Initiative
Attorney Solicitations
David Shors
Patrick Hoge
Joan Haines
Tom Sowa
Quintin Letts
Grant Sasek
Henry Phillips
Jim Robbins
Ben Weiser
Betsy West
David Johnston
Jim Miller
Bob Anez
Diane Sawyer
Art Golab
Folder removed
Ralph Hart
Clyde Ware
Richard Erickson
Stephen Dubner
Folder removed
Spanish translations of Kaczynski's writings by correspondent (1 of 6)
Spanish translations of Kaczynski's writings by correspondent (2 of 6)
Spanish translations of Kaczynski's writings by correspondent (3 of 6)
Spanish translations of Kaczynski's writings by correspondent (4 of 6)
Spanish translations of Kaczynski's writings by correspondent (5 of 6)
Spanish translations of Kaczynski's writings by correspondent (6 of 6)
David Skrbina (1 of 11)
David Skrbina (2 of 11)
David Skrbina (11 of 11)
David Skrbina (3 of 11)
David Skrbina (4 of 11)
David Skrbina (5 of 11)
David Skrbina (6 of 11)
David Skrbina (7 of 11)
David Skrbina (8 of 11)
David Skrbina (9 of 11)
David Skrbina (10 of 11)
J. Tony Serra
Pekka Vahvanen
Houston Anarchist Black Cross
Artheur P. Kinglinskerinski
Bryan Denson
Jon Carras/CBS
Kansas City Anarchist Black Cross
Ashley Feinberg/Gawker
French News editors
France Soir editors
Editions Xenia
Maurício Paraguassú/Publishing House Baraúna
Freedom Bookshop
Jarret Kobek
Harvard Alumni Association
Coalition Against Civilization
Ted Kaczynski note to correspondents
Holly Bailey/Yahoo
Hope Noel and Bryan Noel/Freedom's Voice Partys
Presidential Inaugural Committee
Amanda Aronczyk
Augustus Sol Invictus
Ravi Somaiya
Cameron Porsandeh
Garrick Alder
Les Brigandes
Lydia Eccles (2 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (11 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (12 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (13 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (14 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (15 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (3 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (4 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (5 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (7 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (8 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (9 of 15)
Lydia Eccles (10 of 15)
Gary Greenberg (1 of 2)
Gary Greenberg (2 of 2)
Michael Donohoe
Derrick Jensen
Judy Clarke
Lundberg, Dick and Eileen (1 of 2)
Lundberg, Dick and Eileen (2 of 2)
Left Bank Books
Bill Lee, OMNI Magazine
Lincoln Rural Fire Dist.
Michael Mello (1 of 4)
Michael Mello (2 of 4)
Michael Mello (3 of 4)
Michael Mello (4 of 4)
David Perozzi
Steven Fischler/Pacific Street Films
People Magazine
Denise De La Rue
Carol Sessions
Tuominen, Freda
Michael Ulveman
Dr. Gabriele Yonan
Dr. Gabriele Yonan (Quin Denver's file)
Lewis Yablonsky
Yankee Publishing Incorporated
Theresa Kintz (1 of 2)
Theresa Kintz (2 of 2)
Beau Friedlander (1 of 4)
Beau Friedlander (2 of 4)
Beau Friedlander (3 of 4)
Beau Friedlander (4 of 4)
Alston Chase (1 of 3)
Alston Chase (2 of 3)
Alston Chase (3 of 3)
Wanda Kaczynski
David Kaczynski
Various media interview requests
Rejected publication notifications
Rick Sallinger
John Zerzan (1 of 7) 1996-1997
John Zerzan (2 of 7) 1997
John Zerzan (3 of 7) 1997
John Zerzan (4 of 7) 1997-1998
John Zerzan (5 of 7) 1998-2001
John Zerzan (6 of 7)
John Zerzan (7 of 7)
Lutz Dammbeck (1 of 2)
Lutz Dammbeck (2 of 2)
Earth First
Steve Booth/Green Anarchist
Quin Denvir
Jessi Yborra
Jean Krom
North Shore Agency, Inc.
Richard Bonnie (1 of 4)
Richard Bonnie (1 of 4)
Richard Bonnie (1 of 4)
Richard Bonnie (1 of 4)
Zarfling/Slingshot Magazine
Scharlette Holdman
Linda Giustino/Penthouse Magazine
Rob in UK
Richard Hering/Green Anarchists
Alex Campbell
William Finnegan
Jack Wild/Live Wild or Die
Peter Bloch
Kristan Lawson
Sam Sloan
Peter Werbe
Tresha Mabile
Bradley Davis
Jackie Youngs
Rita Cosby
Daniel Blom
Greta Van Susteren/CNN
Ateş Hirsizi - Kaos Yayinlari
Cynthia Hubert/Sacramento Bee
Hallye Jordan/San Jose Mercury News
Emelyn Cruz Lat/San Francisco Examiner
David S. Jackson/Time Magazine
David Glaser
American Civil Liberties Union
Dr. Bernard Rimland
Marco Bardazzi
Joe Capillo/Shaddup! Fanzine
This Book Will Change Your Life
Shane Bishop/NBC News
Avi Weider
Jann Wenner/Rolling Stone
Brent Johnson/Bone Marimba
Leigh Opferman
Julien Nitzberg
Sabine Schenk
Judy Koh
Folder removed
Chris Gill, Antenna Publishing Co.
Betty S. Wilson
Serge F. Kovaleski
Jackie Bange
Linda Martin/CBS News
Folder removed
Basil McNulty
Linda Martin
Hon. Mary Schroeder
Bernadette Torivio
Kevin Kelly
Les Rayburn
Emma Hull
W.T. Gamble, III
Calvin McNulty
Nautilus Collective
Trevor Bundy
Do or Die Magazine
Jane Ridley
David Granger
Donald Liddick
Dan Testa
Adam Tanner/Reuters America
Alexander Provan/Harper's Magazine
Steve Forrest and Rita Cosby/NBC News
Folder removed
Jamie Schram/New York Post
Names Blacked Out (~700 Folders)
Series 2: Legal
Subseries: Copies of Documents
Case-related correspondence, F.C. Letters (1 of 2)
Case-related correspondence, F.C. Letters (2 of 2)
Case-related correspondence, Joanne Gold
Case-related correspondence, Dr. Carolyn Goren
Case-related correspondence, Stella Meister
Case-related correspondence, Juan Sanchez (1 of 4)
Case-related correspondence, Juan Sanchez (2 of 4)
Case-related correspondence, Juan Sanchez (3 of 4)
Case-related correspondence, Juan Sanchez (4 of 4)
Case-related correspondence, editors of various publications (1 of 2)
Case-related correspondence, editors of various publications (2 of 2)
Case-related correspondence, Miscellaneous correspondence sent while in Montana
Notes on tracking
Wanda Kaczynski's writings
Family history documents list sent to the government 1997
Catalog of Kaczynski papers held by the government (1 of 3) 1996 – 1998
Catalog of Kaczynski papers held by the government (2 of 3) 1996 – 1998
Catalog of Kaczynski papers held by the government (3 of 3) 1996 – 1998
List of documents found in cabin
List of books taken from cabin
Manuals from cabin
Photocopies of envelopes
Library requests
University of Montana materials (1 of 2)
University of Montana materials (2 of 2)
Montana property deed documents
Notes on Montana wilderness
Miscellaneous notes (1 of 4)
Miscellaneous notes (2 of 4)
Miscellaneous notes (3 of 4)
Miscellaneous notes (4 of 4)
Miscellaneous receipts, coupons and stamps
Bank records (1 of 9)
Bank records (2 of 9)
Bank records (3 of 9)
Bank records (4 of 9)
Bank records (5 of 9)
Bank records (6 of 9)
Bank records (7 of 9)
Bank records (8 of 9)
Bank records (9 of 9)
Subseries: Legal Communication
Attorney work product (6 Folders)
Articles on wilderness published in 1977
Copyright issues
Prison options (1)
Prison options (2)
TK to U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
USPS certified article receipts and accompanying TK cover letters
Sacramento County jail correspondence to legal team (53 Folders)
Notes numbered 1 – 24 and related items
(1 of 3) 1996 – 1997
(2 of 3) 1996 – 1997
(3 of 3) 1996 – 1997
1997-09 – 1997-12
1998-01 – 1998-05
Subseries: Legal Documents
1A United States v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB
1B Kaczynski v. United States, CIV S-99-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99- 816 GEB-P, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB: Notice of Appeal
1C Kaczynski v. United States, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB: Combined verified pro se motion under 28 U.S.C. §2255 to vacate guilty pleas and sentences and set aside convictions; Motion for leave to amend this motion following sufficient time to investigate and present additional facts or claims about which the incarcerated, pro se petitioner is at present unaware; Motion to recuse the honorable Garland E. Burrell, Jr.
1D Kaczynski v. United States, CIV S-99-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99- 816 GEB-P, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB: Application for Certificate of Appealability
2A Kaczynski v. United States, CIV S-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99-816 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB, CR S-96-259 GEB: Verified application for Certificate of Appealability of District Judge Burrell's summary denial of combined verified pro se motion under 28 U.S.C. §2255 to vacate guilty plea and sentence; Motion for leave to amend this motion following sufficient time to investigate and present additional facts or claims about which the incarcerated, pro se petitioner is presently unaware; Motion to recuse the honorable Garland Burrell. (draft) 1999-06-14
3A Kaczynski v. United States, CIV S-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99-816 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB, CR S-96-259 GEB: Verified application for Certificate of Appealability of District Court Judge Burrell's summary denial of combined verified pro se motion under 28 U.S.C. §2255 to vacate guilty plea and sentence; Motion for leave to amend this motion following sufficient time to investigate and present additional facts or claims about which the incarcerated, pro se petitioner is presently unaware; Motion to recuse the honorable Garland Burrell. [draft with note from Kaczynski] 1999-06-07
4A Kaczynski v. United States, CR S-96-259 GEB, NJ S-98-21: Combined verified pro se motion under 28 U.S.C. §2255 to vacate guilty plea and sentence; Motion for appointment of counsel; Motion for leave to amend this motion following appointment of counsel and sufficient time to investigate and present additional facts or claims about which the incarcerated, pro se petitioner is presently unaware; Motion to recuse the honorable Garland Burrell
4B letter to Cathy Catterson, Clerk – Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals from Quin Denvir and Judy Clarke 1998-07-06
4C United States v. Kaczynski, CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB: Appellant's motion for extension of time, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski
5A United States v. Kaczynski, No. 99-16531 (DC No. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB): Opinion
5B letter to Cathy Catterson, Clerk - Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals from TK 2000-04-01
5C note to U.S. Attorney from TK 2000-03-29
5D Brief of Appellee in the case of United States V. Kaczynski, CA 99-16531 (DC No. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB)
5E United States v. Kaczynski No. 99-16531 (DC No. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB): Motion showing cause why appeal should not be dismissed for failure to prosecute [sent to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit]
5F United States v. Kaczynski No. 99-16531 (DC No. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB): Motion showing cause why appeal should not be dismissed for failure to prosecute [sent to U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California]
5G United States v. Kaczynski, No. 99-16531 (DC No. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB): Motion for permission to proceed in forma pauperis; Affidavit accompanying motion for permission to appeal in forma pauperis [sent to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit]
5H United States v. Kaczynski, No. 99-16531 (DC No. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB): Motion for permission to proceed in forma pauperis [incomplete] [sent to U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California]
5I Kaczynski v. United States, CIV S-99-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99-816 GEB-P, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB: Notice of appeal and request for Certificate of Appealability
5J Kaczynski v. United States, CIV S-99-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99-816 GEB-P, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB: Application for Certificate of Appealability
5K United States v. Kaczynski, No. 99-16531 (DC Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB): Opinion (Summary) [published]
5L United States v. Kaczynski, No. 99-16531 (DC Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB): Supplemental Excerpts of Record, Volume I
5M United States v. Kaczynski, No. 99-16531 (DC Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB): Supplemental Excerpts of Record, Volume II
5N Kaczynski v. United States, No. 06-10514 On Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. Excerpts of Record of Appellant Theodore John Kaczynski, Volume I (C.A. No. 04-10158)
6A letter to District Court Judge Dickinson Debevoise from John F. McMahon, Federal Public Defender [accompanies U.S. v. Kaczynski, No. 96-607] 1996-11-22
6B United States v. Kaczynski, No. 96-607: Notice of motion
6C Letter to TK from John F. McMahon
6D Notes (1 sheet)
6E letter to the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of California from TK 1999-05-20
6F letter to the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of California from TK 1999-06-04
6G TK's opening brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, including Certificate of Compliance
6H note to H. Sanchez and V. Sudlow from TK 2001-10-01
6I Kaczynski v. United States: Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis; Affidavit accompanying motion to proceed in forma pauperis 2001-10
7A United States v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB: Order
7B United States v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259 GEB: Defendant's response to the notice of intent to file government sentencing memorandum
7C United States v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259 GEB: Notice of intent to file government sentencing memorandum
7D United States v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB: Order
7E letter to Judge Garland E. Burrell, Jr. from Quin Denvir [attachment to previous document] 1998-04-15
7F United States v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259: Motion for leave of court to file sentencing memorandum
7G United States v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB: Order
7H United States v. Kaczynski, CIV S-99-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99-816 GEB-P, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB: Verified, pro se motion for reconsideration of motion to recuse the Honorable Garland E. Burrell, Jr.
7I United States v. Kaczynski, CIV S-99-815 GEB-P, CIV S-99-816 GEB-P, CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB: Notice of Appeal
7J letter to the Clerk of the Supreme Court from TK 2001-11-29
7K letter to TK from William K. Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court 2002-01-14
7L letter to William K. Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court, from TK 2002-01-26
7M Kaczynski v. United States: Motion for leave to file addendum to petition for writ of certiorari 2001-11-13
7N Kaczynski v. United States, No. 01-7251: Petitioner's reply to government's brief in opposition
7O Cop-outs and notes to Law Library staff (7 pages)
8A United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259 GEB, Government's motion in limine for admission of evidence under Fed. R. Evid. 404(B)
9A United States of America vs. Kaczynski, Case No. CR S-96-0259 GEB GGH Order 1997-04-07
9B United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259 GEB, Notice of intent to seek the death penalty 1997-05-15
9C United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-6-0259 GEB, Stipulation Re: In Camera review and sealing of unredacted 404(b) motion and Exhibit B 1997-06-09
9D United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259 GEB, Motion for In Camera review and sealing of un-redacted 404(b) motion and exhibit B 1997-06-16
9E United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259 GEB, Proposed findings and order RE: In Camera review and sealing of un-redacted 404(b) motion and Exhibit B 1997-06-09
9F United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB, Order 1997-06-23
9G United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-0259 GEB, Notice pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 12.2(b) 1997-06-24
9H United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB, Order 1997-07-24
9I United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB, Order 1997-07-28
10A United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB, Petition for a hearing to determine if defendant wishes to speak with Christine Craft, or, in the alternative, to order the defense counsel to place Craft's name on the visitors' list 1997-12-29
10B United States of America v. Kaczynski, CR S-96-259 GEB, Petition for a hearing to determine if defendant wishes to speak with Christine Craft, or, in the alternative, to order the defense counsel to place Craft's name on the visitors' list 1997-12-29
"10C United States of America v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR S-96-0259 GEB (E.D. California, Sacramento), Emergency motion under circuit rule 27-3, Emergency motion for stay of district court order unsealing report of psychiatric competency examination of defendant" 1998-06-08
10D United States of America v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR S-96-0259 GEB (E.D. California, Sacramento), Exhibits to defendant's emergency motion for stay of district court's order unsealing report of psychiatric competency examination of defendant
11A United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's motion to exceed page limit, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including verification and proof of service 1999-12-11
11B United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's motion for supplemental briefing, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including proof of service 2000-08-04
11C United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's motion for leave to reply to United States' opposition to appellant's petition for rehearing en banc, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including Certificate of Service 2001-05-30
11D United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's motion for extension of time within which to file petition for rehearing, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including proof of service and ancillary 2001-02-13
"11E United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's motion to exceed page limit and word limit for reply brief, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including verification and proof of service" 2000-03-28
11F United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appeal from final judgment of United States District Court, Eastern District of California denying petition under U.S.C. §2255 Motion. Appellant's supplemental excerpts of record, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski including proof of service 2000-03-30
11G United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB Appellant's reply to United States' opposition to appellant's petition for rehearing en banc, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including Certificate of Compliance [May 24, 2001] and proof of service [May 30, 2001]
11H Kaczynski v. United States, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 01-7251: On petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief for the United States in opposition, including Certificate of Service 2002-02-22
11I United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 04-10158. District Court Nos. CR S-96-259-GEB/GGH. On appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento. Brief of Appellant [Unsubmitted draft] 2004-10-07
12A United States v. Kaczynski, District Court Nos. CR S-96-259 GEB, CR S-98-21 GEB. Order of District Court denying TK's request for Certificate of Appealability, including Certificate of Service 1999-06-17
12B United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant's request for Certificate of Appealability 1999-10-22
12C United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant leave to proceed in forma paperis 1999-12-17
12D Letter to TJK from United States Attorney Robert S. Mueller, III, confirming two-week oral extension for government brief filing re: United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531 2000-02-16
12E United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant's request to exceed page limit on opening brief 1999-12-28
12F United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant's request to file oversized brief 2000-03-15
12G United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant's request for a 45-day extension of time to file addendum to opening brief 2000-03-20
12H United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant's request for leave to file overlength reply brief 2000-04-28
12I United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant's request for leave to file supplemental brief 2000-08-28
12J Letter from Ninth Circuit Court to all counsel regarding submission of case 99-16531 to Judges Reinhardt, Brunetti, and Rymer 2000-10-03
12K United States of America v. Theodore John Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. Government's motion for leave to file an oversized brief, including Certificate of Service 2000-03-02
12L United States of America v. Theodore John Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. Government's motion for extension of time to file response to petition for rehearing 2000-04-11
12M United States of America v. Theodore John Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. Declaration of J. Douglas Wilson in support of motion for extension of time to file response to petition for rehearing, including Certificate of Service 2001-04-11
12N United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order directing U.S. Government to respond to petition for rehearing en banc 2001-03-28
12O United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting U.S Government's request for extension of time 2001-04-13
12P United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-0816, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order affirming denial of appellant's §2255 petition, including Certificate of Service 2001-09-04
12Q United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order granting appellant's motion for leave to reply to U.S. Government's opposition to appellant's petition for rehearing en banc 2001-06-13
12R United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB. Ninth Circuit Court order denying appellant's motion for extension of time to file a petition for rehearing 2001-02-26
12S United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB. Information packet sent to TK by Ninth Circuit Court clerk, including cover letter 1999-07-13
12T United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR S-96-259 GEB GGH. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California order denying motion by TK for return of property, including Certificate of Service 2004-03-05
12U United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR S-96-259 GEB GGH. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California order denying motion by TK for return of property, including Certificate of Service (Unofficial advance copy) 2004-03-05
12V Correspondence from TK to Cathy Catterson, Clerk of Court, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, regarding TK's §2255 case, including misc. related materials 1999-11-11 – 2001-01-18
13A Correspondence between TK and William K. Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court 2001-10-19 – 2002-03-25
13B Correspondence from TK to Theodore B. Olsen, Solicitor General of the United States circa 2001 – 2002
13C Correspondence between Theodore B. Olsen, Solicitor General, and William K. Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court 2002-01
13D Certificate of Service for motion to proceed in forma pauperis in Supreme Court 2001-10-30
13E Certificate of date of mailing of motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis in Supreme Court 2001-10-30
13F Certificate of date of mailing of ten copies of motion for leave to file addendum to petition for writ of certiorari 2001-11-15
13G Petitioner's petition to Supreme Court for rehearing, including Certificate of Service and manual transcription 2002-03-27
13H Misc material related to certiorari petition 2001 – 2002
14A Kaczynski v. United States, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 04-10158. On appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. Brief of appellee, United States 2005-01-24
14B Kaczynski v. United States, Ninth Circuit Court. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Application for Certificate of service (3 copies) 1999-07-07
14C Kaczynski v. United States, Ninth Circuit Court. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Notice of Appeal to Judge Garland E. Burrell, Jr. in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, including verification (July 3, 1999) and proof of service (July 4, 1999)
14D Kaczynski v. United States, Ninth Circuit Court. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Notice of Appeal and Request for Appealability to Judge Garland E. Burrell, Jr. in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, including verification (June 9, 1999), proof of service, and proposed order with proof of service for same (June 10, 1999)
14E United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's motion for extension of time. Includes Date of Mailing Certificate, Proof of Service, and verification documents 2000-03-08
15A United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's motion for permission to proceed in forma pauperis. Includes affidavit, verification, date of mailing, proof of service, and motion showing cause why appeal should not be dismissed for failure to prosecute documents 1999-10 – 1999-11
15B Correspondence from TK to Cathy Catterson, Clerk of Court, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, regarding United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531, including misc. related materials 2000-08-10 – 2001-08-29
15C Letter of complaint from TK to Mary Schroeder, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, regarding Federal Defender Quin Denvir's representation of TK in criminal case CR S-96-259, Eastern District of California 2009-11-08
16A United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 04-10158. District Court Nos. CR-96-259 GEB, CIV-S-03-1478, CIV-03-679. Appellant's motion for appointment of counsel, including verification and proof of service, undated draft
16B United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. Date of mailing document for Appellant's petition for rehearing en banc, with proof of service 2001-03-12
16C Preliminary draft of TK's petition under 28 U.S.C §2255 Motion circa 1999
16D United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Excerpts of Record supporting claim that guilty plea was filed involuntarily, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, volumes 1 and 2, including index and Proof of Service 1999-12-15
16E United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's reply brief, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including Certificate of Compliance and Proof of Service 2000-03-30 – 2000-03-31
16F United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's supplemental brief, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including Appellant's Additional Supplemental Excerpts of Record, Certificate of Compliance (July 30, 2000) and Proof of Service (August 4, 2000)
17A United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Appellant's petition for rehearing en banc, filed for Theodore John Kaczynski, including Certificate of Compliance (March 10, 2001) and Proof of Service (March 12, 2001)
17B United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. United States' opposition to appellant's petition for rehearing en banc, including Certificate of Compliance and Certificate of Service 2001-05-09
18A United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Brief for the United States, including Certificate of Compliance and Certificate of Service 2000-03-02
18B United States v. Kaczynski, Ninth Circuit Court Docket No. 99-16531. District Court Nos. CV-99-00815 GEB, CV-99-00816 GEB, CR-96-00259 GEB, CR-98-00021 GEB. Supplemental brief for the United States, including Certificate of Compliance and Certificate of Service 2000-09-11
19A Kaczynski v. United States, Action No. CR S-96-259 GEB: Verified Pro Se Motion Under 28 U.S.C. section 2255 to modify or, in the alternative, vacate guilty plea and sentence; motion for appointment of counsel; motion for leave to amend following appointment of counsel and sufficient time to investigate and present additional facts or claims about which the incarcerated, Pro Se petitioner is presently unaware; motion to rescues the honorable Garland Burrell. (§2255 Motion – Draft by Mello with TK's edits) 1998-09-17
20A Kaczynski v. United States, Action No. CR S-96-259 GEB: Combined verified Pro Se Motion Under 28 U.S.C. section 2255 to vacate guilty plea and sentence; motion for appointment of counsel; motion for leave to amend following appointment of counsel and sufficient time to investigate and present additional facts or claims bout which the incarcerated, Pro Se petitioner is presently unaware; motion to rescues the honorable Garland Burrell. (§2255 Motion – Draft by Mello) 1998-10-21
21A Kaczynski v. United States, Action No. CR S-96-259 GEB: Combined verified Pro Se Motion Under 28 U.S.C. section 2255 to vacate guilty plea and sentence; motion for appointment of counsel; motion for leave to amend this motion following appointment of counsel and sufficient time to investigate and present additional facts or claims about which the incarcerated, Pro Se petitioner is presently unaware; motion to rescues the honorable Garland Burrell. (§2255 Motion – Draft by Mello) 1998-10-27
22A Christine Craft: United States of America v. Kaczynski, No. CR S-96-259 GEB, Reply to response of defendant to the petition of the Sacramento News & Review and Christine Craft
22B Christine Craft: Supplemental affidavit of Christine Craft
22C Christine Craft: Transcript of Christine Craft interview with John Zerzan, recorded on audiotape by KGO Radio News 1997-12-22
23A FC indictments: United States of America v. John Doe, a/k/a "FC", United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee Nashville Division 1986-09-10
23B FC indictments: United States of America v. John Doe, a.k.a. Ralph C. Kloppenburg, a.k.a. "FC", United States District Court Eastern District of Michigan Southern Division 1990-08-15
23C FC indictments: United States of America vs. John Doe, aka Enoch W. Fischer and Ralph C. Kloppenburg..., United States District Court for the District of Utah Central Division (date indiscernible)
23D FC indictments: United States of America vs. John Doe, aka Enoch W. Fischer, Ralph C. Kloppenburg, and FC... 1992-02-19
24A United States v. Kaczynski, No. CR S-96-259 GEB GGH. Defendant's Motion respecting disposition of property, including verification 2003-06-18
25A United States v. Kaczynski, No. CR S-96-259 GEB (CIV S-03-1478) Objections to magistrate judge's findings and recommendations, including certificate of service 2004-01-29
26A §2255 Motion – Prison law library requests and cop-outs
27A Appeal draft fragments, including TK's legal ideas related to §2255 motion, n.d.
28A United States v. Kaczynski. No. CR S-96-0259-GEB. Notice of motion and motion to preclude use of defendant's private diaries 1997-08-22
28B United States v. Kaczynski. No. CR S-96-259 GEB. Move to suppress evidence taken during search of cabin (1 of 2) 1997-09-19
28B United States v. Kaczynski. No. CR S-96-259 GEB. Move to suppress evidence taken during search of cabin (2 or 2) 1997-09-19
29A United States v. Kaczynski. No. CR S-96-0259 GEB, Declaration of David Kaczynski
30A United States v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259. Reporter's daily transcript. Volume 9, pp. 1453-1680 (1 of 3) 1997-12-25
30A United States v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259. Reporter's daily transcript. Volume 9, pp. 1453-1680 (2 of 3) 1997-12-25
30A United States v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259. Reporter's daily transcript. Volume 9, pp. 1453-1680 (3 of 3) 1997-12-25
"30B United States v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259 GEB. Reporter's daily transcript (1 of 3)" 1998-12-05
"30B United States v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259 GEB. Reporter's daily transcript (2 of 3)" 1998-12-05
"30B United States v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259 GEB. Reporter's daily transcript (3 of 3)" 1998-12-05
31A United States v. Kaczynski, aka FC. No. CR-96-00259 GEB. Request for the court to appoint pro bono counsel to represent the unnamed victim of appellant, ie. those who have not requested restitution 2007-08-27
31B United States v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259 GEB. Motion for substitution of counsel, or in the alternative for leave to proceed pro se pursuant to circuit rule 4-1(d).
32A United States v. Kaczynski No. CR-S-96-259 GEB. Moves for reconsideration of this Court's order denying his motion to recuse the assigned judge 1999-05-27
33A United v. Kaczynski No. CR S-96-259 GEB. Transcript of Sentencing Hearing 1998-05-04
34A Civil cases against Kaczynski, civ. no. 96-74348-DT and S-96-1574 GEB/JFM consent judgments 1998
34A United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Defendant's brief and motions in support of his motion for return of property 2003
34B United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB (CIV S-03-1478). Opposition to motion for return of seized property 2003-11-10
34C United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Findings and recommendations, return of property case 2004-01-08
34D United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Objections to the magistrate judge's findings and recommendations. Jan. 29-20, 2004. 2004-01-29 – 2004-01-30
34E United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. United States' status report and amended status report 2005-09-19, 2006-04-24
34F United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Request by David Gelernter that his views regarding the disposition of defendant's property be considered 2005-12-12
34G United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Defendant's response and objections to the government's amended status report 2006-06-09
34H United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. USA reply to defendant's opposition to status report 2006-06-16
34I United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259. Reporter's transcript – Status conference 2006-06-16
34J United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. The victims' statement concerning auction of defendant's property 2006-07-28
34K United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Defendant's objections to the government's plan for sale of his property 2006-07-28
34L United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. Amended plan of sale of defendant's property and defendant's response 2006-07-28, 2006-08-01
34M United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. Orders, return of property case 2006-08-10
34N United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259. Reporter's transcript – Status conference 2006-07-28
34O United States v. Kaczynski, District Court Case 2:96-CR-00259-GEB-GGH. Notice of appeal and order 2006-08-21, 2006-09-05
34P United States v. Kaczynski, District Court Case CR-96-0259-GEB. Appellant's petition for rehearing with suggestion for rehearing en banc. Return of property case. Handwritten carbon copy 2009-01-26
34Q Kaczynski's correspondence and notes about his return of property case
35A FBI application and affidavit for search warrant to the United States District Court 1996-04
36A United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Defense briefs 1997 – 1998
37A United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. Stipulations as to analyses of substances recovered from bomb evidence and of evidence from the defendant's cabin 1997-12-05
38A United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. Government's motion to preclude defendant from relying on expert mental health testimony at the guilt phase and to require the defendant to undergo a mental examination before sentencing. And defendant's opposition 1997-11-18 – 1997-11-21
38B United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. Government's motion in limine to preclude defendant from introducing non-expert testimony to show that the defendant has a mental defect. 1998-01-05
38C United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB. Government's brief addressing the timeliness of the defendant's assertion of his right to represent himself and judicial estoppel 1998-01-21
39A United States v. Kaczynski, District Court No. CR-96-0259 GEB-GGH. Joint amici curiae brief of the Freedom to Read Foundation and the Society of American Archivists, in support of appellant.
40A Criminal docket for case #96-CR-259-ALL, as of March 23, 2004. 2004-03-23
Sacramento County Jail Records (39 Folders) 1996 – 1998
Petition for rehearing to the U.S. Court of Appeals 2001
Fillings to the U.S. Supreme Court, Petition for writ of certiorari 2001
Fillings to the U.S. Supreme Court, Motion for leave to bring additional cases to the attention of the court 2001
Fillings to the U.S. Supreme Court, Reply to government's brief in opposition 2001
Complaint to the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility 2000
Complaint to the California State Bar 2004
Text of the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1995
Mark Jordan v. Federal Bureau of Prisons, Civil action no. 03-CV-02320-PSF-MJW, Order and Judgement 2006-10-26
Auction list of Kaczynski belongings 2011
Notes on things to be disposed of
Cabin inventory 1996
Government's sentencing memorandum (1 of 2) 1998
Government's sentencing memorandum (2 of 2) 1998
Psychological evaluations by Drs. Foster, Kriegler and Johnson (1 of 3) 1996 – 1998
Psychological evaluations by Drs. Foster, Kriegler and Johnson (2 of 3) 1996 – 1998
Psychological evaluations by Drs. Foster, Kriegler and Johnson (3 of 3) 1996 – 1998
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) questions 1998
Inventories of legal documents and correspondence written by Kaczynski 2002
Subseries: Legal Notes and Research
Law Book Requests
§2255 related
Cases read (by TK) and related notes
Notes on cases (1 of 2)
Notes on cases (2 of 2)
Car rental
Original deed
Fallout shelter (1 of 6)
Fallout shelter (2 of 6)
Fallout shelter (3 of 6)
Fallout shelter (4 of 6)
Fallout shelter (5 of 6)
Fallout shelter (6 of 6)
Experiments and calculations (61 Folders)
Taxes (1 of 2)
Taxes (2 of 2)
Mathematics (23 Folders)
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry article
Henry A. Murray psychology study (1 of 2)
Henry A. Murray psychology study (2 of 2)
Pretrial detainees and the mail
Probability calculations
TK's comments on "On the Unabomber" by Scott Corey
TK's preparatory notes for defense team meetings
Translation of "Zero Tolerance" by Javier Silicia
"The 'U' Documents & The 'T' Documents: A Comparative Analysis". Report presented to Unabom Task Force, with ms. annotations by TK 1996-03-15
Academic records (1 of 2)
Academic records (2 of 2)
Notes on Spanish (1 of 3)
Notes on Spanish (2 of 3)
Notes on Spanish (3 of 3)
Identification documents
TK's pocket calendar 1996
Photographs taken by Federal Defenders of Lincoln, Montana cabin
Photographs (paper copies) of Lincoln, Montana, arrest and family
Series 3: Prison
ADX Law Library requests (1 of 3)
ADX Law Library requests (2 of 3)
ADX Law Library requests (3 of 3)
Documents and books kept in cell
Inmate visiting lists
Psychological Records, Sacramento County Jail and Dublin Federal Detention center 1996 – 1997
Notes on psychologists; psychology reports
Noise levels
Psychology course
Program review reports
Sacramento Pro Per Information
Cop-outs, related to the mail
Cop-outs, misc. (1 of 2)
Cop-outs, misc. (2 of 2)
Financial transactions
Death penalty research
Artificial insemination
Inmate transaction receipts 2004 – 2005
Cop-outs 2011, 2010 – 2014
Inmate package authorization forms 2012 – 2016
Administrative remedy appeals 2007 – 2008
Series 4: Publications
- by Ross Getman, title page – page 96 (manuscript)
- by Ross Getman, page 97 – 191 (manuscript)
- by Ross Getman, page 192 – 281 (manuscript)
Chistes, ensayos, rimas de Miami, Joaquin Delgado, ed.
Montana Dreaming, a play in two acts by Alex Gross
The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski by Chris Waits and Dave Shors (1 of 3)
The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski by Chris Waits and Dave Shors (2 of 3)
The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski by Chris Waits and Dave Shors (3 of 3)
Materials related to Chris Waits (1 of 4)
Materials related to Chris Waits (2 of 4)
Materials related to Chris Waits (3 of 4)
Materials related to Chris Waits (4 of 4)
Partial photocopy of "The Technological Society" by Jacques Ellul with annotations
Theodore Kaczynski (Unabomber) Answers Questions About His Book and Society, by Eric Jankiewicz published in The John Jay Sentinel Vol 3. No. 3-4, March-April 2011, 2013; correspondence and notes included
The United States of America v. Theodore Kaczynski by Michael Mello, corrected by TK, Misc. and title page – page 39
The United States of America v. Theodore Kaczynski by Michael Mello, corrected by TK, page 40 – 91
The United States of America v. Theodore Kaczynski by Michael Mello, corrected by TK, page 92 – 225
The United States of America v. Theodore Kaczynski by Michael Mello, corrected by TK, page 226 – 316
The United States of America v. Theodore Kaczynski by Michael Mello, corrected by TK, page 317 – 410
The United States of America v. Theodore Kaczynski by Michael Mello, copy of TK's corrections sent to Friedlander and Mello
The United States of America v. Theodore Kaczynski by Michael Mello, TK's "mechanical corrections"
Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski, a.k.a "The Unabomber" by David Skrbina-corrections and improvements 2011
Mathematics publications by Kaczynski and others (1 of 5)
Mathematics publications by Kaczynski and others (2 of 5)
Mathematics publications by Kaczynski and others (3 of 5)
Mathematics publications by Kaczynski and others (4 of 5)
Mathematics publications by Kaczynski and others (5 of 5)
Dissertation: Boundary Functions by Theodore John Kaczynski for the University of Michigan 1967
La rehabilitación del Estado por los izquierdistas, Pamphlet NOT written by TK, per his annotation.
Miscellaneous publications (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous publications (2 of 2)
Preferred literary-agent agreement 2000
La Revolución Que Viene by Ted Kaczynski, draft 2004
Textos de Ted Kaczynski, Translated and edited by Ultimo Reducto 2005
El Boletín, numbers 1-2 2011-05, 2011-11
El Boletín, numbers 3-4 2012-05, 2012-11
El Boletín, numbers 5-6 2013-05, 2013-11
"Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How" by Ted Kaczynski, final copy and research notes included (1 of 2) RESTRICTED ACCESS UNTIL PUBLICATION
"Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How" by Ted Kaczynski, final copy and research notes included (2 of 2) RESTRICTED ACCESS UNTIL PUBLICATION
"The Road to Revolution," photocopy of article manuscript
Series 5: Writings of Ted Kaczynski
Writings by TK on legal situation
Notes of pages missing or illegible in TK's journal photocopies
Personal diary entries in Spanish 2008
Unabomber's Manifesto
Unabomber's Manifesto, Linguistic analysis
Unabomber's Manifesto, Photocopy of version sent to New York Times
Unabomber's Manifesto, Photocopy of handwritten manifesto (1 of 3)
Unabomber's Manifesto, Photocopy of handwritten manifesto (2 of 3)
Unabomber's Manifesto, Photocopy of handwritten manifesto (3 of 3)
Unabomber's Manifesto, Corrections on Internet Manifesto by TK 1996-12-11
Unabomber's Manifesto, Partly corrected draft 1997-05-28
Unabomber's Manifesto, Drafts (1 of 3) undated
Unabomber's Manifesto, Drafts (2 of 3) undated
Unabomber's Manifesto, Drafts (3 of 3) undated
Unabomber's Manifesto, ISAIF No. 1, photocopy of original 1995 manuscipt 2003-05-31
Unabomber's Manifesto, ISAIF No. 2
Unabomber's Manifesto, ISAIF No. 3
Unabomber's Manifesto, ISAIF No. 4
Unabomber's Manifesto, ISAIF No. 5 (Photocopy of early ms. draft)
Unabomber's Manifesto, ISAIF (Only correct and complete draft, per TK) 2003-05-31
Unabomber's Manifesto, Corrections to Unabomber's Manifesto 2000 – 2003, and undated
Unabomber's Manifesto, Notes on the Manifesto (ISAIF) 2012-06-20, 2015-04-07
Unabomber's Manifesto, Appendices
Reaction to various commentaries on Unabomber's Manifesto
German to English translation of pages 198-205 of Die Bambuti-Paul Schebesta by TK
"How I Blew Up Harold Snilly" (pseudonym Apios Tuberosa) undated
"The Littering Ape" (pseudonym Apios Tuberosa) undated
"Dandelion Greens" undated
"Neanderthal Man" undated
"Ravens Make Interesting Neighbors" undated
"Reflections on Purposeful Work" undated
If Earth First Had Been Around Sixty Years Ago..., Superseded version, per TK annotation undated
"In Defense of Violence" undated
"Some Suggestions Concerning Strategy" undated
"Progress Versus Liberty" 1972
"Try Snowshoes for a Change" 1978
"Progress Versus Wilderness" (with pages missing) circa 1979
A Fantasy 1999
Independent Study in Introspective Psychology, First draft with corrections by TK 2000-04-15
Hit Where It Hurts, Clipping of published article, with ms annotations 2002
"The Coming Revolution" 2007
How to Transform a Society: Errors to Avoid 2010 – 2012
Why the Technological System Will Destroy Itself 2011
A Halloween Story 2011
Commentaries on Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals 2011 – 2012
"Stay on Target" 2011 – 2012
"The Development of a Society Can Never Be Subject to Rational Human Control" 2012
Musical compositions
Autobiographical notes 1996-12-05
Notes on biographies 2003
The Road to Revolution, drafts with TK annotations (1 of 5) circa 2006
The Road to Revolution, drafts with TK annotations (2 of 5) circa 2006
The Road to Revolution, drafts with TK annotations (3 of 5) circa 2006
The Road to Revolution, drafts with TK annotations (4 of 5) circa 2006
The Road to Revolution, drafts with TK annotations (5 of 5) circa 2006
Ship of Fools manuscript undated
The Truth About Primitive Life: a critique of Anarchoprimitivism, two complete drafts, one with TK annotations circa 2003
Untitled book chapters: Outline of Some Strategic Guidelines for an Anti-tech Movement 2012 – 2013
Truth versus Lies, Context correspondence and book jacket
Truth versus Lies, Miller's changes
Truth versus Lies, Title page – page 90
Truth versus Lies, Pages 91 – 170
Truth versus Lies, Pages 171 – 263
Truth versus Lies, Pages 264 – 333
Truth versus Lies, Edited version (1 of 4)
Truth versus Lies, Edited version (2 of 4)
Truth versus Lies, Edited version (3 of 4)
Truth versus Lies, Edited version (4 of 4)
Truth versus Lies, Original version (1 of 4)
Truth versus Lies, Original version (2 of 4)
Truth versus Lies, Original version (3 of 4)
Truth versus Lies, Original version (4 of 4)
"Morality and Revolution," early version and revised draft 2006
"When Non-Violence Is Suicide", revised 2006
Comment on anarchists 2000
Subseries: Refutation Documents
Aa: Autobiography of TKJ 1958
Ab: Autobiography of TJK 1959
Ae: Autobiography of Wanda Kaczynski
Bc: Baby book
Cb: Family letters – Supplementary items
Cd: TJK – Juan Sanchez correspondence (1 of 3)
Cd: TJK – Juan Sanchez correspondence (2 of 3)
Cd: TJK – Juan Sanchez correspondence (3 of 3)
Ce: Letter from Quin Denvir to Robert Cleary
Cf: Letter from Quin Denvir to Michael Donahoe
Cg: Letter from Quin Denvir to Ted Kaczynski
Da: Ralph Meister's declaration
Db: Dave's deposition (1 of 2)
Db: Dave's deposition (2 of 2)
Ea: Medical records of TJK, University of Chicago (1 of 2)
Ea: Medical records of TJK, University of Chicago (2 of 2)
Eb: Med records of TJK, Dr. Coen
Fa: School records of TJK, E.P. Elementary
Fb: School records of TJK, E.P. High School
Fc: School records of TJK, Harvard
Fd: School records of TJK, University of Michigan
Fe: School records of David Kaczynski
G (Ga-Gf)
Ha: New York Times National 1995-04-26, 1996-05-26
Hb: Washington Post 1996-06-16
Hc: Sacramento Bee 1997-01-19
Hd : Missoulian 1997-04-31
He: 60 Minutes
Hf: Newsweek
Hg: Time
Hh: People
Hi : US News and World Report
Hj: Blackfoot Valley Dispatch
Hk: Scientific American
Hm: San Francisco Chronicle
Hn: Chicago Tribune
Hp: Daily Oklahoman
Hq: Boston Globe
Hr: Tennessean
Ja and Jb: Mad Genius and Unabomber
Jd: English translation of L'Affaire Unabomber (1 of 3)
Jd: English translation of L'Affaire Unabomber (2 of 3)
Jd: English translation of L'Affaire Unabomber (3 of 3)
Ka: Interview of Wanda Kaczynski by Investigator #1
Kb: Lincoln interviews
La: Schaffer and Callender, "Psychologic effects of hospitalization"
Ma: Translations by TJK
Mb: Harold Snilly
Mc: Stories by David Kaczynski
Na: FBI forms "302"
Nb: TJK's comments on FBI 302 number 11
Nc: FBI interview of Tammara Fluehe
Nd: Memorandum of interview with Tammara Fluehe
Pa: Donahoe's motion to dismiss; and Donahoe's memorandum in support of motion to dismiss
Pb: Government's opposition to Donahoe's motion
Pc: Denial of Donahoe's motion
Pd: Application and affidavit for search warrant (1 of 3)
Pd: Application and affidavit for search warrant (2 of 3)
Pd: Application and affidavit for search warrant (3 of 3)
Pe: Motion to suppress evidence (1 of 2)
Pe: Motion to suppress evidence (2 of 2)
Pf: Government's opposition to motion to suppress
Pg: Reply to government's opposition
Qa: Oral reports from investigators
Qb: Written investigator reports, A-Mason, #1-175 (1 of 3)
Qb: Written investigator reports, A-Mason, #1-175 (2 of 3)
Qb: Written investigator reports, A-Mason, #1-175 (3 of 3)
Qb: Written investigator reports, Mason-Z, #76, #176 (1 of 3)
Qb: Written investigator reports, Mason-Z, #76, #176 (2 of 3)
Qb: Written investigator reports, Mason-Z, #76, #176 (3 of 3)
Qc: Written reports by Investigator #2 (with list of items to be confirmed by Investigator #2)
Qd: Note from Investigator #5
Qe: Investigator notes (Numbers 1-4)
Ra: Oral reports from Dr. K
Rb: Written information confirmed by Dr. K
X: Rough notes of oral reports from investigators and Dr. K
Appendices (1)
Notes on symbol
Notes on documents
Refutation I-IV (1 of 2)
Refutation I-IV (2 of 2)
Refutation V-VII (1 of 2)
Refutation V-VII (2 of 2)
Refutation IX-XII (1 of 2)
Refutation IX-XII (2 of 2)
Refutation XIII-XVI (1 of 2)
Refutation XIII-XVI (2 of 2)
Appendices (2) (1 of 2)
Appendices (2) (2 of 2)
Series 6: Clippings and Articles
About Kaczynski undated
About Kaczynski 1989
About Kaczynski (8 Folders) 1995 – 1999
About Kaczynski 2000 – 2009
Technology, science and wildlife undated
Technology, science and wildlife 1980
Technology, science and wildlife 1992
Technology, science and wildlife (1 of 2) 1996
Technology, science and wildlife (2 of 2) 1996
Technology, science and wildlife (1 of 2) 1997
Technology, science and wildlife (2 of 2) 1997
Technology, science and wildlife 1998
Clippings and articles found in cabin (includes annotations by Kaczynski) (1 of 3)
Clippings and articles found in cabin (includes annotations by Kaczynski) (2 of 3)
Clippings and articles found in cabin (includes annotations by Kaczynski) (3 of 3)
Miscellaneous articles sent by correspondents (1 of 5) 2005
Miscellaneous articles sent by correspondents (2 of 5) 2013
Miscellaneous articles sent by correspondents (3 of 5) 2012, 2014
Miscellaneous articles sent by correspondents (4 of 5) 2013 – 2014
Miscellaneous articles sent by correspondents (5 of 5) 2007, 2013
Article about Kaczynski sent by correspondent 2015
Publication excerpts and reading notes about indigenous peoples
Selections from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 1998
Article on basal-cell carcinoma (related to TK's treatment at ADX)
Series 7: Audiovisual
Theresa Kintz interview transcripts [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999
TKCA-1 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-24
TKCA-2 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-24
TKCA-3 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-24
TKCA-4 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-25
TKCA-5 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-25
TKCA-6 [1 CD] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-25
TKCA-7 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-25
TKCA-8 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-25
TKCA-9 [1 CD] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-06-25
TKCA-10 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-07-22
TKCA-11 [1 CD] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-07-22
TKCA-12 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-07-22
TKCA-13 [2 CDs] [Requires written permission from Kintz for access] 1999-07-22
Henry A. Murray Psychology Study Transcripts
Murray study, dyadic #12 (TKCA-14) [1 CD containing Tape 1] Access restricted. Please refer to the Henry A. Murray Psychology Study Transcripts.
Murray study, dyadic #12 (TKCA-15) [1 CD containing Tape 2] Access restricted. Please refer to the Henry A. Murray Psychology Study Transcripts.
Murray study, Side A: Dyadic #12 (from reel # A 519-010); Side B: "Lawful" (from reel # A519-010): Side A continued onto side B: Tape 1 of 2 (TKCA-16) [All contained in one CD] Access restricted. Please refer to the Henry A. Murray Psychology Study Transcripts.
Murray study, Side A: from reel #A519-041: Tape 2 of 2 (TKCA-17) [1 CD] Access restricted. Please refer to the Henry A. Murray Psychology Study Transcripts.
"TKVHS-1, Unabomber: The True Story; Wednesday, 9:00-11:00pm; USA Network, Soc. Cable Ch. 32 [Restricted access until digitized, fragile]" 1996-09-11
"TKVHS-2: Unabomber Special: Making of the Case; Wednesday, 11:00-12:00pm; USA Network, Soc. Cable Ch. 32 [Restricted access until digitized, fragile]" 1996-09-11
TKVHS-3: Unabomber Movie: The True Story; USA Network [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-09-11
TKVHS-4: Unabomber: The True Story; USA Network [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-09-11
TKVHS-5: Unabomber: Making the Case; USA Network [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-09-11
TKVHS-6: Unabomber. Lifetime Movie [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-09-02
TKVHS-7: 60 Minutes Interview; the Kaczynski Family [Restricted access until digitized, fragile]
TKVHS-8: Memorial Service [Restricted access until digitized, fragile]
TKVHS-9: Mother Love; Carousel Film and Video. Length: 26:30 [Restricted access until digitized, fragile]
Lydia Eccles printouts of screen shots of documentary titled Who Is Vermin Supreme? An Outsider Odyssey (2014)
VHS Tapes Used in Legal Case, TKVHS-10: UNABOMB-149A-SF-106204 sub s 2416. General area inside/outside cabin [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-04-03 – 1996-04-04
VHS Tapes Used in Legal Case, TKVHS-11: Copy: UNABOMB-149A-SF-10624. Movement of suspect device (1st and 2nd disruption RSP) [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-04-05
VHS Tapes Used in Legal Case, TKVHS-12: Copy: UNABOMB-149A-SF-106204 sub s2416. RSP suspect device-small core center tube. Tape #2 [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-04-08
VHS Tapes Used in Legal Case, TKVHS-13: Copy: UNABOMB- 149A-SF-106204 sub s2416. RSP suspect device. Tape #1 [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-04-09
VHS Tapes Used in Legal Case, TKVHS-14: Copy: UNABOMB- 149A-SF-106204 sub s2416. RSP suspect device. Tape #2 [Restricted access until digitized, fragile] 1996-04-09
Series 8: FBI Files (original order)
Industrial Society and Its Future handwritten draft photocopy: K1814
Freedom Club letters and miscellaneous notes: K2013B, K1820, K1827, K1824, K1829, K1020, K2005, K2012, K1819, K1831, K1817, K1834, K1811, K1833, K1816, K1832, K1826
Lincoln Telephone Company complaint letter; Industrial Society and Its Future typed copy: K2059, K1812
Industrial Society and Its Future handwritten footnotes, receipts, letters to local Montana agencies, Harvard application: K1813, K2017B, K2017Y
Chemistry and mathematical equations: K2041D
Journal series VII #1, 1984-1986: K2046T
FC letter to NY Times, notebook with miscellaneous lists: K1835, K2035B
Journal series VI #5, 1975: K2003E
FC letter to Penthouse and SF Examiner: K1821
Letters to Montana psychologists, letter to Professor Paul Kurtz, application for Montana Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services: K2028D, K2028
Mathematical equations: K2032E, K2031B, K2031, K2031A (1 of 4)
Mathematical equations: K2032E, K2031B, K2031, K2031A (2 of 4)
Mathematical equations: K2032E, K2031B, K2031, K2031A (3 or 4)
Mathematical equations: K2032E, K2031B, K2031, K2031A (4 or 4)
Notes on academic articles and books: K2031
Correspondence and notes regarding radioactive pollution, University of Montana application, income taxes and Spanish notes: K2017P, K2017AB, K2017AA, K2017S, K2017Z, K2017AC
Experiments and calculations: K2034A, K2035 (1 of 4)
Experiments and calculations: K2034A, K2035 (2 of 4)
Experiments and calculations: K2034A, K2035 (3 of 4)
Experiments and calculations: K2034A, K2035 (4 of 4)
Income tax documents, correspondence Juan Sanchez Arreola: K2017Q, K2017AD
Experiments written in Spanish: K2034 (1 of 5)
Experiments written in Spanish: K2034 (2 of 5)
Experiments written in Spanish: K2034 (3 of 5)
Experiments written in Spanish: K2034 (4 of 5)
Experiments written in Spanish: K2034 (5 of 5)
Herbicide spraying, list of wild foods: K2017F, K2017R
Journal series I #1, 1969: K2046F
Journal series II #2, 1972 : K2046N
Suggestions for Earth Firsters from FC: K2041G
Differential calculus, correspondence to Earth First Journal: K2019I, K2041P
Experiments written in Spanish: K2033 (1 of 4)
Experiments written in Spanish: K2033 (2 of 4)
Experiments written in Spanish: K2033 (3 of 4)
Experiments written in Spanish: K2033 (4 of 4)
Mathematical equations: K2030A (1 of 4)
Mathematical equations: K2030A (2 of 4)
Mathematical equations: K2030A (3 of 4)
Mathematical equations: K2030A (4 of 4)
Spanish verb exercises: K2030A
Checkbook data, calculations: K2030A
Identification cards, contact information, calculations, miscellaneous journal notes: K2027B, K2035A, K2024B, K1075-22B
Stamps, queer list of steel tubes, letter from FC to Dr. Tyler: K778A-B, K827, K1818
Receipts, deposits, business correspondence and taxes: K2017A (1 of 3)
Receipts, deposits, business correspondence and taxes: K2017A (2 of 3)
Receipts, deposits, business correspondence and taxes: K2017A (3 of 3)
Letters to The Missoulian, newspaper clippings, letters to Montana congressman and state commerce department, letter from Dave Kaczynski regarding Juan Sanchez, and sunrise/sunset tables: K2026
Bomb materials and equations: K2030 (1 of 4)
Bomb materials and equations: K2030 (2 of 4)
Bomb materials and equations: K2030 (3 of 4)
Bomb materials and equations: K2030 (4 of 4)
"Progress versus Wilderness" essays, street maps: K2041M, K2041N
Articles about scientific, technological advances, press clippings: K2041Q, K2041R
Experiments, possible targets (mostly in Spanish): K2033A (8 Folders)
Subseries: FBI Photographs
Photographs (paper copies) of items recovered from Lincoln, Montana cabin (8 Folders)
Roll #1-3 negatives of yard and cabin 1996-04-18
Photographs of Kaczynski's property in Lincoln, Montana
Montana and TJK photographs (1 of 2) Prod 1997-10-18
Montana and TJK photographs (2 of 2) Prod 1997-10-18
Montana FPD investigator photographs of TJK land and surrounding area (1 of 2)
Montana FPD investigator photographs of TJK land and surrounding area (2 of 2)
Book 1 (1 of 3)
Book 1 (2 of 3)
Book 1 (3 of 3)
Book 2 (1 of 2)
Book 2 (2 of 2)
Book 3 (1 of 3)
Book 3 (2 of 3)
Book 3 (3 of 3)
Book 4 (1 of 2)
Book 4 (2 of 2)
Book 5 (1 of 2)
Book 5 (2 of 2)
Unlabeled photograph book of cabin and downtown Lincoln, Montana (1 of 2)
"Unlabeled photograph book of cabin and downtown Lincoln, Montana (2 of 2) (Please see Box 91 for more FBI files)"