The search warrant for Ted Kaczynski's cabin
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'96 APR 3 AM 9 20
United States District Court
In the Matter of the Search of
the residence of Theodore
John Kaczynski and surrounding
1.4 acres more particularly
described in Attachment #A and
exhibits A through F all of which
are attached hereto and incorporated
herein by reference
TO: Terry D Turchie, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and any Authorized Officer of the United States
Affidavit having been made before me by Terry D. Turchie, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, who has reason to believe that Oon the person of or (x) on the premises known as:
the residence of Theodore John Kaczynski and surrounding 1.4 acres more particularly described in Attachment #A and exhibits A through F all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference
in the State and District of Montana there is now concealed property, namely:
those items particularly described in the affidavit of Terry D. Turchie which is Incorporated herein by reference (those pages describing the items to be seized are set forth as Attachment #B)
I am satisfied that the affidavit and any recorded testimony establish probable cause to believe that the person or property so described Is now concealed on the person or premises above-described and establish grounds for the issuance of this warrant.
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to search on or before April 12, 1996 (not to exceed 10 days) the person or place named above for the person or property specified, serving this warrant in the daytime and making the search (in the daytime — 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.) and continuing the search until complete (at any time in the day or night as I find reasonable cause has been established) and if the person or property be found there to seize same, leaving a copy of this warrant and receipt for the person or property taken, and prepare a written inventory of the person or property seized and promptly return this warrant to the United States District Court as required by law.

The premises to be searched is described as a faded reddish in color wood cabin structure approximately 10' x 12' in size, no eaves, with a single door on the up canyon end of the cabin, a single window on the trailside of the cabin located where the roof and the wall join, and a single chimney at the peak of the roof on the up canyon end of the cabin. This cabin is located on 1.4 acres of land approximately 1/4 miles up Canyon Creek from the Gehring Lumber Company in Lewis and Clark County, state of Montana. The cabin has an access road from the cabin of Glen Williams which comes off of a logging skid road. The cabin is the last cabin up Canyon Creek. This cabin and surrounding area is further depicted in three sketches attached to the search warrant and incorporated as Exhibits A through C. These sketches were drawn by United States Forest Service Officer Jerry Burns who has specific familiarity with the area at and around the cabin. Attached to the search warrant and incorporated as Exhibit D is a photograph of the cabin from the Lewis and Clark County Assessor's office Exhibit E, attached to the search warrant and incorporated is an aerial photograph depicting the cabin and its orientation to the Williams Cabin. A legal description is attached as Exhibit F.
This search warrant requests authorization to search the premises described above and all surrounding areas within the approximate 1.4 acres that comprise the property of Theodore John Kaczynski. The areas to be searched include any area above and below ground that could be used to store, secrete or conceal anv items of property as described in the search warrant. In order to carry out the search of the areas below ground, electronic detection equipment may be necessary to examine areas that may conceal or contain objects. Trenching and or digging equipment may be necessary for the same purpose.

213. Based on all of the information contained in this affidavit, which establishes a continual and consistent pattern of conduct between 1978 and the present date, and based on the expert opinion of Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI's Explosive Unit, who has stated that probable cause exists that all of the below-listed items would be utilized in the manufacture, construction, assembly, packaging, and mailing of the explosive devices, your Affiant believes that probable cause exists that the following itene, which are evidence of said violations, and are the fruits and instrumental it ies of the foregoing crimes, are currently being stored at the prenlses of Theodore John Kaczynski, located in Lewis and Clark County, in the State of Montana, mora particularly described in the Application and Affidavit for Search Warrant and Attachment A, praviously incorporated by reference.
214. Tools and other instruments or items which have been used, can be used, or are intended to be used in the manufacture and/or construction of improvised explosive devices or the components thereof. These items include, but are not limited to, saws, files, metal punches, drill bits, sanding devices, hammers, chisels, drills, vice or similar jawed tools, abrading equipment, soldering and brazing equipment, wire strippers, screwdrivers, staplers, safety wire and other pliers, various hand tools for cutting steel bar stock, grinders, sandpaper, leather working tools, pots or other containers used to melt lead and aluminum, tools and associated materials used in the casting of lead and aluminum, machines and tools which cut metal pipe, tools used for cross-referencing circumference to diameter, rulers and other various measuring devices, abrasive cloths, steel wool or iron wire.
215. The following explosives, chemicals or other substances which have been used, can be used or are intended to be used in the manufacture or construction of improvised explosive devices, or the components thereof: These items include but are not limited to, firearms ammunition, smokeless powder, black powder, aluminum and aluminum powder, gasoline containers, barium nitrate, magnesium, potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate, sulfur, potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, sodium chlorate, matches, or other pyrotechnic mixtures and constituents.
216. The following items, which have been used, can be used or are Intended to be used to house or contain improvised explosive devices and the components thereof: These items inolude, but are not limited to, cigar boxes, wood, wooden boxes, wooden blocks, scrap wood and wood sources such as boxes, pallets, cebineta and cr'tes, hollowed-out books, the book entitled the ”Ice Brothers” by author Sloan Wilson, or portions thereof, notebooks, loose leaf binders, or other plastic containers.
217. The following items and materials which have been used, can be used or are intended to be used as component parts of improvised explosive devices: These items Include, but are not limited to, metal tubes/pipes, cans, switches, barometers, springs, batteries, dowels, plugs, screws, pins, nuts and bolts, nails, staples, fishing line, straps, washers and brackets, rubber bands, cord, wire, flashlight bulbs, alligator clips, and lead split shot, tire weights or similar item, any form of aluminum metal or scraps, sheet metal scraps and shims.
218. The following items which have been used, can be used or are intended to. be used in the construction or assembly of improvised destructive devices: These items include, but are not limited to, solder, epoxy, glues and other adhesives or caulking materials, varnish, lacquer, paint, wax and wax paper, lead, solid silver bar, metal debris, explosive residue and debris, gloves, plumbing sink traps, tape, gasket material and twine.
219. The following items which have been used, can be used or are intended to be used as exterior packaging materials: These items include, but are not limited to, boxes, envelopes, mailing labels, rubber stamps, rubber stamp kits, postage stamps, wrapping paper, padded envelopes, stenciling sets, ink pens, ink pads, and scales.
220. Typewriters.
221. Any and all documents, photographs, papers, written materials, books, diagrams, schematic drawings, video tapes, computer generated or stored information or other materials which relate to the manufacture, construction and/or assembly of improvised explosive devices or any of the components thereof.
222. Any and all receipts, invoices, purchase orders, sales slips or other documents and materials relating to the purchase or procurement of any and all materials and tools which have been used, can be used, or intended to be used in the design, manufacture and construction of improvised explosive devices; said documents would include, but are not be limited to, those which denote the purchase or obtainment of any or all items previously listed in paragraphs A through H.
223. Any and all documents, photographs, papers, written or printed materials, books, video tapes,, computer generated or stored information or other materials and indicia which relate to the names of, "Wu", the initials "R.V.” and "FC”, "The Ice Brothers" a book written by Sloan Wilson, "The History of Violence in America," a book written by Hugh Graham and Ted Gurr, "Chinese Political Thought in The 20th Century", a book by Chester C. Tan, "The Ancient Engineers", a book by L. Sprague de Camp, "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer, Ralph C- Kloppenburg, Enoch W- Fischer, or any of the previously identified persons, names, mailing addresses, or bombing incidents which appear in this affidavit. These items will also include any lists of previous or future targeted individuals or victims.
224. Any and all documents or computer generated and stored information, including but not limited to, appointment books, diaries, journals, calendars, telephone toll records, receipts, bank statements, credit card statements, motel receipts, canceled checks, travel itineraries, canceled airline tickets, car rental contracts or other receipts which denote Theodore Kaczynski's travel and whereabouts between 1978 and the present date.
225. Any and all documents, materials, and correspondence relating to Theodore Kaczynski's affiliation or association with educational institutions and universities, airlines, airline fabrication plants, scientific and professional groups or organizations, and computer companies.
226. Any and all literature, documents, materials, books, correspondence, membership lists, written materials, or computer generated and stored lists which relate to the identity of any co-conspirators who may be involved in any of the aforementioned bombing incidents.
227. Any and all literature, documents, materials, books, correspondence, or computer generated and stored information relating to or showing an interest in or affiliation with any movement or group advocating violence, revolution or anarchy.
228. Any and all documents and other indicia of any kind showing ownership or control of the premises described in Attachment A or under the control of Theodore Kaczynski,
including but not limited to, rental agreements, contracts of sale, deeds, leases, utility and telephone bills, keys.
229. Any and all documents and other indicia of any kind showing ownership or control of storage facilities, safe deposit boxes, other commercial or rental properties, rented or owned by Theodore Kaczynski, which could be used for the storage of the above-mentioned items, including but limited to rental agreements, leases, contracts, deeds, keys and access devices.
230. Based upon the facts presented herewith, your affiant has reason to believe that there is probable cause to search the premises belonging to, owned by, and/or under the control of, Theodore John Kaczynski, and therefore request that a warrant be issued authorizing a search for the aforementioned items of evidence related to the violations mentioned herein.
Terry D. Turchie
Assistant Spacial Agent in Charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States District Judge