Unabomber sentenced to 4 life terms
Unabomber: Families, victims relive the anguish

[The below text is half-finished error correcting]
the FBI that Kaczynsta's letters bore a resemblance to the Unabomber manifesto published under pressure in The Washington Post.
The plea bargain covered the three deaths and the mannings ol two ad enlists Ai pul of the plea bargain Kaczynski acknowledged rvsponsi bility for all of the Unabomber attacks.
He will be sent to a high security federal prison. possibly in Lompoc or in Colorado.
On Monday, Kaczynski complained that the sentencing memo contained “Use statements, misleading statements."
“By discrediting me personally, they' hope to discredit my political ideas." he said
Rut the families of the victims said politics had nothing to do with the Unaborubcr s actions.
"He's diabolical, evil, cunning, a murderer," said Susan Mosier, whose husband. Thomas Mosser. died before her eves in New Jersey after he opened a bomb sent by Kactymki
“Lock him so tar down that when he dies hr'fi be rioter to hefl. where the devil belongs/ she said in addnssing the court.
Six of the Un a bomber survivors came forward to describe their grief, pain and anger. Most sat in the witness box face to face with the man they addressed as "Ted" and denounced as the personification of evil.
“I lost my innocence to this man and I fight daily to find the carefree happiness that was taken from me,' sobbed Gary Wright, who was maimed by a bomb he opened in 1987 in Salt Lake City and still finds shards of shrapnel in his skin
Geneticist Hr Charles Epstein, who lost some of his hearing and part ot his hand in a Uns bomber attack, bitterly addressed Kaczyns kfa decision to accept a pica bargain, calling him a coward out to save hb own neck
“1 n^ert the notion that your men tai state excuses what you did." he said. “By some convoluted form ot logic, you were portrayed as a victim of a prosecutor who would see a deranged man put to death "

Epstein's wife. Dr. Lou Epstein, also a Harvard educated phynrian invoked the biblical precepts at her Jewish faith For those he blinded, she said, “may your eyes be blinded by darkness tn the mcrwfiblr beauty of the sun. the moon and the stars " And for those who lost their bearing, “may you become deaf aa your eardrums Implode from stony silence."
“And may your eventual death occur in the way you lived. In a soli Vary manner without nanpaasion or lore,- Eostein said
David Getemier. a Yale University computer sefentnt who Inal part of a hand did not appear He sent a wnt ten statement in which he said
Kaczynski should have been put to death
“We look the easy way out." he said, “fay decidteig to let him live . He is m the same category as plague and cancer, creating widows and orphans"
He and other victims praised Kwaynski’s brother. David, lor turn ing in hb brother During the hear ing. the defendant never looked at Ida brother
Afterward. David Kaczynski stood outside the courthouse and offered the regrets his brother would not.
“To all of these good people, the Kaczynski family offers its deepest apologies," he said “We are very, very sorry."