Texts you can find online for free
Texts you can only buy online or find in various libraries
Texts you can only buy at insane prices or only find at a small number of libraries
Texts you can only find in various libraries
Michigan Special Collections Archive
Series 5: Writings of Ted K — Subseries: Refutation Documents
The University at Albany, New York
University of New Mexico Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections
Gov. Archives with some PDFs online
Record Group 60: General Records of the Department of Justice
This is a collaboratively edited wishlist of texts that various people would like to see archived on this website someday. That way the texts can be easily found, quoted and printed out as pamphlets, etc.
So, feel free to add to this list by editing the page directly, or by mentioning a text you’d like to see archived in the live chat spaces and some wonderful person may get around to finding and adding the text. Also, whilst you wait, you could be that wonderful person for someone else.
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The Technological Bluff by Jacques Ellul
The Failure of Technology by Friedrich Georg Jünger
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Speed & Politics by Paul Virilio
Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo
Houses in the Rainforest
Energy and Equity by Ivan Illich
Twilight of the Machines by John Zerzan
When We Are Human: Notes from the Age of Pandemics by John Zerzan
A People’s History of Civilization by John Zerzan
Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky
The Way Home by Mark Boyle
Eclipse of Reason by Max Horkheimer
Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard
Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal by Joel Salatin
The Crisis of the Modern World by René Guénon
Confronting Collapse The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World by Michael C. Ruppert
The Retro Future by John Michael Greer
Re-Engineering Humanity by Brett Frischmann and Evan Selinger
The Revenge of Gaia by James Lovelock
Darwin Among the Machines by George Dyson
The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger
City by Clifford D. Simak
Retrotopia by John Michael Greer
Some Social Implications of Modern Technology by Herbert Marcuse
Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse
One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker
Unweaving the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins
Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond
The Way of Men by Jack Donovan
Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil by Paul Bloom
Becoming A Barbarian by Jack Donovan
Critical Transitions in Nature and Society by Marten Scheffer
War in Human Civilization by Azar Gat
The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning by James Lovelock
The World Without Us by Alan Weisman
The World Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond
In The Absence of the Sacred by Jerry Mander
Countdown by Alan Weisman
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Collapse by Jared Diamond
The Party’s Over by Richard Heinberg
Integral Ecology by Ken Wilber
The New Wild by Fred Pearce
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Factfulness by Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling, and Ola Rosling
The Nazi seizure of power by William Sheridan Allen
Civilized to Death by Christopher Ryan
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
The Science of Character by Ludwig Klages
Seize the Dance!
Oxen or Onions
Origins: A John Zerzan Reader by John Zerzan
Eco-Philosophy: Designing New Tactics for Living by Henryk Skolimowski
The Voice of the Earth by Theodore Roszak
Pleasant Hell by John Dolan
The Myth of the Machine by Lewis Mumford
American Anarchism by Steve J. Shone
Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of culture by Marvin Harris
The Evolution of Technology by George Basalla
Mao’s War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China by Judith Shapiro.
Why Things Bite Back by Edward Tenner & Alfred A. Knopf
Earth First! Environmental Apocalypse by Martha F Lee
Discordant Harmonies by Daniel B. Botkin
Beyond Free and Equal; Subalternity and the Limits of Liberal-Democracy
Creatures of Empire; How Domestic Animals Transformed Early America
Decolonizing Nature, Strategies for Conservation in a Postcolonial Era
Farewell to the working class, an essay on post-industrial socialism
Feral Children and Clever Animals Reflections on Human Nature
Handbook of Critical Psychology
Lauren Berlant and Lee Edelman – Sex, or the Unbearable
Moonshadows, Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy by The Cowherds
New Perspectives in Political Ethnography
Reclaiming Work Beyond the Wage Based Society
Saba Mahmood – Politics of Piety
Street Smarts and Critical Theory Listening to the Vernacular
Teaching Critical Thinking in Psychology A Handbook of Best Practices
The emergent working society of leisure
The Fragility of Goodness Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy
The Selfless Mind Personality; Consciousness and Nirvana in Early Buddhism
Tolerance And The Ethical Life
Siete Kabezas by Iván Poduje
––– Worldcat + Author’s Website
Capturing The Unabomber / Unabomber: how the FBI broke its own rules to capture the terrorist Ted Kaczynski by Jim R. Freeman, Terry D. Turchie & Donald Max Noel
––– Worldcat + Amazon
Confronting Technology by David Skrbina
––– Worldcat + Amazon
Zen Anarchism: The Egalitarian Dharma of Uchiyama Gudo
––– Worldcat + ThriftBooks
Anarchy in the USSR: A New Beginning by Philip Ruff
––– Worldcat + Amazon
Jacques Ellul on Politics, Technology and Christianity by Jacques Ellul and Patrick Troude-Chastenet
––– Worldcat #1 & #2 + Amazon
I’m working here: the collected poems of Anna Mendelssohn
––– Worldcat + Publisher’s Website
Philosophy for a New Civilisation by Henryk Skolimowski
––– Worldcat + Amazon
The End of Commitment, Intellectuals, Revolutionaries and Political Morality by Paul Hollander
––– Worldcat + Amazon
Computerized content analysis of the Unabomber’s writings by L.A. Gottschalk & L.H. Gottschalk
––– Researchgate + Taylor & Francis
Asperger’s disorder and the origins of the Unabomber by Judisitha Silva, M.M. Ferrari & G.B. Leong
––– Researchgate + Taylor & Francis
Law and order — A national unabomber? by B Shapiro
––– Researchgate + Nation
Rewilding Iberia by Jordi Palau Puigvert
––– Worldcat + Lynxeds
Ethics of Rewilding (Ética del rewilding) by Cristian Moyano
––– Worldcat + Cmoyano
Old West [Magazine], Fall 1986
––– University of New Mexico or Ebay
Nihonga: Transcending the Past Japanese-Style Painting 1868–1968 by Ellen Conant
––– Worldcat + Ebay
Chthonic Gnosis: Ludwig Klages and his Quest for the Pandaemonic All by Gunnar Alksnis
––– Worldcat + AbeBooks
20/20 on ID Presents: Homicide — Season 1, Episode 2 — Secret Life of the Unabomber — Feb 10, 2016
The History of Nicholas & The Oracle of Knowledge by Jesse Dustin
Beginnings by David Kaczynski
Refugees in Samsara: The Myth of Boundaries by David Kaczynski
The Calling by David Skrbina
Petrocalypse; Global energy crisis and how (not) to solve it by Antonio Turiel
Being and Oil Vol 1: Peak Oil Philosophy and the Ontology of Limitation by Chad A. Haag
Hermeneutical Death: The Technological Destruction of Subjectivity by Chad A. Haag
The Hermeneutics of Ecological Limitation by Chad A. Haag
A Critique of Transcendental Memology: A Peak Oil Philosophy of Truth by Chad A. Haag
Ted Kaczynski killed people with bombs by Michelle Carter
For a guide on how to request documents, click here.
If Earth First Had Been Around Sixty Years Ago..., Superseded version, per TK annotation
Montana Dreaming, a play in two acts by Alex Gross
Industrial Society and Its Future handwritten footnotes, receipts, letters to local Montana agencies, Harvard application: K1813, K2017B, K2017Y
Notes on biographies 2003
Notes of pages missing or illegible in TK’s journal photocopies
Materials related to Chris Waits (1 of 4)
Materials related to Chris Waits (2 of 4)
Materials related to Chris Waits (3 of 4)
Materials related to Chris Waits (4 of 4)
Independent Study in Introspective Psychology, First draft with corrections by TK 2000-04-15
El Boletín, numbers 1–2 2011–05, 2011–11
El Boletín, numbers 3–4 2012–05, 2012–11
El Boletín, numbers 5–6 2013–05, 2013–11
Partial photocopy of “The Technological Society” by Jacques Ellul with annotations
Folder 22 – Judy Clarke
Folder 137 – Presidential Inaugural Committee
Folder 145.0 – Lydia Eccles (1 of 15)
Folder 250 – Lincoln Rural Fire Dist.
Folder 395.0 – Theresa Kintz (1 of 2)
Folder 395.1 – Theresa Kintz (2 of 2)
Folder 406 – Wanda Kaczynski
Folder 407 – David Kaczynski
Folder 419 – Rejected publication notifications
Folder 462.0 – John Zerzan (1 of 7) 1996 – 1997
Folder 462.6 – John Zerzan (7 of 7)
Folder 585 – Earth First
Folder 592 – Steve Booth/Green Anarchist
Folder 688 – “Rob” in UK
Folder 692 – Richard Hering/Green Anarchists
Folder 737 – Jack Wild/Live Wild or Die
Folder 942 – Do or Die Magazine
Folder 1127 – Stephen Dubner
Folder 1267 – Freedom Bookshop
Folder 1271 – Ted Kaczynski note to correspondents
Folder 1284 – Holly Bailey/Yahoo
Case-related correspondence, Miscellaneous correspondence sent while in Montana
Wanda Kaczynski’s writings
Catalog of Kaczynski papers held by the government (1 of 3) 1996 – 1998
Catalog of Kaczynski papers held by the government (2 of 3) 1996 – 1998
Catalog of Kaczynski papers held by the government (3 of 3) 1996 – 1998
List of documents found in cabin
List of books taken from cabin
Manuals from cabin
Photocopies of envelopes
Library requests
University of Montana materials (1 of 2)
University of Montana materials (2 of 2)
TK’s comments on “On the Unabomber” by Scott Corey
TK’s preparatory notes for defense team meetings
Inmate visiting lists
Psychological Records, Sacramento County Jail and Dublin Federal Detention center 1996 – 1997
Notes on psychologists; psychology reports
Ae: Autobiography of Wanda Kaczynski
Cb: Family letters – Supplementary items
Cd: TJK – Juan Sanchez correspondence (1 of 3)
Cd: TJK – Juan Sanchez correspondence (2 of 3)
Cd: TJK – Juan Sanchez correspondence (3 of 3)
Ce: Letter from Quin Denvir to Robert Cleary
Cf: Letter from Quin Denvir to Michael Donahoe
Cg: Letter from Quin Denvir to Ted Kaczynski
Db: Dave’s deposition (1 of 2)
Db: Dave’s deposition (2 of 2)
Kb: Lincoln interviews
Letters to Montana psychologists, letter to Professor Paul Kurtz, application for Montana Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services: K2028D, K2028
Notes on academic articles and books: K2031
Correspondence and notes regarding radioactive pollution, University of Montana application, income taxes and Spanish notes: K2017P, K2017AB, K2017AA, K2017S, K2017Z, K2017AC
Income tax documents, correspondence Juan Sanchez Arreola: K2017Q, K2017AD
Suggestions for Earth Firsters from FC: K2041G
Differential calculus, correspondence to Earth First Journal: K2019I, K2041P
Identification cards, contact information, calculations, miscellaneous journal notes: K2027B, K2035A, K2024B, K1075-22B
Letters to The Missoulian, newspaper clippings, letters to Montana congressman and state commerce department, letter from Dave Kaczynski regarding Juan Sanchez, and sunrise/sunset tables: K2026
Articles about scientific, technological advances, press clippings: K2041Q, K2041R
Clare Hogenauer Papers, 1999–2006, Undated
The Clare Hogenauer Papers document her activism against the death penalty.
Michael Mello Papers, 1800–2008, bulk 1970–2004
Michael A. Mello (1957–2008) was an internationally recognized authority on the death penalty and capital punishment issues. He was a lawyer, professor, and author. Michael Mello served as counsel or informal advisor to many significant cases, including Joseph Robert Crazy Joe Spaziano, Theodore Kaczynski, Theodore Bundy, Rolando Cruz, Alvin Ford, Stephen Todd Booker, and Robert Straight.
New York State Assembly Death Penalty Hearings Collection, 1965–2005
Witness Testimony, 2004–2005, 2004–2005 0.6 cubic ft.
League of Women Voters of Saratoga County Records, 1965–2016
Bill Babbitt Collection, 1967–2016
The Bill Babbitt Collection documents nearly ten years of legal efforts to spare Manny Babbitt’s life from execution, and two decades of advocacy activities to try to abolish the death penalty.
New Yorkers for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, 1984–2011
Box: 5, Folder: 39, Articles by JDM in Old West Magazine, 1985, 1986, 1989, on Poisoned at the Altar, Padre Etienne M. Avel, French priest, Mora, New Mexico. Captain Louis Felsenthal, German immigrant, New Mexico soldier. Grijalva’s Apache Revenge, Mexican boy captured by Apaches, becomes an Army scout, photograph of Grijalva at Fort Bowie, Arizona.
Series: Files of Associate Deputy Attorney General Merrick B. Garland
File Unit: Electronic Records of Robert J. Cleary
Many of Ted's journals are not accessible on the internet or by library loan as they were bought at auction and then kept for private viewing among friends. The coded journals were even decrypted using a computer program, but the decrypted text hasn't been made public either:
We'd also like to see any more items that may have been looted from Ted's cabin by corrupt FBI agents to be donated to a publicly accessible university special collection library haha:
Bostrom, N. (2011). Information Hazards: A Typology of Potential Harms from Knowledge. Review of Contemporary Philosophy, 10, 44–79.
Bostrom, N. (2014). Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. Oxford. First published in 2014. pbk. edition, 2016. ISBN: 978–0198739838. Searches:
Bostrom, N. (2019). The Vulnerable World Hypothesis. Global Policy, 10(4), 455–476. Nov. 2019.
Brockman, J. (Ed.) (2019). Possible Minds: Twenty-Five Ways of Looking at AI. Penguin. ISBN: 978–0525557999. Searches:
Butler, S., Jones, H., & Bartholomew, A. (1923). The Shrewsbury Edition of the Works of Samuel Butler Vol. 1. J. Cape. No ISBN.
Dawkins, R. (2016). The Selfish Gene. Oxford, 40th anniv. ed. ISBN: 978–0198788607. Searches:
Dyson, G. (2020). Analogia: The Emergence of Technology Beyond Programmable Control. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN: 978–0374104863. Searches:
Dyson, G. B. (1997). Darwin Among The Machines: The Evolution Of Global Intelligence. Basic Books. ISBN: 978–0465031627. Searches:
Horesh, T. (2020). The Fascism this Time: and the Global Future of Democracy. Cosmopolis Press, Kindle ed. ISBN: 0578732939. Searches:
Koch, C. G. (2007). The Science of Success. Wiley. ISBN: 978–0470139882. Searches:
Kurzweil, R. (1999). The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence. Penguin Books. ISBN: 0140282025. Searches:
Russell, B. (1952). The Impact Of Science On Society. George Allen and Unwin Ltd. No ISBN.
Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2020). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Pearson, 4th ed. ISBN: 978–0134610993. Searches:
Schneier, B. (2003). Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World. Copernicus Books. ISBN: 0387026207. Searches:
Similar edition available at:
von Mises, L. (1949). Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010 reprint ed. ISBN: 9781610161459. Searches:
Wiener, N. (1954). The Human Use Of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. Da Capo, 2nd ed. ISBN: 978–0306803208. This 1954 ed. missing ‘The Voices of Rigidity’ chapter of the original 1950 ed. See 1st ed.:
https://archive.org/details/humanuseofhumanb00wien/page/n11/mode/2up. See also Brockman (2019) p. xviii. Searches for the 2nd ed.:
Yudkowsky, E. (2004). Coherent extrapolated volition. Machine Intelligence Research Institute. 2004.