The Criminal Justice System

    — Legislators —

      The Good

        Rehabilitation Focused Prison Policies

      The Gray

        Prison Abolition Ideology

      The Bad

        Authoritarian Regimes

        The Death Penalty

    — Disruptors —

    Rebels & Revolutionaries

      The Good

        The Russian Nihilist Movement

        Revolutionary Catalonia

        The Black Panthers

        The Weather Underground

        National Union of Mineworkers

        Zapatista Solidarity Network

        Anarchist Rebellion in Greece

        The Earth Liberation Front

        The Workmates Collective

        Traveller Solidarity Network

        Kurdish Solidarity Network

        Palestine Action

        The Anarchist Defence of the Ukrainian People

      The Gray

        The Luddites

        The Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine

        The Red Brigades

        The Red Army Faction

        Action Directe

        The Vancouver Five

        The Provisional Irish Republican Army

        Revolutionary Subversive Faction-Commando Unabomber

        International Revolutionary Front

        Defend The Atlanta Forest

      The Bad



        The Khmer Rouge

        The MOVE organization

        The Unabomber

        The Oklahoma City Bomber

        Committee for the Liquidation and Subversion of Computers

        Individualists Tending to the Wild


        Other Attacks


      The Good

        Battered women who kill their abusers

      The Gray

        Crime as a way to adventure

        Crime as a way to be a hermit

      The Bad

        Opportunist killers abused as children

        Mass shooters


        Fantasists that cry wolf


      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad


      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad

    — Investigations —

      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad

    — Interventions —

      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad

    — Accountability Processes —


      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad


      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad

        Incompetent Lawyers


      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad


      The Good

        Rejecting the Death Penalty

        Jury Nullification

      The Gray

      The Bad


      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad


      The Good

        Survivor-Led Vigilantism

      The Gray

      The Bad

    — Confinement —

    Prison Staff

      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad

    Prison Inmates

      The Good

        Prisoner Inmate Solidarity

      The Gray

      The Bad

    Prison Escapes

      The Good

      The Gray

      The Bad

— Legislators —

The Good

Rehabilitation Focused Prison Policies

The Gray

Prison Abolition Ideology

The Bad

Authoritarian Regimes

The Death Penalty

— Disruptors —

Rebels & Revolutionaries

The Good

The Russian Nihilist Movement

Revolutionary Catalonia

The Black Panthers

The Weather Underground

National Union of Mineworkers

Zapatista Solidarity Network

Anarchist Rebellion in Greece

The Earth Liberation Front

The Workmates Collective

Traveller Solidarity Network

Kurdish Solidarity Network

Palestine Action

The Anarchist Defence of the Ukrainian People

The Gray

The Luddites

The Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine

The Red Brigades

The Red Army Faction

Action Directe

The Vancouver Five

The Provisional Irish Republican Army

Revolutionary Subversive Faction-Commando Unabomber

International Revolutionary Front

Defend The Atlanta Forest

The Bad



The Khmer Rouge

The MOVE organization

The Unabomber

The Oklahoma City Bomber

Committee for the Liquidation and Subversion of Computers

Individualists Tending to the Wild


Other Attacks


The Good

Battered women who kill their abusers

The Gray

Crime as a way to adventure

Crime as a way to be a hermit

The Bad

Opportunist killers abused as children

Mass shooters


Fantasists that cry wolf


The Good

The Gray

The Bad


The Good

The Gray

The Bad

— Investigations —

The Good

The Gray

The Bad

— Interventions —

The Good

The Gray

The Bad

— Accountability Processes —


The Good

The Gray

The Bad


The Good

The Gray

The Bad

Incompetent Lawyers


The Good

The Gray

The Bad


The Good

Rejecting the Death Penalty

Jury Nullification

The Gray

The Bad


The Good

The Gray

The Bad


The Good

Survivor-Led Vigilantism

The Gray

The Bad

— Confinement —

Prison Staff

The Good

The Gray

The Bad

Prison Inmates

The Good

Prisoner Inmate Solidarity

The Gray

The Bad

Prison Escapes

The Good

The Gray

The Bad