The Unabomber’s Open Letter Exchange with Tom Tyler (Apr 1995-Jul 1995)
Prominent Anarchist Finds Unsought Ally in Serial Bomber (May 1995)
Listen or Die: The Terrorist as a Role (June 1995)
Newsweek’s Unabomber Issue (Jul 1995)
The Evolution of Despair (Aug 1995)
Toward a Portrait Of the Unabomber (Aug 1995)
Whose Unabomber? (Fall 1995)
UNABOM (Fall 1995)
Is the Unabomber an Anarchist? (Sep 1995)
Unabomber’s Secret Treatise (Sep 1995)
Into the 1990’s with Green Anarchist (Oct 1995)
A text dump on Green Anarchist (Mar 1996-Jun 2001)
Washington Friday Journal (Apr 1996)
Blood Brothers (Apr 1996)
The Unabomer And The Left (Apr 1996)
Unabomber Suspect Discussion (Apr 1996)
Re-Reading the Unabomber Manifesto (Spring 1996)
1907 Conrad Novel May Have Inspired Unabomb Suspect (July 1996)
The Unabomber And The Future Of Industrial Society (Fall 1996)
From Homer to the Unabomber (Jan 1997)
Fixed Ideas and Letter Bombs (Spring 1997)
Drawing Life (Jul 1997)
Yale Professor, a Unabomber Target, Takes Aim at Modern American (Sep 1997)
Drawing Life: Surviving the Unabomber (C-SPAN Interview) (Nov 1997)
Unabomber: A Desire to Kill (Nov 1997)
The Unabomber’s Legacy (Apr 1998)
Among the Papers in Kaczynski’s Cabin (Apr 1998)
The Unabomber and the Bland Decade (Apr 1998)
Statements made during Ted Kaczynski’s Sentencing (May 4, 1998)
The Fictions of Ted Kaczynski (Dec 1998)
Beyond the Fragments: A Reaction to Industrial Society and Its Future (1998)
The United States of America versus Theodore John Kaczynski (May 1999)
In the Kingdom of the Unabomber (Aug 1999)
The pyrotechnic insanitarium (Dec 1999)
Unabomber Fans (Dec 1999)
Information Society: A Doomed Empire of Evil (Apr 2000)
Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us (Apr 2000)
The Unabomber’s Unending 15 Minutes of Fame (Spring 2000)
Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber (Jun 2000)
More Technology, Not Less (Summer 2000)
Author Unknown: On the Trail of Anonymous (Nov 2000)
On the Unabomber (Winter 2000)
I Was a Teenage Luddite (Jan 2001)
Primitivism: An Illusion with No Future (Jan 2001)
The Unabomber and the History of Science (Winter 2001)
Ideology or Insanity? (Aug 2002)
Harvard and the Unabomber (Aug 2003)
The Net; Adorno, LSD & the Internet (Oct 2003)
The Message and the Messenger (Apr 2005)
“Evil the Natural Way” (Jun 2005)
Ecological Direct Action and the Nature of Anarchism (Jan 2006)
Against Technology (Jun 2006)
Interview with Lutz Dammbeck (Feb 2007)
The Idea of Decline in Western History (Sep 2007)
Accelerator Disaster Scenarios, the Unabomber, and Scientific Risks (Jun 2008)
A Revolutionary for Our Times (Oct 2008)
The Fighting Style (Sep 2009)
Jean-Marie Apostolidès on the Unabomber (Sep 2009)
Eating the Dinosaur (Oct 2009)
A Battle of Determinisms: Kelly vs Kaczynski (Mar 2011)
What Technology Wants (Sept 2011)
Two Cabins (Dec 2011)
On Selling Out (2011)
Lone Wolf Terror and the Rise of Leaderless Resistance (Jan 2012)
The Unabomber Was Only Half Right (Feb 2012)
The Manifesto: Literary Outlaw, or Outlaw of Literature? (Mar 2012)
Anarchy Radio (Sep 2012-Jun 2023)
The Left, Avant-garde and Progress (Mar 2012[?])
Utopia and Terror in Contemporary American Fiction (Preview) (Jan 2013)
What Can We Learn from the Unabomber? — SXSW Interactive (Mar 2013)
“To Get Our Message Before the Public, We’ve Had To Kill People” (Oct 2013)
21st Century Propaganda (Nov 2013)
Against Modernity (Apr 2014)
Freedom from a radical point of view (Jun 2015)
The Metaphysics of Technology (Aug 2014)
No System but the Ecosystem: Earth First! and Anarchism (Mar 2015)
The Politics of Attack (Spring 2015)
Anarchy in the USA (Oct 2015)
Ecosublime: Environmental Awe and Terror from New World to Oddworld (Nov 2015)
A text dump on Ultimo Reducto (2015–2023)
Dying to Communicate (Apr 2016)
Terror and Technology: The Unabomber (Jun 2016)
Future Primitive: The Politics of Militant Ecology (Jul 2016)
Who Are You Calling Crazy? (Jul 2016)
A Radically Democratic Response to Global Governance (Dec 2016)
Sympathy for the Unabomber (Mar 2017)
The iPhone X proves the Unabomber was right (Sep 2017)
Lessons for an Anti-Terror Community (Sep 2017)
#73 The Unabomber, Post-Tech Society & Metaphysics of Technology W/ David Skrbina (Oct 2017)
David Skrbina on The Richie Allen Show (Jan 2018)
Was The Unabomber Right or Wrong? (Feb 2018-Oct 2023)
Penpals With Unabomber with David Skrbina (Mar 2018)
The Unabomber’s Ethics (May 2018)
Freedom Club Revival and a Response (Aug 2018)
A Critique of Ted Kaczynski’s Anti-Tech Revolution (Oct 2018)
The Uncivilized Podcast (Nov 2018-Jul 2023)
Children of Ted and a Response (Dec 2018)
Why the Unabomber’s Manifesto is essential reading (Dec 2018)
A critique of Theodore Kaczynski from an excentric point of view (Jun 2019)
Kaczynski Moments (Jun 2019)
Primal Anarchy Podcast (Jun 2019)
The Philosophy of Ted Kaczynski (Jul 2019)
Quick Thoughts: The Unabomber’s Manifesto (Oct 2019)
From the Unabomber to the Incels: Angry Young Men on Campus (Oct 2019)
“Pine Tree Twitter” and the Shifting Ideological Foundations of Eco-Extremism (2019)
Five Terrorist Dystopias (2019)
Unabomber; In His Own Words (Jan 2020)
Were the Unabomber’s Predictions About Technology Correct? (Jan 2020)
Hunting the Unabomber (Apr 2020)
Ted Kaczynski FAQ (Apr 2020)
Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) — Mental Health & Personality — MMPI Results (Apr 2020)
The Philosophy of Environmental Revolution (Nov 2020)
American Scandal: The Unabomber (Dec 2020)
A text dump of right wing videos on Ted K (2021–2023)
The Anti-Tech Cast (Jul 2021 — Jul 2023)
The Unabomber and the origins of anti-tech radicalism (May 2021)
Ted Talks (Aug 2021)
Ecology Contested (Sep 2021)
Influencer Society and Its Future (Sep 2021)
Adapted Fragments of a Correspondence between Sean Fleming and Último Reducto (Sep 2021-Jan 2022)
The Anti-Tech Perspective On Politics (Nov 2021)
Kaczynski, Ellul, and the Future of Anti-Tech Radicalism with Sean Fleming (Feb 2022)
Sharlto Copley And Tony Stone Talk About The Ted K (Feb 2022)
Madman in the Woods (Apr 2022)
Disrupting The Purist Anarchist Pipeline (May 2022)
Ted Kaczynski, Anti-Technology Radicalism and Eco-Fascism (Jun 2022)
Project Unabom (Jun 2022)
From blood and soil to ecogram (Aug 2022)
A Philosophy of Gun Violence (Aug 2022)
Gen Z’s worship of the Unabomber (Sep 2022)
A Collaboratively Edited Discussion on Anti-Tech Politics (Nov 2022)
The Ultimate Ted Kaczynski Research Document, Volume 1 (Nov 2022)
Red/Brown Warnings (Feb 2023)
Unfortunately, I am the Unabomber (Mar 2023)
Ted’s Revolution And Why It Will Fail (Mar 2023)
A Critique of Tedposters, Tedites and the Anti Tech Movement (Mar 2023)
A Rough Examination Of Ted Supporters (Mar 2023)
Why Leftist Psychology Will Always Strike (Mar 2023)
A Response To The Power Process Concept (Mar 2023)
Attacking The System When Revolution Fails (Mar 2023)
How We Got Here And Potential Scenarios (Mar 2023)
Wrapping Up (Mar 2023)
Skrbina’s Creative Reconstruction vs. Kaczynski’s Anti-Tech Revolution (Mar 2023)
The Unabomber: the Man, the Myth, and the Manifesto (Apr 2023)
Stone Age Daydreams (Apr 2023)
The Roots of Modern Eco-Terrorism (May 2023)
Anti-Tech 101 (May 2023)
The Philosophy of the Unabomber (May 2021)
A Critique of the Unabomber’s Ideology (Jun 2023)
Ted Kaczynski, Technology and Trauma (Jun 2023)
Ted Kaczynski, anti-technological fundamentalist or savior prophet? (Jun 2023)
Unabomber Dreams (Jun 2023)
Was Ted Kaczynski Right About EVERYTHING? (Jun 2023)
EP2: Did the Unabomber Have a Point? (Jun 2023)
Debunking the Eco-Terrorist Zeitgeist (feat. Matthew Ehret) (Jun 2023)
Unabomber, the bombs and the books (Jun 2023)
The Unabomber’s Ideas, Explained (Jul 2023)
Why do People Love this Serial Killer? (Jul 2023)
The Man in the Cabin (Jul 2023)
r/tedkaczysnki FAQ (Jul 2023)
The archivist and the Unabomber, featuring Julie Herrada (Aug 2023)
The Unabomber fan club: How killer Ted Kaczynski became an icon for new generation of radicals (Aug 2023)
A requiem for the Unabomber (Aug 2023)
Ted Kaczynski: What did he REALLY believe? (Oct 2023)
The Intersection of Modern Society and the Unabomber Manifesto 1995: Identity and Technology (Oct 2023)
The Internet’s Favorite T*rrorist (Nov 2023)
Anti-Tech Collective Journal (Jan 2024)
A Review of ‘Old King’ (May-June 2024)
The construction of masculinity in far-right attacker manifestos in the west (Jun 2024)
A Neuropsychiatric Developmental Model of Serial Homicidal Behavior
Asperger’s Disorder: a Possible Explanation for Behavior of Subgroup of Serial Killers?
Profilers: Leading Investigators Take You Inside The Criminal Mind Book
Environmental and Animal Rights Extremism, Terrorism, and National Security
- Review of ‘Harvard and the Unabomber: The Education of An American Terrorist’
Ethical considerations in psychiatric profiling of political figures
DSM-5 cultural and personality assessment of extreme overvalued beliefs
Utopia and Terror in Contemporary American Fiction (Preview)
A Review of Utopia and Terror in Contemporary American Fiction
Murderabilia Inc.: Where the First Amendment Fails Academic Freedom
Aligning Bodies: Collecting, Arranging, and Describing Hatred for a Critical Queer Archives
In the Kingdom of the Unabomber (McSweeney’s Online Edition)
The Unabomber fan club: How killer Ted Kaczynski became an icon for new generation of radicals
Ted Kaczynski, anti-technological fundamentalist or savior prophet?
‘The Unabomber Was an Incel. I’d Know—I Worked on the FBI Investigation’
Was The Unabomber The Original Incel? Unpacking Ted Kaczynski’s Relationships With Women
What do so many mass shooters have in common? A hatred of women
“To Get Our Message Before the Public, We’ve Had To Kill People”
Ted Kaczynski: How A Child Math Prodigy Became The Serial-Killing Unabomber
Brother Recounts How He Came To Suspect Kaczynski Was Bomber
Kaczynski, Ellul, and the Future of Anti-Tech Radicalism with Sean Fleming
Skrbina’s Creative Reconstruction vs. Kaczynski’s Anti-Tech Revolution
David Kacyznski’s Lecture for the ‘In Our Name; Restoring Justice In America’ Conference
David Kaczynski’s Speech on Media, Race & Capital Punishment
USA v. Theodore Kaczynski: One of the Most Famous Non-Trials in Legal History
Yom Kippur Afternoon Speakers 2023: Violence and Forgiveness
City Talk: David Kaczynski, New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty
#73 The Unabomber, Post-Tech Society & Metaphysics of Technology W/ David Skrbina
Interview with James R. Fitzgerald on arresting the Unabomber